What type of people find you difficult to get along with?

April 8, 2007 11:33pm CST
I'm a very social person.I enjoy being around people and I get on very well with people.I don't think there's any type of people that don't get along with me.
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17 responses
• Saudi Arabia
14 Apr 07
Hi there. Without a shadow of a doubt i don't like Moody People. They're nothing but pain in the a$$.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I really do not find it hard to get along with anyone.The friends that i have ,has been friends of mine for years,some of my friends i have had since i was 18 years old...I am not saying that sometime they do not get to me,they have at times, but i just let them be themselves.I do not like to fuss and be difficult so i usually just let my friends vent and i just listen.I really have not ran into many people,in fact i really can't remember evr running into anyone that i cannot get along with..
@jenalyn (675)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I don't let people know I don't like them. So I pretty much make veryone comfortable to be around me. I don't like one of my husband's friends. He is so rude and a slob. He came over to my house, uninvited, took food off of my daughter's plate while she was eating. One time he came over and cooked in my kitchen for my husband's poker friends and destroyed my kitchen and didn't clean it up. He ruined several pans, towels, and left out food I bought so it spoiled. He spilled flour everywhere and did not clean up anything. I can't stand him. He is one of the rudest people I have ever met in my life. My husband is blind to how much he disrespects him, too.
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@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
As you get older you find more tolerance in dealing with difficult people. Either you ignore their ill manner or just move on. People tend to put you in a box. If you are poor your words are worthless. If you are rich even you have stupid idea people appreciate your words. I think I find more mercy to forgive people who are just arrogant and empty.
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@marlyse (1056)
• Switzerland
6 May 07
i usually have no problems being around with people. but sometimes i have problems to be nice when there are liars or cheaters. that bothers me more and more. we have a friends circle here, and some of them are cheating their wifes or husbands, one is a permanent liar. so i decided not to talk much with them, because i feel very unconfortable with the situation
@luay673 (153)
• United Arab Emirates
6 May 07
those who don't like me for sure. but so far, i don't find myself difficult in getting along with other people. i'm not carrying my own chair but, luckily all of them likes me.
@Dolcerina (3376)
• Hungary
6 May 07
I think, that I am the opposite of you:) There are only a few people I can accept. If I do not like anybodies society I avoid him/her in the future. If I do not like somebody I never pretend, that I like her/him. I am not a social person at all. I choose those few people I like, and they are enough for me. I am rather closed. I like only the natural personality people. I do not like the false smiles. I notice it immediately. I do not like the people who swear too much, but I can accept it if the person is a funny guy. The worse is if somebody speak about the things we do not speak about(fart, sh.t.) I cannot stand people who do not know the etiquette. That is rather important for me.
@Bizziebod (3497)
6 May 07
There are lots of people I can't get along with mainly ignorant people and arrogant people who think they are above everyone else!
• United States
6 May 07
I try to get along with people. In general I do. There are people I find abrasive and don't like being near like my mother in law. It used to be cause all she did is complain about her health (well that and some other things she has done to me). Now it is because she has alzhiemer and has gotten really rude, pushy and nasty. She is embarassing to be in public with.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
6 May 07
I think that people who hate the religion I subscribe to have the most difficult time getting along with me. Also, people who are very shallow in their personalities do not get along well with me. Those who are materialistic and those who tend to lie - I do not get along with. Like attracts like.
6 May 07
i get on with most people and try and be friendly to others but sometimes people annoy me like really pushy people or some who are always really rude for no reason i find it hard to get with these types of people but i dont really say anything i just leave it and walk away i never really socialise with them or im out and theyre friends of friends i just go and find other friends around to talk to as i dont really like getting into arguments and i cant really stand some people always criticising when usually its a fault with themselves and theyre just looking for someone to pick on
@daryljane (3406)
• Philippines
6 May 07
i dont have a hard time getting a long with people though...i also dont think theres a type of person i dont get a long. i gues..
@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
6 May 07
I cant stand it when people lie. I just dont get it why lie about something that really doesnt matter and then got caught in the lie. I just can't take it. We also had these friends they would treat me really badly jump down my throat any chance that they got. So I just stopped talking to them. Now they will not speak to me unless I speak first. I just really dont understand people. They really bug the crap out of me. We have kids on the same soccer team so it isnt much fun. They are also rude and they do not even let my husband one of the coaches know if there son isnt gonna make it to a game. Boy feels good to vent even if no one reads this LOL!
@Smithzz (51)
• Malaysia
6 May 07
There are lots of different characteristic people out there.SO much to be look at and so much to be difficult n easy to get along.I hate those hypocrits that backstab n crictise people.Those are the most fear people especially when they appears to be ur best fren.So beware of who u really know as fren.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
5 May 07
I also am a social person and like people (even if a lot of people do not like me.) If you were here I would be glad to have a cup of coffee with you and share a conversation with you.
@ryanphil01 (4182)
• Philippines
5 May 07
if i find a person who is stubborn and wants that his opinion is always right i easily dump such person. if he still insists his own ways and the majority doesn't like it, there's no reason of sticking to this kind of person. if someone doesn't listen to you for an advice and he continues to repeat the same mistakes, then i have no time to entertain such individual.
• United States
5 May 07
If you have a chance, go to this page and scroll down to 64: http://cakesforyou.net/jobi.htm Heh, the answer is right there: "During the course of your work you will deal with colleagues, clients and/or customers. Social skills are essential in any modern working environment. You should be capable of getting along with everyone."