how to be a perfect parent?
By joodzki6
@joodzki6 (596)
April 10, 2007 5:15am CST
do you think it's possible to be a perfect parent? how do you treat your parents?..have u ever felt or even thought that somehow, in some ways, they are perfect in your eyes? Now that i am a parent, i'm kind of pressured when it comes to taking care of my kid..because i don't know if she's going to like everything i did for her. and i'm kind of hesitant sometimes on how to discipline her the way she won't feel over protected and pressured..can somebody tell me on how to be a.. not perfect but sensible parent?
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19 responses
@charlestchan (1415)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 07
my parents divorce when i was young.. so i have only 1 advise for you...see in the eyes of your children :) .. if you get what i mean.. u will be a successful parents
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
11 Apr 07
No person can be a perfect parent ... we are only human and can only do the best we possibly can. Anyone who claims to be a perfect parent needs to take a good hard look at themselves ... in the same way that anyone who claims to have perfect children, needs to do the same. We all make mistakes and that is a part of being human ... the thing is that when we make a mistake we should admit it. that is being a responsible parent and showing children by example that we are human but also it is right to say "sorry I made a mistake".
Children do need some discipline or how else do they learn to cope in this big world we live in. They need discipline from when they are young as that is when they learn the most ... what is acceptable and what is not for example. I have 2 daughters and learnt my lessons too late .... I can say that their mother and I separated and so I let them get away with heaps of things thinking if I was hard, they would not love me. A couple of years later I met my partner and she too had 2 daughters but a little older than mine .... soon discovered that hers were everything that mine weren't. When we moved in together her daughters were happy .... mine were awful and manipulative. So now, for lack of discipline I have these 2 daughters who are pretty terrible and 2 step-daughters who are everything a parent could wish for.
The difference ... my partner told it as it was, apologised and explained if she made a mistake but disciplined here daughters. I on the other hand let my daughters run riot, gave them everything they asked for and got myself badly into debt because of it. My partner is not a perfect parent and nor am I but she is a much better parent that I am. She was sensible, I was now.
What I am telling you is that you have to be honest, do the best you can, love, care for and discipline your child.
@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
thank you for that...i understand everything. u r right. right now, i'm trying to be honest with my daughter. everytime we were together i try to explain to her what is the difference between right and wrong. being honest to your children can really make them a better person in the future.. thanks again for that wonderful thoughts.
@steney (1418)
• Philippines
10 Apr 07
There's only one thing I know: there's no user's manual to being the perfect parent so its realistic to aim for sensibility rather than perfection in this field. When we were kids, we look at our parents as perfect models of discipline and we know, but we don't understand, that their rules have always been for our own good. I totally respect my parents and I'm thankful that they raised me well with good values and high regard for family and concern for others.We didn't really understand them until such time that we become parents ourselves.
Each parent has a different style of parenting. I believe that you have to do what you think will work on your child as children have different personalities. But the generic rule is to shower them with love, recognize and appreciate their achievements and encourage their talents, do away with the iron hand. Talk and LISTEN to them. Instill good values so that no matter where they go and what they do when they grow up, because they carry it with them, your mind can be at peace. As for over protection,just let your child enjoy the joys of being a kid and just set reasonable limits to ensure his/her safety. Do your best to give what your child deserves and with that, you'll never go wrong.
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@ag_abscruzmd (2283)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I'm not a parent yet (I'm single), but I think there's no such thing as a perfect parent, objectively. It shall only come to be (subjective, that is) in the eyes of the offsprings. I remembered when I was a child, I would see my mother as the most beautiful and perfect woman in the whole world. Well, she really tried her best to bring us up well, but of course, she's not perfect. This I have realized when I got to be older. I guess each individual would undergo any form of rebelliousness one way or the other (particularly the teenagers). At that point, what would really count is the parents' being able to pit against this challenge. If they have maintained their stand, and know that they're doing the right thing (like teaching their kids the right things in life), then these would all be realized. I did, after my rebellious stage, and so did all the people I know. My mother may not be perfect, but she's a very good mother and I appreciate her for everything. To be sensible, teach what you know is best for your child. You're the protector. You'd know what's best. Happy myLotting!
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
11 Apr 07
I don't think that the perfect parents exist. We are learning as we go along.
I"m sure our kids won't like everything we do, but as they grow up they will be able to understand why we did it.
All we can do is out best and hope that in the end our kids will become responsible people, caring and thoughtful.
For the most part, things usually work out well. Kids pick up not only what we tell them or teach them , but also what we do and how we are.
@imj0ker (72)
• India
11 Apr 07
Being a parent is a blessing..and u hav been blessed !! Congratulations.. i agree taking responsibility of a child and shaping his future in a best possible manner is tough..
a combination of strictness and compassion is wat is required..make them feel important and value their words. That wud bring them closer to u and respect u..
u wud make a great parent..coz wanting to be a good parent is already a step towards being one..
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@sherinek (3320)
• United States
10 Apr 07
In my view, no one can be an all perfect parent. After all, we are all human, and humans tend to make mistakes. I try very hard to be a better parent to my two kids. I always, watch my step, watch my word and watch my action. Still, i know there are slip-ups. But i am sure that i am a better parent than a lot of others. By just looking at other parents, who are not taking much care of their kids, who pass their anger by hurting, abusing or at least shouting at the kids, i am so far ahead. I agree with you, we cant be perfect, but we can be sensible. We have to treat kids as kids and not adults. We have to keep in our mind that, we were kids some time back and if our parents treated us in a way that we dont like, how bad we felt. Also we must keep in our mind that our kids are not perfect. They can do the same mistake, again and again and again. Anyway, I am happy that i am treating my kids the way i treat them. They are good kids because of me and i am a better person because of them.
@jmp824 (741)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
I know how you feel because i am parent too. I've got two kids, both boys. And a lot of time i say to myself that my parenting is not enough. Me and my husband are both working full time. We leave home around 8am and be at home around 8pm. The 12 hours that we are not at home brings a lot of questions to our kids head. Telling them that mommy and daddy has to work isnt enough, and i know that they are not that mature enough to understand everything. But times is really difficult if only one parent is working. So it should be both as of the moment. So what we did is that on weekends, holidays we make sure that we spent those times with our kids and not anybody else. We are kind of hoping that it will somehow make up those times that we are not around and those times that our kids wants to play with us. No matter how draining it is that you when you arrive home from all days work, that you still have to take care of the kids, tell them bedtime stories, till they go to sleep, you have to make a sacrifice and be happy for it. Thats how a parent must be. And that's how i see my parent too. And for me what they did was perfect in its simplest way. They always find time to be with us.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
11 Apr 07
There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Be Loving. Be sure to enforce positive behavior. Do not punish out of anger, but rather be able to explain clearly why you are punishing them. Show them a world of wonder, read to them, get them interested in reading. Do not overly shelter them, but instead communicate the realities of this life to them. These are about the best tidbits of advice there are. NO one's perfect--no parent and no child. Just remember your child learns more from your actions than anything else. God bless and good luck.
@gemini1960 (1161)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
there is no formula for being a perfect parent..its a trial and error thing and we cant study on it..its purely instinct in our part..
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@easymoney75503 (1702)
• United States
10 Apr 07
i dont think there is and ever will be a perfect parent. no one in life is perfect. you can be your kids friend but the parent part has to come before the friend part. you have to set limits and rules if not you will have a kid that overrules you. my oldest is 12 and lately i have heard i hate you alot lol. it hurts and i want to give in so that she is not mad at me but i dont give in. she is not going to the movies with a friend without a parent. i would like to see her again for one thing. she is not going to ride her bike 2 miles to a freinds house we live in the ountry and to get there she has to go one th hwy. she is not going to spend the night at a friends house that the parents drink and the girl has an older brother. so yes i hear i hate you but when she gets over it she comes back and says she is sorry and she loves me and we talk about why i said no. then she understands and says ok mom. i have spanked my kids and i felt horriable but they no longer try to put screw drivers in light sockets or throw rocks at windows. i dont have to spank but maybe every 2 years or something lol. the best thing you can do as a parent is set rules , explain the rules and why, listen, love, watch them, pay attetnion, give them the ok to talk to you about anything and be honest with them, if you lie to them they are going to go some where else to ask. i would rather my kid come to me and ask how do you get pregnant then to ask some boy. they dont come with a handbook, every child is different. just dont give in to everything but explain why. make sure you know what is happening in there life but give them room to grow.
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@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
that's wonderful and i agree. But, i have never spanked my kid and never will ever. i know the feeling of being spanked..and it's really bad. i'd rather talk to her and explain whatever wrong she'd done, and let her explain if she wants..and i'll listen.
thanks to you...
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
10 Apr 07
There is no such thing as a perfect parent. Especially in a teen agers eyes. When your child is very little, you will be the perfect parent to them. Once they get a bit older, regardless what is done, you will never be considered perfect. All we can do is follow our heart. Teach our children respect for others and theirself. I love my mom and looking back I wouldn't say that she was the perfect parent, but she did the best she could.
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
10 Apr 07
There is no perfect parent. I think you can cause damage to a child trying to be the perfect parent. Most people try to do the best by their children. Whenever I do something concerning my children I try to think "How would I have felt if my mom did thid to me?" I try to step into my childrens shoes. We will make mistakes as parents but I believe that we can minuimize the damage that can be done by listening to our children and try to remember how we would have felt.
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@minki_malink (83)
• New Zealand
11 Apr 07
I don't think anyone can be a perfect parent, just like nobody can really be a perfect person. You can get as good as you can get, but you're still human and you're still going to make mistakes, no matter what. When I was a kid my parents were perfect in my eyes, and I still admire them, but I realise they're just people which is why I can forgive my Dad for leaving and when I get in fights with my Mum.
I've never parented myself, but I guess you have to just do whatever you feel is right. I'd suggest parenting books, or parenting blogs. None of them will have exactly the same opinions but thats because not one opinion is 100% right.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
11 Apr 07
There is no such thing as a perfect Parent
We can only do our best and that is what I did with my 2 who are now Adults. I made mistakes and learned from them mistakes and my Kids are wonderful Adults now
You can only ever do your best as a Parent and as long as you love them and guide them the right way, you are doing right
@cathylmg (283)
• Singapore
10 Jul 08
There is no such thing as a perfect parent. We are all human and humans are suppose to learn from mistakes. We do our best to protect, provide and nurture them. We also learn from them as we go along. As for discipline, too lag and it will get out of control, but to strict and it will snap. Well, balance is the way to go. If you know what I mean.
@aretha (2538)
• United States
10 Jul 08
i don't think there is a perfect parent. as parents we do what we think is best for our kids and we love them. as long as they know we love them it will all be fine. i know i've done things that other don't agree with but then they have done thing i don't agree with. as our kids we know whats best for them. sometimes it is hard and i have mad my oldest very mad at me because of choices i have made but he also knows i love him and thats what hes gonna remember and know the rest of his life. no one can tell you how to be a parent its something that just comes to you when you have kids if your ready i guess. i know i ask my self some times if i'm doing it wrong or if i've done something wrong but then when my kids are so mad at me cuz i made them brush their teeth or sat them in time out but when its all over they come to me and say they love me and i know i've done something right.
@tjaytiu09 (139)
10 Apr 07
It is not easy to be a perfect parent!It is very hard, you need to do your work and be a parebt in your house!But there is a way to be a perfect parent to you childrens! just let them feel how much you love them and give the complete education to them, and also in the days that they are lonely because of many problems in their life, you need to give them your shoulder, or what I mean is give them your care and support! You also need to do your work properly in the house, you need to make the households work always and give them the food they need everyday.And the most important is, youi need to give them your full love and support! In being a perfect parent is unbelievable, because their is no one who have no mistakes in being a parent, but you can be a good parent! And so your child(...rens) will be proud on you! And they will also be proud of you!