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@carolin1e (97)
Age 33
Joined myLot 14 years ago
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carolin1e's Discussions
what's your best way to learn ?
19 Feb 12
hi dear fiends ! in my opinion the best way to learn is to read a lot ,watch news , read newspaper , but to be honnest after a while , it becomes boring and you get tired of those habituel methods , so in your opinion what's the...
5 responses
thnk you mother !
19 Feb 12
thank you mother for everything you did for , ou were there for me in every single trouble , you hide me wen i am afraid , you puch me up when i fall , you are just the reason i live for , without you , i am just a body without...
when you get mad ,do you think before act or ....?
19 Feb 12
hi dear friends ! there is a kind of persons who can control themselfs before do anything when they get mad , so they take their time to make their minds , and don't want to act with a fool way , but there is another kind who act...
6 responses
what's your favourite navigator ?
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! i think that the most famous navigator is internet explorer even if it'slow and less respectful , google chrome is very fast and light ,and firfox is also slow but very good and highly personlized , so my best is...
3 responses
how to enjoy being a student ?
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters! i know that being student is a great gift from god , and that we should enjoy that period of our lifes with every breath , but honnestly i don't enjoy it at all , i know that it's big mistake , because those moments...
8 responses
the pizza is my love !
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! have you ever heard about that british girl who had never eat somthinh but pizza for 31 years !!! yes that's true she likes pizza at the age of 2 , for me it's not that weird to like pizza that way , because i can...
8 responses
shut uuuuup !!!
19 Feb 12
hi dear friends !! today i've met a new girl , but she's not an ordinay girl , she's the kind who like to make benefits not only from her friends but from all her environnemnt ,because it hasn't been a long time i know her but...
7 responses
3 people
mylot gives me a chance !
19 Feb 12
hi dear friends ! i'll sacrifice this discussion just to thank mylot to create that chance to share our feelings , toughts , ideas moods and every single event with people ll around the world , but i also wanna thank every person...
7 responses
1 person
home made ice cream
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! today i want to ask if someone got a good experinced recipe of making icecream at ome , because i don't like the one we bought from outside and i also wanna start entering kitchen hhhhhh , i looked for a good onw...
what's the most touching roman have you ever read ?
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! yesterday , i finished reading a roman i bought two weeks ago , it's e french story about a woman in fourthy , she get devorced and her ex husband get married with another young girl and her kids live in united...
a new computer :D
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! i received a new laptop the last week , and i am just soo happy because it's just amazing , but once i start to work with it , iforgot all the programs that i can dowmload , and all the application i wanted to...
1 response
have you ever think about death ?
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! today i want to know if you have ever thought about death ? are you afraid ? what's the most beautiful thing you did for you world before dying ? what's the most big footprint you've los in that world to make us...
3 responses
htc : W5 to W6 ??? need you opinions
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters i have a big question that need you experience here , it's about my htc device , i read that we can install wm6 in place of wm5 , is that possible ? if yes , i want to know if some of you have ever xperienced this...
i've lost my friend again !!
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters!! i used to think that friends are gift ! and that without them life sucks !! ,i used to try finding hem so hard and make them feel happy all the time even if that was against my interst or my personal happiness , i...
5 responses
1 person
stop music for one day!!
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters !! i have a question for you : what's the importance of music in you life ? do like it ? do hate it ? CAN YOU STOP LISTENING TO MUSIC FOR ONE DAY ? have you ever experienced it before ? will you ? so listen to that :...
4 responses
what the most funny / scary horror movie have ever seen ?
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters ! as the title say : what's the most funny or scared horror movie have you ever seen ? for me there is just a lot of horror movie that it supposed to freaking me out but it just making me bursting into laughter...
11 responses
1 person
best making money web site !!
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters !'! in my opinion mylot is the most ligitimate making money by posting web site in the internet , all other one was scams and fake !! so what's the best in your opinion /? how much money did you get from it ?...
2 responses
1 person
can you be hard with yo sisters/brothers ?
19 Feb 12
hi mylotters!! yesterday , i gave my iphone to my sister to work with it and to make some calls , but the big problem is that she messed up my device, futhemore she consumed my balance as whole!!! so got to mad and screamed on...
3 responses
real me , show it or try to hide it ?
17 Feb 12
hi mylotters !! i have a question for everybody here : of course you have seen skrek movie, haven't you ? and yo noticed that in the part one that fiona tried to hide her true personnality and to denywho she is , so my question...
4 responses
real click~~
17 Feb 12
hello everybody ! today , i would like to talk about somthing that i personally dreamt about for many years , that thing is :to have a remote-control like click movie , with it i can eliminate any bad period of time in my life or...
4 responses