Take someone fishing
By Impervious
@Impervious (1147)
United States
April 9, 2007 8:31am CST
I recently joined the North American Fishing Club (NAFC) And have read a very interesting article in that according to research. 90 % of anglers over the age of 35 were introduced to the sport by their fathers.
On the other hand only 35 % of anglers under the age of 35 were tought to fish by their dads.
Which brings me to two points. The first of which is that the introduction of new anglers to our sport is vitally important. As it is the income from our licences and other support that makes up the majority of fishing improvements.
Secondly take the time to make the areas's that you fish better than you found them by taking your trash and any other you find.
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16 responses
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
9 Apr 07
your so right my dad taught me and i taught my son who takes his son,i think it's phasing out now adays unless your in a fishing family.my son-in -law dosen't fish but i take my grandkids who love it,but in today's world alot of people just don't have the time.and the people that leave their garbage lying around when fishing on the ground when there's a garbage can 50 foot away should get a swift kick in the butt
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Hey perhap's you could get your son in law to go. Even if it's just once. We all know that is isn't always about the fishing or even catching fish. But maybe it takes maybe it doesn't. I definitely agree with the good swift kick.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Once again, Impervious, I believe what we see sometimes at our area lakes and rivers is a simple sign of the times.
On a recent trip to a lake not far from where we live, we hiked around the area only to find debris left from the weekenders and overnighters. We also came across fish heads left to rot after a day's catch.
The remarkable thing is a trash can with a lid was not 10 feet away.
If the people who littered like this could understand the value of our natural resources they might be inclined to pick up their trash a bit more.
You're right, leaving this world better than we found it is vital to its survival. At least we can sleep better at night knowing we've done the right thing.
Oh, by the way, we picked up the debris and fish heads and put the trash in the trash can where it belongs.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
It's almost amazing how some people acn be so dang lazy. And leave all their trash expecting that someone else will get it. I hate it especially when I am wanting to take a picture and it is marred by trash. Way to go on the clean up by the way, Tanks.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Even fishing for sunnies is fun. You can get started for about 20 bucks plus the cost of a fishing licence
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
9 Apr 07
What sad statistics - I'm in the way over 35 group and was actually taught to fish by my grandfather but I also spent a lot of time fishing with my father (oldest of 3 girls Daddy took me with him alot because he didn't have a son to fish with).
I have known so many 'boys' who their fathers don't take the time to teach them anything. A few years back I took my youngest son fishing and he asked to take 3 of his friends also. It was sad to learn that the one boy being raised by a single mother (mine) was the only one who knew how to bait a hook or take a fish off the hook.
Do agree totally with leaving areas the way you found them, or even better. Many a times I've picked up trash someone before me has left. I love nature and it doesn't include lazy people's garbage.
@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I know that there are day's that I don't wan't to take any of my kids. For just a little time to myself. Way to go with the youngin's but I think that I will still wait till my boy get's a bit older. The statistics are sad. Now my oldest daughter 16 has a good affection for it and now likes to take her boyfriends with us UUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHH ! But I find myself spending alot of time with them just showing them the basics. There is still one that I still take from time to time even though they don't see eachother anymore. But he is a good kid and really loves to fish.
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@DesigningLife (903)
• United States
10 Apr 07
As a Mom, I take my son fishing every year, and enjoy it as much as he does, though I dont eat fish so they are all thrown back, lol.
It is one of the cheapest and most relaxing things parents can do with their kids. My son and I get to enjoy some quiet time together, laugh, and discuss important things that don't often find "space" anymore in the fast-paced world.
We often get sidetracked trying to catch turtles or frogs, and admiring everything from the colors of dragonflies to the life cycles of plants and animals. Fishing provides us with the ability to "reconnect", share some quiet times and build lasting memories.
Great post, and photo Imprevious!
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Interesting statistics....
my dad taught me to fish. (over 35)
and I taught my daughter and sons how to fish. (under 35)
Cleaning up when leaving the area just always happened and I don't have to remind my kids to do that, they always take an extra bag for garbage with them and it's like they look for things to pick up that I don't even notice sometimes.
Too bad people have to be reminded of things like that.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
It is great to see so many ladies taking an interest in fishing.
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@blazin (175)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Great post. I absolutely love fishing. I have two boys who I've introduced to the pastime and they are now hooked as well. Its extremely important to teach them the values of the land and the wildlife. Too many times people look at fishing or camping as just entertainment. They have no inclination of stewardship and end up doing more harm than good by taking their family on an outdoor outing.
We consistently pick up others trash, discarded fishing line and try to leave wherever we are better than we found it. The sad reality is that as time progresses the majority of people loose site of the big picture. They loose site of how beautiful our planet and creation is. They loose site of how we were put here to take care of this place.
Well anyway I enjoyed your post. Looks like quite the trophy you have there. My personal record largemouth was around 6-8 lbs. Not sure how much exactly she weighed. She was full of eggs and I released her.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
It is good to know that I am not alone in the world in trying to do a little something to make our fishing grounds a little better.
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@AnnaB87 (761)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Fishing can be good way for you to spend time with your kids, and it can be fun too.
I never really liked fishing but my kids are finding it a lot to their liking, and we have always told them to leave an area in better shape than they left it whether it be a fishing spot or a camping site or even when they go visiting someone, if they play with the toys we have them help clean up, even if they did not make the whole mess, they help clean up the whole mess, and I have also done the same, meaning if I have visited with someone and they need a little help cleaning up I help them if they want even though I did not make the mess.
I think it would be nice if more people did try to help keep things nice and neat clean and orderly but it helps if even a few do, and if they teach their children then eventually a lot of people will be helping keep things neat,
@paidreader (5143)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Hello again Impervious! I have to say I fit into the 90% category while my daughter definately fits into the 35% category, lol.
My dad was an avid fisherman and as a family we spent many weekends fishing and camping. Some of my fondest memories are of going fishing with him at Rodman Dam in Florida from the time I was around 5. I'll never forget the first time I got a garr on my line. Talk about scary looking, lol. I was so glad my dad decided to cut the line instead of pulling that monster into the boat with us.
I have also been married to my hubby of 23 years and along with our daughter, have spent many weekends and vacations either hunting or fishing at a variety of locations around Texas. We have always made the effort to leave our hunting & fishing areas better than when we found them. I find this to be very important especially when fishing, because trash can really do alot of damage to our wildlife and their habitat.
Last week, hubby & I went to Port Aransas for our 23rd anniversary. While the weather didn't really cooperate with the plans we had made, I was at least able to attempt surf fishing for the first time. I have to say it was quite different than fishing in a river or lake and much more challenging. I see now why hubby likes it so much.
Shortly after starting this new fishing adventure, I noticed a seagull that proved to be quite amusing though sad too. The seagull was very interested in the live shrimp I was using, and after noticing the poor dear had lost a "back toe?" our party became quite amused at how this seagull had adapted after losing what basically amounts to a thumb to us. While we watched, the poor bird would lift up it's injured limb, almost as if to say "look at me, look at my poor foot, I'm hungry, won't you feed me please?" I felt so sorry for the poor thing that I did give him the rather "surf mangled" shrimp off my hook. It wasn't until later that my sister in law said that she got a cute and very memorable picture of the bird after that because he stayed right on my heels for the rest of the day looking for a handout. I can't wait til she sends me a copy, lol. We did give him the rest of our unused shrimp when we were ready to call it a day too. :)
@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
9 Apr 07
i agree with you 100%. it is sad that parents dont take there kids fishing like they use to. so many of my kids friends have never been so they end up going with us. we dont mind at all. it is usally cause there parents would rather do other things like watch tv, play video games, go out to bars, or just work to much. we go fishing 2 times at least a week. my kids have been able to fish since they were 2 years old and they love it. in fact my youngest that is getting ready to be 10 wants to be a game warden so bad she cant stand it. it is what she has said she wants to be ever since i can remember. they need more programs to show kids the outdoors and how to take care of it and respect it. it only takes a min to pick up someones old fishing line or hooks or coke bottles and throw them away. we always clean up when we go to a spot. i find we do more cleaning of other people then we do our own. when it is nice out we go down a country road and pick up cans and bottles off the side of the road for exerise sometimes and the kids take them in for cash too, they like that. i have to give my state credit they have alot of programs for keeping arkansas clean that other states dont. like if you go to jail you are picking up trash off the road. when you drive into arkansas from texas at the texarkana line you can see such a difference. it is so much cleaner then texas and we have trees lol. anybody that can teach a person to love and respect the outdoors should do it. it makes you feel good and it gives them something for the rest of there life.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I remember coming through arkanses on a cross country trip with some friends and that is the one thing that has long stuck in my mind about it was how clean it was. You know I should have mentioned used line when I wrote this post as last week I spent about 20 minutes catching and untangling line of a goose legs. Let me tell ya those suckers can give you a good nip when they ain't happy. But once I wrapped my hand towel over it's head it seemed to just let me do my thing. It was really cool though when I got done and removed the towel it just kind of casually walked away.
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@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
10 Apr 07
i was first introduced to fishing by my grandma...she had a creek and a pond in her yard..we would dig worms in the veggie garden and take a picnic and fish all afternoon..she would help us kids scale them and then fry them up for us...pan fish are still my favorite fish
@Bedient43 (250)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Hey man I just was looking threw the post and saw fishing. I love fishing. I started fishing when I was about 5 with my dad. He started taking me salmon fishing out on lake Ontario at this age. Now im 16 and I still love to fish. It is my favorite thing in the worl to do. We still go everyday out on lake Ontario after he gets out of work. We've won many Tournaments and a lot of money from this. Like I said I still LOVE fishing everytime we go camping somewhere I dont stay and relax with my family im always at the pond fishing for large mouths. I'm not to sure that this goes with your post but when I see fishing im alreadty interested. Or when I go drivinf around I always keep my ultralight fishing rod in the trunk if I ever see a place that looks like good fishing to me I'll hop out and see what I can do.
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@Impervious (1147)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I too love to fish and tend to post alot about it so check back.
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@huggiebear22 (2007)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
I was introduced to fishing by my dad and have itroduced it to my sons and several of there friends as there dads did nto fish or were too busy most of the tiem to take them so far this has allowed me to alwasy have several fishing partners and my sosn to have a great group of friends. funny thing one of thanked me this year for introducing them to fishing as they have decided to become a marine biologist and it was casue of the things he seen while we were fishing that i could no tproperly answer and also seeing humpback adn Killer whales in the wild. H erecently sent me a picture of some place here in BC where they have built a Wheel chair area for fishing at one of the best fishing holes on the river a person can drive right up to it get out adn set there rod up with no or minimal assitance i thought that was a great idea.
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@globaleflyer (29)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
I just want to say that I love fishing My father thought me how to fish. As a canadian we have some of the best fishing waters in the world. so if you ever get a chance come to canada and fish
take a look at www.globaleflyer.com I think you will like it
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