Meat Eating kills people
@michelledarcy (5220)
May 23, 2007 1:50am CST
I'm sick of reading all these articles about people saying that a vegan diet is unhealthy and that it is killing children etc.
A meat eater is much more likely to die of heart attacks, become diabetic and get cancer, so bringing your child up to eat meat means they are more likely to die early.
Meat eating also contributes to malnutrition in devloping countries because amimal take up so much more of the land that we could be using to feed more people:
Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million
Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million
Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20
Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 80
Percentage of oats grown in the U.S. eaten by livestock: 95
Percentage of protein wasted by cycling grain through livestock: 90
How frequently a child dies as a result of malnutrition: every 2.3 seconds
Pounds of potatoes that can be grown on an acre: 40,000
Pounds of beef produced on an acre: 250
Percentage of U.S. farmland devoted to beef production: 56
Pounds of grain and soybeans needed to produce a pound of edible flesh from feedlot beef: 16
(statistics taken from:
Would anyone still like to argue that a meat based diet is more healthy?
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34 responses
@DarlingGirl (745)
• United States
23 May 07
I agree that the intake of vegetables and whole grains can certainly extend life expectancy. Raw fiber in the diet is extremely beneficial to the digestive system and is an obvious cancer preventative.
The problem with vegetables in the US is that we are still not growing enough organic produce. I wish that the government would pass a law on the use of chemical fertilizers, weed, and pesticides. We would have a cleaner more natural world as a result.
I live in NY. Unfortunately many of our waterways are polluted to the point where we have major fish kill and fall-off of the shellfish populations. Organic farming would certainly help this condition.
Your statement about heart attacks is true up to a point - Vegetarians do suffer heart attacks, but they are more often brought on by genetic problems rather than through animal fats.
Many of those who happen to eat meat are also smokers- this contributes staggering numbers of victims of heart problems.
Meat is certainly a product with a price, as you have said.
But I wouldn't expect the US to give any surplus produce to other countries. Though we do participate in food programs, it's only a drop in the bucket. I wish we could feed the world. I find it sad that we don't. I'm rather unhappy with our government at this time; spending billions of dollars on a war, when we could be spending it on aid and food to the millions who really need it, some of whom reside right here in the USA!

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
23 May 07
Galena, organic farmers use livestock manure and green manure which is A crop (such as rye grass) that is grown and then incorporated into the soil to increase soil fertility or organic matter content. Usually turned over into the soil a few weeks before new planting begins.
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
You are right about this, it is very difficult to get vegan organic foods, but at least it is a move in the right direction.
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@jlara_gtr34 (3491)
• Philippines
23 May 07
hello there. im so thankful that you posted this discussion. i am almost a vegetarian and i think it is really based on facts that people who eat meat are most likely to die early than those who do not. thank you for clearing the facts my friend. :)

@polachicago (18716)
• United States
24 May 07
My technical question...what it means almost vegetarian? You can be vegetarian or not...I never hear term “almost vegetarian".
Good luck to you and hope you can be 100% vegetarian....
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
I am glad that I could be of some help, and I hope that you will decide to become a vegetarian again.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
23 May 07
I think I read more articles saying just the opposite actually. I hear more people saying meat is unhealthy and making our kids fat and such.. Me? I am a meat eater but I respect everyone for the right to choose how they eat/feed their children. I do disagree with your statement that meat eating contributes to malnutrition of developing countries. I don't think our farmers have anything to do with developing countries being underfed. Are you suggesting instead of having farmers raise animals to fed us, that we should keep other countries on our land? Do you realise how many pounds of soy you would have to intake to get the same amount of protien verses eating meat? And there is other nutrients that meat provides that you do not get from vegtables. Yes, you can eat a certain percentage of veggies to equal the nutrients you get from meat but not everyone wants to do that and not everyone agree's with that. I believe that God placed certian animals on this earth for us to eat. I mean if that wasn't the case, then explain to me why other animals eat other animals? A hawk will swooop down and get a mouse to eat. Why? Because that is the way God designed it. Should we kill off all the livestock that way no one would eat it? I am not arguing that either diet is more healthy then the other. It is all how you prepare and portions. If you fry all your veggies, is that healthy? No way. If you fry all your meat, is that all healthy? No way. If you broil chicken and cut off all the fat and don't eat the skin, is that healthy? Of course. Same with veggies, if you eat it without cooking it and it great for your body.
Lifestyle is what makes people unhealthy. I don't workout or get enough movement in my body therefore, I am a little overweight. Would it help if I only ate veggies and breads? Nope. I would still be a little overweight. We all need to have a balance in order to be healthy.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
23 May 07
There isn't a shortage of land. There is so much untouched land out there that we could possibly feed a couple of countries if we really wanted to. Livestock really has nothing to do with that. Not everyone is Christian so I suppose that not all the farmers and ranchers wouldn't agree with you. And actually, the Christian thing to do would be to provide food and that is what a rancher or a farmer would be doing. And there are plenty of references in the bible refering to animals being offered for sacrifices or for food. What does our advanced intelligence and empathy have to do with our food? I mean if you really want to get technical, plants are living things but yet you are still killing them for food. I myself can not prove to you or anyone that things weren't just "made up" in the bible. But that is the exact reason why my faith is so strong. I believe what the bible tells me. I believe what the Lord tells me through the teachings in the bible and the personal relationship I have with Him.
Again, frying veggies and broiling chicken are alot different yes but it is all how you prepare them and what you fry them in and you get completely different vitamins and nutrients from each.
I don't agree with you when you say taking meat out of your diet will help you lose weight. There are still things in veggies that will make you gain weight. There are still carbs there and calories.
Infact, I knew a vegan at a call center I worked at and yet she wasn't healthy looking. She was a little overweight. Actually at that time, I was a lot healthier then she was and I ate WAY worse then I do now. But I also worked out back then and that was before I had a child.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
You make some interesting points here let me address some of them:
I think that farmers should grow crops instead of breeding animals. We would need far less crops to keep us healthy than an animal needs therefore there would be spare land. On that spare land we could grow crops to feed the starving. Isn't that a Christian thing to do?
You don't need to worry about getting lots of soy to get more protein. We eat far more protein than we need through animals, so we wouldn't have to grow lots of soy to get what we need.
I agree that other animals are designed to eat each other. However with our advanced intelligence and empathy I would have thought we could have stopped eating the poor innocent animals, particularly as we can survive perfectly well without eating them.
Where in the bible did God say that the animals were here for us to eat? And how can you prove that it isn't just made up by someone on one of the translations of the bible?
I would also like to argue that fried vegetables are more healthy than broiled chicken. They contain more vitamins and more fibre and the fat from the oil isn't saturated so doesn't cause heart disease like the fat in chicken does.
I agree that lifestyle does have an impact on how fit you are, but taking meat out of your diet would make you lose weight.

@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
23 May 07
being a happy meat eater myself...the only thing i can offer is this info:
" Contrary to vegan-based reviews or commentaries, people following a strict vegetarian diet are not
healthier than their omnivorous counterparts. In fact, on average, they suffer from as many, or more
medical complaints as compared to non-vegetarian individuals, who include meat or eggs in their diet.
...the average person does best health-wise by consuming a mixed diet that is as fresh, and hopefully as unprocessed as possible.
One of the misconceptions perpetuated by some sources is that eating meat promotes cardiovascular disease, while vegetarian diets prevent it. We all know that the body cannot exist without cholesterol, and that dietary cholesterol has little or no effect on serum cholesterol, so that leaves oxidation of fat and simple sugars (once converted in the liver) as contributing factors with atherosclerosis. However, this effect is not meat, nor vegan / vegetarian-specific, and neither are antioxidants, which can be animal and/or vegetarian-based.
I have patients, who as a result of following a strict vegetarian lifestyle enjoy optimal health, and I have patients who, as a result of eating mostly meat, enjoy optimal health as well. The secret is not the type of diet itself, but frequently the avoidance of what is generally conceived as being junk food - which can be part of an omnivorous and vegetarian lifestyle. At the same time, someone's diet should be based on genetic requirements -- to complement one's individual chemical make-up, but should not be based on dogmas or agendas."
this info found at:
the doctor speaking has been treating and testing both meat eaters and vegans for over 2 decades.
the homepage link to this is:
" This site presents over 30 years of non-sponsored, independent research and
patient studies on Cellular Nutrition as measured with Acu-Cell Analysis.™"
so all in all, for some a vegan diet is a great thing, for others a meat eating diet is a great thing.
i cant comment on "all these articles about people saying that a vegan diet is unhealthy and that it is killing children etc." since i dont know about any articles that are stating you have a link??
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
Here is one example of vegan parents having a malnurished child:
@michelledarcy (5220)
24 May 07
I don't think young parents are any less responsible than some older parents. 20 isn't that young anyway, in this country there are an increasing number of 13 -15 year old mothers.
I think school need to teach more about nutrition and then people would know how to feed babies.
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
Unfortunately when its an issue I feel strongly about like this one, I can't keep quiet about it.
@Manoj_s (939)
• India
23 May 07
It is correct and in fact people all over the world knows that but they are not ready to agree coz they dont want to quit meat eating .they are addicted to meat.meat doesnt have taste at all .only if u addd vegetables,spices,oils the y get taste that means vegetables are things which gives meat taste.if meat is healthy why doctors recommend vegetables at the time of disease why those heart patients ,diabetics are restricted to take meat.our body is designded to digest vegetables adn fruits.this will make our mind calma also.if you watch tiger how violent they are in the forest but if u look at deer and cows they are calm.vegetable and foods contain creative energy .if you allow them to sprout new life will form from this.and if one eat this food he will become more creative .
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@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
I think that the link you are making between meat eating and our behaviour is a very interesting. I wonder if we would have a peaceful world if we didn't eat meat.
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@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
23 May 07
I doubt our character will change. Cows and deer can be agressive too.
@TruthElixirX (40)
• United States
23 May 07
You think meat might be the cause of our problems? Ha.
You are saying that people eat vegan like and becomes calm. This is known as "correlation equals causation."
It is an easy logical fallacy. Just because two things are related doesn't mean that they cause each other. I would conjecture that the type of people who maintain a vegan lifestyle are the general "hippie" types, who are already peaceful to begin with.
I'm pretty sure that if I only ate vegetables and fruit, I'd still love to watch stuff blow up.

@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
23 May 07
Eat all the veggies you want, hon. God made me omnivorous, I eat what I like and I suppose I'll not die hungry. You want to avoid meat, knock yourself out, more for me :D
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
23 May 07
I've read that part, thanks for the sermon. God made me omnivorous...and I don't believe I offered you a bite of my steak.
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
God told Adam and Eve to eat the fruits of the garden, he didn't say they should eat meat.

@seventh_prodigy (27)
• Malaysia
23 May 07
yup... I'm totally with you Michelle.... I think everyone can eat everything, but it must be taken in moderation... even good nutrients like protein and carbohydrate can cause diseases if taken in excess... so, it all comes down to the individual.. I mean, it's not like people can force you to eat or not eat something.. you have to decide for yourself... and know the limit to the things that you eat.. as a parent, you should let your kids be aware of those limits, because only then will they be able to develop healthy eating habits..
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@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
It is certainly good tobring up your kids in the right way. It is terrible the amount of kids queuing at the local shop for sweets at the end of the school day, and I have even seen them having a bottle of fizzy pop and a packet of crisps for breakfast. No wonder we have so many overweight people.
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
23 May 07
for your information if you only take in vegetables everyday of your life is wrong and if you take in meat everyday for the rest of your life is also wrong because both are not nutritiously is being stated by any nutrition board all over the world that we all should have a balance diet of food everyday.too much of everything is wrong.we can justify the nutritional value in theory but in reality it makes our body weaker because our body system is not manufactured by the creator to solely depend on one nutition base.there are living creatures who lives with greens alone and there are also who lives being, it is more of balancing our food intake.
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@LightninStrike (5915)
• Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
24 May 07
im my opinion you're wrong. A man who eats an EXCESS of meat or animal fats will die. If you take things to the extreme yes, things are unhealthy, but a balanced proper diet is way healthier than any other.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
23 May 07
Humans were designed to eat meat. Just look at our teeth. We have canines for riping and molars for chewing. Now, I do agree that too much meat is bad. It's not the question of what you eat, but how much. And of course how it's cooked. If I was a vegan but fried all my vegetables I'd get heart disease much quicker than any meat eater. Having a well balanced diet is the important factor.
And I notice you don't address milk and eggs, just beef. Would you recommend taking out milk and eggs from our diet because milk cattle take up too much farm space? And chickens are smelly?

@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
so if the idea of over producing human milk is so extreme to you, I would like to ask how it is different to feeding cows hormones to get them to overproduce milk.
There are plenty of non-animal sources of vitamin D and calcium. All of our vitamin D requirement comes from sunlight, but if that is a problem for some people, then there are vegan foods that are supplimented with it.
Calcium can easily be got from Black molasses, Dried figs, Almonds, Soya flour, Parsley, Kale, Brazil Nuts and Wholemeal bread.
You say we aren't killing anything when we eat eggs but what about all the factory farmed chickens that die because of malnutrition and overcrowding. You might say that you only buy free range eggs, but the chickens only have to have access to outside, they are often so squashed up that they can't go out even if they wanted to.
If you want more information about eggs have a look here:
@nicolec (2671)
• United States
23 May 07
Galena is absolutely right. It's about where you put your money. It's the difference between buying your hamburger at McDonalds vs Wholefoods or Earthfare. Buying milk from non-hormone induced cows (like Ben and Jerry's ice cream). And making sure your food has no MGOs.
Money talks.
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@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
23 May 07
I'm not a vegan michelledarcy but I could be very easily. I agree with you 100% that vegetarians are healthier.
If people would begin to realize what is being put inside the animal and that we eventually eat it, they would stop eating meat altogether.
We have gone from eating regular meat to meat that is called 'kosher fed meat'.
It's completely awesome that the meat has a totally different flavor, smell, and taste completely different than meat you buy at the local market.
I won't argue with you at all. A meat based diet is deadly.
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@kitkat1 (1227)
• Canada
23 May 07
I believe that followed properly a veg diet is the most healthy on to follow. Most people who go one have no idea how to follow on properly and they get sick from poor nutrition. YOu need protien to say healthy yes but what most dont know is that you can get that out of a variety of healthy veg alternatives. Beans are great for protein n you diet. The less meats you take in the better for ya
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@castleghost (1304)
• United States
23 May 07
I have too say that anything that you eat can kill you. You can eat too much of just about anything an it can cause damage. Moderation is the key. I am sorry that you are bothered by other people judging your way of life. People tend to judge others who do things different then they do. Its not right for anyone to pass judgement on one another yet we all do it in some way.
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@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
23 May 07
hi there - well done for this!! It makes perfect sense of course, but people will still try to argue the indefensible. A work colleague the other day asked did I eat chicken (as a vegetarian people often assume you eat it...sigh) and when I said no, he asked why. Where do I start I thought? I told him I thought factory farming is cruel and unneccessary, thinking this is the simplest argument and he actually asked me was I sure chickens could feel pain...? I kid you not. Some people just don't care about animals or other people.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
I think if more people though about animals as living, breathing creatures instead of just meat factories, there would be a lot less cruelty.
@evelynlyp (788)
• Japan
23 May 07
We keep chickens for our own consumption back home. They have free run around our yard. They sleep in the trees. We feed them mostly corn. I don't like meat from farms because the chicken taste different because of the food they are fed with.

@abednego7 (1060)
• Philippines
23 May 07
From the start of human history our first parent Adam and Eve only ate fruits since they didn't know how to cook. God instructed them to care the animals not to eat them. So i think we are designed to eat fruits and vegetables for our own good.
Base on the form of teeth we have, it seems that we belong to be a herbivorous. Some may argue that since our stomach can digest meat then we are designed to eat meat too. Looks like there's a logic on it but pay attention to this paragraph I borrowed to one article that I've read:
"Just because you can digest animals does not mean you are supposed to. You can digest cardboard. That does not mean you should eat it. And it also does not mean that you digest it well." Now that sounds more logical isn't it?
To support my stand the we should be vegetarian and its better for us since we are more healthy by doing it here the complete article for more information:
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
23 May 07
DIdn't Jesus feed people ....with fish. Therefore, it stands to reason, Jesus was not a vegetarian.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
I think you have a great point here. I often argue with religious people saying that if they truely believed in God and his word they wouldn't be eating animals, but unfortunately most Christians dono't take their faith that seriously and just bend the bible to believe what they want.

@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
Well I normally tend to believe in moderation in all things - but when it comes to meat, and meat eating, I am firmly on your side Michelle. People tend to put up the argument that children shouldn't be "forced" into becoming vegetarian/vegan until they're old enough to make up their own minds - but they never stop to think that society is effectively "forcing" those kids to become meat eaters. 30 years ago, when I gave up meat, people looked at me like I was crazy when I said I was "vegetarian". Now things are better and more enlightened here in the UK, but you still get people coming up with the old "don't you just eat turkey at Christmas" arguments. Thanks for bringing this whole subject to our attention.

@rosie_123 (6113)
23 May 07
No worries. I wanted to post here earlier, but it's hard to access the Net and have time to formulate a decent reply when I'm at work, so I had to wait til I got home!
@michelledarcy (5220)
23 May 07
Thanks for your reply Rosie, I hoped I would get your support on this one.
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@jojogirl (289)
• Philippines
24 May 07
of course there are articles that attack vegans but there are a lot more frightening articles directed towards meat eaters like me. i eat meat because i love it and no amount of reading materials on the bad effects of meat can convince me to be a vegetarian.
i know that a vegetable and fruit diet is healthier than a meat diet but i prefer meat irregardless of its harmful effects to my body because i don't get satisfied unless i eat meat.
i also find it so funny how that statistics pointed out that malnutrition is caused by increased animal production. millions die of malnutrition because these millions of people are poor.
here in our country, rice is our staple food. we harvest it at least twice a year. we also grow corn for our livestock and for chips, you know those unhealthy junk foods. eggplants, okra, string beans bitter gourd and other vegetables are grown in the backyard. highlanders grow potatoes, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflowers etc. i really am not so convinced that there is no shortage of land nor shortage of crops produced in here, only poor people without jobs who do not have money to buy nutritious foods and would eventually suffer from malnutrition.
here in the philippines, millions of people benefit from the animal industry. millions are able to clothe, feed and send their children to the best schools because they are animal farm owners, farm technicians, government agency employees, animal nutritionists, animal science professors, feed millers, feeds salesmen, veterinarians, farm managers and farm hands.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
23 May 07
Noone argues that veggies and fruits are healthier. What turns most people off is the vegan lifestyle. The idea of giving up their favorite sneakers is unthinkable for most people.
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
24 May 07
Yes! I think that would be the hardest for me to give up the milk and cheese. I know that it is really high fat, but it also is supposed to help out with blood pressure. Or, so I hear. That is good that you were able to find a comprimise between vegan philosophy and your real life. Guess it's obvious that I'm not a vegan. I'm more of a vegetarian. I don't really like meat all that much. While I don't condone animal cruelty for the purpose of "sport" or even fur, I am still struggling with the concept of giving up all essential animal related products, like regular shoes and stuff.
@madhucolombo (47)
• India
24 May 07
according to the physiology ,humans have an intestine of the size of 6 meters which is similar to herbivorous animals .so god has made human as a vegetarian being .but humans consume meat and other animal products like carnivorous animals .carnivorous animals have an intestine which is just three meters .so the 3 extra meters the meat travels causes hazards and produce toxins in the being a vegan can always make us stay hail and healthy
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
25 May 07
what you are saying here is true. this is the findings of a medical research conducted years ago. japan has been very profound on this thing. the medical people worried so much about more and more japanese switching to meat diets as against the heavily vegan diet that their forefathers used to observe in their lifetimes. it was established then, that most of the younger generations have become meat eaters as a result of the influence from the western world.