
@kareng (69631)
United States
April 27, 2007 10:42am CST
Did anyone else feel sorry for Addison after she slept with Alex and then he turned her down later to study instead? Then McSteamy also tells her that he is no longer interested? I thought it was pretty neat the way he lied to her and said he couldn't hold out on the deal and had slept with someone--referring to her little event with Alex. She looked so pityful leaving the hospital and sad. Do you think she will end back up with McDreamy? Derrick is pulling away from Meredith so this is a good possibility! What do you think?
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13 responses
@rodeotexas (1153)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I felt so bad for her last night. I couldn't believe Alex turned her down later that night. I don't want Derek to pull away from Mer.
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@kareng (69631)
• United States
18 May 07
Yeah that really showed that he had deep feelings for Ada.
• United States
27 Apr 07
I actually thought Alex and Derek treated her badly but I also think Addison doesn't know what she wants. I read in the TV Guide that she is leaving the show and will have her own show. I never have felt that she really fit in with the rest of the cast, even though I like her ok.
• United States
28 Apr 07
I felt really bad for Addison because she has been through alot. She made a bad mistake by cheating on Derrick and falling in love with McSteamy and then things didn't work out. Now she is all alone and jumping from man to man trying to get over her loneliness. I could tell her feelings were really growing for Alex, but unfortunently it looks like Alex is really into Eva. I hope not because I really liked Alex and Izzy together and I would like to see them try again. I don't think that Addison and Derrick will get back together because they just don't work as a couple anymore. You can tell that Derrick is in love with Meredith but she is becoming too clingy and she stands in the way of him becoming chief. I read somewhere that Addison is supposed to be getting a new show so maybe this is how they will have her leave.
• United States
29 Apr 07
I want Izzy and Alex to end up together too. Remember at the end of the second season when he picked her up in her prom dress as she was lying with Denny? That part just killed me. I think I've been in love with him ever since!! If he doesn't end up with Eva, I really hope that someone comes and finds her and her baby. I don't think she and Alex are right for each other, but I do hope that she finds someone.
• United States
5 May 07
I would really like to see Alex and Izzy back together, but it doesn't seem like that's gonna happen at least any time soon. I felt really bad for Addison when Alex turned her down. I think he at least could have had one drink with her and explained a little better instead of making her feel like she was used.
• United States
28 Apr 07
I actually felt more sorry for McSteamy than for Addison. I think, because she doesn't really know what she wants, she kind of "made her bed". I think McSteamy really loves her and had lived up to his part of the deal and was really hurt by what she did. As to ending up with Derrick, I hope Meredith and Derrick will find their way back together. Time, and the writers, will tell.
• United States
29 Apr 07
You are right McSteamy did look hurt when he saw Addison and Alex leaving the supply room. I think he kind of knew it was over on some level and he suspected that something was going on between her and Alex. I think he was really hoping for another chance. I know that Mereith and Derrick will get back together eventually they are the supercouple of the show.
@KaraLee (460)
• United States
9 May 07
I dont really feel bad for Addison, shes so mixed up and looking for love in the WRONG places lol. I mean come on date someone outside the walls of the hospital for once. There are a lot of things I like about her character but she is so confused about who or what she wants it drives me a bit balmy lol. She kind of "Does a Meredith" when it comes to the guys.
@hdcc829 (15)
• United States
12 May 07
I just do not know that I can feel sorry for her. She cheats on her husband with his best friend. Then she comes to Seattle to try and win him back, she does not get him so she goes back to the best friend, the that really does not work so she sleeps with Alex. What is she trying to see how many guys in one hospital she can sleep with??? Like they say KARMA will get you every time.
• United States
29 Apr 07
I guess this is just setting up the character for her new show. I do feel sorry for her, it wasn't like she was inviting him over to hook up again, she just wanted to be friendlier. I was kinda hoping that Alex would get with Ava but now I am reading that her husband is going to find her in the season finale.
@nicolec (2671)
• United States
27 Apr 07
She looked like a wounded and lost puppy last night. I found it intersting that Sloan took the heat for it not working. He could have accused her of sleeping with Alex, but instead he lied and took blame. Not such a bad guy after all. Alex is scared. And not because of the test, but of a commited relationship. So far we have not seen him be a one woman kind of guy. He just doesn't know what to do, so he blew her off. I see him coming around though.
• United States
8 May 07
Our ideas about Addison sure have softened since she first started the show. Don't you agree? Yes, I felt bad for her. What is wrong with Alex? You know they were hot for each other. Not very long ago, he said that he would know if she came up missing. What was that about? I think he is having a hard time with his heart right now and trying to understand who he is. I just love the complexities of the characters in this show. No, I don't think she'll end up with McDreamy again. Anyway, in the last episode, Meridith told Derek that this is not the time to pull away from her. In his charming McDreamy way, he smiled and said OK. We all need a McDreamy in our lives! ;)
• Philippines
28 Apr 07
i havent watched the latest episode and i was clueless that mcsteamy had dumped her. but if that was the case, it is really bad that she ended up that way. imagine, she entered seattle grace with a husband and a mcsteamy, now, she has no one except her career. i pity her when she drinks to forget her misery.. i still want her to have someone. and oh, i thought it'll be alex.
@emma412 (1156)
• United States
27 Apr 07
I heard that Addison is getting her own show so I think this puts the writers in the perfect position to write her off of the show. I did feel really sorry for her getting dumped by both McSteamy and Alex. We'll see what happens.
@fadamah (162)
• Brazil
3 May 07
I've felt so sorry for her... Alex shouldn't treat her like that. But... Kate's character needed a reason to quit the SGH so that she would go to her own show. I'll miss her anyway. She was one of my favorite characters.
@freakate (20)
• United States
3 May 07
I feel bad for Addison , yes , but she shouldve hung on to something while she could.Maybe Mcsteamy was the right choice for her instead of Alex. Alex is sweeter than he seems! I wanted him to be with Izzy but I think that will never happen at this point.I do hope Addison meets someone else. Maybe there should be a new male character or hey , The chief is single now ! hah , just a joke. Wouldnt that be awefull. Addison and the chief! Yummy