Balkar Singh
@balkarsingh (66)
Jaipur, India • Age 42
Joined myLot 7 years ago
I want to enjoy the life at every moment and with every one.
Mentions (7)
Balkar Singh's Mentions
Balkar Singh
@balkarsingh (66)
• Jaipur, India
12 Sep 17
Any one can give answer to this question ?
A person who have visited many countries in the world i think can better give answer to this question. I haven't visited many countries but according to me india is best place to live on...
3 responses •
3 people
Balkar Singh
@balkarsingh (66)
• Jaipur, India
12 Sep 17
Any one can give answer to this question ?
A person who have visited many countries in the world i think can better give answer to this question. I haven't visited many countries but according to me india is best place to live on...
3 responses •
3 people
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Jul 12
With the cost of getting children ready for school contantly increasing - I just had to pass this on. During the entire month of August, JC Penney salons are doing free haircuts for children in grades K - 6. No purchase required....
2 responses •
1 person
Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Sep 17
If a person writes a discussion, members respond to the discussion, the author doesn’t comment back and then deletes the post. The author of the post is the only one who benefits from this discussion or does the members who...
36 responses •
33 people
Ann LeFlore
@poehere (15123)
• French Polynesia
10 Sep 17
If a person writes a discussion, members respond to the discussion, the author doesn’t comment back and then deletes the post. The author of the post is the only one who benefits from this discussion or does the members who...
36 responses •
33 people