Fastest growing Religion in the World..... Surprising??
By James72
@James72 (26790)
April 16, 2007 12:57am CST
Islam's rapid growth is impressive, especially considering it's one of the younger major faiths (it was founded in A.D. 622). Right now it's considered the fastest-growing religion in the world.....
The combined forms of Christianity still have the largest following overall at 2.1 Billion (approximately) with Islam at 1.3 Billion followers (approximately).
Given that there are many people in this world (and I am sure many on this site) that have a somewhat dubious and cautious view of Muslims and the Islamic Faith; is it not interesting that followers of Islam are increasing so rapidly?
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17 responses
@teguhdarmadi (18)
• Indonesia
16 Apr 07
i'm a Muslim... but i don't think that it's important for Islam to be the fastest growing religion
It's more important to make Muslims have better quality
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@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
17 Apr 07
This is the single best reply I read here : the phenomenal aspects of the religion are the least important . The biggest issue in this age is the spread of HYPOCRISY , I live in a Moslem country and I can tell you ; if people could and would say what's in their hearts , you will find only 5% of this society GENUINELY believe in Allah and Islam . For all the rest , Islam is a CULT , like CHRISTIANITY is reduced to in the WEST .
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
17 Apr 07
Its funny, but islam says itis makinggreat leaps into sub Saharan Africa. In actuality, the musloms from othr countries are entering the countries illegally, and forcing people to convert and murdering those who refuse. That is the true civil war in Darfur, Libian and Somalian muslims murderingChristian and non religious citizens at the behest of the corrupt government.That is how Islam gets its converts in other places as well, india, Malasia, ahre having the same problem, convert or die, and many bombings of innocent children and women to try to force the issue. Islam should be banned.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
19 Apr 07
Age old problem that has survived through the ages and will do so forever...... "My God is better than your God" mentality. It is a shame that people cannot just use their beliefs to better themselves and leave it at that. Why be so concerned with others that think differently?
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Bhutto i quote you said " it will be the religion to rule over the world. "all i have to say to that is thank God im old and wont be around to see it i pray you are wrong i do not want to have my grandchildren to have to grow up in an islamic world!
@steelmoggy (410)
16 Apr 07
On a pure demography level, I guess it's possible that birth rates amongst Muslims (across all social classes) are posisbly higher than birth rates in, say, Christianity (again across all social classes). Also, Islam is a more 'rigid' religion in terms of people coming in to it - most Muslims will ensure their children become Muslims as soon as posisble; many Christians are more liberal, I think.
Also, Islam is a much more 'robust' religion in that it's teachings are less open to interpretation than Christianity is. This cerainty, in an ever changing and uncertain world, must be a great thing for many people.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
16 Apr 07
I am not sure if I agree with your demographic example concerning births as India has an explosive birth rate and are predominantly Hindu without having the same growth as Islam. I do however agree with your point regarding the Islamic Religion being adhered to more strictly. I am always impressed by the dedication and discipline I see in Muslim people. Thanks for responding.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
16 Apr 07
I find it truly frightening not impressive at all. I think this religion is just as scary as the others, if not more. Teaching people not to think for themselves. To hide behind a belief and to keep women as second class citizens. I am frightened for the future of this earth. Look at all the trouble in the countries where this faith is the leading faith. There is no 70 virgins waiting in heaven if you blow yourself up and take out a bunch of innocent people with you. I know everyone who follows the faith is bad and going to kill themselves but really folks lets not join a religion where this is acceptable. I always thought religion was meant to help society not destroy the world. Just my two cents worth, please don't strap on a bomb and come visit me.

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Apr 07
There are over one billion Muslims in this world and when you weigh up the numbers of "radical" versus the total number it is a tiny, tiny percentage overall. Like all Religions, it is the secular groups that misinterpret the core fundamentals that create the problems. Thanks for responding.
@zahoor007 (273)
• India
16 Apr 07
Religion Islam is totally different from other religions although it is related to Christianity as Muslims believe that Jesus was a Prophet, and no Muslim is a Muslim until he believe that Jesus is a prophet, Muslim believe that Jesus is Alive and will come back on the day of Judgment,
In Islam Muslim is a person who believes that God is One and Muhammad PBH is prophet or servant of God, so from this sentence we can make out humbleness of Prophet.
Even if Muslim people are not having good reputation due to terrorism and other reasons, still after reading Quran some people revert back and become Muslim.
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@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
24 Apr 07
many a time when Christian used the term 'son of God' as referred to Jesus it means one thing, but one Muslim used the same term it means another thing. 'Son of God' is better avoided when Christian communicate with people of other religion because 'son of God' appears as if Jesus is the physical son of God, and then all sorts of questions like who is the mother? Without mother how did Jesus get life? came up.
@rezaferry (141)
• United States
17 Apr 07
You're right, muslims do recognize Jesus as a prophet not as a son of God. We muslims believe that we alone should be responsible for our sins. Not anybody else, not even the "son" of god...

@shogunly (1397)
• Libya
17 Apr 07
I dont think the fact that Islam captures the interest of more "self-explorers" reflects anything good about Islam , because those same people have previously been involved with a whole spectrum of doctrines , ranging from atheism , satanism and paganism to embracing buddhism and judaeism , to religions about space-aliens etc .
It is a predictable result of the current involvement of Islam and Moslems in controversial issues .
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Apr 07
Interesting viewpoint! IS it not also possible that the controversial issues involving Muslims may cause others to look deeper into the Religion and some find solace there? In my opinion there is good in pretty much every Religion; it is how we choose to interpret what is available that defines the outcome of our embrace. Thanks for responding.
@qouniq (1966)
• Malaysia
17 Apr 07
I am totally did not surprise with this thing as I know peoples now days think rationally. I don't care of what Christian peoples want to say about Islam. They said that they are lucky not to be born as a Muslim, they can say what they want to say. But they can't deny the fact that this 'bad' religion is growing and growing more now days.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Apr 07
We are all born as human beings. Full stop. Whatever choices we make from then on are ours and ours alone. Unfortunately in many cases it is not just Christians "slamming" Muslims but also the other way around as well. In fact many Religious faiths have butted heads for thousands of years. Thanks for responding.
@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
16 Apr 07
Hi James, I glanced through your replies to some of the comments by other users. And i have to say, there are indeed very few people with your school of thought. I normally try to steer clear of religious discussions but your take on the Islamic faith is refreshing.
I'm not sure if you are a muslim or not, and not that it matters, but you can see that there are many reports from the media that DOES equate Muslims to Terrorists and Islam to Terrorism. If only people CHOOSE to see the SIMILARITIES rather than the differences between muslims & christians, or muslims and other beliefs, the world would be a more peaceful place.
I am a muslim and i believe that if each of us have friends from different backgrounds and religions, we will be more understanding and more tolerent of one another. Thank you for an excellent post! - Lyn
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
18 Apr 07
I am not a Muslim Lyn. And I know very little about the Religion. From the very little I do know I certainly see many fundamental similarities to Christianity and other beliefs. Since time immemorial there have been conflicts because of Religious differences and this will probably never change. Tolerance and understanding would most definitely improve our world! Thanks for responding.
@anonymili (3138)
23 Apr 07
I don't really care enough about religion for me to be worried about Islam being the fastest growing religion. Most Muslims I know are fanatical about their religion and they manage to bring religion into every conversation they have. This is not a slur against Muslims, I'm just talking from my own experience. My religion is officially Hinduism but I don't go out of my way to tell people what a wonderful peaceful religion it is nor do I try to convert them. I don't have the time or inclination to do that as I actually have a life :)
I've been in taxis on short journeys where the driver tried to convert me to Islam and that has happened several times! When I got out of the car, I said quite sweetly "Do you want a tip?" when handing over the fare and when they nodded their head, I said "My tip is don't try to convert your passengers to your religion, it's not good for business!" and walked off!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Apr 07
Even Christianity has passages written that state that followers must be "fishers of men"..... There are always those that try to convert others! I am living and working in India currently and have to say that I have never had any Hindu try to convert me! (nor a Muslim actually!)I can ask as many questions as I like regarding the Hindu Religion and I will be patiently answered but that is as far as it goes..... Thanks for responding.
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
23 Apr 07
Women all over the world who are not traditionally Muslims or Muslimahs which is the tradtional word for Muslim women, are marrying Muslim men. Especially, in Europe and the USA, women are marrying international men from the Middle East and North Africa. Many of these women are converting Islam because of the encouragement of their husbands. Then they go forth and bring children into the world who are raised as Muslims. Even when a woman marries a Muslim man and she does not convert, their children must be raised as Muslims. According to the Koran, if they are not raised as Muslims the Muslim parent and the children will go to hell. Muslimahs are not allowed to marry men who are not Muslims. With all of this in mind, you can see how Islam grows. I do not think that because Islam has been given so much press that people are converting to Islam. The press they are given is not that upbeat. So many people associate Islam with 9/11 so I do not think they are all going out and converting. Yet, do be careful. Nine-eleven should be associate with extremist, not the your average Muslim. We do have Christian extremists who blow up abortion clinics. Nobody seems to be afraid of Christians. I am not a Muslimah. I am a Christian woman married to a Muslim man.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
23 Apr 07
Many Religions also promote marriage within their belief system so it is not unusual that Muslims think somewhat the same. And I agree wholeheartedly that the extremists are the exception and not the rule. It is interesting to hear your marriage concerns two very different belief systems. You are both obviously true exponents of tolerance and acceptance! Thank you for responding.
@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I don't consider it surprising at all. In this increasingly secular world where people cannot tell right from wrong, and deny that there is such a thing as morality, or deny that moral behavior is pleasing to God, I can easily understand the appeal of a religion that draws sharp distinctions between good and evil, and tells people exactly what they must do to please God.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
16 Apr 07
as one of the folks you mentioned who have dubious if not hostile views on islam it staggers me that so many folks are allowing them selves to be so decieved !
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@sweetpunch (915)
• Pakistan
16 Apr 07
islam is the most tolerant religion of the world.allah has not burderned us with more than we can bear as said in quran;
"allah burderns not a person beyond its scope.he gets reward for that good which he has earned and he is punished for the evil which he has earned."(2:28)
the truth of islam must have reached those as it opens thew eyes of those to a new world of peace and pur[pose of life who accept it with a true heart.
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