Do you grasp the concept that our freedom is at stake?
By Shannon
@visitorinvasion (7709)
United States
May 23, 2007 11:31pm CST
This is extremely important. If you never read another word I write, for goodness sake, please read this.
Congressman (10+ term running) Dr. Ron Paul (TX-Rep.) laid some truth on the Senate floor last night on C-SPAN. Our civil liberties are slowly being stripped away in the name of patriotism. This country was founded on freedom. If you like your freedom, I think it's time to pay attention.
Click the link to watch what happened on C-SPAN last night.
This man is not afraid to speak up for our rights.
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15 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
26 May 07
Ron Paul for president. This country more than ever needs a man for president with the spirit of Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson last time I checked was the author of the Declaration of Independence, and was of the most influental founding fathers this country had. SO when I quote Thomas Jefferson, I am speaking for a man that created this country. Thomas Jefferson once said, "freedom is paid in the blood of tyrants." He also said, "that is the governmental army ever became bigger than what the citizens army was democracy is over." Patriotism is not rolling over and allowing your government leaders to do whatever they want. Patriotism is protecting the Constitution. The Constitution is what defines us as a country. If we do not heed our Constitution, our beloved country will cease. There can always be a United States of America, but the spirit can die, if neglected. Ron Paul seems to be the only man in either party concerned with the Constitution. All the other candidates would love nothing better than to have government flex its muscles in whatever fashion they please. Everything from a new tax to a new social program to a new war, or a new inforcement policy, is an attack on our Constitution. Good Day to you, my fellow countryman.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
26 May 07
Amen to that...ALL of that!
Ron Paul is the one who knows what's really going on, knows what's going wrong, and actually cares enough to fix it. Thank you for your words of wisdom and quotes from Thomas Jefferson, one of the men who made our freedom possible.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
24 May 07
it is crucial for the worlds best interests that democracy is established in iraq...we will only have to go back later if we leave unfinished business....without our presence there , they will kill everyone and there will never be a democracy...and iraq will be used for terrorisms benefit....
Its not as simple as we leave and then everything is alright. The terrorists wont just go away or stop trying to take over iraq to use it to attack the world....
those people have a right to live without a dictatorship and to have what they have never had, peace.
its not the first time or the last time that freedom will have a price...we cannot just turn our heads and look the other way while people like sudam and ben laden just do what they want....
they are using children to blow up cars and get past check points...its all wrong and it has to stop...
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 May 07
There is no possible way you had time to watch that video and hear everything the man said. Most of it was about domestic civil liberties, and the blog was posted by a marine home from Iraq, btw.
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@inallduetime (741)
• United States
1 Jun 07
I agree people such as the late Saddam should be destroyed. However, how do we decide who to help and when to help them? Is one place more worthy of help than another place?
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
1 Jun 07
People compare America to Rome. The reason Rome fell was because she spread herself too thin. She occupied too many countries, too far away. Many of her soldiers were mercenaries because her own countrymen refused to join the service.
Rome did not protect herself. Her armies were spread around the known world and she was left vulnerable to the attack of the Goths.
The Goths ransacked Rome but Rome was nothing more than a slum. Most of Rome's more educated citizens had already relocated someplace else.
America better be careful that we don't spread our forces too thin. Most people do not want their children to join the service because they are afraid they will be sent to war without the necessary equipment which to date has been a problem. The present administration is against a decent raise for the military, a raise for war widows, they are against well protected vehicles which can withstand roadside bombs in place of Humvees, they have the worse body armor which does little to protect our soldiers, they are fed old rations, over charged by Halliburton's for food and laundry service and then they wonder why parents don't want their kids to join
Fight the war or go home, but if you choose to fight it, then equip your people well, get them the BEST protection money can buy, keep them as safe as possible...because all our service people have families who want them safe and want them home.

@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
24 May 07
As long as terrorists are the only ones whose rights are in danger, I'm ok with that. I don't see it escalating past that since usually that doesn't happen in democracies, let alone the strongest and longest one in the world, let alone in one with a two party system where either party exposes the others' actions for their own political benefit.
So nah, I'm good.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 May 07
Knew you'd come in spewing something.
Last time I checked, America is the longest running Republic in the world. Don't you know your pledge of allegiance? Research something, then come talk to me.
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
24 May 07
Democratic republic, but nice try...
I guess democracy (as defined by crazies) only counts when it is direct, not representative?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
26 May 07
I'm having a good day. You can't ruin it.
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@MyLinnsLynn (292)
• United States
24 May 07
Kudos to Representative Ron Paul!!! I'd like to shake his hand and thank him for standing up for all of us out here who have not had our minds warped by the Bush Administration!
Great post! Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the 93,431 current myLot members! But I especially thank you for bringing it to my attention, as I thought perhaps I was the only one out here who felt the way this man does! He's right ya know, he's right!
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
24 May 07
No problemo. My parents served during Viet Nam, and they didn't raise me to keep my mouth shut and go with the flow. Gotta spread the word before we end up with microchip IDs for the so-called sake of safety.
Thanks so much for the support. I take a lot of flack for speaking up and not going with popular opinion.
As my business law prof says: If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thanks for the support on behalf of the Ron Paul campaign.
It pleases me to see someone has the intelligence to know what's wrong around here and how to fix it. Watch out for the hook tho, they're bringing in Fred Thompson (yep, the actor that served a whole term and a half as a Senator) to try to take votes away from Ron Paul.
Hmmmm...20+ years in Congress or a term and a half as a Senator...wonder who is more qualified for the job?
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
11 Jun 07
It's the sicko neo-cons hiding behind the Republican name that is jacking everything up. Personally, I don't believe in parties, I believe in the best man for the job, and we finally have that in Dr. Ron Paul. The only thing left to do is make people aware that there is an honest candidate that has our best interest at heart for the first time since the Kennedy's were systematically picked off.
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@filmbuff (2909)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Yes and Ron Paul is medical doctor as well. The problem with Ron Paul is that he doesn't tow the current Republican line, so his own party is out to get him.
Of course the Republicans (of which I am one) are not seen in a good light this days, and a deviation from extreme spending and religious fanaticism is exactly what they need if they are going to keep the whitehouse.
Then again they just might scare everyone into voting from them again... :(
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@MyoanBiz (140)
• United States
12 Jun 07
WOW, he hit on several things I'm already aware of & opened my eyes to a whole lot more. I've got people in my hometown that already think I'm 1\2 crazy & 3\4 paranoid. But when I hear what I just heard COMING FROM A REPUBLICAN, I now know I'm neither crazy nor paranoid. I will continue to spread the word. I can already see the US ending up in the same position as the Jews prior to WWII. We're getting it from both sides, the southern border & the Middle East. I read an article once about how democratic nations last an average of a couple hundred years before they're taken down, mostly by themselves. I do believe the US, as we & history know it, is going to be coming to an end in the not to far off future. I also think Islam is the roaring lion reffered to in the book of Revelation.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
14 Jun 07
There is hope for America if we can get Ron Paul elected.
I've never seen such honesty in my life. Memories of what the entire 4th grade class put me through because I was the only kid who thought Anderson would be best for the job in the 1980 election come rushing forth. I'll never forgive myself for voting Reagan in the class vote. I had no backbone that day, apparently.
Years later, during the time I was researching my senior paper for government class, I ran across a lot of stuff on Court TV concerning the Oliver North scandal. Again, a secret government within our government was mentioned.
So I guess Eisenhauer, Kennedy, & Hoover knew what the hell they were talking about, eh?
here's some more on Ron Paul:
Thank you for spreading the word. We citizens have to stick together like they did in the olden days, or we are all screwed.
...oh yeah, I honestly believe the earthly powers that be are purposely doing whatever they can to make this the time of Revelation. Hitler failed, we must make sure this new band of neo-cons fail too.
I've also gotten word that folks in the U.K. are being deprived of beef and dairy products because the methane in the cow patties are a cause of global warming. When I saw the blog comments, I couldn't believe my eyes.
People that I normally see spreading truth were saying things like "that's great! I wish I could force the whole world to not eat meat..." [paraphrased, but that's the gist of it]
They sucked me in (just like the damn trolls around here have been successful in doing of late --bad me, smacking fingers), I immediately began defending my right to grub on a rare ribeye if I so choose...then I caught myself.
The normally peaceful truthers were at each other's throats. Common goal was lost. It suddenly became clear that we cannot fight as a whole if we cannot put our smaller differences aside in the meantime. I had to leave another comment. Something about "why don't we fight over dietary differences after we defeat the nwo?" [also paraphrased, it would take hours to re-find that particular blog]
Yeah, I'm rambling. Don't sleep much anymore, it's hard to keep on track.
...oh also in reference to the Revelation, the main computer that controls all other computers (basically) is named The Beast. I'll have to research where I found that, my browser has crashed since then and I've lost a lot of bookmarks.
I also need to find some other links for you that some good folks left for me in another, much older discussion.
Keep fighting the good fight.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Could you help me out with references to Eisenhauer, Hoover, and Kennedy mentioning secret government, I'd Love to have those quotes...
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
30 May 07
Yep, there isn't anything wrong with speaking one's mind at all. That is really natural and it should always be so.
@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
31 May 07
As far as I'm concerned, freedom of speech should be a birthright, not just here, but everywhere.
Thank you for stopping by, Lydia.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
23 Jun 07
I'm not too hep to the politically correct trend, either.
That was just the first step in preparing us for the stripping of our freedom of speech...sure there are nasty words and labels that should be considered crass & disrespectful and not accepted in any workplace, especially not a workplace that deals with the public, but as far as outlawing any form of speech, I don't agree with it.
I agree with some censoring of radio because radio waves cannot be parentally blocked as can TV and internet nowadays, and parents should have the right to know their kids aren't hearing the n-word and the f-bomb on the radio.
I agree that some literature is not appropriate for children, but taking books out of colleges where adults study is just stupid and petty, and another way of controlling people.
DavidReedy said: "In today's America, if you don't support the actions of the president or the government the people call you unpatriotic, and the government may label you an enemy of the state--and if Bush has his way you can be imprisoned on the accusations of others, without benefit of legal counsel."
Undisputed. That's why it is so imperative that we use our freedoms now before they succeed in stripping them away completely.
I can remember my once logical parents predicting this when they started in with helmet and seatbelt laws back in the, my mom did teach me to wear my seatbelt and she has no problem with that law now, but I can remember both my parents griping about the "systematic stripping away of our civil rights." Both veterans, and totally refusing to see logic now, I have to wonder if the military didn't do some brainwashing on them. My dad, who used to be the most logical person I know, looked my husband right in the eye and said he believes building 7 collapsed due to fire. The people who taught me to think for myself and speak out against unfairness in the world have become sheeple. To me that is really very scary.
...again, off on a tangent...sorry.
DR also said: "Are we free to speak our minds in this country? I really don't think so, for better or for worse, most people don't want "equal rights"--they want their perceived group to have more rights. Also, so many people fail to see that the notion of "equality" is in direct contradiction to freedom. Laws cannot make people equal. Actions of the individual determine their worth."
Once again, undisputed.
We do need some form of equality in some ways, equal pay for equal work, etc. And we do need some law and order or there would be anarchy, but the lawmaking has gone way too far for way too long. The Patriot Acts (yep, a lot of people still don't know there are two of them) are proof of that.
As far as fear goes, they are doing a great job of terrifying people. I know people that know what's going on and are ignoring it hoping that by keeping their mouths shut, they will remain safe and unaffected by this madness. I have a saying for that:
"They feed on fear. Don't feed them."
Fear is not an option at this point, there's no time to wallow in fear and create doubt about doing what's right. We have to speak up now, while we still can.
I just realized it's 5 am. I'm out for now.
We'll chat later on. By the way, if you find something, send it to me...I may have it or I may not, either way, please do share what you find.
I've been a member of forums for years, and many people read and never say a word. Sharing could mean opening eyes we may never know about.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
23 Jun 07
Might I add, though... Do we truly mean that? I'm a pretty non-prejudicial person, and I Love my freedom of speech...
But some would do away Mark Twain novels because of the blatant use of the "n" word (a reflection of the times). If I tell a joke or make a remark that a woman doesn't like then I'm a sexist, I can be sued, fired, fined, and possibly jailed. If my morals tell me to speak out against homosexuality I'm a politically incorrect homophobic bigot. On the other hand one who's gay has to worry about being killed for speaking up for his or her point of view.
In today's America, if you don't support the actions of the president or the government the people call you unpatriotic, and the government may label you an enemy of the state--and if Bush has his way you can be imprisoned on the accusations of others, without benefit of legal counsel.
Are we free to speak our minds in this country? I really don't think so, for better or for worse, most people don't want "equal rights"--they want their perceived group to have more rights. Also, so many people fail to see that the notion of "equality" is in direct contradiction to freedom. Laws cannot make people equal. Actions of the individual determine their worth.
Take, for example hate crimes legislation, which in the light of the fact I get labelled a fascist or a bigot for saying this, I despise, because any law that offers extra protection, or greater punishment for offenders against a certain group, real or percieved is a direct violation of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Speaking one's mind? If people knew how to be "gentlemanly" and "Lady-like" and people understood and were capable of intellectual debate. Then freedom of speech would be a reality, and never a problem. But every "feel good" law that get's past, because some group feels threatened, or perhaps because some group in actuality is looked down upon--simply takes away more freedoms.
If we were truly fear, then we wouldn't have any legal reason to worry about offending someone. Now our freedoms, jobs, financial standing, very life, reputation, and every aspect of our existence depends on not offending someone, and not saying something unpopular. And that is sad, and that is why today's society is such a farce.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Could you help me with the sources for your refering to Kennedy, Eisenhaur, and Hoover mentioning the secret government--I'd really like to get my hands on those quotes...
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Jun 07
...and the crowd goes wild!
(insert applauding smiley here)
Rock on, dude. You have one heller positive attitude about this whole thing, and I've never hoped anyone would be more right about anything than I hope you're right about the eminent defeat of the nwo.
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Well I still see a good resistance building up.
For one many states have passed resoloutions to block the north american union....
There will be nation wide boycotts of real id.. New hampsire and Montana have declared INDEPENCE from the REAL ID!
We must influcence all states into no complying. This is the best thing for America....
All states must resist and shut doen the NAU.. and real ID...
Ron Paul would shut down the Deapartment of HomeLand..excuse me.. Skull and Bones Securtity..
and the IRS... and Federal Reserve...
He knows those are the key places that the New World Order runs out of.
Once he gets rid of all that.. and we make laws to not let any Illuminist cult members... CFR members.. or Skull and Bones members.. into office.. well then our country can once again be free.
I have high hopes since two states of have declared they will not take REAL ID.. not becuase of the money.. but becuase they will not give up their freedom!!
Also the resoultions to block the north american unioon.. are there.. keep our freedom.
We have a great chance of winning.. you do know they wanted to have all the new world order.. trash done.. but 2000 right?
They are not about 7 years behind... why do you think they are rushing things?
From 2007-2012.. is time a revealing.. and people are waking up... it's too late.. becuase many have waken up..
They keep things secret.. because they KNOW if people find out the truth.. and stand up and stop it.. then cannot win.
That is why they tried to get clinton impeached.. they thought he wasn't doing enough to get things to move foward...
We need Ron Paul as our President.. he is the only one who represents the people.. and not the Elites...
Ron Paul for President! And when he becomes President.. it will mark the Birth Of the FREE nation....
And we will have a FREE World ORder....
and the screw the New World ORder! they are going DOWN!!!
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@NeoComp (1316)
• United States
22 Jun 07
Thank you! I wish I could give a speech on TV or radio. I wake up at least one person everyday... I talk about this stuff to everyone.. friedns family.. and they are learning!
Even members of the NWO have left the order. They are dissillusioned because they see it's not what they were promised it would be.
But yeah I know I must be right.
Just as MLK said.. when he said his people must become free.. is this was to become a GREAT nation....
I think Ron Paul.. is the neew MLK... but he does not only stand up for African Americans.. but he stands for all people!!
The Ron Paul Revolution is here!!
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Wow what an awesome post. Thank you for that.
We should certainly network--if you're interested.
There's a lot of us watching,,,weary, and waiting...
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I just added you and sent you a message.
Thanks for the support & letting me know that the awareness is spreading. Keep fighting the good fight!
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I can say alot of the things you have said I have already thought. I surely hope that history proves me to be an paranoid individual but as of the present day I see things like this
There are atleast three different topics about this guy and not one of them has more than 3 replies to date so if everyone is so worried about freedom why isnt more being said about someone who has done their time and made the sacrafices but is being bullied politically to keep his mouth shut? If that doesnt tell you something is wrong people than what will?
I see people spouting off about how others need to be stripped of their freedom and most ignorant comments of those who support them. We arent rome and we dont need to control the world.
Remember the last country that thought they were the new Roman Empire was Nazi Germany. While people thought it was great at first too many of them woke up to the government kicking their doors open in the middle of night all in the name of patriotism.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You said a mouthful, Evan.
Thanks for the article. I'm about to head out the door, but I will read and comment on it when I get back in a few hours. If anything is more important than catching up my work, this issue is most definitely.
Thank you for your input, and keep fighting that good fight. Right now, ignorance is our worst enemy.
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@shestalou (293)
• Canada
8 Jun 07
Here is a very informative site, I wish more people would listen to Ron Paul, his past and preseant speeches, he works in the government and he will tell you exactly how it is,
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Thank you for sharing that link, shestalou.
I'm checking it out right now.
Want to keep freedom, ladies & gentlemen?
Vote Ron Paul in 2008!
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@freeagle58 (19)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Sorry i goofed up the first one try this.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Thanks for leaving Ron Paul's story, Free.
Much appreciated. xx
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@freeagle58 (19)
• United States
13 Jun 07
This is the man for sure. Check it out.
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@FSCAries (881)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Our civil liberties have been being entrenched since 911. Our four fathers are rolling over in their graves. We are not free here, and the more we continue to let this stuff go on, we are just going to find ourselves in more trouble. All in the name of keep our country safe... well this isn't really OUR country anymore.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Well, they would love for us to believe that we don't have a chance at salvaging what's left of our Constitutional rights, bu I believe we do if we all do our parts to make it known that We are STILL The People. We, The People, need to exercise what's left of our rights while we still have rights to exercise.
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@Perspectives (7131)
• Canada
20 Jun 07
Hi visitorinvasion,
I am a Canadian and my husband and I make a point of staying informed about American Foreign Policy and tracking the political changes going in your country. In my view the discussions you are presenting are very thought provoking and valuable. Whether people agree with your opinions or not.. you are encouraging free speech and I applaud that. There is too much concern about political correctness these days. When people lack the confidence to speak freely the very foundations of democracy are threatened.
My hubbie and are also very impressed with Ron Paul's willingness to present a larger truth and will do whatever we can to support his platform by turning the lens on him.
As Canadians we know that whatever happens with your government will have an impact on ours. It is clear from our 'Perspective' that your civil rights are being stripped away in the name of patriotism and security. There is also alarming side to this movement away from civil liberities. We are observing increasing momentum towards radical fundamentalist religion that is boardering on extremism. I do hope you and others who have your kind of courage will keep rattling the cages of those who allowing themselves to be brainwashed out of fear of condemnation. I will definitely be coming back to join you in further have it going..keep on keeping on!

@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I think you'll find in your journey of research that all these so-called theories lead back to the new world order, which is the unification of one world government and one world religion. It's pretty scary stuff. If there was ever a time when people need to put down the entertainment and look into some boring old politics, now is that time.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Hi Perspectives, it is nice to meet you.
I have a couple of Canadian friends that I can count on to help keep me informed...English too, for that matter. I hear that the media is "cleaner" in these places & I appreciate whatever information (& Support!) that is given.
I wish more people of the world could see what you see:
What happens in the U.S. has a direct effect on what happens in many countries around the world--your country more directly than any other.
May I be bold enough to speak for Ron Paul Supporters everywhere when I thank you and yours for helping give him the publicity our nation needs him to have? Many are still asking "Who is Ron Paul?"
And many more are (Finally) asking "If Ron Paul is such a 3rd rate candidate, why is the media trying so hard to shut him up?"
Thank you for adding to the discussion and pushing it back up to where folks can find it. Thank you again for your kind words & support. Free speech is important. Once they take that from us, we are collectively screwed.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Actually if I may present a view to comment on our Candadian friends' point of view. I believe that our nation is in trouble if either extremist secularism or extremist theocracy gain too much power, and I believe the viewpoints, (like many others)are being purposefully instigated... There are those who would tell us we must remove God or any semblance of God from the public place, and there are those who would tell us that we must worship their God in their fashion. I don't want either of these viewpoints to get control of the goverment...