My Kids Not invited to the Baby shower

@stacy624 (2776)
May 30, 2007 12:54pm CST
Here's the scoop! My Ex and his wife are expecting a baby, She had a baby shower about a month ago on the kids weekend with their dad. Stacey my Ex's wife has a daughter who is 11 that ran this baby shower, I went and bought all the kids a new outfit thinking my kids were going to attend. When Reuben called I asked him are the kids going to this shower and replies with a No, so I said fine and made the kids change their clothes. Anyhow she had the shower and their dad took the kids to the park for 3 hours. I get a call from Reuben's mom (my ex) to ask if my kids went to the shower I said No, she informed me that they had about 7-8 kids there younger than my kids ages. I was outraged when I heard this for I think my kids should have been there over any other cousins, friends kids ect seeing how this is going to be my kids half brother.... What would you have done? How would you feel for your kids? Thank you for your Time Stacy
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22 responses
@castleghost (1304)
• United States
30 May 07
Have you spoken to the father about this? The reason why I am asking is that maybe he didn't want the children at the baby shower. He might have used the children as an excuse not to have to go himself. If that isn't the reason why then I would ask him if he planned to allow the children to be treated differently like this all of the time and ask him how does he think his children will feel later towards him and their new sibling.
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@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
It was for all girls only. But When the kids told me her daughter who was 11 was running the baby shower I thought my kids would have been invited since they had to go there anyways. They should have just changed weekends with me which I would have understood. But to drag the kids to the park for 3 hours knowing there was a baby shower and Kerstin was allowed to be there was just so hurtful .... Thank you so much for your response Stacy
1 person likes this
• United States
31 May 07
I would be calling up my ex-husband to find out why. The children should know the truth if they ask why they were not allowed to attend. It sounds like this woman is in control and her children will always be first. Your children will be excluded no matter your ex-husband says.
• United States
31 May 07
What kind of father refuses to give the mother of his children his phone number?
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
3 Jun 07
My EX!!! This guy is unreal, Just about 1 1/2 ago he got married to his wife now and didn't even invite any of our kids to his wedding! =( The kids were hurt over that...
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@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
Thats another issue lol....He refuses to give his number to me .....and its funny because I have given my home and cell phone number in case of any emergencies. I tell you I'm dealing with _______. Thank you so much for your response Stacy
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
31 May 07
Have you asked your ex why your kids didn't attend? I would find out because I think they should of been there. I don't understand why they wouldn't let them attend. Doesn't make sense and I would also be upset myself.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
I don't think the kids really know....I also know they don't fully understand whats going on around them in this. It just hurts to see this and there is really nothing I can do. Its unreal how some people only think of themselves. Thank you so much for your response Stacy
@swtnss (264)
• United States
31 May 07
I have to say this, number one, the wife has nothing to do with the kids. If your ex doesnt stop what he is doing, your kids will grow up to resent him and he does not want that. Ive seen it happen. He needs to put his foot down and stop going along with what his wife says because your kids come first.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
3 Jun 07
Thank you so much for that.....KIDS DO COME FIRST, They didn't ask to put into this ugly mess. I just want whats best for them, but doesn't seem no matter how hard I try It doesn't seem to get me anywhere .... Thank you so much for your response Stacy
@kareng (59055)
• United States
30 May 07
I agree with you. If one comes, they should all be invited. Kids are usually not a problem at baby showers, especially little girls. I find that little boys don't have any interest and have trouble sitting still. I think this situation was handled poorly or else your ex's wife specifically said she didn't want his kids there. Sounds like a lot of kids showing up for kids to not be invited. I would ask your ex face to face about this and make him fess up. Then when the baby is born, I'd show up at the hospital (unannounced) with all the kids so they can meet their half brother/sister. I'd love to see the look on her face then...giggle.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
30 May 07
Thats a good one lol......I should!! I think though she may have already it ?? I just hope that my kids dont grow up to act like them =( Thanks so much for your Response Stacy
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
30 May 07
Hummm, well then a visit is in order. Show your sweetness off and leave. Hahaha. How can your ex be mad at you for visiting with well wishes? I'd be very concerned about my kids feelings after the baby shower event. If they are starting this now, think how it will explode in years to come.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
your too funny! Thats good! LoL ....Well at least I can smile now Thank you so much..Stacy
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@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
30 May 07
If there were other kids there and younger no less, than I would most definatly be angry! Does the wife have a problem with the kids normally, or is the situation a good one? I would definatly tell the dad that you were angry that the kids were left out. If this is going to be a half sibling then they should be involved! I can't believe that. I would feel sorry for the kids and I would talk to the dad and see if he has any reason for that. Tell him you were disappointed that he couldn't include the kids!!
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
30 May 07
I have tried to talk with him but its always her he's asking and her replying to me...I get so upset and tell her I didn't marry and have children with her I married and had children with Him the father ...But for some reason it seems like he gives her control Grrrrr Thanks so much for your response Stacy
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
3 Jun 07
My sister in law was telling me today that Stacey my Ex's wife hates my daughter Cierra and Me ......I don't even know her. I mean my Ex leaves me with 4 kids gets together with then Bang! She calls herself a Christian, and please don't get me wrong I should not judge, but a true Christian would not treat others in this kind of manner. Not setting any good examples to my children in my eyes =)
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
31 May 07
She is probably in control. Or he is like most guys and hates confrontation of any sort, so he puts her up to it, and she probably enjoys it because she feels like she is slighting you.
• United States
31 May 07
I cannot believe that! I would have raised hell so to are so right...if any children had the right to be there it was your kids. How can anyone be so cold. Im telling you I would have made it known that it was wrong and your Ex and his gilr would have been chewed out from top to bottom, I mean in any case his children come first before that girl. If it was her doing I would reconsider even letting him have weekends. How low of him...please tell me that you did something other wise where do they live and what is their number cuz Im ready to whoop some I would also let my children know because they have a right to know what goes on...make sure they dont blame you for the things that he does to them....poor angels...that angers me.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
Very well said!!!! Thank you so much for your thoughts.
• United States
31 May 07
Thinking about it is full of crap that we dont want to deal with. Primarily we think of ourselves and our worries, children and beliefs but the truth of the matter is everyone I guess if you were in her shoes you might have done it just the same...some people can deal with ex's other people are so insecure that they cant and they try to make it so that you are no longer a part of their life.
• United States
31 May 07
That is pretty low! Sounds like this lady is kinda a b$#ch! She never gave you a reason why they couldn't be there? I would ask your ex what was up with them not going. That is so rude
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
She is rude.....Very and for be already being a mother you would think she would have more common sense then what she does, But you know I guess There is really nothing I can do about it expect to talk to my kids and explain how its not right what they are doing and hopefully we can learn from all this. Thank you so much for your Response
• United States
30 May 07
OMG is you Ex and his new wife completely out of their minds? That isn't fair one bit to those kids, Heck I would wonder if they'll even let them in the hospital to see the baby when it is born! I think you have every right to be upset. It seems as though your kids are having to take the back seat to your Ex's new life overall and that's really not fair to them. I would try to talk to both your Ex and his wife together and tell them how hurt you were by them EXCLUDING your children but including others that weren't directly going to be related to the new baby. But then again after thinking about it, It may just be a waste of your time and energy to try to understand the situation.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
30 May 07
They are and what they are doing is beyond more than damaging I think....But then again he has a son who is 12 who he never sees or pays support for, I think he needs to stop having children until he can learn to be a better DAD. Thank you so much for your Response Stacy
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
31 May 07
I can understand why you would want your kids at the baby shower but after all that your Ex is putting you through (including his new wife) I would probably have not even bothered (sorry to say). I would think that baby showers are more for adults but then again I could be wrong. It's hard enough your Ex not caring for his children and putting you all through a lot of crap and then to have to be told that they were not invited ... I would of stayed well clear of the whole thing (thats just me!)
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
I think that your right I should just be the bigger person and show my kids you cant change someone who doesn't want to change. =) Thank you so much for your response Stacy
@KissThis (3003)
• United States
31 May 07
I can understand why you are so upset about this. They way that your children were treated isn't fair. Your children will one day realize what their father and his wife did was wrong. They will grow to resent their father for not truly being a father to them and yes they won't have a true relationship with their brother. I can tell you that the best thing you can do is be there to listen. Try not to say anything negative to the children about their father and his new family. As long as the children know that they have your love and support they will be just fine. I am not in the exact same position as you but I am in one that is similar where people try to treat my children differently. I have always stood by my children when they needed me the most. I listen to their complaints so that they are able to express their feelings. I explain that they haven't done anything wrong and that some times people don't know how to express themselves so they end up hurting others without realizing it.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
3 Jun 07
These are some really good points you made here, I understand what you are saying and your right. I don't understand why it is I have these feelings I have?? I don't want to upset my kids more than whats happening. I really appreciate this great advice and your time.
• United States
30 May 07
I would have been very offended, why wouldn't my kids be allowed? It would be very wrong of them to think that you would be ok with this, why would they say the other kids could come but not yours? Its kind of weird that they'd allow the other children to attend. I hope that this doesn't continue, this favoritism or unfavoritism for you and your famliy. Good luck with it all.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
30 May 07
I so hope this stops too....I am just worried about my kids and how this will affect them when they are older. Thank you so much for your Response Stacy
@azimsay (543)
• India
31 May 07
I have three years old kid ,he had baby shower.He likes very much. He wants to play in water .I told him he willbe feever.He always with cloth under the shower.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
Thank you so much for your response, I think we may be talking about 2 different baby showers.....Have a great day and Happy posting Stacy
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
31 May 07
It sounds like your x-mother-in-law was trying to cause trouble. I would be hurt and upset with the situation. But, your kids probably had more fun at the park with their dad. Maybe, that was his way of showing them that they are still important and not put so much focus on the new baby. Anyway, it was very improper for the 11 year old daughter to be having the shower.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
31 May 07
I asked them if they had fun and they said yes but they were hot and had to use the washroom's .......The other thing is that it didn't bother me that she had her daughter do her shower I just thought my kids should have been included. help make the 4 kids feel included in this I mean this is still his kids and she married him knowing he had all these kids (well you would think) but then again I guess I will never know! Thanks so much for your response Stacy
• United States
3 Jun 07
Wow! that is a low blow! Not cool at all! I would be disappointed and hurt as well. Especially as you mentioned it is their half sibling. I would aks your ex about it, but Im thinking since its already come and gone, theres not much you can do about it but express it to them that you didn't appreciate it.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
31 May 07
yeah..I agree. I think that was a very insensitive act on thier part. I would certainly be mad...and I am sure your kids are upset too. I would definitely not let this go. Well at least you know the way they are now...
@saphire539 (1639)
• United States
31 May 07
I think that is so unfair they should have definately been there and i would confront my ex about the fact that they were not allowed at the shower he should of insisted that they be allowed at the shower too.
• Canada
31 May 07
I would be outraged as well . If they didn't want any children at the shower then I would have understood but for your children not to go but for other children to be invited and get to go is just cruel to your children . At least they should have had the option of weather or not they wanted to go . I would be speaking to my ex and making it clear that if my children were going to be excluded before the baby was born , how are things going to be when the baby is born . I would be stating that he needed to remember that these are his children and that this will be there half brother or sister and that they are should have the right to get to know there family and that I would hope this is not going to be a problem when the baby comes . Best of luck !!
• United States
31 May 07
I would be pretty pissed. It seems like the step-mom was purposely not trying to include the hubby's kids, which isn't fair to them, or him. I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your ex, or with his new wife, but as an observer it seems like she was trying to cut your kids out, and not acknowledge that the soon to be baby is also their sibling, like acknowledging that would be accepting that the kids aren't hers and they are yours and in theory, that part of his life, his life with you, is now over because he's now with her. I am totally guessing here because I don't know everyone or the entire situation. I think you should talk to your ex and let him know that for things like that, your children should be just as involved. The child is their sibling, along with the step-mom's daughter, and it should be as involving of them as possible. And remind him that he divorced you, not the kids. Good luck.
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
31 May 07
I would be very dissapointed with my ex for allowing the children to be excluded when it was not a matter of a no children policy. I would also be worried that it doesn't really bode well for a future relationship between your kids, the baby and its mother, which will naturally effect their relationship with their father. And then, I would be royally p.o.'d about the whole thing. Not cool ay all!
@hotbiatch (276)
• Philippines
31 May 07
I will feel the same as you did but maybe he has his own reason for not inviting your kids and you should consider talking to him about this.