How was your 2nd pregnancy different from your 1st??

United States
May 22, 2007 11:58am CST
My husband and I are starting to try for our 2nd child this cycle. I was just curious has to how your 2nd pregnancy differed from your 1st. I deliverd an 11 lb 7oz baby boy by c-section. I ended up having GD late in the pregnancy that went undiagnosed. I was just wondering about the morning sickness, how quickly you showed, first movements, energy levels. Things like that. Thanks!!
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5 responses
@kara5287 (299)
• United States
22 May 07
my second pregnancy seemed to go slower. was a bit more scarey knowing i was having another c-section. had morning sickness first trimester and last month. i found out i was having a girl at 16 wks. were with my first i found out i was having a boy 3 hours before he was born. i'd say my second pregnancy was worst then the first but i think it is in part because my first pregnancy i was in school so i had other things going on in my mind and i was younger. my second all i did was sat at home waiting patiently for it to be over. two months and one week ago i had a little girl 6 lbs. 2 oz. 20 1/2 in. by c-section....GOOD LUCK. hope everything goes well for you.
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• United States
22 May 07
My second pregnancy was easier in some ways, and harder in others. Physically, I had some more nausea, but I never actually threw up. I was more relaxed, because I knew what to expect about pregancy and childbirth, as well as babies themselves. It was harder because I had a bad ultrasound at 20 weeks. The baby had a choroid plexus cyst in his brain. Most people with this are perfectly normal, but in some cases, it indicates a fatal birth defect. That news took the joy out of the pregancy, and filled us with fear. We didn't plan the baby's room or anything, just in case something awful happened. I'm happy to say that my son was born with no birth defect whatsoever, and is a perfectly healthy little boy. He does have hemophilia, a genetic blood clotting disorder, but we'll take that over a fatal birth defect anyday!! I went on to have 3 more kids. =)
@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
22 May 07
With my first I was nauseas all the time. I had GD and pregnancy induced high blood pressure. I went on bedrest at 5 months until the end. I was miserable. Now that I am pregnant with my 2nd things are different. I do not feel sick at all. I am due in September and have not had any sickness at all. I was a little more tired than usual in the beginning but that passed very quickly. My blood pressure is fine and overall I am fine. I do not even feel pregnant. Things are going so great. I started showing at about 4 1/2 months. Which was fine because with my first I showed at 5 months. I had a c-section with him and they will schedule another with this one. I gained 45 lbs with him and so far I have only gained 8. I feel so much more at ease and carefree with this pregnancy and time is going by fast. My first pregnancy was long and drawn out but I think that was mostly because I was at home in bed and bored. I was so scared and worried the whole time with him because I had lost a baby before him and I think that may have contributed to my blood pressure problems.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
29 May 07
I was sick the enter first baby. This one I had morning sickness for 3 months, 7 weeks of that I thought I had the flu. I started showing sooner that I thought I would, and unlike my first who I felt moving from 14 weeks until the day I delivered I didn't feel this one until I was almost 20 weeks. I am slightly anemic so my energy levels are low but it doesn't matter because I am not aloud to do much of anything because of my past pregnancy. We are calling this baby ninja baby because it is enjoying kicking the heck out of my insides. My son would just stretch and give little hiccup type movements. looking forward to having this one out and getting back into exercising and losing this weight again.
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@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
23 May 07
This one has been harder to get through. It wasn't planned so I was a bit depressed at first because I wasn't ready to get fat again. Then I've been in more pain then I was with the first one. The first one I was put on bedrest so I wouldn't go into labor this one I felt like a handicapp because I couldn't do anything. I'm 36 weeks now and swollen can't fit in anything but am excited since I have dilated to 3cm already. woohoo 20 more days to go to my c-section.
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@tina12679 (1126)
• United States
23 May 07
Wow big healthy boy. My first prgnancy i cant compare to my second or third. I had to deliver at 30 weeks due to severe pre-eclampsia via a c-section. But the other 2 compared were fairly the same, i was really worried the entire time i was pregnant with my second watching what i ate what i drank how mush stress i was encountering because i didnt want to get the pre-eclampsia back this time and have another premie. But as far sickness goes it was moderate nothing real bad, and my third pregancy was horrid at first i was sick every day almost the entire day for 3 months,i was also working so it wasnt real easy, i also started to show sooner in my thrid pregnancy then my second or even my first. my second pregancy i ended up delivering 2 weeks early via c-section and my third was on the planned date by c-section as well. As far as movements and energy levels the movements always seem to start around the same time around 4 months and your energy level can increase or decrease depending on how you fell at any given moment.Now I think that this has a little bearing on how pregnancies go, my first 2 were girls and my last a boy, even though i delivered very early with my first my pregnancies with my girls was very similar and the one with my son it was hell for a long time. Good Luck...and take care, we also learn from our first experiences and this time you will know that you need to watch for the GD and be able to do more to prevent it.