Jonathan Moore
@writerdude (19)
Fargo, North Dakota
Joined myLot 9 years ago
Jonathan Moore (Writer Dude) is a passionate writer who LOVES to travel and is always up for an adventure. He seeks to become a full time freelance writer.

Users Jonathan Moore Is Following

ElizabethWallace @ElizabethWallace (12074) United States 13 Oct 15
Elizabeth has retired on the California coast after a career teaching French, German and English. She loves her family, the blue sky, ocean breezes and writing.
49 following
14 Oct 15 followed
savak03 @savak03 (6684) United States 21 Oct 08
I've lived too long and been down too many miles to tell you about myself in 160 characters or less. Just get to know me through our discussions.
111 following
13 Oct 15 followed