Is Kobe a cheap player or raw talent?

@swapw07 (247)
United States
April 16, 2007 5:48pm CST
Kobe is accused of being a haughty player time after time for his great achievements which no one disputes. Now, he always gets fouled on purpose so he can make an easy bucket for the team. In many ways, through those shots that contributed him to the victory for Lakers. Do you think that it's a cheap trick? I mean how mnay NBA players do you know that can actually utilize that talent to get a foul or two? I personally think it's raw talent undisputed, what do you think?
5 responses
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
kobe is indeed very talented, and from an individual stand point, probably the greatest player in the league today. however, a team's success does not depend on one player only, it takes team effort in general. kobe can score 50 or more in a game, but this does not mean it will result into a win for the lakers. kobe takes crazy shots and is able to actually make them count. a great talent indeed.
@swapw07 (247)
• United States
18 Apr 07
I agree in team effort, however do you think Laker's have a real team effort in general? Most of them in my opinion are just overrated players.
@Mickie30 (2626)
16 Apr 07
Well I do not watch it, but glad you enjoy it.
• United States
16 Apr 07
wtf? i hope mylot-ers dont post stuff like this just to increase their post counts..
• United States
16 Apr 07
(see above) i mean, is it really necessary to answer with that? anyways, Kobe is an interesting player. I think he's hands-down the most talented player in the league, and that's coming from a Warriors fan who hates everything Lakers... If you look at most of the great players in NBA history, like Jordan or Shaq, they have the ability to get people to foul them and get to the line... it's a skill, no question. I know some might feel as though it's cheap and just an underhanded way to get fouls, but the onus is on the defenders to not foul them... if you fould these guys, then you have to deal with the circumstances... I mean, you really can't blame the guy for using the system to draw fouls... the great man-on-man defenders can cover without fouling, you simply just have to adjust or get out of his way.
@Makoy1983 (1084)
• Philippines
17 Apr 07
between being a cheap player and a raw talent? id say he's a raw talent. he's been in the nba for more than 10 years and it seems he's not mature than what he's supposed to be. players around the league for more than a decade are supposed to be matured ones. im not saying kobe is immature, but there are some times that he's got lapses. just like in last season's game 7 against the suns. the lakers should've won that game and yet kobe gave up. he gave in to criticisms and never proved his worth in the series. he blew one chance he had. good thing to know that he has changed a lot this season. he has been on a scoring spree, having a couple of 50 point games in succession. but why is he a raw talent? because the lakers are struggling and might not even do better than the .500 mark, a worst record season for well-decorated coach phil jackson
@iamdede (80)
• United States
16 Apr 07
to me, foul-baiting isn't considered cheap. it's just part of the game and part of taking advantage of "fouls" in the game. but to say that he is "raw talent", i don't think it fits kobe anymore. to say someone is "raw" should be reserved to rookies and newbies. kobe is surely talented, but "raw" talent? i guess it would be an understatement to kobe bryant =p