Jeffrey Jose
@december873 (63)
Age 50
Joined myLot 6 years ago

Jeffrey Jose's Likes

Jeffrey Jose liked this  3 Oct 18
October In The Kitchen
Jeffrey Jose liked this  2 Oct 18
October In The Kitchen
Jeffrey Jose liked this  2 Oct 18
Counterfeit Money
Jeffrey Jose liked this  2 Oct 18
October In The Kitchen
Jeffrey Jose liked this  2 Oct 18
Counterfeit Money
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
Having a cup of tea
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
How you define HUMAN BEING?
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
What's Your Favorite/Lucky Number?
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
Kisses For My Childhood
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
Kisses For My Childhood
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
Kisses For My Childhood
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18
Kisses For My Childhood
Jeffrey Jose liked this  28 Sep 18