I wondered where the cat food went, I'm running a feline takeaway - lol
By recycledgoth
@recycledgoth (9894)
April 13, 2007 6:47am CST
I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when I heard a dreadful noise from the kitchen. Racing out there I found my cat, Moomin, with her back arched and the hissing and spitting, chasing three other cats from the kitchen. After she sent them all packing I glanced down and noticed that the bowls of catfood were completely licked clean, and her water dish was empty. She looked at me as if to say, "They stole my food Mum". Cheeky beggers, while Moomin has been asleep in her bed, the neighbourhood cats have got in through the partially open back door and scoffed all the food and drink.
Have your pets ever had their food stolen by others?
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23 responses
@nicolec (2671)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Oh yes. I have had this happen. I lived in this apartment where I would also leave the door partially open. For fresh air and so my cats could go outside and play. A few times a stray neigborhood cat would find its way in.
But the best invader was a raccoon. I heard some thing eating from the cat dish and i went in the kitched, thinking of course that it was my cat. But it was a racoon! I was like, how am I going to get rid of this thing? Not wanting it to get all defensive and attack me. I could get to the broom because it was on the other side of the raccoon. So I grabed the kitchen chair. And like a lion tamer, coaxed it out of my kitchen.
Yup, that's me. The raccoon tamer with a kitchen chair.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 07
OMG I have an image of you dressed in the typical red coat of the lion tamer, with a whip and the chair - LOL At least you managed to get it out of your kitchen hun. Thanks for the comments.
@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
20 Apr 07
Not that I can remember... but I had to move her food to a higher cabinet because she learned how to open the bottom cabinets, ripped a hole in the bag and was just eatting it whenever she felt like it.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
20 Apr 07
LOL I have to keep the cupboard doors shut now as Moomin can open the bottom opens. The neighbour hood cats hang around outside now, waiting for me to put the foor down :-( cheeky perishers
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
20 Apr 07
LOL! the nerve of those buggers! coming right in your house! I think if i were you i'd open the windows from now on not the backdoor. I have never had an animal come in and steal my pets food.. (i dont have a pet right now), but we've had a cat pee on our window ( i remember you responded to my discussion, i used amonia based cleaner on the window and around and it worked!), and we've had a chipmonk come in our house and wouldnt get the heck out! lol HE PEED ON MY FLOOR! and my hubby was scared it was going to bite him. So we chased it out in the end, and i had to flick it in the belly! That sent it running out the backdoor! lol.
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@recycledgoth (9894)
20 Apr 07
LOL - cheeky thing, peeing on your floor, at least you managed to chase it out again. Thanks for your words hun, much appreciated
@draconess (650)
• Canada
19 Apr 07
My mom's cat, Samson, has had his food stolen too many times. His food and water dishes are in the kitchen, and they usually leave the back door open for him to go in and out. Well, one day we were sitting in the living room watching TV and heard a little thump, and just thought "Oh, it's just Samson coming in." Then we saw an orange tabby saunter past (Samson's all black)... So we go peek in the kitchen, and Samson's just sitting there watching while this other cat eats his food! He doesn't even chase the beggar out, just makes friends and shares with it! I guess he's a charitable cat ;)
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@recycledgoth (9894)
19 Apr 07
LOL, thanks hun. Moomin has already seen off a couple of intruders at his food dish this morning. The weather is so nice that the back door is open, I guess we will hae to stand guard over the dishes :-)
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
16 Apr 07
My wife does not allow any pets since she has allergy.But my son was in favour of a cat coming to our door.If we purchase fish she started down our legs and mowing until she gets something.It was a cat of Russian origin having beautiful long tail & full of big hairs.
Even if we put our feet heavily on her she will not bite
very cool characters. When my son left for job, it never came back to us.
@rosie_123 (6113)
13 Apr 07
Well, I have 5 cats, and my home is kind of "open house" to every waif and stray in teh neighbourhood- not to mention some of my neighbours' cats who fancy some extra food at any time (LOL!), so I have felines in and out of my cat flap all the time! My "babies" hae never run out of food completely, necause I always lweave loads of dried cat food ut while I'm at work all day, and it would take an entire army to eat the amount I leave out, - but it is not unusual for me to come home and find a complete stranger with his head in one of the cat bowls! Strangelty, because all my family were strays themselves originally, they have a good attitude to their visitors - it's kind of "share and share alike" in our house!
@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 07
LOL - I don't mind the *visitors* it's when they get too cheeky and scoff all the food. Poor Moomin was quite put out
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
13 Apr 07
Our cats were outdoors (plenty of land) and they had a problem with....RACCOONS & OPPOSUMS!!!! One of our cats learned to scoop her food out of a soggy dish like a raccoon--quite a funny sight! And they all got along too, not a fight amongst them (although Fat Cat did put up a fight when the hawk tried to alight with him--his ear got tore up a bit).
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@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 07
Aw poor Fat Cat, I hope he's ok. Moomin only has to put up with the neighbourhood moggies, and the squirrels on the fence - lol
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Apr 07
Unfortunately I think my dog Lucy is more of a culprit than a victim. She eats anything she can get her lips around.
Sometimes I feed a neighbour's dog as well. Blinky is smaller than Lucy so their helpings are proportional and they finish eating at the same time. Both automatically change places and look for scraps on each other's dishes. Lucy will eat anything she finds in her wanderings too. Neighbours a few doors up bbq a lot ...anything that doesn't get eaten will be left on the barby overnight. Unless Luce finds it first.
She even checks out the bedtime snack I put out for the goat: carrots, grapes, dried banana and anything else that's gone soft. ...capsicum, fruit....all the things dogs DON'T eat....lol, Lucy just has to check and make sure she not missing out on something.
@NewHeart (528)
• Canada
14 Apr 07
you mean normal dogs don't eat maybe. i got one that will eat anything you put down thats edible so we tend to use her as a garbage disposal saves on waste but going to have to put her on a diet soon she's starting to look like me fat and over weight. lol
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
LOL I never had that happening to me, there is no way for them to come in, but my friend did.
She always has the back door a bit open for her own cats to go in and out, and a few times already she complained that the same thing happened to her:)
However within my own pets, that happens sometimes. Tazz has a tendency to steal sheba's food when she's too slow coming for her chow:)
And Bailey doesn't drink any water from his own bowl, instead he always goes to the dogs bowl.
@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 07
Moomin does get spoilt, I admit, but this time she lost out. I guess we will have to get a cat flap fitted, unless I really want to be feeding the entire feline population here. LOL
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
13 Apr 07
lol that is funny I would be fixing that door so it stays closed. I had a dog that used to sneak into my house every chance it could and eat their food. He also took the food when I had them tied up outside. The final straw was when my daughter had her window opened with no screen and the dog jumped through it. I woke up to this dog licking my face so I would wake up and fill the dog dish. I marched that dog over to it's owner and said if you do not tie up your dog I will call animal control. They tied him up a day or two and the next thing I knew animal control actually did come and get it but not because I called. I assume they called because without me they had to feed their own dog. I have to tell you though it is a big shock to wake up to someone elses dog licking your face to be fed. My dogs don't even do that to me.
@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 07
Moomin has managed to figure out how to pull the latch on the back door so although it's usually closed, she must have managed to open it before she sauntered off for a nap.
That dog jumping through the window is extremely cheeky, hun.
@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
13 Apr 07
That's too bad that happened to your kitty, poor Moomin. I'd be ticked off if someone stole my eats too! Maybe next time this will teach your cat to make sure no other cats can get in before going off for a snooze!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 07
LOL the look on her face was priceless, i wish I'd had my camera handy.
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@romel_ece (1290)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
Yes, It always happened to our 2 dog pets.There are times that my digs are skeptical to their meals and I am sure my neighbor's cats were happy if they tend to see that the meal bowl for my dogs are still full.I have seen it twice that the cats from my neighbor happened to ate the meals of my dogs.
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
14 Apr 07
I really enjoyed this one! I keep my cat inside since she got chased into the brambles for two days. If I don't lock the screen door or the sliding door, my cat,Bean, will open the door with her claws and go out. I had a cat that used to come and visit and he too, knew where to get a free meal.
I think because I keep the doors locked that we no longer have to worry about Bean and her visitors. My dog tends to scare the cats off as well. Good dog, Tec!
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@perrygunight (555)
• United States
14 Apr 07
It sounds like your cat did a good job of chasing those others off. Maybe she scared them enough that they won't be back. Good kitty!
My dog likes to steal my cat's food. I've tried telling him he'll turn into a cat if he eats it, but it doesn't stop him.
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
14 Apr 07
Aww, poor Moomin! Itty bitty kitty had her food stolen! What brats. my dog used to steal my cat's food, but then we put the catfood up on an end table so the dogs can't get to it. However, that won't work for your kitty's little predicament. You are just going to have to be sure to keep the door closed so those rascals don't get in.
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@nglanfield (559)
• Turkey
14 Apr 07
My old cat Tigger used to have his food stolen, he would watch the food thief come in through the cat flap and eat his food, and not do anything about it. Only when the food had gone would Tigger start to make hissing noises out the other cat!
There was also many a time that I would come home from work to find a neighbours cat asleep on our sofa with Tigger sitting on the window seat watching him, looking quite put out!
@littlehoneymonster (383)
14 Apr 07
ufortunatley yes there are alot of cats in our area and so they always used to do this but since we have had our dog they haven't he he he
@shadowcat_018 (835)
• Philippines
14 Apr 07
yeah, i give them the food then after a while that i have turned my back, other neighbor cats get in and eat but if i saw them ill shoo them away... my cats can't react coz they are alot smaller than the other cats... i don't know why, i think its just their breed... they just don't grow bigger than they are now... they are having kittens on their current size! i though they are just in their teens... ;)
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