Would you re-live your life all over again?
By heatspine
@heatspine (1141)
13 responses
@lorikrasch007 (18)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Oh, you have no idea how I wish I could have another chance to live it again....I would have done at least ONE major thing SO differently! One mistake is all it takes to change and erase the life origianlly set for you ... your destiny so to speak. I know for a fact that if I had not blown it...by only three months time in my stupid hesitation...my life would have been SO MUCH different...and yes, I would now be a different person than I am now. And I would rather be. I would have been safe, never suffered the trama and hardships I ended up enduring because of that ONE wrong turn I took back then those many years ago... So yes....I'd do it over...and Yes...I'd do things differently. At least one thing anyway because that would of course result in everything else also being different also.
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@heatspine (1141)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
hi lorikrasch007. i feel your regret just by reading your post. i agree that the decisions that we made in the past resulted on to who we are now. but always remember that you still have your life to live and more decisions to make which will also define your future.
@sweetsue (758)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
Certainly there are things that I wouldn't do again if ever I am given the chance to re-live my life. I know mistakes help one to become better. But as far as I am concern I have mistakes that I just couldn't tolerate. I know I'll be a better me without having done those mistakes.
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
13 Apr 07
NO WAY!! Of course there are things I might do differently. BUt there is NO way I ever want to live through my teens again! And maybe I made mistakes, but I learned from them, so they aren't regrettable. I'll stick with the life I have. If I try to do it over, I'll think too much and probably make a real mess of it!
@joodzki6 (596)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
if ever i will re-live my life..i'll change some of it but i want to keep most everything. In my life, i've been to a lot of difficulties but that made me a better person now. maybe i'll bring my parents back together again and live our family completely at bliss. i would also change the way of our living, i want it to be more easy financially. I want to have the perfect for the second chance...i want someone who can understand everything i do, with the way i deal to people and with what and who i am. i love my life now..but if ever i'll re-live it..i want it more better.
@chacks123 (129)
• India
13 Apr 07
No, I would want to re live my life. Because I have done some good work and some bad work. May be in reliving my life I do more bad then I doo good. I dont want to change anything. If I change anything in m,y life I think I will change every thing for good. But by doing so I may do some bad for others. So, I think I will leave it as it is.
@lorikrasch007 (18)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Oh, you have no idea how I wish I could have another chance to live it again....I would have done at least ONE major thing SO differently! One mistake is all it takes to change and erase the life origianlly set for you ... your destiney so to speak. I know for a fact that if I had not blown it...by only three months time in my stupid hesitation...my life would have been SO MUCH different...and yes, I would now be a different person than I am now. And I would rather be. I would have been safe, never suffered the trama and hardships I eneded up enduring because of that ONE wrong turn I took back then those many uears ago... So yes....I'd do it over...and Yes...I'd do thgings differently. At least one thing anyway becaseu that would of course result in everything else also being differnt so.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
If I were given this chance, I would definitely change some things. I would take schooling in IT rather than accounting, since it seems IT people is in demand these days so I could make more money and send more money home. Everything else I would like it stay the same.
@healer (1779)
• India
13 Apr 07
Why should i not take the chance if i were given a chance to re-live. There are lots of things to be re-done but so sad life cannot go backward it has to go forward only. Everybody will want to re-live but thats just a dream in a dream i should guess, we learn from mistakes and those mistakes makes us learn how to live so lets enjoy the ride what ever it might be.
@andreaskye (390)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Well, my first instinct would be to say YES I'd relive it and change a lot.
But on second thought I would not be who I am today. I would not be in the great spot I am in in my life now if some terrible things had not happened.
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
Wow! I would love to re-live life. I would definitely make a few changes. There are a few "paths" I have taken that I would love to completely disregard now!
However I would tread lightly. I say this because I had a complete mistake of a marriage.... however it gave me my son who is my angel and reason for living... so, if I decided to not get married to that horrible man would I still have my beautiful son?
@taymouse (585)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Yes, I would re-live my life. I have a lot of regrets. A lot of things I've said I shouldn't have ever said. A lot of grief I have caused people. I have also turned out to be a person I don't like very much. It's not that I am mean - I am shy and I lack so much confidence in myself that it's pathetic. When I was young I let people get to me and it's effected how I handle my whole life ever since.
Of course I would re-live my life. I've actually wished that before, and not too long ago. If I had a second chance, I would always live life to the fullest. I wouldn't be stubborn, be mean, or argue just for the sake of arguing. I would have gotten along better with my mom, made more friends, and I would have brought out the best in myself.
I can't start over though. It's just not possible, however much I wish it to be. So I can make the most out of the life I'm living right now, make a difference in the lives of others, and make people be happy that I'm here. I can just try.
@fyrechsr (293)
• United States
13 Apr 07
There are alot I could change but those changes would all lead to people in my life now. For instance my kids. I have 4 children (1 girl and 3 boys)They are my life and the changes I would have to make would make it so I wouldnt have them. I would not be with the man I love and will be with for the rest of my life. So I guess I will just live this life the best I can. No need for a redo lol