Faaiz Ul Islam
@faaizulislam84 (27)
Joined myLot 3 years ago
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Faaiz Ul Islam's Activity
Faaiz Ul Islam
@faaizulislam84 (27)
7 Mar 21
Hi! I have severe toothache from the last couple of days. I have consulted with 2 doctors. One of them said I should have to remove the infected tooth while the other one said he will root canal treatment and will save my...
6 responses •
7 people
Faaiz Ul Islam yeah I want to save my teeth so root canal is the option for that
7 Mar 21
1 person
Faaiz Ul Islam
@faaizulislam84 (27)
7 Mar 21
Hi! I have severe toothache from the last couple of days. I have consulted with 2 doctors. One of them said I should have to remove the infected tooth while the other one said he will root canal treatment and will save my...
6 responses •
7 people
Faaiz Ul Islam @AngelisaQT Yeah I agree with you. I am also thinking about that.
7 Mar 21
1 person