What would you have done?

United States
May 22, 2007 9:26pm CST
I was shopping in WalMart tonight. I was in the section where socks, hosiery are sold. I happened to see a lady take a pair of hose (stockings) out of the cardboard wrapper and then place them into her jeans pocket. I stood there speechless and dumbfounded. I know that she had to see me and yet she still did it! What would you have done?
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36 responses
@villageanne (8553)
• United States
23 May 07
I dont know what I would have done and to be honest I hope I never have to find out. I worked at a grocery store where we had cameras and were always allerted to shoplifters. I was amazed at the amount of "nonfear" that some of them showed. There was even a many putting a package of meat into his coat. I kid you not. We had to watch them and they were procecuted. I never minded until once I saw a women take a pint of milk. when we followed her out of the store. She had a child and gave it to the child to drink. The looked like they were really needy. I could not sleep that night for worrry about the child. I dont think any of us can honestly say what we would do unless we were in that particular situation.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
23 May 07
It is hard to believe that people would do such a thing, but it happens all the time. I probably would have told an employee and let them handle it. They have security tapes running all the time. They could probably go back and watch her do it.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
23 May 07
Talk about coincidence. Just about a week ago I was at my local WalMart. In the electronics department. I saw a man in his early 20's grab a pair of earphones. He looked suspicious as he kept looking all around for a long time as he held this package. I followed him watching his every move. He went to the school supplies and grabbed a pair of scissors then proceeded to vut the blister pack from the earphones. He set the scissors and the blister pack on the shelf and headed back towards the electronics. I don't like shoplifters as in the long run it causes prices to rise. So I immediatley went to the service desk and relayed what I saw, what ails the wrapper was at and what he looked like and his clothing. I stayed near the door sitting and waiting. Within 2 minutes he was led to the front door by a security gaurd. The earphones and blister pack and scissors were in a bag as a local officer took him outside. The manager came to be thanking me and handed me a $10 gift card. Now that was unexpected but I took it of course. So I guess you can say I would turn her in. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• United States
24 May 07
Wow. Good for you Grandpa Bob. I suppose I should have done something, because as you so aptly stated, shoplifters cause the prices to rise for everyone.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
23 May 07
I would have made sure that the store personnel were informed, and left the rest of it up to them. It is the thieves that make the prices rise for all the honest folks. I feel that if you do nothing, you are condoning the action, at least on some level. My two cents on this subject. Does anyone else have an opinion?
• United States
24 May 07
That is exactly what has been bothering me fin,that is why I made the post. I got home and thought it over and realized that it was kind of like I 'helped' her steal by doing nothing.
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@RenaeT (681)
• United States
23 May 07
Wow. . . I don't know what I would have done. Maybe nothing, but on the other hand, maybe I would say somthing to her. I don't think I would tell management. I just really don't know. I know what I should do, but I'd probably start justifying it in my head and tell myself she's poor and really needed them. But, then, I think the right thing would be to ask her if she just didn't have the money and ask if I could buy them for her so she wouldn't get in trouble? I really don't know!!!! What did you do?
8 people like this
• United States
24 May 07
Sadly, I did nothing. I was so shocked I just turned away really quickly and then after a second or two just walked away. Hindsight, I like your idea of buying them for her.
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@Jesikka06 (184)
• United States
23 May 07
me, i would have probally had done the same thing! i would have just sat there n looked at her n probally had of started laughing out loud ... kinda pathetic people cant work for there stuff they have to steal it or maybe they just couldnt afford it ... who knows ... but yea i would have probally done the same thing as you ... been dumbfounded!
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
24 May 07
I don't guess there is much you can do. I would be like you...staring at her in amazement. If you were the "bold" type, you could have said quite loudly, "I can't believe you are stealing those".
3 people like this
• United States
28 May 07
Wow, that would have been a great thing to do! I'm afraid I am just not that bold
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
23 May 07
Well truthfully I probably would have done the same thing...stood there staring in disbelief...lol Years ago I worked in Kmart Layaway and frequerntly worked with the store security as there lookout window walk was above layaway and they frequently needed a woman present when females were caught stealing. One day this woman was being watched and was going in and out of the dressing rooms and was stealing all kinds of things. When confronted and taken to the security office she decided she didn't speak english. Then she decided she was having a heart attack. It was all quite dramatic and obviously fake. After the paramedics arrived it was discovered that she had...on top of her clothes..6 pair of underwear, 3 bras, 2 pair of pants and a skirt and 3 shirts on. In her bag she had all kinds of other things...it was the strangest thing I had seen at that point....lol
• United States
24 May 07
OH MY GOSH!! I just can't believe people. I know in my town there are several places to go where free clothing is given out monthly. (this is, afterall, poor Appalachia and the whole country sends stuff here). That is why I can't belive people here need to go to WalMart and steal, of all things, a pair of pantyhose!
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
24 May 07
wow she was ballsy! I can't believe she would do that right in front of you- I would have offered to pay for them for her. Given her a couple of bucks- maybe she needed them and just didn't have the money- still its not right! Maybe she would have felt ashamed and explained herself- Again how ballsy!
@hcromer (2710)
• United States
23 May 07
Usually when I'm in a store I try not to pay any attention to other people so I know that I wouldn't have seen it. If I did see it, (and I know this isn't the nicest thing to say, but it's the truth) I wouldn't have done anything about it. Maybe look up at the security camera and point to her, then carry on about with my business.
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@applsofgld (2506)
• United States
26 May 07
I probably would have found the nearest Walmart employee and told them about it. It's shoppers or shoplifter's like that one that keep the prices going up. She obviously has done this before and was not caught, I would have pointed her out to someone. I was shopping at Cato's today (women's clothing store) and a lady left her worn flip flops right there in front of the register area and walked out of the store with a new pair on, the girls at the register said this lady was a pro, she was doing it while talking to them and right in front of them and got away with it, but they are watching for her again.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
23 May 07
Definitely I would have secretly approached an employee preferably management if time permits but either way let someone know. WalMart always has loss prevention officers and I think the more theft the higher our prices go up.
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• Singapore
23 May 07
It would depend on how pathetic/poor the lady look. If she looks pitiful, I will close one eye. Otherwise, I will alert the security guards.
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• Singapore
23 May 07
I know, I know, I did note that it is a pair of stockings... but maybe she was risking so that she can get her daughter a birthday present? They are too poor to afford a new pair? Well we will never know. Things are not as simple as black and white in this world. :P
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
23 May 07
WOW! Thats pretty brazen! I would have reported her to a store worker. My husband worked at a walmart as a second job before, and they said the security in walmart was pretty much unexistant. So knowing that I would have squealed lol. It's amazing the things people will steal. I guess she didn't get caught at all that you noticed?
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
24 May 07
Wow, that is really a small thing to steal. It sounds like this lady really had a problem to shoplift something so small. I probably would have been shocked, just as you were. If an employee was close I probably would have told on her. But then again there is never anyone around when you need them.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
26 May 07
I would have reported her. It's people stealing that put the price of goods up. The store doesn't wear the cost of theft, it passes it on to the consumer. This sort of blatant theft will only get worse as time goes on.
@camar_lyn (1028)
• Singapore
26 May 07
If i'm in a bad mood, i'll confront her. It is wrong to steal. And since she must've seen you, you could have approached her and ask if she returned back the hose. However, when i'm in a good mood, i'll discreetly go to the nearest security or sales person to report the crime. I certainly would not ignore and walk away. That's just me.
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
23 May 07
I would have alerted security or a store employee to what I had seen. I would have told them what the lady looked like, where the incident happened and what I had seen her take. It is this sort of thing that causes prices to go up.
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
23 May 07
Actually, not much you can do, this coming from an experience at a Walmart. First, let me explain that it was in Texas, summer, 90 degrees outside or hotter and a guy is walking around Walmart with a long duster type coat on! I saw him take a carton of cigerettes and tuck them in his coat. I reported him to the manager at the front desk and was told they couldn't do anything about it unless THEY saw him do it!!You'd think they would be appreciative of the fact that someone turned him in, but no.
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• United States
24 May 07
For the love of God, how crazy! So they basically let people steal unless THEY see it. How ridiculous!
• India
25 May 07
I wouldn't had made any move against her. Of course its shop-lifting but why should we bother with other people's business. Again we are not the only people left to keep a vigil on the customers moving around. The security cameras are placed to catch the culprits red-handed. The security is always on the alert of such incidents. Before you have noticed anything like that the security people will know. If its the shop-lifter's day he may do away with the things but if his luck runs out he may end up serving a sentence.
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