Rosemary Muthoni
@Rossett_Armani (1)
Age 30
Joined myLot 5 years ago
Rosemary Muthoni's Activity
Wise Ghost
@WiseGhots (14606)
9 Feb 19
I don't know if in your country the carrot cake is something that is usually made, but it is delicious. With a very consistent chocolate syrup as a topping it gets even more delicious. Also, it's an excellent tip for a dessert....
21 responses •
19 people
Rosemary Muthoni I love carrot cake, one of the very few options for Healthy I never tried it with chocolate, but that is going to my bucket list. I bake a lot, which is weird in my country. Its not usual to make carrot cake in Kenya, but I like to try out new...
18 Feb 19
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1 person