Did you get spankings as a kid? What is your opinion on the spankings?

United States
May 12, 2007 10:20am CST
I know I did and I now thank my parents for disciplining me. Kids now days (atleast in america) can call child abuse on their parents (in most states) for simply giving them a spanking. I was like WTH? I got smacked across the face as a kid once from my mother. You know what? I HAD IT COMING! You smart off to your mother and get rude, you get slapped. It is how we learn respect. I think kids now days are way over spoiled. What about you? Did you get spanked? Do you agree with spanking kids?
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44 responses
• Singapore
12 May 07
For people of my generation, I do not know any one who has NOT been spanked in their childhood. Spanking was part and parcel of childhood discipline and education, whether one grew up in Amercia, China, India, Middle east or just about anywhere in the world. Yeah i agree with you kids nowadays are really spoilt by their lack of discipline, i strongly believe, "Spare the rod and spoil the child..." I agreed with diciplining kids by spanking if their behaviour is really out of control, but after spanking, i'll sit my kids down and explain to them why they got punished, reason out with them in an adult way. If not, it would be a wasted effort, spanking them, but no improvement in their behaviour.
• United States
12 May 07
Of course, always explain to the child where they messed up. Very good point, I left out. If the kid doesn't understand why the punishment happened. He will continue to do that thing until he realizes what he is doing. Children are not dogs. They understand you when you say "don't touch that cabnet" :)
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@Galena (9110)
13 May 07
"i strongly believe, "Spare the rod and spoil the child..."" I wasn't hit. do you think I turned out badly?
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
12 May 07
I was spanked when I was a kid. Although it did good on me but nowadays I don't do it with my son anymore since I have develop a sense of insecurity about myself when I was young and I believe until now I have not overcome such feeling of insecurity. I believe that we have to make things right by not being violent with our kids just to impose discipline with them. There are many implications that can be caused by that small incidence of violence.
• United States
12 May 07
I agree. Yet, I am getting the feeling I am giving a wrong vibe here. I was never "beaten" or spanked or even punished period without good reason given by my parents. I truely dispise spanking or "hitting" children just because you felt like it. And, I do see this.
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
12 May 07
Yes I got spanked - NOT beaten. Yes, I deserved every one of them. I do think that there is an age frame that spankings work in - too young & they can't understand - too old & they just get defiant. Between 4 & 7, tho, they can be effective - not my opinion, but the take of a couple of very intellegent people I know that have raised one of the smartest, best behaved children I know. Not a child any more - he'll be 21 this summer! I know that my neice probably needed one or two, but didn't get them. She still came out pretty well, but mostly because she wanted to have friends & if she got too snotty, she lost friends. She did have a spot of trouble in high school, and now is paying for it in college - her grades aren't as good as she needed to move ahead where she wanted to go. She's settling for what she can get, but I feel for her since she had said she wanted to be a doctor since she was a very young child.
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@Galena (9110)
13 May 07
if an adult had done those same things, do you think they would have deserved a spanking too? just curious. at what age does bad behaviour stop deserving a spanking?
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• United States
12 May 07
I totally agree. I am getting the feeling I should be more well spoken when I start topics from now on lol. This is a point I yet again left out. Which is what makes discussiions good :) When I was "smacked" across the face. I was 17 near 18 years old and called my mom "b#@$H" for no reason at all. "I had it coming" so to say. I was never spanked past the age of 9 myself. I agree 100% on this. There is an age braked that you must adhere to. about 3-9 is the one I feel is proper but everyone will tell you different. It also depends on the child.
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• United States
2 Jun 07
I agree with spanking 100% for good reason, i was spnked as a child, not beaten or abused in any way, but disiplined. I also got smacked across my face when i was 15 years old for the same reason...called my mom a b****h...bad, bad, bad choice of words...you can bet you butt that if one of my children calls me that they will have the same punishment. i agree with the age range of 3-9 for spankings, although i have a 2 year old son that gets his hand smacked. and to awnser the last question on this post...an adult would not get a spanking no... for calling me a b***h, but instead would get punched in the face!~!!!!
• United States
12 May 07
I was spanked probably 3 times as a child. It did me a world of good. Because parents are so afraid of losing their kids if someone reports them, they no longer discipline except with "time-outs". Well, we can see in society that this must work!!! So many children are so very badly behaved and they certainly know that they can get away with it. Power in the hand of a child is dangerous. Anyone read "Lord of the Flies"? Parents must discipline their children, spanking, not beating, is a definite way to get your children's attention. Unfortunately, the government is now involved with how you raise your children. A very bad idea.
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• United States
12 May 07
I give you best response, because this is what I agree with the most. Spanking a child helps, beating a child is wrong. And as you said, giving the power to the children you are just asking to mess up our future children. They are going to have respect for NO ONE! If you can't learn to respect your own mother and father who can you respect?
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• United States
12 May 07
Children need to be disciplined. You don't spank when angry as then it does become abusive, but a little swat on the bum is not going to damage them for life. In fact, by just letting them run amock and rule your house you will be damaging them for life as this sort of person doesn't know how to conform or assimilate into society when they get older. Why do you think we have so many delinquents running around and our prisons are so full or them? And in answer to your question, yes I got spanked as a child and am none the worse off from it, in fact I thank my parents for disciplining me as a child.
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• United States
12 May 07
Exactly, nothing is wrong with giving them a couple of smacks on the bottom. Abuse is different. Honestly, all I will be doing is repeating you so 100% agreement friend :)
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
12 May 07
I rarely was spanked as a child,but there were a few times I pushed alittle to far. The same with my own kids They received very few spankings. I think you are right kids are spoiled, rude and just not very nice. I think kids need strong discipline wether it is spanking or grounding or time outs you need to be consitent and stick to what you say.
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• United States
12 May 07
This is another very good point. It doesn't always have to be spanking. Some kids respond differently to different types of punishment. As for me, spanking really didn't work. Nothing did. I had and still do most of the time learn for myself. My sister on the other hand. You would put her in a room with no phone and no contact with people for more than a few hours, she went insane lol.
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• United States
13 May 07
I was spanked A LOT as a child, almost every day I can remember. It was mostly out of my parent's frustration and anger, not always because I did something that deserved it. All it taught me was not to be afraid to be hit and that it's OK to hit people when you're mad. Perhaps if I wasn't spanked so much or for the right reason, it wouldn't have been so bad. I don't think spanking should be abolished, though. I think if you swat a small child on the behind right after they did something wrong, or when they are doing something life-threatening, then do it. Just don't do it harder than you need to or out of anger.
@Galena (9110)
13 May 07
good post. from someone that wasn't spanked though, a sharp NO! gets the attention of a child, and then being told the reason why to stop. if you're close enough to spank a child then you're close enough to grab them and stop them from doing something. the explanation stops it happening again.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 May 07
i got spanked only twice as a child, that was for something my brother did. however, my mother didn't have to spank me. because i knew that if i messed up that was my a$$, so i didn't mess up. my mother had a look. and i tell you this look sent chills up and down your spine. but i totally agree with spanking your children when they step way over the line. spare the rod spoil the child, says the bible. i have spanked my children. i don't beat them or abuse them, but i will spank their butts when need be! and if they call 911 on my, they better make sure they live long enough to see them come, cause i will take them out!! LOL LOL
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
13 May 07
lol. Your mom had the look, my dad had a look as well. We knew we crossed the line and he was getting upset when his face turned blood red and he would rub his forehead. I guess his blood pressure was going through the roof. When I tell my kids, if they don't behave I'm going to spank them. My oldest said go ahead I will call the cops. I said go ahead, while your at it, might want to go up to your huge room and look around at all the stuff you have. Then come back down and look in the kitchen at all the food. Most foster parents don't care about the kids they take in these days. Some lock them up in rooms with no food or anything. Once your taken away, you won't see that again. Huge wake up call.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
16 May 07
I was thrashed and beaten even as a small child. I went to school heavily bruised on my legs and even my face once and the nuns said nothing. Thinking this was how children were diciplined I did the same to my kids. The ending to that story is sad. I now know brutalising children is wrong and doing one's block with them is too. I think though that if a child is being wilfully naught they should be smacked. But definitely not if you've lost your temper.
@mdarma (868)
• Singapore
16 May 07
I had more thatn my share of spanking. I was a mischief kid and did alot of things that I should not have. No regrets. Spanking kids these days I think time have changed, so approach must change to achieve good results
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@rodeotexas (1153)
• United States
12 May 07
I was spanked as a kid and when I have kids they will too be spanked if it is needed. It's sad to say that America is changing so much and letting a child call it child abuse. It's not child abuse if you just spank them. IF you beat them that is child abuse but not spanking. I had it coming whenever I got spanked and I too thank my parents for it today.
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• United States
12 May 07
I got spanked and hit and whatever else, but it didn't teach me to respect my parents at all; it just made me afraid of them. By age 10, I'd say, I had overcome the fear of that pain and my parents had nothing left to threaten me with. To me, the best way to discipline a child is to take things away from them or to show how ashamed of them you are. It seems like a naive method, but my sister was basically like a parent to me. Everytime I did something that she didn't approve of, she would stop talking to me and just be really disappointed with what I had done. When she did this, I really felt sorry and basically begged her to forgive me, becuse I respected her and I valued what she thought of me. But it's difficult to develop such a close relationship between every parent and child.
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@ututen (139)
• Philippines
17 May 07
i guess it is really right to spank them sometimes but it is on how we can explain them why we spank them and im really thankful for my parents for what i have now..
@elmojie (14)
• Thailand
12 May 07
Yes, I've got a few spanking (not beaten or abuse) from my dad when i was very young, but only when i pushed the limits. But of couse Dad will give me a "you are walking on thin ice" kind of face when i'm nearing the limits to give of some warning. But he doesn't spank me when i reach the age of 10 or 11. He only give out advices and warnings. Kids now adays is RUDE and Spoiled. So i do agreed a little spanking will put kids in good behavior.
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@Stiletto (4579)
13 May 07
I was spanked as a child and to be honest I wouldn't say it did me any harm but it didn't do me any good either! I don't agree with spanking kids, I didn't spank my own daughter when she was young. I just think that adults should have the intelligence and resourcefulness to be able to instill discipline without resorting to physical punishment. If the only way a person can command "respect" from a child is by hitting them then I would question whether they merit any respect in the first place.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
18 May 07
I had plenty of spanking when I was growing up and I think it did helped me because sometimes I really asked for it. But, I don't think that is the only way to discipline a child. There are other ways nowadays.
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• Philippines
13 May 07
kids need some spankings sometimes. you are right. they had it coming and they deserve to receive some spankings once in a while. the Bible has described the need for spankings explicity 'spare the rod and spoil the child'. so if parents want to spoil their children, just leave them alone keeping doing wrong without a rod to discipline them.
@Galena (9110)
13 May 07
or they could tell the child why not to do something. not spanking a child doesn't mean just leaving them to carry on doing bad things. it means stopping them and telling them why they are not allowed to do something. don't run in the road, you could get badly hurt. don't play with that, it might break. don't pull the dogs ears/tail, they might bite you. you don't need to hit a child to give them a reason not to do something. I wasn't hit by my Mum. I was treated with respect, so in turn I respected her. if she told me to stop doing something she told me why, and I'd stop doing it because the things she told me to stop were for my own good, and I Didn't want the possible outcomes to happen. if anything I'm a better person for not being hit than I would have been if I'd been hit.
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@mayenskie (1307)
• Philippines
23 May 07
I am not against spanking a child for disciplining, but beating a child to the point of physical injury is a no no. I was spanked a lot of times while growing up - slapped, kicked, boxed you name it, i got it. i must have been a hard headed kid. But of all the spanking i got from my parents, only one instance have etched in my mind, it was the time my father smacked my head with a hardbound encyclopedia for messing the TV while he was watching basketball. i was 11 then. That must have hurt because i was not able to forget it. It was from my grandmother that i got the most kind of disciplining - i was 9 then, she threw me into a well at the back of our old house, one time my parents was out. My father's apprentice took me out. Maybe because of that i am never close to her. It is not because i fear her now but because i feel indifferent towards her. I never feel any compassion. I think the child would somehow experience spanking to know the right thing. But parents should most importantly explain to the child why she/he was spanked. To have a good parents-child relationship, 2-way communication is a must and it must start while the kid is young to have a solid foundation.
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@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
18 May 07
I got spanked. So did my brothers and my friends and their siblings, and we're all happy, well adjusted young adults now. We don't carry emotional or physical scars from when we were young, and I can guarantee you that everytime we did something to get a spanking, it was well deserved. If you didn't want a spanking, you behaved. I'm really sick of seeing parents in stores trying to rationalize to their 3 or 4 year olds why what they're doing is bad and why they should stop, while their child ignores them or screams louder. I'm even more sick of the young teenagers I see today hurry onto buses knocking senior citizens out of the way, defacing buildings or public property, swearing quite loud in public places with young children around and generally having no respect. I'm not that old, but even when I was their age, if an adult told you to keep it down or to stop drawing on something, you did, you didn't tell them to 'Mind their own effin' business'.
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• Indonesia
13 May 07
I live in a third world country, were poverty and uneducation rule. My childhood was very hard, a little mistake could bring me to living hell. They called it discipline, but is it true? I guess it's just a reason to cover their uneducation. I don't believe spanking is the best way to raise a child. Not at all.
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