DanniLynn's Daddy "IS" Larry Birkhead - Are you relieved, Surprised? or ...
By matlgal
@matlgal (1686)
United States
April 10, 2007 4:10pm CST
Well we can all sleep better tonight knowing that the paternity/DNA issue is over.
Were you pleased at the news? or surprised or disappointed?
What kind of Father do you think he will make?
I heard on a news report here locally that Howard Stern hoped for a slow transition for the sake of the baby - I personally think it should happen TODAY and get her home in the US and checked out by a Doctor for Drugs and malnutrition.
What are your thoughts?
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22 responses
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
10 Apr 07
All I wanted for this baby is to get over with all this hoopla and will settle into a new life with her real father that truly loves her and not the money that she can get (if there will be money) from her mother's legal battle with the Marshall family.
If Larry Birkhead is her real father, I wish he would take care of her even without money involved. I hope that in the future, he will not use her to get some money or sell his story somewhere while taking care of her just for greed. Let this baby enjoy a quite and normal life. She really really deserves it and I am positive that her mother wants the same thing for her too.
@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
10 Apr 07
Well at least that part of the soap opera is over with. Personally, I am glad it's Larry instead of Howard that's the father. It just seemed to me that Mr. Stern was just too controlling and money hungry. I don't think that would have made for a positive environment for the baby. I think DanniLynn should be placed with her real father immediately. And like you said, she should be checked over by a doctor here in the US to make sure she is truly healthy.
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Thanks Kat- I think that your right too, I hope she is well and happy also. The change at this age should not be too dramatic and from what I am hearing tonight I guess Howard has agreed to work with Larry to make darn sure that Vergie Arthur never gets her hands on that baby girl! I totally agree with that.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
10 Apr 07
i'm glad to hear that larry birkhead is the father. i was shocked to hear though that there is to be a custody hearing. i don't understand that if they know that larry is the father. howard stern has been taking care of her but he is no relation. i think the baby should go to larry asap. especially with all the questions concerning howards involvement in anna and daniels deaths.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
11 Apr 07
Well I don't know about sleeping better but I am glad that he is the father. I think he will make a better father. I don't know what it is about Howard but I don't trust him.
I think you are right they should get her back to the states ASAP and have her checked out by the doctors.
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@smartmom (826)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I honestly feel so bad for this little girl, she is not even a year old and she has been trough so much, I sure hope that the paternity result will make an end to this circus, but unfortunately I doubt it.
I would say that I am relieved that Larry Birkhead is the father of the baby, but more because she finally has a father, a close family member, and less because of who he is as I do not know much about him, and I have no clue how he would be as a father.
One thing is for sure, Birkhead is the one person, who seems to really have been fighting for this little baby girl, I sure do hope that he did so for the right reasons.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
11 Apr 07
ya know..I just knew that he was the dad..she looks just like him..And i think that Stern knew this too and i think thats why he postponed the DNA tests for so long...What im afraid of is that he just wants her for the money..but i could be wrong too..i just hope he loves her as much as he pretends too..but i also feel sad that he isnt gonna share any custody with Stern too..he does love that girl with al his heart you can see it in his eyes and how he acts with her..anywho im glad its finally over..
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@Khokhonut (702)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I wouldn't really say I'm "relieved" over it.
I have to wonder if Anna Nicole knew who the father was or not? It is possibly she herself didn't know (sadly).
WhoEVER DanniLynn is raised by (or with) all I hope for this baby girl is a normal, secure life.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I was not surprised but disappointed, I was hoping Howard Stern was the baby's father, I mean how is this young photography going to want with a young baby to take care of, he is not even married or have the means to want to take care of her, to me he is going to use this poor baby and take her money that her mother worked so hard for her to have.
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@mom2chriskel (1060)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I just think she needs to be sent to her father now. As sad as it is for Howard, the little girl needs to go and start a stable life. The poor thing has already gone through so much in her short life. She won't remember this stuff but it is sure to be thrown in her face time and again when she is older.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I hope so to but there is still the custody care to be decided although I think that is just a formality. I was afraid that neither of the two men's DNA would match. I hope I don't commit a no-no but this is the same response I made to a similar discussion about an hour ago.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
11 Apr 07
Hahahaha the crap finally blew up in Howard's face. He knew all along that baby was NOT his, that is why he refused the DNA testing. Good for him! Now the baby, will be with the real father. Shame on Howard, like we all couldn't see that he was only after the money the baby might get. Message to Howard: BUSTED!!!
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
16 Apr 07
LOL Well said Howard, I am sure he is Larry's New best friend. He will and has already agreed to represent Larry and the estate to make sure that Vergie Arthur does not get ahold of that baby girl! For the I guess we should be grateful.
It will be interesting to see how the next several weeks go and when the baby is actually released to Larry. I hope that will be soon.
@joy358 (491)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
Well that's a relief! I don't really care one way or another who Dannilyn's father turned out to be. All I wanted was for the issue to be over at least for the baby's sake. At least now poor baby Dannilyn won't be in limbo as regards her identity. I just hope that Larry Birkhead would turn out to be a good father and would really care for Baby Dannilyn as she has no mother any longer.
I hope that Dannilyn grows up to be a fine young lady with her real father's guidance. Hopefully she won't end up having the same tragic life and ending as her mother.
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@Beauty_is_her_name (68)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I am so happy for Larry. I think he will make a GREAT father. He seems to really love DanniLynn. I'm very pleased I never wanted the results to show Howard as the father because personally I think he is the reason Anna is no longer with us. I think he is up to something because he wants the money. Thats just my personal thoughts. Yeah for LARRY!!!
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@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
11 Apr 07
I had totally forgot the announcement would be yesterday so I didn't find out until about 10 pm last night. I was really happy. Although I really knew it all along. I think he will make a great Dad. He loves her very much as he did Anna and I think he will do the best for the child. I did hear that Howard is devastated but honestly he must have known in his heart. Either way it will be hard on him as I am sure he has grown to love her too. Its hard not to fall in love with a baby you've cared for, for six months. But still I am glad that Larry is the father. I think the sooner the transition is made the better for her. There is no use sending her back and forth.
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@livvy092002 (1032)
• Philippines
11 Apr 07
It didnt surprise me to know that Larry Birkhead was the father of Dannilyn based on the dna test. It ddidnt relieved me either though. I am still just skeptical about both howard and larry's intentions with regards to baby dannilyn's sake. I just hope that whoever gets custody of the baby will be conscientious enough to raise, take care and truly love dannilyn all her life and not just be concerned about the money he can get.
@kiwikidz (753)
• New Zealand
11 Apr 07
I was not surprised, but I must say I am pleased for that little girl that she has a daddy now. Enough of the media circus and hype and get her into a normal life (whatever normal is. I think she probable will get hounded a lot growing up and if the inheritance comes to her she could end up like a lot of celebrity children, too much money and fame.
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@sloanjosiecat79 (299)
• United States
11 Apr 07
actually, i'm still wondering why anyone,myself included cares. i do hoipe the has somewhat of a stable lfe though.