Why are men so freaking competitive??
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
June 5, 2007 10:44am CST
I don't mean to male bash here, okay yeah I do. Sorry, I can't help myself sometimes. But I have to ask this...Why are men so dang competitive. Why is it that they can't stand to be beaten by a woman? What's the big deal? You all know we are superior to you. Why can't you just accept it? God forbid we do something better than you, y'all have to get all competitive and try to show us that your better.
What's up with that??
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22 responses
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
5 Jun 07
Unfortunately we made them that way. This is just my opinion but have you ever noticed that mothers tend to tell their boys to join sports and be competitive? I think we start them on the way to competitiveness. Then they cant turn it off. My ex husband hated to lose any game to me. He would actually get mad at me. I remember one time I beat him at backgammon. He had taught me to play then got mad when I beat him.LOL.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
5 Jun 07
glad to know that he is now an "EX" husband of yours. i feel sad about men not being able to accept losing. i mean, losing is a part of life and since they can't accept it, it just means they are losing something in their lives.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Jun 07
My dear, women are just as competitive as men are, even more so when it comes to certain things. When I am in a singing competition or a writing competition, you bet all your money I will get very competitive. Competition is not a bad thing. It has allowed us to survive and thrive as a species. We need competition in order to make ourselves feel better and in order to accomplish things.
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@michael666 (613)
• China
6 Jun 07
Competitive males tend to give me the heeby jeebies they're somewhat tiresome --- I suspect it's a question of evolution -- the giant leap that many don't want to take.
Competition's for the monkeys
Cooperation's for 'umans . In sports it's OK cause they're the war games but in the day to day it's passe.
Although women manifest this in a different way it is mainly males that suffer from it -- the majority of us are fairly sensitive creatures inside and all that surface stuff is compensation for extreme insecurity.
Brain/gonad control disorder.
I could go on and on but ......... that might be considered a little competitve.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Jun 07
lol at your closing sentence. Thanks for your enlightened response.
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
7 Jun 07
what an awful thing to say that women are better than men! that is just wrong. That attitude does nothing to demonstrate its stance either.
Of the two genders - it is the male that is more nobel than the female (generally speaking) but that neither makes them better or lesser than women. Just different.
I despise s3x rightous attitudes. It does nothing to benefit anyone.
to answer the question, now that I got THAT off my chest....
Men's competitiveness is likely due to their provide and protect instincts - the hunter gatherer persona. There is not much need for these skills in the modern world, but men still have these energies that need to be expressed somehow.
your post in a way sounds rather like the pot calling the kettle black - i.e. competitive (or is it combative?).
to all the men on the board, I apologize that some of the "Fairer s3x" make such comments. not all of us are antimale.

@michael666 (613)
• China
9 Jun 07
I think most would notice that your tongue was in your cheek. I should revise that--- I would hope that most would notice.....
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Jun 07
lol and omg! I guess you didn't notice in one of my later responses that I mentioned that I was kidding when I said women are superior to men! As far as me being self righteous. That is one of the few words that would NOT describe me. I would call myself a little indignant maybe but not self righteous. For a moment I thought your respnse sounded a little self righeous in fact.
Honestly I don't think any PERSON is superior to another much less any gender. As I said in other posts. I think everyone has postive and negative characteristics. Some men are very competitive and too macho for my taste, but then again, so are some women. I was just sort of making fun of men who are overly competitive, but I was not trying to do it in a malicous way but more in a lighthearted sort of way. I hope that not too many people perceived my post the way you did. Thanks for your response.

@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
7 Jun 07
lol. who can stand being beaten by anyone? In this world of fairness, man and woman are supposed to be fair in the first place. It is we human beings who made it differnet and unfair. What about competitiveness? It is precisely because of competition that so many differences between man and woman exist.
@tinamwhite (3252)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I think that a large part of that responsibility for this behavior falls on the society stance on how a "man" should behave...thereby hurting their pride when they get beaten...of course, not all men are like this....
As my husband says....women do almost everything better...they just let us think we are better at some things"...LOL
@shorva (923)
• Philippines
9 Jun 07
Yeah, they are competitive. Even my husband tries to compete with me, would you believe that? I guess because they're full of ego, and it makes them feel better when they know they're better at something than anyone. Me and my hubby is actually still competing who makes the best scrambled eggs. I think it's funny sometimes.
@friendship (2084)
• Canada
6 Jun 07
I think it is not all men who are so freaking competitive. It also depends on their upbringing. But yes, I agree with you. Most of them are very competitive. I think it is due to the way of our society's values. Society is still considering that men should be stronger and more superior than women. We can see how our society is teaching values between men and women. Boys are often exposed to games such as sports, "war" games that need physical activities and competitions. On the other hand, girls were exposed to games such as toys or barbie dolls, "nurture" games. As a result, man can't often stand to be beaten by a woman. If we want to change it, mothers should not differentiate how we treat between girls and boys.
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Of course guys want to keep the macho image. And being yelled at an ordered by women do not make them any macho at all. Same goes with competitions, some men can take it when beaten by another man, but if they get beaten by a woman, now that shrinks their ego a whole lot!
I have read this in a magazine, that if you want to make your man feel good about himself, ou should try to boost his ego by not telling him to ask for directions when lost, ask him a lot of questions regarding something he is good at to make him feel that he is capable of teaching you something and asking for their help on something where they can show off how smart or strong they are. Even if we can manage on our own.
Therefore, if you hate one that much, you can do just the opposite of what I mentioned. hahaha!
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
5 Jun 07
Over the years this is what has been told to me by my darling ex husband OMG, don't you know your place, haven't you learned the lessons I have so frequently demonstrated to you.? are you incapable of understanding? I know what you problem is you didn't get any last night. OK stop laughing. it is going to hurt my pride.and now for the most difficult question do you know the different between a bi tch and a wh ore, a wh ore will do any one for money, a bi tch will do anyone but the person calling her a bi tch.
And to answer you question I think men are competitive because they believe that they are supposed to be just the same as they believe what I wrote at the beginning, and You major problem is you don't.( my limited understanding of male thinking)
Many years ago I was told that if you lead, I may not follow, if you follow I may not be going you way. but if you walk by my side, we can walk as fellow human beings. I thought it was a good plan then and still do.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
5 Jun 07
I agree with the side by side philosophy. I know your glad to be rid of your ex. Thanks for your response.
@Alin23gh (25)
• Romania
5 Jun 07
We men aren't competitive, it is you womans and your liberation movement. Did you knew that the single and most holy purpose that God created woman is for her make childrens, did you ever tkink of that. And I don't want to be misjudged, I am a maried man and even my wife who in fact is a very strong an smart women agrees on that. Did you looked back in history, the holyest woaman is considered the Virgin Mary, and that is because she gaved birth to our Lord Jesus Christ, not because she leaded an army of men, or began liberation movements, or krap like that. Let's be serious, you womens can do almost all the things that we man do, but that is not the problem, the problem is that did you ever wondered how many of yo can do this thing with the same efort that we give. You say that we are competitive, the truth is that i feel sory for a guy that takes on a women, because one time she beeted him at God knows what sily thing, or in the other hand, because his boss is a women. What he should do is to congratulate that woman that she could do something that we can do anytime easy, and because she is maby a litle special like all the others.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
18 Sep 07
I am not sure about the men vs women issue, but I do know that with my sons the competitive stuff started early. They are 17 months apart and they are SO competitive! My oldest is 10 and then my middle son is 8. They compete in everything...who finished eating first...who ate more...who got to the car first...who got the red cup... They were like this well before they started playing sports. Thankfully they don't play against each other. They sure can drive me crazy sometimes!
@gradyslady (4054)
• United States
18 Sep 07
Haha I know what you're talking about. My ex would ask if I wanted to play a video game with him, and if I didn't know what I was doing, I'd just randomly push buttons, it was a fighting game the last one we played, and I kept beating him, by the end of the night I beat him like 20 times and he was so angry with me that he yelled at me, told me to learn how to play the game right and stormed out of the house. It was scary, but I knew he was just angry because a girl beat him.
@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
5 Jun 07
It goes all the way back to the cave period my dear. They were the protector, with an agressive nature set inside. That will never go away. Their ego matches.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
6 Jun 07
That the male ego for ya .
and I get so tired of hearing them brag about thierselves for no one else does my son in law does that all the time and so does his brother that just moved in with us!
Well I always compettive with them and I always out done them guess thats why I never had many boyfriends lol. BUt why should the alway have to feel like they are better like you say they are like little boys goes with that sone all men are babies then they are men but then they are babies again. If they are so beetter than us let them have the babies and do the house owrk, grocery shop and all that we do in one day they couldnt keep up!
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Men are normally naturally aggressive and so competition is a substitute for hunting and grabbing the most fertile woman. I agree we were made second and done better being made second. No mistakes were made in making man however there were some things lacking. Society has also been one to keep women down to some degree and it is slow to be let go of. My favorite men were the ones that would love to compete with me and love me for winning at times. They loved the challenge I could bring to them. Too bad there aren't more of those men in the world.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
5 Jun 07
If you ever find out an answer for that please let me know. I don't get it either. My husband is very competitive and does not like to lose at anything - we clash most times because I am also competitive and don't like losing to him, but I do acknowledge him when he does beat me LOL
@Abbyey (760)
• Philippines
5 Jun 07
Men's instinct i guess, LOL. Honestly its hard to deal with MEN's desire to be the best in almost everything. However its a GOOD thing my Honey isnt like that. There are things that he knows Iam very good at which he dont appreciate because he doesnt know much about it. However in terms of his profession that HE is proud of and very much competitive too.
Maybe not all men are that competitive but of course almost every guys whom you DARE for a competition would NEVER back out too.
@yamahagirl (415)
5 Jun 07
A males pride, they have to be right at every thing they cant help it lol.