The -illegals- in the US are demanding rights. How absurd is that?

United States
April 8, 2007 12:51pm CST
It just baffles me that these people broke the law to begin with and are now demonstrating in the streets of Los Angeles and demanding rights. Rights are for citizens and those who come here legally, using the proper channels. I don't understand why they think we should give them anything but a bus ride back to Mexico. Other countries don't tolerate this, I don't understand why the US is. Your take on this?
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19 responses
• United States
8 Apr 07
I totally agree with you on this issue! I wouldn't expect to illegally enter another country and have that country cater to me and my wants. I would enter it legally, the way it should be done, and fulfill the requirements that are needed to become a citizen. I expect the same of the immigrants coming here to the United States. It bothers me that my little family of 4 can't get assistance, but a person coming into the country that I am a citizen of, can get assistance with little effort. I'm a taxpayer, but yet, I don't qualify for many of the programs that MY taxes paid for, but, yet, MY taxes are paying for someone else to get help, who doesn't pay taxes. I really hope that our next President can make some changes that will benefit the citizens of the US more.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
9 Apr 07
If the last Presidents we have had didn't make any changes , why would you think the next President would make any changes,! there is definitely something wrong with this government! The politicians around the President seem the ones to be in control of this government,because he doesn't get anything done, because of their stupidity! Stupidity,I said? Look at our wages,look at our economy,look at our high taxes,look at the way we are divided about the War in Iraq,look at the undisciplined control of the mexican border,look at the way we don't agree on anything,! Somebody needs to get up there and "take the bull by the horns, before its too late", Apparently, our government doesn't remember what happened at "Pearl Harbor"! I think we should "wake up" before it's too late!
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
9 Apr 07
First of all, I must say that I agree for the most part. People are sneaking across the borders and taking jobs for 2 to 3 dollars per hour that and American citizen living in poverty would and could do and come close to surviving if they made minimum wage. So yes, they are taking jobs from citizens and I wouldn't say that they are doing the jobs that others don't want. They are doing the jobs that we can't afford to take for such low wages. It also bothers me that so many people work long and hard to get here legally and even if htey must take menial jobs they take pride in their work and they work hard. If a person sneaks over the border, they are given too much for undocumented status. But there are exceptions. I heard on Public Radio about a young woman who has lived here since she was 2. Her mother brought her here illegally. She is now in her 20's and this is the only country she has ever known. She is compeletely bi-lingual and has been her entire life. She's in college now and wants to be a doctor. Because she is undocumented, she will never be able to legally work in this country. If she wants to become legal, she would have to move to mexico, a country that she has never known, and begin the process of attaining citizen ship. There are many people in this country who are like this young woman. Because their parents brought them here at a young age, they are forever illegal even though this is their only home. I don't agree with cross the board amnesty. I beleive that they should round them up at the day labor lines and the protests. But I think that there should be exceptions and a person such as the example above should have a way to attain legallity and not have to leave her home.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 Apr 07
My thought is once they came here illegally they are criminals, thus they have no rights. They do not support the system. They do not pay taxes. Many do not add to the community they are living in. In fact many once here start knocking the US and it's people. They do not want to become part of this country, they want to keep their language, their ways but take what they can from here to benefit themselves. That should not be tolerated. My thought is round them up, put them on a cargo plane and take them back to their country of birth and let their people deal with them. If I snuck into another country they would not let me collect welfare, get medical treatment or protest what their government is doing. If I tried to demand that they do this they would laugh and then haul me off to send me home. Why should America be different from any other country in the world? Why should we bend over and kiss illegal's rear ends? I think we should also start hitting these companies that hire illegals were it hurts. Fine them in such ways that it hurts. That it means if they risk using illegals they won't still earn profits if they are caught. Americans will do these jobs, yes they want minimum wage and safe working conditions but those should be there anyways. Force these companies to stop using illegals to make higher profits. If the illegals can't get the jobs maybe they won't want to come.
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• United States
10 Apr 07
Thank you. You summed it up extremely well, and I agree that we do need to come down on the employers hiring illegals. We need to make it MORE expensive to get caught with illegals on the books than it is to hire citizens to begin with. I want an employer to look at an illegal and back away, saying, "No way, it's not worth it." On a side note, imagine how much better life in Mexico would be if those same illegals would have stayed and put as much energy into impoving their lives there as they do demanding rights here.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Sometimes I think we are in the middle of reverse descrimination. We bend over backwards for the illegals and those native born or legal aliens get shafted. It really irritates me to see border guards in jail for doing their jobs. Here in Texas you almost have to speak Spanish to get a job. In certain areas, for example,El Paso is almost completely Mexican. My daughter and her husband lived there for a while. She could not find a job that did not require her to be bilingual. Here in Houston most of the construction jobs have hispanics doing the dirty work. Some of these are legal, some not.Texas even allows illegals to get cheaper college tuition. I dont like the idea of "guestworkers" What does that say to people who have entered this country legally and waited to do what is necessary. Some say that the illegals are willing to do the jobs we wont. Maybe the fact that the minimun wage has not been raised in ten years has something to do with it. Illegals already crowd our jails, hospitals and schools. Our taxes pay so they can get free medical care. I can't and I cant afford insurance. And on it goes...Now they want Houston cops to check for illegals at traffic stops,etc. That is not there job! But the Statue of Liberty says "give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses", just make them enter legally!
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I am sorry to disagree with so many but I do. First we all came here in the first place from other countries. This after all was the melting pot was it not? We have a lot of our companies that go to other countries to put sweat shops in place where they can hire those people for less then what they would have to pay here. Is that fair to them or to people living here that need jobs? If you started boycotting them believe me you would have to boycott some of our larger companies. I know someone said they are taking jobs from our unemployed people but I am here to tell you the jobs that they "take" are ones our people won't do. Meat packing plants and cleaning rooms in a hotel are honestly not jobs many of us will do. I know because I managed 3 motels and yes they had papers however later on many I found out they were illegal. When I needed housekeepers there were very few if any that were nonhispanic that would apply for the jobs. When I did hire those that were not hispanic they were too slow, they caused way too much gossip and the rooms were not up to standards. As a manager I did not have time to babysit on all of those things. However my motel that had a surprise inspection quarterly got the highest marks when I had all hispanic housekeepers. I did not speak spanish so yes at times it was difficult to communicate but we always found a way. In time they taught me some spanish words and they learned english. Together we worked hard and had a beautiful hotel and happy guests. Do I believe those that worked for me earned their right to fair wages and a place to raise their children? You bet I do. I know my great Grandparents came over here from Ireland I cannot imagine what would have happened if they were sent away because of that or were not given any rights because of it.
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• United States
9 Apr 07
Did your grandparents come over illegally, though? Did they sneak in the country, and mooch off of others? I'm all for working hard and stuff. I used to say that I'd never work fast food or menial things like that, but you know what? If you really want something, and you know that you need to do something, then you get off your rear and do it. People are lazy and that's something that's terrible, but honestly, there are those of us out there that will take anything they can get just to start getting ahead in the world. I know that back in February I would have. I would have worked anything to make sure that I could start making ends meet for myself and my children. If people feel that they're too good to do something, then they're stupid and need to get re-educated. Life is not easy, and anyone who thinks that they can slide by with mediocre work needs a swift reality check and to be made aware that it's not acceptable, IMO.
@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I definately agree with you. I don't have a problem with people immigrating here by legal channels, but illegal is illegal, and as such they have no rights. In my home town, Hazleton, PA, the Mayor has been trying to enact an Illegal Immigration Relief Act, which will enact and enforce high fines on anyone who hires or rents homes to anyone illegal. Of course, the ACLU has stepped in and is trying to say that it unconstitutional and racial. It is not a racial issue at all, it is to try and combat the thousands of illegals who have entered that city. The job market there is depressed the way it is, legal citizens are having a hard time finding work, yet illegals come in and take the jobs. I know, I lived there all my life until a year ago, and I was one of those who had a hard time finding a job. Despite law suits that the ACLU is pressing against Hazleton, Mayor Barletta is pressing on with this. My great-grand parents immigrated here Legally in the late 1800's from Italy. They worked, they learned to speak English, they provided for their family and they did it with no free handouts.
• Netherlands
9 Apr 07
Illegals are criminals. How do they have the nerve to act as if they are entitled? How do they figure that they are entitled? Has the USA gone mad for allowing this mess to go on? Certainly I would not allow them to protest or demonstrate. Yes you are allowed freedom of speach but I wasn´t aware that the Bill of Rights included ILLEGALS. Most countries do not allow this. You would not be able to go to my home country (In Eastern Europe) and expect or demand rights being illegal. They would have NO problem kicking your bum out quickly. USA is too soft and really should get strong and stop this nonsense. It is the only country I know of that allows people from other countries to come in, change things around and spit on their laws without reprecussions. Sheesh.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I just makes me plum mad that the illegals think they have right when their Mexico has it set up that we are someother country person is not welcome at all!Read my post on this and see why it gets me mad
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I'm annoyed about illegals demanding rights too. My son and I went through the legal channels and after 4-5 months of paperwork, fees, physicals, more fees, and then airfares to get to the interview, and then more paperwork and fees, we finally have permanent residence. Why can't they go through the same process too?! LOL
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• United States
9 Apr 07
I TOTALLY agree with you on this one. If the illegals are given the rights to vote and to be treated as citizens, why be a citizen? The whole idea of rights in the first place is to give to citizens s group of (for lack of a better word) "perks" because we have an allegiance to this country. If someone crosses the borders illegally, and we give them special rights, we are not only condoning and pardoning their illegal act, we are in a sense REWARDING them for it!
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@socorban (650)
• United States
12 Apr 07
They are lucky im not in charge. Those rallies would have been round ups let me tell you. Every single one of them would have been scooped up as they protested and shipped out. I would also just assimilate mexico and end it all. It would just be the united states. If there government wont do anything about it, then fine, i would just take them over, what struggle could they pose? What peves me even more is the demands and suits being filed against large companies for not making all there signs multi linguistic. In my opinion, i wouldnt go to another country with another language and expect them to change everything to my language, i would learn theirs. So why do we have to pout all this effort and money out making every little sign bilingual? If you come here, learn to speak the freakin language!
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• New Zealand
9 Apr 07
I have to agree. I didn't actually know about this, but COME ON. Its like the burglar who was breaking into someones house, but fell through the sky roof into the kitchen and landed on a knife on a chopping board, then sued the dude who owned the house. I don't live in the US, but I'd love to. I wouldn't move there illegally, but if I did, I certainly wouldn't go demanding rights. Gah.
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@Arkento (54)
• India
9 Apr 07
ya illegal people can't be made to ask for rights as if they don't respect other lives why the hell they think we would think about themselves...
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• United States
13 Apr 07
I agree that people who come here illegally should not demand, or be given, rights. There are many reasons, but the simplest reason is because it isn't fair to those who come here legally. The legal folks come here and jump through hoops, doing everything asked of them, yet it's the illegals that get all the assistance and rewards. Many illegals don't pay taxes, but use services, so they are a drain on the system. To then demand more is simply unbelievable.
@clary21 (54)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I know what you mean, and I totally agree with you. It is just as bad here in Texas where many employers hire them because they are a cheaper form of labor.
• United States
8 Apr 07
*clears his throat and gets up on his soap box* Having grown up in Los Angeles county I've known and seen influx of Mexican immigrants, as now I'm the minority. Something people fail to think about when they see these sorts of demonstrations, is -why-. If you really want to know why the US has done very little about the border situation, it's because nearly 95% of the manual labor, janitorial work, construction, gardening, and contracted works are done by the extremely hardworking Mexican people. And it's -because- they're illegal immigrants, that they get paid lower then minimum wage, and untaxed. My god, what an advantage for the businessman! Cheap wages, with no taxes, and extremely hardworking people. Let's look at this realistically, they're not just going to up and leave after they've spent the last twenty some odd years doing all the menial tasks that no one else is willing to do. Now I'm not saying grant them all amnesty, but there's alot more to think about then simply the fact that they're here entirely 'illegally'. It's not like every law ever concocted has been perfect, let alone right. I really have no solution to the problem, and I'm not saying amnesty is the way to go, but sending them all back on a bus would -severely- cripple Los Angeles's ability to function. Just offering the other side of the coin.
• United States
8 Apr 07
Considering that there are many citizens in the US that are unemployed, and find that they can't get jobs due to immigrants and illegals taking them (other people's words, not mine), condoning what's going on for the sake of one area is not prudent. I've seen how things are being done up here, and yes, I agree that it would cripple a few areas, but it would also open up opportunities for those that really need the work that are here legally. There would be more room for others to get off of welfare and get on their own two feet. Seeing what I've seen in the welfare offices disturbs me, where people come in wearing Nike and Adidas, yet are on welfare. How is that possible? Oh yeah, they get the money from our government, because they aren't citizens. You talk about how it would cripple LA if they were to all go back home. Tell me, how would you feel if you were unable to get a job because one of them got it because they were willing to work for less money and what not? What if you had to stand in line somewhere, collecting benefits from a government that was more willing to help out immigrants than it's own people, because you can't get anywhere due to those same people? Think about how you would feel if you couldn't even get a job at a fast food restaurant because they had all the jobs already, because there's too damn many of them. Being devil's advocate is fun when you've never faced a situation like that before. This is something that's been going on much longer than you've been around, longer than I have been, too. It's not going to go away, in fact, it's getting worse. To hear you say that you're the minority now, when just 5 years ago we were the majority... that's saying a lot about what is happening in our country, while Bush has us over seas fighting something we're obviously not winning.
• Netherlands
9 Apr 07
When I lived in the USA I went through the proper and legal channels. I already learned English BEFORE attempting to live there. I had degrees from Universities and even attended more University in USA. The legal process is tough and time consuming. I did it though because it is the right thing to do and that I don´t believe in being an illegal. It is disrespectful. If I hadn´t done it the legal way I am pretty sure that they would have deported me. I believe honestly that Mexicans can get away with it but others can not. For me being law abiding immigrant living in California and having to see the illegals all the time it was a slap in the face in a way. I went through the process, I spoke English, I was educated and it was tough but they sailed on in without any effort.... (I am not complaining about the toughness of immigrating, I believe that is good.)
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• United States
8 Apr 07
Ok fair enough... a good point. But it sounds more to me that the problem here is that employers, not the employees. Two laws are being broken here not just the illegal immigration, but the hiring of illegal immigrants, as well as a multitude of tax laws that are broken in doing this. I guess my point is the problems are deeper then just the immigrants themselves.
• United States
8 Apr 07
On this, I have to agree. Illegals need to hop back across the border. They shouldn't have it better here, but for some reason, they do. I'm tired of having to fight for things that I need to survive for myself and my kids, when they get all these great jobs because they're bilingual and people are getting lax on checking for green cards and what not. They get less pay, but work more hours, so industries like Fast Food hire them before anyone else. I have an ex-brother-in-law that was here because of his kid, my niece. After she turned 18, he did his work to become a full fledged citizen. There are so many people that come here looking for a free ticket, and we're just letting them have it. Why are we so nice? Why are we waging war on a country well away from us, when we can't even settle things here in our own? This topic can actually bring up many controversial ones, and is a great debate topic. They come over here, they get our women pregnant, and then are allowed to be here for 18 years because of a kid. How is that fair? Though, my bil was married to my sister before his kid was born, so that's at least better...but still. They're doing things like this deliberately, and it's getting to the point where eventually, we're not going to allow any into our country, because we can't handle them. It's like me letting my friends that are down on their luck so to speak, stay with me for a year and not pay one thing, but provide food for the house. But if she was gone for a week at a friend's house, we had to do without because she wasn't going to give us food if she wasn't there. All this while I was struggling on my own to keep things going for my own kids. Why are we so nice? I think this sorta ties into something that SirMattias was saying, but along different lines. I still can't be blunt with that 'friend' and tell her to sod off. It's unfortunate, but sometimes, when you don't have much, you take what you can get... anyway... there's my take on it..
@Doomsayer (115)
• United States
12 Apr 07
Sure, the illegals have rights: IN MEXICO! Get back in your own damned country; stay out of ours! Come here legally, learn the language, come back when you're smart enough to obey the law.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
18 Apr 07
It's not just the Mexicans. There is a big debate in ireland because a lot of Irish immigrated illegally to the US, especially during the '80s and have established a life there. They are working, and raising families and paying taxes (how they manage that I don't know) but they don't have visas, so if they leave the country they can't return to the US. Here is the absurd part: they want the Irish government to intervene omn their behalf and have some special rule set upo for them, the illegal immigrants, just because they are Irish, or white, or have some special ancestral relationship or kinship with the US. The Irish government has attempted to help them, too. I think they should have to loine up like everybody else to get their visas and citizenship and follow the rules.