On September 11, 2001, where were you when you first heard the awful news?
By samrat16
@samrat16 (2442)
April 7, 2007 2:55pm CST
On September 11, 2001, where were you when you first heard the awful news and what was your first reaction? I was playing snooker at a club near my place and my mom called me up, she asked me to come home immediately, poor mom she was so scared and protective that even america is too far still she was scared and wanted me to return homr immediately. I am totally against steps osama took if he was against american policies and I appaluse america for destroying osama's hiding place and wish even he could have been killed too.
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76 responses
@theproperator (2429)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I was driving to work, flipping the radio stations to find some music, and I paused shortly on one station where one of the DJs was talking about there being "a big hole in the side of the building with flames coming out." I thought he was describing a movie or something and kept flipping stations. It must have been a very short time after the first plane hit, because no other station I tuned to was covering it yet. It wasn't until I had been at work for awhile and one of my coworkers told me what happened and we turned on a TV that it all fell in place.
There is only one TV in the building where I work, and it stayed on CNN all day and people kept gathering around it.
I was so horrified by it that I was just numb. I couldn't even comprehend it enough to cry for those people until weeks later.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I just walked in to the office for my first day at my new job, when I heard the news. We were in New Jersey right on the other side of the river, and we were all so scared. My boss' sister worked in the World Trade Center, and all morning, people were on the phone trying to locate her. It turned out that she had gone to the bank before work, and this saved her life. A few months later, she came to work at our office.
9/11 really changed my view of Manhattan, and because I lived so close to NYC, that I could actually see the twin towers, and later the smoke, I really did not feel safe. My heart goes out to all the people, who lost loved ones either on 9/11 or because of event following the 9/11 attacks.
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@sunny916 (151)
• United Arab Emirates
8 Apr 07
Well i was at home just about to have my breakfast(Masala Dosa :Indian Bread with spices and Potato stuffings)i was **** what is this i was like okay this must be a movie or some thing but its live and its on BBC and CNN Breaking news i felt very sad about it & i too felt the same as u have explained why did they do like that i am all for American Support.God Bless America......
@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
8 Apr 07
I was at home (Europe) when it happened. A friend called me and told me briefly what happened in New York. I was absolutely stunned. We were both watching the horrible attack on the television and commenting on it at the same time.
We were shocked and sad :-(
@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
8 Apr 07
I was in the army back then, in the middle of a training in the middle of the desert during my officers course. Since we had no T.V. and we were fed by romurs, we were quite sure a war was about to begin. So we all were pretty stressed up, being soon-to-be-officers with quite heavy responsibilty soon to be put on our shoulders...
Terror activities always affect us here - because most of them are being sent from nearby countries...
I think, that with all the criticism, U.S. acts had succeeded in eliminating the edge of Al-Quaida. They may have not captured Osama, but they certainly crippled his organization to a major extent. That is very good for all of us - no idiology justifies terror acts - especialy not the one that was done in September 11th, 2001.
@LorraineH (12)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I am from NYC, i was living in Queens at the time and just had taken my sons to school. I was working down on Canal street at the time and right before i got ready to get on the subway my co worker called me on my cell and said a plane just hit the Tower. Needless to say i turned around went back home just in time to see the second plane hit on tv.
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@amitabhisthebest (382)
• India
8 Apr 07
I live in India so it was around 6 in the evening when the attack happened..i was in the market shopping and was looking at all people glued to TV's in shops..went to one of them and asked what had happened and they showed the news on TV..it was unbelievable..could not understand what was happening..terrible..
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@18101989 (700)
• India
8 Apr 07
well i heared this news at home when i was watching my show on t.v. i thought it might not be true but there was problem for me as at that time there was no net and no cable connection at my home so i confirmed this news after a day when i saw it on news paper
@trinale (1479)
• United States
8 Apr 07
I was actually in a meeting when a couple of people walked into the conference room and said they needed to turn the TV on. I thought it was very rude until I saw what on TV. When I first saw the first tower in flames, I assumed a plane came in too low and hit. We were still watching when the 2nd plane hit and the first thought that came to my mind was that I needed to get home and pack. I was active duty Air Force at the time. I also distinctly remember holding my daughter who had just turned one at the time while watching the replays of the towers being hit and falling over and over. The more I watch and looked at my daughter, the angrier I became. I was thinking of what kind of world I brought her into and felt I was personally responsible for helping to clean it up for her. Typing this response has bought back alot of those feelings again.
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@omer_ahmed_tabarik (1057)
• Pakistan
8 Apr 07
Ahhhhhhhhh! That dreadful day. Can't forget it. Now, it's a memory of a time for everyone who was alive that day.
When this happened I came back from soccer field and just turned on the T.V to watch soccer match. My father told me to turn to the news channel. Once, I did for 4-5 hours the remote and even the channel didn't move. There was the Trade Center on T.V. Sometimes repeatedly shown to be falling and things like that.
@houdini16409 (192)
• United States
8 Apr 07
When I heard the news of Septemerb 11th, I was at home. I had actually called in sick to work that day, and I was at home laying on the couch. I was in an apartment and had no cable TV and I remember calling my mother mad because the same thing was on every channel. I didn't know it was as important as it actually was at the time.
@Frank_chx (1)
• China
8 Apr 07
I think I was in school learning diligently.At that time Ijust made a important choice: staying one more year at school in order to enter a famous university.
So I really didn't konw the awful news until several days later.It's really a awful one taking many lifes.But why this disaster happened in American?Why not any other places outside of American? It always have reasons,So I keep my ideas
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@ashanti1967 (191)
• United States
8 Apr 07
i was in world trade center tower #2 working..and at the time myself and my staff had no idea of the carnage that was happening outside of the buildings.. we had no idea anything was wrong until our building #2 was struck..we started seeing debris out the window just falling and we immediately called for evacuation..a day i will never forget..lost friends part of myself and my job!
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@samrat16 (2442)
• India
8 Apr 07
Sorry, must be a heart touching seen. I don't think that anybody would want to see that kind of scenec live in his/her life. If I would have nbeen on your place , I would have fainted .
@ashanti1967 (191)
• United States
8 Apr 07
samrat16..it was ...unexplainable..i got into the survival mode and fainting wasnt an option.. i couldnt stay and there was actually no place to go..i was a security officer there and was told by the police to remove my blazer and tie because it was a uniform and that made me a moving target..lets just say in that instance it was about surviving and getting as many people to safety as possible..thanks for the post!
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@sapphiresage (431)
• United States
7 Apr 07
I had just moved into my boyfriend's house that week, and wasn't familiar with where the kids' channels were. So I was standing in front of the TV, flipping through channels to find something for my daughter to watch when I happened to hit CNN and MSNBC. They were showing the first tower and nobody knew what was going on, and then while I was watching, the Pentagon and the second tower were hit. My first thought was 'wow, some idiot crashed into the World Trade Center', and then when the other events unfolded, I was afraid we might be under a larger attack. I called my sister and we stayed on the phone while we watched everything happen. It was one of the most surreal things I've ever seen.
@milott (2646)
• India
8 Apr 07
I was at my work place. I first saw and heard and read about the news from the internet. At first i did not realize the magnitude of the news as i thought this would have been a minor accident and would have happened due to the failure of the airplane, etc. But when i heard that another plane has also hit another tower, then only i realized the magnitude of the incident and started to watch closely the news and the news that broke soon after and when i returned home and watched the television, i realized that this is the incident that is going to change the world and how the world is going handle terrorism in a new way and i was right at that time, it did indeed has changed the world in a major way.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
7 Apr 07
Well it was quite strange that particular day as I live in Australia I was visiting a friend and I was doing some business here with a friend in America, and I had a preminition that something dreadful was about to happen in America, so I went home and phoned my friend he was ok but then he said oh no we have just been bombed and how did I know I told him of my preminition and he just could not believe it that I was that far away but still knew that something was going to happen there as I have many friends and relatives that are Americans. Then I went back down to my friends and they said what kind of movie is this I said oh no it is not a movie this is what is going on there in America they were all in shock and called other people to watch. It is a pity that America still have not kiled Osama as yet!!
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@hacker85in (43)
• India
8 Apr 07
I was in my home and watched the whole event news coverage on TV. when the planes hit the twin towers there was fulll coverage and one could really see what was happening outside the buildings. but I sometimes wonder what was going throught the minds of the people who were in there struggling to find a way out. They would have been traumatized. And then later they showed how the towers collapsed. it was a dreadful scene to even watch on TV. My sympathies to those who were victims of this act of terror.
@crickethear (1417)
• United States
8 Apr 07
Boy, I had gotten into my car and was driving to work. I turned on my station, and I heard this plane had just crashed into the twin tower, followed by another one into the second tower. They were all excited, (not happy excited), and at first I thought they were doing a skit. Sometimes my station gets goofy, and does play acting, so I thought that maybe they were doing like "War of the Worlds". But then something felt wrong and so I turned on another station, and then I knew it was true. I was terrified as to what was happening and in shock. I remember getting to work, and everyone was just in shock. One of the co-workers had a t.v. at their cubicle and turned in on, and oh my God, the horror. I will never got that day. We should never forget what happend that day. It was horrible. I do think some good has come out of it, in that our security system is much strictor. But we need to ensure this never happens again. Unfortunately, we have to keep on our toes, and be careful. Not to live in fear, but be aware, and be watchful, that we aren't "Sleeping with the Enemy". Figuratively, not litteraly. I think we all in this country were complacent, and thought this could never happen to us. It was a wake up call that we can't ever, ever, let this happen again.
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@mom_of_2 (398)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
I will never forget what I was doing or what I felt at the moment the 9/11 tradgedy hit. I was sitting on the couch feeding my baby, I turned on the television and was watching the live coverage. I remember wondering what was happening...was it a bomb or a fire? No one on the news seemed to know then the second hit...I watched the second plane crash into the tower (a camera crew was filiming the events from the first crash)
I immediatley phoned my husband freaking out because our american neighbours were under terrorist attacks...I felt sick for weeks!! Its a day I wish I could forget but I know none of us ever will.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
7 Apr 07
I was in my room surfing.. then someone smsed me. Then I went on, switched on the TV and try to see if this is some joke. It took around before the horror sank in. And a horror it was. :/