You Won't Believe What Happened To Me Last Night! What would you have done?
By terri0824
@terri0824 (4991)
United States
June 4, 2007 4:47pm CST
Last night I went to pick my daughter up at K-mart after receiving a call from her to pick her up. Once I got there, there was a truck in the parking lot, drove up real quick as I was picking her up with two of her friends. They got my plate number, and then proceeded to follow me. I tried to lose them, even running red lights, going through neighborhoods. This went on for about 3 miles, after a mile of this, I was headed to the police station. If they wanted to chase me, they were going to chase me to the police station. They finally quit following me. I asked my 18 year old daughter what is going on? She said that a friend of hers had asked her to come over. And she said she didn't even get in the yard when an adult in the house came out and said to leave. So my daughter asked to use her phone to call me to pick her up, since she had just walked all the way. When she was done she handed the phone back to her friend. Shortly after I got home, I receive a call from one of the persons that was chasing me, she proceeded to tell me that she had my plate number and had called the police and made a report. I'm thinking to myself, all I did was pick up my daughter. She said that when she got the phone back, my daughter had broke the antenna off her phone. That she was pressing charges against her and taking her to small claims court, that someone was going to pay for her phone. Remember earlier in this discussion, I said my daughter handed the phone back to her friend. Her friend was upset that my daughter was ran off. So I think that she broke the antenna off the phone and not my daughter. My daughter said, all she did was use the phone and hand it back. I tend to believe my daughter, she tends to be pretty honest with me. And the situation of the behavior of these people lead me to believe that they would blame anyone besides the one who really did it. So have you ever experienced anything like this? Or how would you have handled a situation like this.
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13 responses
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
5 Jun 07
I would phone the police and make a reportr about those people following you and chasing you through twon. They have no right to do such a thing. They could of caused an accident. I had it happen to me one time by some teenage kids. I didn't know it at the time. But I got their plate number and went straight to the police. As I had two kids in the car and I was pregnat with my third at the time. After talking to the police. I found out a couple of teenagers had borrowed their grandfathers car to cruise town in. Needless to say their grandfather was not happy and was not letting them borrow the car again. I decided not to press charges and let the grandfather take care of it.
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
5 Jun 07
Reporting to the police. Even if nothing seems to come of it.....will in the end help out. How? It will show a pattern of harassment or stalking to press charges against at a later time. So, yes it is important and will help help out in the long run. Even if you don't see the results right away.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
13 Jun 07
I really need to do this. This lady called the other day, because apparently someone had used my phone and called that number and she called back to see who called. Then she preceded to call my daughter a stupid b*tch and hang up. I didn't answer the phone, I rarely answer the home phone.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. Just can't be too careful these days, don't know what people are thinking. I have made so many police reports about different things, and nothing ever seems to come of it. So I'm not sure if I will call again and report this. I do know if they try contacting me again, that I will.

@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I believe that I would call the police and report both the following and the phone call. I have a cell phone for emergency's and I definately would have called the police while I was in the car. I would have gotten my daughter to try and get their tag number. I do not run. After calling the police I may have pulled into a store or something and just sat in my car to see what they did. It could all just blow over but don't show that you are scared of anything. They will try to intimidate you into paying. Stand your ground. You still should report that you were being followed it is always good to have a record. Good luck.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
19 Jun 07
Another week has passed and I haven't heard anything more out of it. SO hopefully it has blown over, and it was that they were just having a bad day and needed to blame somebody.
@sassybratky (872)
• United States
4 Jun 07
wowza that was quite the experience you had i think you did the right thing by heading towards the police station and if this person wanted to talk to you about a broken cell phone she should have gotten out and discussed it not chased you through the neighborhood like some nutcase i would have thought someone was trying to carjack me or kill me or something if something like that was happening ..anyway to talk to your daughters friend about what happened? i would believe my child also but every fact is always a good thing too:)..hope you get this worked out ..and hope this nut leaves you alone till you figure it out sounds like she has a serious problem to me so be careful
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
4 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. I would like to talk to her friend, to get her side of the story. To see how things really played out. Yes, it was a very scary moment, never know what people are thinking these days and can never be too careful in these type situations.
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@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Oh Terri!
I'm so sorry that happened to you and your daughter! I agree with you, these people sound like they are just looking for someone to sue. It sounds like your daughter's friend should have told her mother what happened. I think you need to give a full report to the police telling them exactly what happened and let your daughter tell them about what happened to her.
Unfortunately several years ago my husband and I had a rental house that we made the mistake of renting to a girl and her husband. We had both known the girl for some time and thought she was a friend. It turned out that she and her husband were both out to try to find someone to sue. I wound up having to go to court with her and it tore my nerves up. My mother was there with me. She didn't say anything but she could tell the girl was lying. She even interrupted the judge who brought her down a few pegs. My lawyer went outside at the same time my mother and I left because I had asked him to. I had a feeling she would be outside waiting to make some type of ugly remark. Would you believe I was right? She was standing there waiting when all three of us walked out. My lawyer was so nice, he stood there and waited while we went to my car and made sure we got out all right before he went back into the court house.
I sure hope these people don't give you any more trouble.
Have a great day!
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I'm anxious to hear how things go for you, please let me know and I just pray things will go smoothly.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. And thank you for your prayers. I really need it about right now. I pray that they don't give me anymore trouble either. Glad your lawyer was nice enought to wait to make sure you made it to your car before going back into the court house. I will let you know if anything more comes of it.
@Sherry12 (2472)
• United States
5 Jun 07
That is really strange. I think you were right in heading to the police station. Wonder why they were following you, they would have known your daughters name if they wanted to file a claim. I think your daughter is telling the truth, they sound like some really weird people.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Sherry Thanks for responding. I tend to believe my daughter. Had they not acted the way they did, I may have questioned it. But something don't add up with the way they were acting.
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@ChangingLivesForever (145)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Yes, having 6 kids something like this has happened to me. It didn't go any further due to the sheriff department said having a flat tire on a bike wasn't worth filing. Just wait and see if this blows over and I would not let your daughter go there again. Keep us posted.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. Strange thing, while I was just gone, my daughter said her friend came over knocking on the door and she wouldn't answer it. She said she didn't want to deal with any more craziness. So I don't think she will attempt to go there again. I am hoping it will blow over.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 Jun 07
If you ask me, this is going a little overboard and absurd. Sounds like they do not really have a Shoe to stand on, and it will definately be their word against yours. And sounds like your daughter is definately best without Friends like this in here life. I would say there is nothing to Worry about, and if they continue to Harass you, I would say you need to consider pressing some charges of your own.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
14 Jun 07
Thanks for your response. I've had one call since then, and I didn't get the phone. My daughter did, answering it as someone else. But will have to look into pressing harrassment charges if any more calls come through.
@foxxeechocolate (525)
• United States
5 Jun 07
just ignore them the problem will go away these people are a little nuts.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Thank you for your response. Yeah, I tend to ignore a lot of things, if I held onto everything, I myself would be a nutcase.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I don't think running red lights was the answer, that could of made things worse. You could of killed someone by doing that. I would of just drove straight to the police station, but not like a crazed person. To many accidents happen by people running red lights.
And about the phone, I don't know what to say about that because there really isn't any proof of who broke it. If your daughter says she didn't, then that is up to you to take her word for it. I just don't understand why the person would say it was your daughter when it really wasn't. I'm sure they saw who broke it. But I guess you will have to just wait it out and see what happens. I do know if they had a witness, then you will probably lose in small claims court.
Good luck though.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
10 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. It has been a about a week and I haven't heard anything else. So hopefully they were just having a bad day.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. I handled it the only way I knew how at the time.
@kimmer182 (24)
• Manassas, Virginia
5 Jun 07
Those people were crazy. My daughter is now 21 when she was in her teens she called her friend at her friends request to make arrangements for a sleep over. About 15 minutes after she hung up I answered a call from the girls step father. He was hot! He proceeded to tell me my daughter woke him up and now he can't work that evening. He was going to sue us for lost wages. Then he said he would own my house. All I could do was laugh at him and say go ahead and try it. He was just looking for a free ride. Your situation is different though. Anytime you feel you are followed heading to nearest law enforcement agency is the correct thing to do. Also given the relationship it sounds like you and your daughter have, I think she would fess-up if she had actually broken it. They were wrong for harassing you like they did. It could have caused an accident. Sounds like over-kill if all they were after was a plate number. You can always contact the police and get their advice and law offices will also give a free consultation. I hope it doesn't come to this. I would have been very scared being followed like that. Good luck.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Thank you for responding. I have to agree that it sounds like overkill. I haven't heard anything more out of it and hope and pray that this person was just having a bad day.
@galvernize (23)
5 Jun 07
It sounds like we wil be seeing you on judge judy, what a nightmare anyone who wants to take someone to court over a broken antenna on a phone, has a serious emotional problem and i think your proberbly right, that it wasn't your daughter who broke it, the first thing i suggest is let this be a lesson to your daughter to pick her friends carefully, their are some real losers out there, who try to bring people down their sad little worlds and from their behaviour they dont sound reasonble, you handled the situation ok, you got your daughter out of and away from those weirdos safely, I have expereinced similar and worst situations, and the thing i've learnt is, you keep yourself and your family well away from negative people.
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@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Thank you for your response. I've always preached to my daughter to watch who you choose as friends. But she tends to draw the wrong crowd. I hope and pray she has learned something valuable out of this.
@candylips2006 (9)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I would like to know what's so special about a broken antenna. I don't think it was necessary to get your license plate number, chase you, and threaten to press charges. I think that this person is mentally imbalanced and needs to seek medical help immediately.
@terri0824 (4991)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Thank you for your response. It has been a little over a week now, and I haven't heard anything more, so hopefully that it has blown over. And I would agree that was a mentally imbalanced reaction.