Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
United States
Joined myLot 7 years ago
An aspiring children's book writer or side poet.
Savannah Kemp's Discussions
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
15 May 18

I never remember my dreams more than a couple hours after getting up, except for when it really frightens me. A dream I remember so vividly was so bad, I had to talk to a therapist about it. I had it about a year ago. I was...
2 responses •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
15 May 18

Do you have a bucket list? I had like a 5 page one, but then I cleaned my room and lost it. Of course! Some things were about being generous, while others were places, and others were activities. If you only had a year to live...
1 response •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
14 May 18

In my old school, we had theatre class and I was casted in 11 out of our 15 plays (between the 2 years I was there). I really miss doing plays, and acting. My new school I joined last August is an alternative school, there are no...
1 response •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
11 May 18

So, some people I love that put music out in the 90s or early 2000s or just haven't in a couple of years are now doing it again! Here is my 2018 playlist:
Four Out Of Five by Arctic Monkeys
Say Amen by Panic! At The Disco
2 responses •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
9 May 18

Childish Gambino (also known as Donald Glover) just came out with a song. He is a cool dude. Sings, raps, acts. He's pretty good too. But everyone is talking about this music video. I like the song, it really speaks to what is...
2 responses •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
7 May 18

Do you have any guilty pleasures? Mine is definitely re watching Hannah Montana or singing along to it. I can't help myself!
4 responses •
5 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
4 May 18

I was curious on what people believe. I love hearing all the weird things people believe in, such as a fake moon landing. Though I don't believe it's fake, I do wonder why the flag is moving when there is no wind on the Moon. I'm...
1 response •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
4 May 18

Diplomatic immunity is a heavily discoursed topic, in which some believe that select individuals are able to steer clear of the ‘long arm of the law’. In reality, what’s so unnerving is the thought that not only is this occurring,...
1 response •
1 person
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
1 May 18

I don't have any true talents, unless you consider electric guitar a talent (but most anyone can learn that). Do you have any talents, or maybe any nontraditional ones? In my case, I know all the words to Scrooged, Aladdin, The...
3 responses •
3 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
1 May 18

Well, it's almost my birthday. I'm pretty sad about it coming. I absolutely hate my birthday, as it tends to always go wrong. Last year my family forgot and we celebrated 2 days late, just because there was so much happening. I...
2 responses •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
30 Apr 18

I have been to a couple concerts, I love seeing bands I love live. If you have been to a concert what was your first? Here are the bands I've seen live:
Panic! At The Disco
Twenty One Pilots
Arctic Monkeys
9 responses •
7 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
30 Apr 18

I used to go to St. Augustine every summer before my parents divorced, and it's some of my favorite memories. If you ever go there definitely go get ice cream at Kilwins. What are songs you associate with places, if you do?
1 response •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
30 Apr 18

What are some you can think of? I'd love to hear, also what's your favorite flower? Mine is either a gardenia or baby breath
Flowers In Your Hair by The Lumineers
Dead Flowers by The Rolling Stones
Feasting On Flowers by...
5 responses •
3 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
29 Apr 18

I'm just spreading around my music taste, because I like to push it onto people. And music is one of the easiest topics for me to go on about whether it be just lyrics, names, artists, or meanings. I like to look at songs with...
2 responses •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
29 Apr 18

I make playlists every season, because why not? They don't tend to have anything to do with the season it's just what I'm listening to during that time. Though during Winter you can typically see my music slow down, become...
2 responses •
2 people
Savannah Kemp
@Savannahk (119)
• United States
25 Apr 18

The first song I ever learned to sing was this one. It was my favorite for many years, as my mom sang me it every night when I was younger. I definitely still never skip this when it comes on.
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2 people