There is no hell
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
April 11, 2007 9:10am CST
My mom really dropped one on me yesterday. Since I have been an adult her and I haven't discussed religion, she says how I worship, or don't worship is my business. Yesterday I told her I will be glad when the school year is over and I don't have to pay tuition to my preschoolers private christian based school. The tuition is expensive and I feel like my 4 year old is shoving God down my throat everytime she opens her mouth. This school is really drilling it's beliefs in her head, had I known they were so severe in their teachings I never would've sent her their. My mom informed me that she believes in God, but not hte existence of a Hell or Satan. How can you believe in the bible, and Jesus and all that, but not in Hell? I never got a chance to ask her, and really I'm not sure I want to know, as I don't want ot get into that discussion with her. What is you ropinion Can there be one without the other?
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21 responses
@creematee (2810)
• United States
11 Apr 07
True Irony...As I'm responding to your discussion, your number of responses, is 666--a number of Satan. LOL!!
AS far as your mom goes, Wow, that's a tough one. I can't imagine not believing in Hell. Who tempted Eve in the garden of Eden? Who tested Christ for 40 days before his crusifixion? I can't imagine good without evil. how would we know what good is, then? Your mother is entitled to her beliefs, but wow, that confuses me. That sounds like a great discussion ready to happen. :)
I sent my son to a Christian school for preschool as well. They had stories, learned the alphabet, and were taught the pledge of alliegence as well as the Lord's Prayer (which, by the way, states "Protect us from evil") and the 10 commandments. We're not church going people, or "Bible Beaters" for that matter. My son has become a better person, I think, because of it. He is 8 years old, and can think "would Jesus want me to do that?" We moved before my other children had the opportunity to attend that school, and the difference is really different on their attitudes. Not a bad difference, but I can tell. I wish I had helpful words with how to deal with your daughter, except, just let her be excited about it. Try to encourage her, and please don't be upset with the school.
Best of luck to all of you! I'd like to know what your mother's beliefs truely are, so keep us informed, would you? Thanks!!
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I didn't even notice the "666". My goodness. I'm going to takl to my mom more about it, as I'm confused too.
@creematee (2810)
• United States
4 May 07
Thank you for the BR. :) Did you have that discussion with your mom? I'm interested in what she had to say. :)
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Apr 07
How can she not beleive in Satan for he was Jesus brother the way I understand it and he got cast out of heaven.
also sometimes I beleive hell is here on earth for all we have to go thu.
If you beleive in God ya have to beleive in Satan and hell
I would like to know her answer to this one
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
11 Apr 07
I believe in the existence of all that you mention. It comes around to us all in some shape, fashion and form. I do believe there is a God which has a higher power. I do believe their is a satanistic existence in the world we live in. I believe there is a heaven and a hell. I believe that we live in hell and when we die, if we have lived right, we will go to the pearly gates, if not we shall be reincarnated somehow and sent right back to live in hell all over again through rebirth. Alot of people live good lives and they never have to experience hell on earth. I have lived in hell on earth and I do believe that when I die, God will take me to heaven where I belong because I try hard to do the right things.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
12 Apr 07
Well perhaps she's like me lol -- I consider heaven to basically be the afterlife. Hell a backpocket of the technically it's one and the same, in the same area, yet..completely NOT and seperate.
A person can be a christian and not believe in what's typically taught --they can believe in Jesus' existance and yet that the Bible isn't truth.
I guess it just shows how completely and utterly diverse we are, as people ^_^
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@vijigopi (991)
• United States
12 Apr 07
Of course, there can be no Hell. Hell or Heaven is what the mind or attitude of a person makes of oneself. If one is affected by something seriously, then it makes a Hell of a life for them. When someone can take even a great blow in life as something that has to be endured and moves over it, they create a Heaven for themself. God is not someone who needs a place called Heaven to live in. He is the very soul of our existence here. Your mother is quite mature to understand this. You can ask her yourself. Even if there is going to be an argument or a debate, I bet it is going to be a healthy one.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
12 Apr 07
That is an incredible answer. There have been lots of great answers in this discussion, but yours really hit the nail on the head for me.
@jaghead (2)
• United Arab Emirates
12 Apr 07
hell is here on earth people makes hell,bad people makes our lives miserable and cannot rely on any books like the bible coz i believe that some part of it was corrupted by men and we cannot determined which part of the book was twisted to fit their beliefs,all religion promises salvation and guides men to righteousness but religion is very complicated that some encourages men to kill to spread their beliefs,we dont need religion just believe there is one god,do good and dont forget to thank god after each passing day
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Apr 07
No. If you believe in God then According to the bible there is Satan, if there is God there is heaven and hell.
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@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
This is just my opinion, no offense intended to people.
I believe that this, right here, where we are, earth, life, it's hell, we have to go through it as many times as it takes to get it right before we're gifted with heaven in my belief.
The reason i say this, all the horrible things almost every person has to endure to get through life.
Also, i don't believe in Satan as a person, or form, i believe in Satan as an entity, bad conscience, the ability to harm with no feeling of wrong doing. That's what i believe in Satan as.
It's not that there's no existence, it's just that in my personal belief, it's in a different form and presence than so many millions of people believe.
I don't know where i got this belief, as when i was 3 or 4, i just believed it, and when i told my mother my belief, still at a young age yet, she asked me where on earth i got something like that, because she had never heard it before.
It was a belief born with me i guess, cause i never left the house, think of a prison cell, that was my child hood. :P
Anyway, sorry if this was said wrong, sorry if it caused any offense, and I'm sorry if you don't believe what i believe, but this again, is MY Belief.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for a wonderful discussion yet again hun!
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
Oh, also, i wanted to say, I'm not sure that heaven is as stated either, i think that it's just the freedom of spirit once your body passes on.
I've seen so many spirits in my life time, which hasn't been that terribly long, and know that it's real, I'm not skitzo, I'm not mentally insane, i've just seen spirits, and talked to them occasionally, but it's a little odd...
Anyway, different topic, they are free, to roam and be happy as they wish, because they bypassed life, they received that gift of freedom, that ability to not have to endure pain or upset, the ability to feel free, joyful, and harmonious.
That's what i think heaven is, i don't think it's a place, as much as a feeling and the freedom of the spirit.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
its called brainwashing
if the child doesnt grow to have his/her own oppinions he/she will stick to anothers beliefs for the rest of his/her life. sometimes, the smart ones are able to logicly view their beliefs are realise that its nonsense.
@prestocaro (1251)
• United States
12 Apr 07
I think people take what they want from where ever they want to justify the things they do. It's cognitive dissonance. I'm glad for you that this school year is more than half over. It sounds as though it makes you very uncomfortable and that must be tough to deal with on a daily basis. Especially since children parrot back things they hear all day, without really weighing the validity and logic of what it is. That's what makes them kids and sometimes it is frightening to me to see that manipulated.
I don't really believe that the bible is handed down from god or anything, but there are some good concepts illustrated in it. Most of these concepts reappear in other faiths from all over the world -- things like tolerance, patience, love of our fellow man. But I think all the devil/hell stuff is ridiculous. that being said, I ALSO think all the jesus/patronizing god stuff is ridiculous (this is why I can never retain my blue 10 star rating).
I think one can exist without the other and often do in many people's minds. For instance, I have a friend who thinks "existance is hell" but she doesn't believe in god. Logic fails to sway her, as I'm sure it will fail to sway your mother. Oh well. Some things are beyond all reason and our control.
@taiguy (478)
• United States
11 Apr 07
There are many people who believe in god but not a heaven or hell. To some people the earth is their god since it is what created them. Other people the universe is god as we are just parts of it. One need not take the bible literally either; something even the pope has pointed out. One my feel spiritually connected to Jesus or God and still not feel the need to have faith in something they have no proof existed.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
11 Apr 07
That is really a tough one..the very basis of all religions that I am aware of teach some type of "bad/evil" to be balanced with the "good". I guess that maybe your mother feels more secure if she does not have to think about the "evil". I would proabably ask her "how she knows what she is doing is the "right thing" if there is nothing to compare her actions to". The Bible is very explicit with it's descriptions of "hell" and "satan"; so to pick and choose what to believe in (while it is her choice) seems strange to me, although I believe that several of the varieties of church denominations were started this way.
I do believe that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want to and our country was founded on the desire to have these freedoms....I would never try to make someone feel that they had to defend their religion...I have asked several questions of friends who have had different beliefs than search of a better understanding.
This is truly a good discussion topic and I have enjoyed thinking about the possibilities. Your daughter will benefit, I think, from the teachings she has received and will now have a solid foundation for the choices she will eventually have to make regarding her own religious beliefs one day. Since this is a choice that we all have to make; too often, I see young adults struggling with this decision because they do not have the benefit of teachings of religion when they were young. I think that this is essential for our youth's knowledge base to assist with making "adult" decisions. I assume that your daughter will enter the public school system this next year and then it will all even out for her.
Best of luck to all of you, my friend.
@summergorgeous (674)
• Philippines
12 Apr 07
i have never given this much thought.
but i think i do believe in hell.
im a catholic, i believe in God, i believe in what was in the bible. i believe that there is heaven so why shouldn't i believe that there is also hell.
@oldiebut (859)
• Canada
12 Apr 07
I am not sure if this will help or hinder the discussion but here is the Harris poll of American's belief systems.
Some of the results are kind of interesting. Belief in god is high, but aspects of religions are lower. Hell is one of the least accepted concepts but still has 59%. I also find it interesting that women seem to be significantly more religious and supestitious than men.
@rubypatson (1840)
• India
12 Apr 07
There is Hell I firmly believe that, I think its good that your daughter is being taught about God, and its the knowledge of God that will help her in life, the bible says god loves little children, and if your child knows god in her very years believe me she will be blessed
@mansha (6298)
• India
12 Apr 07
Yes why not. see iof god is supposed to be our creator and a father like figure then as a patrent can he punish us that bad for our mistakes. Can you punish your daughter by making her live through hell then how can God who is supposed to be know all and creator of us. I don't thinks so. we I beleive are bornm to learn and experience pain and suffering therough our relationships and evolve spiritually and not go to hell or heaven for what we do here. we die because we have learned what we came here to learn and we go back and see our lives and if we feel we need to learn more we come back again and again. God just guides us from time to time.
I don't know how far I have been able to explain but read many masters many lives by dr. brian weiss to know more and if you thionk he is right then come back and we can discuss more about it.
@genius_guy (88)
• Pakistan
12 Apr 07
Well, Hell surely exists but where is it, no one knows, and its good that we don't know it coz we can't even think of how painful it is to be in hell, we can't even imagine.
@thefuture (1749)
• Nigeria
12 Apr 07
I situation is quite supprising and somehow funny. But I must say; I don't think anyone who Believe in Jesus and read the bible will say He/She doesn't know about Hell or satan. I think such person has a long way to go.
@yogeshporwal (2)
• India
12 Apr 07
And why do u want 2 kno about hell ???? We are not in this world to get worried of the hell.... we should keep on doing good things n den comes no point of arguing abt hell.