Jonathan Moore
@writerdude (19)
Fargo, North Dakota
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Jonathan Moore (Writer Dude) is a passionate writer who LOVES to travel and is always up for an adventure. He seeks to become a full time freelance writer.

Jonathan Moore's Followers

ashuli @ashuli (1196) India 16 Sep 15
Hi Everyone! I am from Mumbai, India...
614 following
15 Oct 15 followed
ElizabethWallace @ElizabethWallace (12074) United States 13 Oct 15
Elizabeth has retired on the California coast after a career teaching French, German and English. She loves her family, the blue sky, ocean breezes and writing.
49 following
14 Oct 15 followed
Arthur Chappell @arthurchappell (44998) Preston, England 9 Jan 12
I have been involved with historic re-enactment societies, and I am an award winning performance poet, dramatist and radio presenter.
1527 following
14 Oct 15 followed