@realbanda (50)
Sri Lanka • Age 37
Joined myLot 17 years ago
"A Re@l friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out . . ."

realbanda's Likes

realbanda liked this  4 Jun 07
Box Guitar or Electric Guitar????
realbanda liked this  4 Jun 07
What is the best Game?
realbanda liked this  4 Jun 07
What is the best Game?
realbanda liked this  3 Jun 07
What is the best Game?
realbanda liked this  3 Jun 07
It's AMDA or Intel?
realbanda liked this  3 Jun 07
Who's your favorite member ??
realbanda liked this  3 Jun 07
Who's your favorite member ??
realbanda liked this  2 Jun 07
What do you believe?
realbanda liked this  2 Jun 07
spik_manoda @spik_manoda (193) Sri Lanka 2 Jun 07
2 responses
2 people
realbanda liked this  2 Jun 07
WhatZ uR dream phone?
realbanda liked this  2 Jun 07
Rugby World Champs, 2007??????