All things being equal what would you choose today
By RobinJ
@RobinJ (2501)
April 9, 2007 4:46pm CST
Hello every one. I live on my own, it is my choice, there is no significant other, no partner, no bunk buddy, no friend with benefits, no spouse.
So my question to you is if you could wave a magic wand and have or have not a romantic intimate relationship What would you choose? I would like to hear if you choose yes, a bit of non personal detail for example man of my dreams for romantic trips, dates, but not to live with. and if it is no. perhaps a short answer why not, but only if you feel comfortable giving this type of answer. I really look forward to your replies
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38 responses
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I don't think I would like to live alone. I think the ideal person to live with would be someone who's company you enjoy. Someone who makes you laugh and is considerate of your feelings. Someone who is there when you need them but also knows when to give you your space. If I may ask, why do you choose to live alone? Right now I am married with two children and I have my parents and some siblings living nearbye. There are times when I long for more alone time, but I don't think I would want to be alone for a truly long period of time.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
Yes you may ask why I choose to live alone, for most of my life I had no self esteem or self respect. I was raised to believe that I was useless worthless, stupid, ugly, My ex husband was the only man I ever went out with my Mother said If he asked me to marry him I was to say yes because I would never get another chance, I did. My husband clued in to my inability to find any thing positive about myself. and for 14 years I lived under his thumb, all I ever heard were criticisms about me, and he carried on the tradition of abuse my mother started. I left him after 18 years, but walked in to the exact same situation, because all I knew was to fine a needy man so he would accept me. I did this twice more and came to realize that I was the one making all the wrong choices, and went out and found out how to love myself and respect myself and that I was not the awful person I believed myself to be. It took me from the time I was a child until I was 55 to do this I was a very passive person, and Now I am assertive, but there is still the fear that if I get in a relationship I will have to give up my very hard won freedom so alone I am and can't see that changing in the near future
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
9 Apr 07
wow.Thanks for sharing. I grew up feeling many of those things as well. I believe one of the reasons that I married my husband was to get away from my parents. Although I do love them and they weren't horribly abusive, they were simply very negative.
They still are. I happen to live near them now and I realize that they don't mean to be the way they are. I think issues in their own lives and chilhoods made them the way they are. I respect your courage in leaving your husband and I understand your hesitation in forming new relationships.
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@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 07
It's sad to hear your story, but also glad to hear that you have finally found yourself. I was once having low self-confidence, until I met my husband. He's really my mentor in life, he always guided me to the path I really want to go. I believe everyone is unique, and everyone can choose what his life to be, and nobody else can choose that for you.
I read this quote and like it very much:
"Life is what you make it. It always has been, it always will be."
Hope that you'll love your life! ^_^
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
Well for as long as I can remember I have always been or living with someone. Up till 3 years ago I was with a girl for 3 years then we broke up and I thought that what I wanted. The first 2 weeks went by fine but then I started missing having someone to turn and talk to or share my day with. Dont get me wrong I didnt want the ex back I just missed having someone around all the time. So not to long after that I met another girl with 3 kids and I have been with them ever since and although there's bad days I wished I was never here, but for the overall I wouldnt change a thing and Im happy having someone around all the time.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
Oh Robin I am enveous. I think being alone is a good thing. I can't remember the time when I was ever to eat only when hungry and do what I want when I want. This is my second marriage and I'm lucky in the fact that my husband is not a drinker and he has never beaten me. He is very demanding, has a temper and when he wants to go somewhere you'd better be ready and if you say you don't want to go the you know what hits the fan. I am also looking after his 76 year old brother who has cebral palsy. Now with my own health not so good I'm just about the end of my rope. Count your blessings my dear !!!
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
Oh gosh I hope that all goes well for you and I can imagine that you are at the end of your rope. It is very hard to look after others when your mind is else where ,I think of you every day Please take good care of your self. and if you have to get health services in to assist you with your brother in law. This is way to much for you to deal with right now. Just because there is no blood, and broken bones, you are expected to be you old self. Thanks you have lifted my spirits a lot. I wish I could help you with yours. Take care Robin
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
Thank you for posting this one RobinJ. With this I would be able to burst out my sentiments at this time. I hope you'll allow me..hehe LOL
You know I have a boyfriend right now but just yesterday I told him that perhaps I really don't need him in my life. I know relationship comprises of struggles and it is a topsy turvy thing. We've been helping each other financially. He's still out for a job hunting so I am the only person who's earning for the meantime. Worst was, just yesterday because I can't pull any bucks from my pocket and he tried asking for help from his ex.Very ridiculuos!Imagine that? I feel so ashame and descriminated. The ex sent him a message telling him that she will talk to me and tell me that from the moment they broke up she'd passed on the responsibility to me. I scolded my boyfriend, I even humiliate him. That was so shameful for him to do that. I told him that you are no longer a child that needs to be taken cared by any body. In the first place he's not lame to be treated in that way by her ex.I was very disappointed and I even asked not to pursue the relationship anymore but then he asked for another chance and so I just gave in.Just one more chance and I'll dump him for good. Good riddance!
I wish not to have someone at this time if he is just a mere burden to me.
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@haedescanes (592)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
If I have my magic wand, I wouldn't change a thing. In tha way, Life woould be boring. You just snap you magic wand and bring in the joys you want in life. But that is kinda boring though. Life is full of surprises, you go out and enjoy your neighborhood, I'm sure you'll see alot of surprises. walk around and observe people and tell these to your friends or neighbors.
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@r0131n (357)
10 Apr 07
Personally, I don't like to live alone. However, I think its so easy nowadays to live on your own especially with most people having home computers and are connected to the internet. You can meet a good friend that have everything you ever wanted in a person with a few taps on your keyboard. You don't have to live with them but you know that they are always there. The choice is open ended for you.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
It isn't that I am afraid of the personal touch. There are days I could kill for some one to go out for coffee with, or even have a burger a MacDonald's, I may be stuck in the being alone thing but it doesn't bother me enough to change my ways. Friends on the computer are great, but If the only people you ever communicate with are shop or service persons, A friendly Hi how are you, would be nice. Again I have done this for so long I am just used to it.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Apr 07
well I have a good man now so I don't need any other one,
what my magic wand would do is have him live with me and we are both working and living a good life style.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I would choose a romantic partner. Sometimes I go long spells without dating anyone serious, guess I am too picky, but whatever the case may be, I always like being in a relationship, doing things with a loved one, sharing my life with someone is my ultimate goal. My Mother (when she was alive) used to express to me to be independent, but when she was in her mid-80's she confessed to me that she was terribly lonely and would never want anyone to be lonely like she was. I never thought I would hear her say that, she was so independent all my life and never dated anyone having divorced my Father at a very young age for me. I understand her loneliness and have felt it through my life. Now that my children are older, I value a love relationship to enjoy the children and grandchildren as they come.
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@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 07
Hi Robin, I'd definitely go for a relationship. I love the life I'm having now. I've been together with my husband for more than 7 years. He is not only my soulmate, but also my mentor in life. He helps me to be whom I really want to be and the life I really want to have. To me, a mentor is more important than just being a romantic partner. We can grow up together, we help each other in our lives, and most importantly, we respect each other's family.
Frankly speaking, I don't think I can be alone in my life. I'll definitely need friends, need companies. I enjoy those days I stayed with my housemates during school days, I just like to stay with others and have fun.
One of my aunties is staying alone now, she didn't start any relationships ever since she was hurt once when she was young. She was very upset last time, but recently she seems to be quite happy living on her own. Besides working, she visits her sisters more often. I'm glad that she finally found a way to live on.
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@browneyedgirl (1264)
• United States
10 Apr 07
I would be in a relationship with a man who shared some of my interests; one who also had his own interests though-I can't stand clingy vines or the "third degree" routine if I'm a few minutes late or when I need my space.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
9 Apr 07
Robin if I wave the wand I would have the same live I have now..Ofcourse some days I trade my hubby for a robot but most of the time I'd keep him and my life..I love having someone and wouldn't want to be on my own all the time..
@kaperkitty (1097)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
you know hon I left my moms home at 20 to marry then divorced and lived on my own for 8 years before meeting and marrying John .I loved being on my own and would have been happy but finding John was a blessing.Life is tough and having someone by your side does help.I had my best friend always but she had her life and that is understandable it's not the same as a partner. If having someone in your life is something you want i would wish it for you if your happy as you are I'm glad but you have me as a friend guaranteed
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I have never lived on my own I got married at 16 and haven't been alone since and that was almost 16 years ago. Would I wave a wand to change things..hmm. I sometimes wish for peace and quiet and wanting to be alone but I don't think I would want it to be permanant. Who doesn't want to be swept off their feet and be taken on romantic trips and dates but I think that all has to do with the person we choose to love and be with. If they think we expect it then they will do it but if they know they get away with not doing these things then they will and then after time it will become a habit. So.. I don't think I could do without my man even though at times he drives me nuts and makes me want to pull my hair out at times but I guess that is part of loving someone the good the bad the ugly.
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@gaylordfocker615 (389)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
At this very moment (meaning, I could think differently after a few months or years :-) ) if I knew I wasn't going to grow old...I won't take a partner. The only reason I'd take in a partner would be to have a constant companion once I grow old. I think that it would be too hard to grow old alone and I'm not strong enough to go at it alone. No offense to those who've found "true love" but I don't believe in it. Sooner or later the feeling wears off and nothing is sadder than holding on to the relationship just because you have kids or that you guys are "committed". So today, I would choose to have a life partner for the sole purpose of companionship and not love. I hope I made sense :-)
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
You make sense, but here is a ray of sunshine for you, You are not strong enough to be alone, I believed as you did, and stayed in 2 relationships for all the wrong reason but that was the big one, I never believed in my self. Today I live alone and am happy I am still in the process of paying for my own home, I bought it all by myself, I look after it and me as best I can, You would be surprised how you can survive and thrive on your own if you give your self a chance. Just a thought, not a suggestion.
@unusualsuspect (2602)
• United States
9 Apr 07
I'm a widow and I've been living alone for the last ten years. I never dated or did any of the normal "girlie" stuff. I never had any interest in what others consider romance, before I was married or even during my marriage. I have no interest in living with someone, or finding another relationship of any kind. My marriage was wonderful, but now that I'm used to being alone, I really like it, and wouldn't give it up for anyone.
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
While i love my hubby, kids and have been married for almost 20 years...i lived on my own for a few months last year (we were separated for 6 months) and i really liked the solitude - i am very much a solitary person - i am a freelance writer, i love to read, watch what i enjoy watching. I suppose if i could have supported myself all those years ago (i have a chronic illness), i may have stayed single. The benefits? No one to answer to and you can do what you want, when you want!
How do you find living alone?
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
11 Apr 07
The benefits you mentioned, are all in place plus a few not mentioned, Personally I love living alone. I love the freedom and the not having to ever answer to any one. If I screw up, I have to be able to fix it and I do and I can. Really not interested in changing it.
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Hi Robin,
I always said if something ever happened to my husband and I was left in a situation where I found myself alone, I would most likely enjoy it.
Naturally, I would grieve over the loss of my husband and I would certainly miss him, but, finding myself in a position you describe, I have always said, I would probably go out. I wouldn't 'hunt' for anyony but if the opportunity presented itself, I would think that I would have a 'trist' with someone.
The only conditions to such a romantic rendevous would be, I would not bring anyone to my home, he would have to take me to a swank motel/hotel. It would most likely be for one night only, and I would never invite him over for dinner and a movie.
After all the years of taking care and cleaning up after someone, I would not want to get involved with that again. Having to cook 3 meals a day, every day, and do his laundry and things is totally out of the question for this old gal.
Why in the world would someone want to put themselves back into that kind of situation. Certainly not me. I'm sure there are women out there who think they can't live complete lives without a man to take care of. I'm not one of them.
I love my husband, but good grief...When is it my turn?
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
10 Apr 07
Hi Terilee, your dream world and mine are exactly the same. Maybe it is because I did all for every man(3) I ever had a relationship with, You understand what I feel, I just didn't, or couldn't sort it out, All I kept coming up with was "keep my freedom", and I know you understand those words.I keep getting advise to find some one.OK but you just described the conditions perfectly. Thanks, That is why you are the writer and I am not.
@gauravgupta (126)
• India
10 Apr 07
i really feel relationship with people are very important as they teaches us alot.I have learnt a lot from my past experiences..they help me to become a good human being...and more sensible person.I a boy i really feel that girls are most mysterious thing that god has create they simply are sometime unbelievable...i do believe in relationship..and as iam from INDIA where relations are given top most priority ....i am proud to be a INDIAN and i do feel lucky that i was born in INDIA.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
To Mathewsir. I have no idea what you are talking about. I stated in my post that the relationship I was refering to was or was not a romantic intimate relationship. Or were you making a comment to some one else that wrote in MY discussion, Please address the person you are talking to. this is very confusing