Lenny Miller
@InquisitiveMind (132)
Age 29
Joined myLot 7 years ago
Curious about the big & small questions of the world. Love to discuss & learn new things. On the road less travelled by. Let's see where it takes me. :)

Users Lenny Miller Is Following

Patsie Hatley @Hatley (163776) Garden Grove, California 13 Feb 08
This is Robbie Hatley, son of Patsie Hatley. Sadly, my mother passed away on Sunday February 4, 2024, of heart failure, at the age of 97 years.
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Valerie J. Routhieaux @just4him (317316) Green Bay, Wisconsin 17 Oct 15
I am a born-again Christian, author, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. I have nine published books.
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