Woman chokes to death while 911 operator cracks jokes!

911  - pic of 911 sign
United States
April 12, 2007 8:58pm CST
This is not the first time I have heard about trouble with 911 operators but I think this is the worst case I have heard about. A man's wife started choking so he called 911- and this is absolutely unbelievable-the 911 operator couldn't tell him how to perform the heimlich because she didn't know how to nor did she have any written instructions.When the husband started getting frantic,the operator started laughing and cracking jokes about it and if that isn't bad enough,when the operator was told the woman later died,she had the nerve to start laughing and say "I guess she bit off more than she could chew"I don't know where these operators come from .I have heard other horror stories about 911 operators and I think it's disgusting.They are there to help people not to make fun of them or their situation.If her boss had any sense,she'd be fired.People like her don't need to be working around people. A woman died because of her inaction but not only doesn't she care,she thinks it's funny.
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20 responses
• United States
13 Apr 07
Oh boy, I think I smell a lawsuit! That's really very sick. They should have fired her on the spot for that, and that man should have sued either her or the department she worked for. This is very disturbing, I would have made them pay dearly for doing such a thing like that to me. They are all supposed to be trained with the basics such as helping someone that's gagging or choking. They definitely need to get better operators than that! Oh, I don't know what else to say that's just horrible :(
3 people like this
• United States
13 Apr 07
You are correct, they are supposed to be trained in the basics, as well as have protocol sheets at their stations to guide them trough certain procedures such as this. This is a crime.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I was just watching the video on CNN and apparently the dispatcher tried to get the man to do the heimleich maneuver but he did not know how to do it. Apparently the two supervisors in the department are also being investigated in this situation. This is so sad and feel bad for the man and his wife. It is hard to imagine three people in that department who did not know how to help or did not want to help. Hope legal action is taken against these people.
• United States
13 Apr 07
Tell me about it! I would definately sue.It wasn't the operator that said she bit off more than she could chew,it was the supervisor. that was a booboo on my part which is understandable.That really shocked me!
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@pitstop (14738)
• Australia
13 Apr 07
Uh... oh. Is this story actually true?? I'm shocked! I thinks this is very sad and no amount of lawsuits/firing/compensation could ever console the husband and the rest of the family. I hope noone has to ever go through this again.
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• United States
14 Apr 07
Sadly it true and this isn't the first time 911 has screwed up. I hope not either but unfortunately I don't think it will be the last time we have problems with 911
• United States
13 Apr 07
Yeah, that's downright disgusting, and like you said, it's not the first time I heard of this happening. Are 911 operators government employees, do you know? Obviously these people need to be fired, but I don't think such a punishment is punishment enough. I'm not sure what a justified punishment would be, but simply losing a job after killing someone just seems like a slap on the wrist.
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• United States
14 Apr 07
If I had my way,they would lose their jobs. Check this out,911 dispatchers are not required to be certified in the heimlich maneuver in the county where this took place! Can you believe it?
• United States
13 Apr 07
That is one of the worst things I have ever heard. I have listened to some pretty bad 911 calls, but have never heard of one quite this heinous. I hope the hubby sues the city for what it's worth, and I am not a sue happy person. At the very least this operator should be fired. What comes around goes around and when her day of need comes, maybe she will be the one being laughed at, instead of helped. Thanks for posting this.
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@villageanne (8553)
• United States
13 Apr 07
That is so unprofessional. I know all of the operators at the OES office (911) in our area and they are wonderful caring people who would never act like this. This person should have never been hired to start with. If she done that and thinks it is funny, you know that is her normal personality. When she was interviewed for the job they should have caught her unprofessional attitude. I think there are more to blame than her. Sounds like there may be several people sued over this act.
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• United States
13 Apr 07
I don't believe it at all. It's PURE BULLSHITE. It's a lie, it's untrue...it's a figment of someone's whild imagination.
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• United States
15 Apr 07
That nasty attitude of yours is a good way to get yourself reported to the mylot staff.I don't appreciate you telling me i'm lying.It was on the local news,cnn,the newspapers ,and the radio. Why don't ya get off your darn butt and check it out yourself instead of accusing people of lying
• United States
17 Apr 07
In Response to your 1-4. I would have put them in a coherent order, but I'm following your numbered discussion-I also added commentary. I answered according to your numbering. 1. Do NOT tell me that all I had to do was skip the discussion. I am in here to discuss and throw comments around just as you are. I wasn't being rude. I was stating that I didn't believe the story. I did NOT say that you were lying or anything close. I said, "I don't believe it at all. It's PURE BULLSHITE. It's a lie, it's untrue...it's a figment of someone's wild (whild) imagination." If I were calling you a liar-that changed in the second response as a prompt-I would have said, "You are a liar, what you write is untrue...it's a figment of your imagination." But I didn't say that. I was not trying to provoke, honey..you were. 2. Yes, I'm on the internet and didn't bother to check. I wouldn't have checked with CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC. ok? I, too, have chosen to ignore certain subjects. If I didn't I'd be in MYLOT.COM constantly. There would be no life of my own because I'd be writing how stupid some of the questions are and writing about the bunches of buffoons in here-I haven't mentioned that til now. I CHOSE to jump into this discussion because I wanted to. 3. You WERE mad that was why you came back with your venom. So glad that you have learned when to pass up discussions. What a woman. SEE ABOVE. Do NOT tell me what I need to learn. Does MYLOT only want YES PEOPLE or people who have no opinions on anything except YES? 4. Of course, you did nothing to deserve a response from me. This was your little small-minded discussion. I UNDERSTAND that you wrote that it IS a good way to get reported-but it was a threat nonetheless. I didn't threaten you. I said the story doesn't make sense, and as you worded it it still doesn't. I do understand that you haven't gotten nasty at all and that this is all my fault because I didn't believe a story you think is true. You go ahead and report me. But you jumped way off from what I was responding to. Your poor family.
• United States
16 Apr 07
1. if you thought i was lying,all you had to do was skip the discussion instead of being rude.2.you could have looked up the article on the internet.3.i was not mad.you would have known it if I was mad.since i have been on mylot,i have learned to skip a discussion that angers me til I cool down which is something you need to learn.4.Get your facts straight.I didnt say I was gonna report you,I said it was a good way to get reported .People on mylot aren't gonna put up with someone who is gonna get nasty whenever they don't agree with a discussion or think the discussion is a a lie.Now that you have gotten so nasty when I have done nothing to deserve it,I will report you .
@missybal (4490)
• United States
13 Apr 07
That is so horrible. I thought that they would have had some sort of training before they put them on the line for a 911 emergancy. They will be depended on to get information correct and help people in trouble. And this sick sense of humor. I can't believe they wouldn't have fired her.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Apr 07
What I think is unblelievable is the fact that the dispatchers there aren't required to know how to save choking victems. I am still stunned by that little peice of knowledge
@sandie61 (2359)
• United States
15 Apr 07
that is awful. when we are in danger the 911 operators are suppose to be there to help us. not laugh at us. who can you trust anymore when an emergency happens.
• United States
15 Apr 07
Isn't it scary? You think you are calling a number to get some help and end up in a nightmare! I think the whole 911 thing needs to be restructured
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
13 Apr 07
I feel so sorry for that man being stuck with such a rude, inconsiderate, ignorant woman as an operator. How could she not know the Heimlich in her position. If I know it than someone in her position certainly should...I hope she's fired and punished for her actions. It would have been bad enough had the woman survived.
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• United States
14 Apr 07
the dipatchers that work where this happened aren't required to know how to save choking victems which I think is rediculous. I think they need to do some restructuring
@Mamaof2 (574)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
Wow...absolutley unbelievable. To think, we are suppose to trust these people with out life, trust that they know what to do and can help us in case of an emergency. Thsi person forst of couldnt even help, they also thought it was appropiate to make jokes. This just discusts me..
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Apr 07
I know. What I think is also bad is that when the 911 dispatcher realized it was so bad,she tried to get her supervisor to take the call and the supervisor wouldn't do it.
@Khokhonut (702)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I heard this on the news just this morning. It is just sick !!! I would think that they screen and train these people a little better. People's lives are literally in the hands of these sick, uncaring people !
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• United States
15 Apr 07
I'm glad you heard it on the news too. One of the responders above seems to think I am lying and that it's a figment of my imagination.
@emskoneko (805)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Those kind of people should be replaced by people who are serious and cann actually provide help when needed. Knowing that she actually laughed about it and made a joke is just sad and sick. That's just the complete opposite of comforting. I'm glad that when my 9 year old cousin called 911 for a man on the sidewalk having a heart attack that the 911 operator was helpful, serious, and sent an ambulance very quickly.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
13 Apr 07
What a horrific thing to happen. I hope that guy sues the pants off of that police department. It's almost like the 911 operator is the one who killed this woman herself. I hope that she's held liable.
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• United States
14 Apr 07
Actually thedispatcher di eventually try to get one of her supervisors to take over the call but her supervisor didn't want to take it .
@microzeta (245)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I'm not going to jump on the "that's so horrible" bandwagon just so quickly... first, let's try to get all the information, in as an unbiased manner as possible. So, let me start by asking, what is your source for this story?
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@Stiletto (4579)
13 Apr 07
That's really shocking - I can't imagine what the operator was thinking of. I mean did she think the man was just kidding around? Extraordinary behaviour. I also can't believe she was not dismissed immediately - how can you possibly allow someone so stupid to hold such a responsible post? I would certainly imagine the man will sue - I definitely would!
• United States
14 Apr 07
If he doesn't sue,he needs to have his head examined
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
13 Apr 07
Not only shopuld she be fired, but sued by the husband. This is terrible, and I hope not true, or a gross exageration. 911 operators (000 in Austyralia) should be professional, mature in their approach, & very well trained.
• United States
14 Apr 07
unfortunatley it is true but they weren't married though.my mistake. What I think is really disgusting is I found out that 911 dispatchers aren't required to be cerified in the heimlich in the county where she live.Unbelievable!
@alienz (40)
• Philippines
13 Apr 07
really?? that's bad...
@onabreak2 (1161)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I didn't believe this when I saw it here. I thought just another my lotter spreading an urban Legend . I always research things that sound outlandish and not possibly true . But this is TRUE. All anyone has to do is goggle it and they can easily find it. I was hoping probably like everyone else that it wasn't true. I hope who ever is responsible loses their job for being irresponsible
• United States
13 Apr 07
So I'd say yeah he should totally sue them. And why didnt she know about how to do the heimlich or have any instructions? Thats the fault of the 911 place as well! Gad. Why did she make a joke like that? My gosh I do have morbid sense of humor but THAT would not be something to laugh at. In my opinion she should have asked someone cause she couldnt. ANYTHING to save the lady. Sad Sad world we live in!
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• United States
14 Apr 07
Believe it or not,911 dispatchers are not required to be certified in the heimlich in the county where this took place.Actually she did try to ask a supervisor when she saw how bad it was getting but the supervisor didn't want to take the call. it was another supervisor who said the thing about the biting off more than she could chew not the dispather .that was a booboo on my part.sorry.
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
13 Apr 07
I think that 911 should be fired. That is totally not right. 911 operators are trained to take care people and get emergency help to them. I think that 911 operator was not trained right. I think the man should sue.
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• United States
14 Apr 07
the only thing I can say in defense of the woman is that she wasn't required to be certified in the heimlich maneuver. It turns out that not all state's county's require their dispatchers to be certified.Makes a lot of sense doesn't it.