Job applications, how do you cope with rejection letters:-(
By recycledgoth
@recycledgoth (9894)
April 16, 2007 4:05am CST
The postman has just called and I have mail. Apart from the usual junk mail and red reminders on the bills, this morning I received 4 letters from companies I had applied to for jobs. Each and every one of these letters said exactly the same thing in so many words, "Thanks but no thanks" so another lot of rejections.
I have been applying for just about every job I can, most of the time I don't even get an acknowledgement of my application, much less a letter of rejection, but it is soul-destroying to get these knock backs. I feel very depressed right now, even though I am looking for jobs on line and going through the vacancy pages again.
How do you feel when you get rejected? Not just for a job, but any kind of rejection. How do you deal with rejection?
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24 responses
@Bizziebod (3497)
16 Apr 07
Hi, Sorry to hear about your job applications! It's very rare you actually get responses these days. In the past I've applied for dozens of jobs (alot of them top positions too!) and they've never bothered to respond. It is soul destroying I know but you've just got to remember that these just were'nt meant to be. Have you tried posting your C.V on I had loads of responses when I put mine on there, yes mainly from agencies, but you can get full time jobs from these if you prove your worth! Hope all goes well for you!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
16 Apr 07
Hi, Thanks for that idea hun. I have been looking on lne for a while now, and after two years of unemployment, I'm getting very fed up with the daily grind of job searching. Most of the time it seems that my age is against me, and at 55 years old, I feel I am on the scrap heap. I'll have a look at Monster in a short while, thanks for the suggestion hun
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@hmike_d (1529)
• Philippines
16 Apr 07
Rejection is not a matter of saying that you're not good. Of course you'r good. It's such that they conceive that the particular job is not meant for you. Yes its true, that it hurts but dont take it as painful as the painful feelings you had.
Make it a point that there is still better jobs waiting for you and so please dont stop looking for it. It might be a challenge for you to face and so i believe you're so strong and you can handle it. Just be patient enough to stay longer from it.
@recycledgoth (9894)
16 Apr 07
I still keep on looking, but after two years of rejection it gets hard to stay positive. Thanks hun
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@matlgal (1686)
• United States
17 Apr 07
Don't look at it as a rejection, view it as their loss in having the opportunity to get to know more about you. Make sure that your doing all you can to leave a lasting impression. Call and talk candidly with the front office receptionist. Receptionists know everything that goes on in a company. They have a thankless job! Tell her who you are and you just wanted to say thank you for being so nice and for putting you at ease. Tell her that you got a letter that they found someone else or whatever the letter said and tell her you were sure looking forward to working there with all the nice people blah blah blah. Let her know your still very interested and she could sure put in a good word.... leave your email with her and ask her for hers. Write her once a week and just say HI whats new.... etc. IF the new person doesn't work out she will know before a lot of other people, or if another position opens up she will know.!
Also make sure you make it personal. If you've interviewed find a common ground. You were born in the same city or went to the same schools. Share a same hobby or whatever it is. It will stick in his/her mind. The day you get home from the interview you sit down and handwrite a lovely classy thank you for your time and consideration letter/card. Send it that day to only the person that you interviewed with.
Follow up - call a day or two after you interviewed and let them know that you are still available and are sincerely interested. Leave a voicemail be upbeat and perky.
Make sure your resume is short and highlights the best of your accomplishments. Don't just list times and dates and positions. Always leave off reason for leaving and Salary. Just say "Salary is negotiable".
Good Luck to you.... if you believe that everything happens for a reason then believe that the perfect job is out there waiting and you just haven't uncovered it yet. Keep trying, stay positive and remember it's their loss not yours.!
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@recycledgoth (9894)
17 Apr 07
Thank you for your kind words hun, and for the tips too. I am determined not to let this beat me, even though my confidence is on the ground right now.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
16 Apr 07
Rejection is hard to deal with but you must not let it affect you so that you damage your self esteem. You know that these people dont know what they are missing by rejecting you. Keep on trying becuase in the long run you will look back and know that you are better off now.
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@sensesfail (2251)
• India
17 Apr 07
I'm really sorry to hear of what you're going through.I aint bragging about myself but i'm a fresher and i'm just leaving college and fortunately they came for campus recruitment and picked me up to work for a software firm.So i got it on the very first shot.Some of my class mates are left out though without a job.So i really know how it feels,its not like i dont know how it feels.
Dont despair have some hope,you'll definitely make it some day.Pray to God or your Goddess if you believe in one and I'm sure God wouldn't let you down.All the best!
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
17 Apr 07
Rejection is an issue for me. I really don't deal with it very well at all. For some reason, I always feel hurt, and I have been known before now to take something as rejection when it wasn't. I read too much into things.
The thing about rejection is to take the knocks on the chin, and then get back up. The more you force yourself to do it, the better you get at it (According to my partner anyway, he needs to take his own advice if you ask me!) :P
Don't give up on the job front though. Somewhere out there is the job you've been wanting. Although this may not help any, I do believe that it won't happen till the timing is right, but when it does happen, all the waiting and rejection letters will have been worth it.
Hang in there hon.
@recycledgoth (9894)
17 Apr 07
I've had a response from one of the agencies I carpet bombed yesterday and they want to see me with a view to some temporary work. I have to go into the agency on Thursday morning so they can register me, then it's just fingers crossed.
Thank you for your encouragement hun, I really appreciate it
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
I've been there. I've been rejected in job applications countless times! But now I believe in destiny. Looking back it seems those jobs were not meant for me. The rejections helped bring me to where I should be, not just careerwise but also in my personal life.
You just have to keep going. Keep searching for your destiny.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
16 Apr 07
Hello friend. I am not trying to be sarcastic here but I would say you are lucky to get rejection letters. More often then not, people are just ignored when they are rejected. They are just left there hanging... waiting for an eternity whether they were successful.
But take heart. If you want a job, keep posting the letter. One day you will get lucky (the right way this time) and get it. Smile, I trust it will be soon.
@recycledgoth (9894)
16 Apr 07
Hi Wizard. Yes you are right, I did actually get letters. Most of the time I don't, and it's so frustrating not knowing if I stand a hope of getting an interview. I've just applied for another job I found on line, here we go again with the crossed fingers :-)
@mummymo (23706)
16 Apr 07
oh hon - I am so sorry you are feeling down and rejected! You are a warm, intelligent person with lots of skills and talents - these companies are losing out big style by not employing you! Keep your head up and smile - the perfect job is there for you - it's just a matter of time! Good luck! xxx
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@recycledgoth (9894)
16 Apr 07
*blushing* thank you hun for those lovely words.
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@romel_ece (1290)
• Philippines
19 Apr 07
Rejections are a reality. Your submissions will be rejected! Say it and accept it. Out of the 100 application letters that are submitted at least 50% get rejected. Sometimes even more, and if you are real lucky, sometimes less. We have forgotten that we are not the only ones that suffer rejection in applying the job. Rejection exists in every sphere of our lives.
Rejections hurt. And they hurt like hell! Anyone who tells you not to take this personally has probably never faced a rejection. How can it not be personal! Having said this, the trick is to accept it, take it in your stride, and move on. Towards pulling your work out of your resume better. If you are devastated by the rejection letter and feel that your heart has been drilled, please wallow in self-pity, be sad, be mad, be angry, scream and do whatever it takes to cope with it. But for God’s sakes, cope with it. If the blues persist, make excuses for the rejection. Dish out whatever excuses you can to make yourself feel better.
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@tajinder_18 (324)
• Malaysia
16 Apr 07
once i was called to be temporary teacher in my previous high school.but when i went there one of the teachers rejected me because she wanted a guy to teach science was so embarassing because at first i was already given the timetable to teach as well.but when another graduan came they accepted made me looked so stupid over there.because of that i rejected another the end i ended up losing two jobs at the same time.when i came back home i felt so depressed till i couldn't stop crying for the whole friends comforted me after knowing the story.they all supported me.but i felt so devastated untill i lost confidence in myself.i took a week to gain back my self-confidence
@recycledgoth (9894)
17 Apr 07
Aw hun, that's a rotten thing to happen, and it does knock the confidence too. I hope things ae better for you now
@kavinpurams (184)
• India
17 Apr 07
we have to aceept the rejection and analayse what was the reason for that rejection.if you had rejection from some body dont bother for that you can start independantly thats better if ur bothering too much about urfaliure life became a faliure. you will never succed in any field.
if u want to start independantly u need proper knowldge, skills, then any one can do. it depends upon each individual how is his finacial situation and metal strenght also.
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@moneybagz32 (19)
• United States
16 Apr 07
I'm really sorry to hear that. But I know exactly what your going through I live in a town called Stroudsburg PA and I've put in sooooo many apps to places when i was looking for work but they would either say no thanks or just be rude and not call be back, the job market sucks is what I'm saying and i hope you find a good one soon
@ciaosamson (541)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
Rejection is not good for the self-esteem. You also get pressured especially in your case because you can't manage to get a job. However, dwelling on these rejection, no matter what kind of rejection they are, will get you lower than where you already are.
Here's my advice... Don't let those rejections bug you. But don't totally ignore them either because you will certainly learn from these. Try to figure out why you didn't get the job. Maybe it's because you knew, right from the start, that the job isn't exactly you and that you weren't qualified. Also, maybe you were over-qualified. How did the interview go? Do you honestly think you did very good? If not, then what do you think should you do and not do during interviews? How about your resume or curriculum vitae? Your application letter?
Next, look for other options. Maybe you're not cut out to be somebody's employee. Maybe you could start your own business with a couple of friends so ou could split the capital or something. If you still want to work then give your attention to those companies you submitted your application letters to and continue looking for other companies. What you went through with the other companies should be a learning experience.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
17 Apr 07
I've also been applying for different jobs. I would say about 20 in the last two months. I only received one acknowledgement that I even applied for the job. It was a rejection letter. Funny thing was, it was addressed to me, envelope and header on letter, but it also addressed me as someone else. They said I wasn't who they were looking for, for the job. I almost called them up just to tell them I was glad they rejected me, because they obviously didn't have my attention to detail qualities in their present employees!. I got a chuckle out of it.
I just look at it this way, it wasn't the job for me. Something better is out there and this is the way I am being told to keep looking for it.
Rejection doesn't bother me, after all, I know it is THEIR loss!
Keep looking. Don't get down about this. Something better is out there for you.
God Bless
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@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
16 Apr 07
i deal with rejection in different ways, depending on what kind
I will just talk about the job rejection since that is why you are hurting.
Don't take it personally, at all. The corporate world is like a big impersonal machine. They need to get people who can and will do whatever job it is. Often, they reqire somebody conservative and Christian and clean record and not black, or not atheist, or not Bipolar, or old, or different in any way. The best you can do is make a world for yourself in which you say no to THEM.
@vandanabhansal1 (3)
• India
17 Apr 07
i must be feeling very bad at that time when i be rejected but i will not allow rejection come in my way nexttime so i will try to know all the drawbacks for which i a m rejected and i will than think of removing those
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