what chores do you have your kids do?
@easymoney75503 (1702)
United States
April 15, 2007 9:57am CST
my kids say i make them do to much. they say other kids dont have chores like they do. i wonder am i to strict when it comes to that. i have one that does the kitchen and one does laundry. they both have to do there bathroom and there room. i have them do other things to but they do get paid for doing all of the things as long as they are done. and if they do the extra i pay them as well. i do know they have the true meaning of money and how hard it is to come by though. i started them off one chores at the age of 3. they are 10 and 12 now. at 3 it wasnt anything great but it was smal things like they had to help dust once a week tehy actually liked that. i had them help me get plates fromt he table etc. nothing to big for them but just to get tehm to start seeing that helping around the house is good and that they should be responsiable. what do you have your kids do? i know there are sosme that there kids do nothing at all not event here room. that is there choice too. i would like to hear from even those that dont have there kids do any at all and those that have them slave lol, and those that just have them do a few things.
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20 responses
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Of course it's too much for the little darlings, I said the same thing when I was their age. And you PAY them? hmpf - start charing room and board.
I was the only boy, and it just occurred to me I was stuck with the yardwork.
Gender discrimination, that's what that is :D
Good thing you don't live on a family farm, chores are a definite responsibility there, from all that I have read.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
16 Apr 07
There is nothing wrong with kids having chores. My 14 year old had to do them every day. On Monday he has to clear the table and load the dishwasher after supper and take out trash. On Tues. he picks up in Living room and sweeps the living room. On Wed., He takes out trash and cleans up after supper and loads dishwasher. On Thurs., He helps put folded clothes away and sweeps the bathroom floor. On Friday, he goes through the house and puts things back where they go, and sweeps the dining room. None of them take over a half an hour at the most. He gets paid for doing them so that he has money to go somewhere special or wants something that we won't buy for him. It gives him responsiblity.
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Apr 07
I have a 15 year old daughter and she doesn't do much around here at all. when I ask her to do something, it is like pulling teeth. She doesn't want to help out with chores at all. She tells me other kids do not have to do much. I have seen someof those kids and their homes and I can really see a difference because none of them do anything. My daughter also says that I am strict. I can't stand clutter or filth. I don't make her do alot but when I ask her to do some things, she throws a fit like it is gonna kill her to do it. I only have her take the trash out, when she is home, put away laundry, vacuum, dust her room, and clean her bathroom. That isn't asking for much because I let her go do things alll of the time. I think she needs to learn things because it won't be too long before she turns 18 and may want to move out on her own. I don't give her an allowance but I do buy her things when we go to the store, to reward her for her help. If I have the money straight to her, she would blow it on junk. I also have my daughter pick up supper dishes and load the dishwasher. I have her dust some other things sometimes. I ask her to do other things as I need them done. I think it helps them learn to be responsible and they will need to know all of these things when they move out anyway.
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@chaygylmommy (2470)
• United States
15 Apr 07
My kids are just 5 and 3, but they have a couple of chores...of course, they have to clean up after themselves with toys and such. My 5 yr old son unloads the dishwasher for me and empties the bathroom trash. My 3 yr old daughter dusts the TV stand (I use that term loosely LOL).
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@totalearnings (1603)
• India
15 Apr 07
My daughter is 10 years old and loves to help in the kitchen, she washes her own inner clothes, socks, sport shoes. She likes to water the plants and is very possesive about her toys. She will always keep them in place after playing with them.
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@mtoxales (374)
• Canada
15 Apr 07
My eldest son is 4 years old going on 5. Although I have not assigned any chore to him yet, sometimes he volunteers to help. I thought it was too young for him to do chores yet but I guess I can start now. He likes to put the plates and forks when we are going to eat so I'd make him do that. And then when I finish the laundry, he can help me put his clothes as well as his sisters, in their cabinets.
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@suju15 (184)
• India
16 Apr 07
My daughters are 18 and 13 years of age.Whenever I am short of time, n a lot of things need to be done at the same time, they clearly know that they have to help me, whatever the chores may be.Rest of the time, they can take it easy, n ask me for any assistance regarding their work.
Basically, its mutual help n care that works, no payment for any work done either way.They generally, need help in planning their schedules regarding studies, plan and complete assignments, projects, computer work etc.Whatever I can help them with is ok.
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@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Get paid? For doing extra chores??? Boy, are you a neat mother.
My parents both worked and later my mom went to nursing school during the day as well as worked full-time. Not only did I have to keep my side of the room clean (my sister's side was always cluttered), I had to do all the family's ironing, cook dinner 2x a week, make school lunches everyday, wash dishes 3x a week, did the family's clothes mending and then on Saturdays vacuum the house, strip and wax the kitchen floor! My younger sister did her side of the room, all the laundry, washed dishes 2x a week, scrubbed the bathroom 2x a week, made all desserts (her favorite), cooked dinner 2x a week, and cleaned the livingroom thoroughly on Saturdays. My brother cleaned his room, helped me with the school lunches, scrubbed the bathroom 2x a week, emptied the garbage everyday, made/cooked our family's Sunday's brunch every weekend (he liked that - my brother can DO a great brunch), washed dishes 2x a week, and did the yardwork on Saturdays. We started the major chores outside our rooms at age 10. There were no pay or allowances. We were lucky to get money for an ice cream when the truck came around!
My daughter after age 10 cleaned her room, did a load of laundry when she came home from school, did dishes 3x a week, fed the pets and cleaned their pooh daily, and on Saturdays dusted the entire house and scrubbed the bathroom. I gave her an allowance of $5.00 a week and if she did more on her own, I added some more to it.
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@crimsonrose (147)
• Bangladesh
16 Apr 07
You are instilling the professionalism in your kids right from the home. Welldone. I am bechelor and and thinking ..if I would have this type of oppourtuniy during my 10.I could have builtup myself with more professionaism.
lol...all the best to your kids.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Kids are grown now and on their own, but I use to have them do normal chores, cleaning their room, picking up around the house, doing things in the yard, and so on. I gave them allowances and tried to teach them the responsibility of money.
I hope it worked.
@uniquenorthern (932)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I have 3 children, 7,5,4 years of age. I have made my oldest take out the garbage over other day for about a year and a half now. My middle child gets the dog his food and water daily. And the youngest, my daughter, has to help me hang the clothes out on the line in back. They all have to help keep their rooms clean, and to help with the everyday chores of picking up toys and such, but other than that, they don't do much right now. Oh, but they will! lol
@smartmom (826)
• United States
16 Apr 07
My oldest son, who is 4 1/2 have to clean up after himself, make sure to clean his room, before dinner time, so it is ready for bedtime. He also waters the plants and our vegetables outside. He has to help clear the table after we eat, and besides this he just helps by being well-behaved (most of the time).
@piropos (312)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
My parents had me do some household chores when I was little, and now I'm passing this practice to my children. My wife and I decided that making them do small and easy chores at home would do them a lot of good later in life. One thing that we alway make them do are their beds. We ask them not to get out of the bedroom without putting beds in order. Another easy task we ask them to do are the dishes. The eldest does it after lunch, while the younger one does it after dinner. Oh yes they would complain, specially if one knew that the other did not do his/her previous task. But of course with a bit of persuasive words and actions, they would accomplish the task.
@mama4kids (690)
• United States
16 Apr 07
my 10 yr old and 4 yr old are responsible for the playroom, putting all the toys in the toy bins and keeping it clean. they are also responsible for putting their food plates into the dishwasher after eating. my daughter also has to keep her room clean and bring down her laundry twice a week. my 2 1/2 yr old and my 16 mo old do age appropriate things. my 16 month old puts his dirty diapers into the garbage after i change him. he also puts his juice boxes in the garbage and his dirty clothes into the hamper when i change him. my 2 yr old puts his plate into the dishwasher. he is the one at the rough age to do stuff. he is going thru terrible 2s but he does help out when asked. my 2 yr old and 4 yr old like to dust and clean off the coffee tables with wipes. i have a star chart system. everytime they do something good, like a chore or something that really stands out like sharing, they get a star on their chart. when all the kids reach 50 stars each..then we go somewhere fun. right now, when they get 50 stars each, they will go to chuck e cheese for a few hours. it is incentive. it works!!
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
I agree with you. It is good for kids to learn responsibility. My son is a teenager now...He does the dishes...cleans his room..and takes out the garbage at times. Basically...that is it. There are other things I get him to do...if he is home...like vacumming....and wiping the tables etc...which he doesn't really like...but he does it....
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@peni88 (469)
• United States
16 Apr 07
i have 4 children 2 17, a 16, and 12 year old. the oldest do their own laundry, help vacuum, dust. cleaning their room is not a chore its expected. my youngest takes out the trash everyday. he is also expected to keep his room clean. i dont think that there is anything wrong with kids having chores. i look at it as im preparing them for their adult lives.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
21 Apr 07
My daughter just recently started doing more chores for an allowance- Before this she had chores to do but no money was given- I buy her anything she asks for usually..
She asked me one day if she could start getting an allowance- I said sure-- but I' not buying things whenever you ask-- you save your money for that- She made up a list of what she was going to do around the house-
Dishes- 2 times a week
Dust livinging room (weekend)
sweep kitchen floor 2 times a week-- and once on weekend
Take care of her clothes- whenever needed
kitty litter- YUK
make bed
Clean room weekly--
I said- ok this sounds fair-- Actually more than I was asking to begin with- I pay her $5 a week for this- as long as she does it without being asked and with no complaints. So far she has done great for the first 2 weeks- We cleaned out the front flower beds this morning- so I'll give her some extra $$.
I think it's a great way to show kids that money is hard to come by- you have to work for what you earn!
@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
21 Apr 07
My daughter has had chores since she was about ten. She has always liked having her own money and this was a way for that to happen. She is now sixteen and has a few chores to complete each day as well as each week. My daughter does the laundry, makes sure all the dishes are put away after they are cleaned, clean her room. We do not have an ice machine so she also fills the ice trays every night. That is not much and she can earn up to $10.00 a week. She looses money each time she forgets a chore.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Lucky for me my two and a half year old doesn't understand it is possible to get paid for anything. He has several little chores and he is so cute about doing them.
He feeds the dogs everyday. We keep their food in a bucket with a flip lid and a scoop that just fits his little hands in the garage. He brings the bowl to me each morning and says "Bowl mommy" showing me their empty bowl.
He is also resposible for turning off the TV everytime we leave the house. He thinks he is very important getting to do that one.
We drink bottled water and it is his job to put the bottles away in the drawer of the refrigerator.
And finally, we buy towel paper in the huge packages of 24 rolls and he is resposible for putting them away under the bathroom sink.
We have a habbit of putting our pocket change at the end of everyday in a jar we call the college fund jar. I guess you could say he gets paid a little each day for being such a great kid.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
21 Apr 07
Oh, and he helps me put all the toys away just before it is time for daddy to get home from work.