By nicolecab
@nicolecab (923)
United States
June 6, 2007 7:35am CST
My son is not showing any intrest in crawling. He is almost four months and would rather stand and try to walk instead of crawl. I do not want him to skip crawling because it is important for them to crawl first. I will put him on his tummy to play and he will lay there for about a minute and then start to cry if you sit him up or put him on his back he is fime and will stay and play all day. What do I do to get him intrested in crawling?
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20 responses
@hemophiliamom (66)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Wow, four months is REALLY early to even be thinking about crawling! Most babies are still working on rolling over at that age. Most will start sitting up unsupported at 4-6 months old. Until they can sit well and roll well, crawling is out of the question. They need the abdominal muscles strengthened by other activities first. It is normal to stand supported before sitting unsupported. My youngest child didn't crawl until he was 12 months old. He walked at 15 months. My oldest was 8 months old before she crawled, and walked at 12 months. Is this your first child? I highly recommend the book "What to Expect the First Year." It is full of expected timelines for development, questions and answers, and even a section on illnesses and when to call the dr. I have four kids, and loved the book. As for tummy time, all my kids hated it too, but it is a necessary evil for building those muscles. If you give him something to look at--toys or a mirror or something--he may be okay on his tummy a bit longer. He likes his back better because he is used to it, and he can see more things in his environment that way. Bottom line--don't stress about the crawling for many, many more months, and then only if your dr is concerned. Every baby has their own timetable!
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
the poster really needs to read this book. it appears that she doesn't know much yet as to what to look forward to in the different stages of the child's development. even in the ablest of children, i have only encountered the youngest crawlers at six months old and those who are able to be standing are at eight months old. those who stand at eight months old are of course, holding on to something in order to do so. some kids start walking by as late as 18 months old.
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
26 Jun 07
hemophiliamom, Hi thanks for the advice well he has been rolling over now for more than a month and he has also been sitting up on his own he is a bit advanced so that is why I was concerned about him not even liking tummy time I have tried giveing him toys when we play and my husband and I both started lying on our tummys as well. Thank you!!
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
26 Jun 07
trinidadrelasco, I have read another book that I really liked and my niece was crawling right at 4 months. He can already pull himself up into a standing position by himself. He pulls up on our coffee table and also in his crib. He also lets go like he is going to take a step. He rolls over from back to tummy and from tummy to back. He is also sitting up on his own and has been doing that for sometime now. I would not have posted the question if he had not reached all the other milestones that he need to reach in order to crawl but he has passed them up already.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
6 Jun 07
My son is severely delayed in all areas. He has had physical therapy for half his life already and he is only 3. While crawling is a milestone it is not the end all and be all. If your son skips crawling and goes straight to walking he will be fine. He isn't the first to do that and he won't be the last. Plus he is only 4 months old. He doesn't need to be crawling yet.
Don't stress too much about tummy time. My son HATED it and would promptly flip himself over.
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I hope your son is doing much better. Yes, He seems to find the fast way off of his stomache to.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
6 Jun 07
There are toys out that are for "tummy time" to help him get more used to be on his tummy. I wouldn't worry about it. Most kids dont crawl till closer till 8 months.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You are a wise mommy. Yes it is very important that all babies crawl first even if it is very briefly. It helps to develop both hemispheres of the brain. Just keep working with him, he may just be a late crawler. (although, four months is still early)
My son hated being on his tummy and I worried he would never crawl because of it. He never did grow to enjoy he tummy-time games that are recommended for babies. He used to love playing a face to face game with me where I would make funny sounds and faces at him. So eventually, I started laying on my tummy facing him to play that game, then slowly I started introducing toys he wanted to hold and placed them just out of his reach...... that started the process for us.
It will happen eventually. Have fun with it.
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
18 Jun 07
yes, we are having a blast. he is getting a little better and haveing a little more intrest. he pushed up on all fours the other day so maybe he will get it soon if not he is still making progress and that is all that really matters. Thanks for the encourgement.
@toe_ster (770)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You just keep trying. Keep putting himon his tummy. Distract him with some toys. It is frustrationg for him, but how else will he learn. My son tried to skip the whole crawling thing. He nearly did. He did not cry or anything like that. He just would scoot himself over to something and pull himself up.But I kep trying and putting out something he might want just a little out of recach. He would only go backwards at first which frustrated him more. BUt the more we put him on his tummy the more he tried. He crawled for maybe a month and moved right on to walking. It is hard and frustrating but hang in there. He is young yet. HE will get it soon.
@nicolecab (923)
• United States
11 Jun 07
Yes, that is the same thing he will do. My coffee table is low so he will make his way over there either by scoot or rolling to it and pull him self up on the legs. He does get very frustrated and I try to give him a new toy to play with each new time he goes on his tummy. Thank You for the advice.
@kareng (70129)
• United States
26 Jun 07
Don't fret, your little tiger will crawl when he gets ready. He's still young and has plenty of time for crawling around and getting into things! Just be patient and it will happen before you know it. Just keep putting toys out right outside of his reach when he is on the floor on his tummy and he will eventually start to ease on over to get the toys!
@wmaharper (2316)
• United States
13 Jun 07
Actually, crawling isn't really an important milestone. Talk to your doctor about it, he should reasure you that if your son doesn't crawl, it's not really a big deal. ANd he's not even four months yet, trust me.. he's a little young to worry. My oldest, who did almost everythig early didn't crawl until he was about 6 months old, and my youngest, who has been following in his big brother's footsteps started around then too. SO don't worry, he's still young. Both of my boys could bear thier own weight on their legs since they were babies, I actually thought it was normal, until I baby sat for my friend's daughter and she was 6 months and could not do that (I thought something was wrong with her!) (:
Anyways, there really is no telling if he'll crawl or not, he's prob. crying because he wants to look around and see things, that's normal. I know I started putting my sons on their bellies when they were very little (i'm sure you did too) and they slowly got used to it. If it helps, put a musical toy that lights up on the floor with him, and he'll soon get distracted by it, and forget that he's on his belly. Good luck. I know it can be frustrating some times, but he's still quite young, so I wouldn't worry.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Some kids don't ever crawl, and it doesn't hurt anything.
My son started doing the army crawl when he was around 4.5 months old, and then a full out crawl at around 6 months. He cruised at 9 months, and started taking his first steps at 11 months. He's now 16 months, and prefers to crawl! lol He doesn't have any problems walking, but he prefers to walk like the dogs. He says "Woodie do fas'!" so he stays on all fours like her. If we aren't around her, or he is carrying something, he has no problems walking.
Kids are just all different. They learn at different rates. I wouldn't worry at all about your son not crawling yet.
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
10 Jun 07
Oh thank you very much!! I guess he will get up and go when he is ready!!
@superchook (1786)
• Australia
7 Jun 07
All four of my kids hated being on their tummies too. They all didn't start crawling to around 6 to 7 months. What I found with them is when they started rolling around a lot more they would start to get on their knees in crawling position. Then finally they started crawling. One of mine I thought was going to skip the crawling but he did end up doing it.
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
you should not worry about this. just let your child be. allow him to take his time of development. it is natural for a child to desire to stand up and walk because that's how he sees the adults are doing. besides, a four month old baby is even much too young yet to be crawling lengths. so, do not push your baby into going into crawling. he might only start to do it when he is six months or older. babies start to be up on their feet only when they are eight months or older.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
When I had my children many moons ago. I put them on their tummys with one toy they could reach out to grab and play with. the I would set a couple of toys always just slightly out of there reach so that they had to move to get it. My first child start scooting with her feet just around 3 months a bit older and from there kept scooting and faster and better every day. When I brought her around other kids that liked to crawl she would try but always ended up scooting or army crawling I should say because she did it faster and could catch up to the other kids faster then crawling. My second child would just scream for the toy until I gave it to her and started crawling around 7 months old. LOL So you see each kid is different. Now those kids have given me two grand babies, one each and again. One baby started crawling and then walking by herself at 10 months old and the other refused to crawl or anything until she was about 9 months old. In which she had justed scooting across the floor on her butt reaching a chair or couch and pulling herself up and then walking by herself at 11 months. She never crawled until a few months ago after walking for about 4 months. LOL She thought she was so funny crawling on all fours. Maybe like the dog? I am not sure what her thinking was but she was very impressed with her self. So look at that four kids; all different. Really let give them tools but let them find their own way and just enjoy their individuality!
@wendee (359)
• Canada
6 Jun 07
None of my children crawled at this age! My 5 month old HATES being on his tummy for longer than about a minute. lol
My first daughter didnt start crawling until she was about 6 months old, but was walking everywhere all on her own when she was 9 months.
All kids are different! I am sure that yours will start crawling when he is ready! just try to be patient!
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@nicolecab (923)
• United States
8 Jun 07
Oh, I am the last thing I want to do is rush him. I think it is funny yours hates being on his tummy to!! Thanks!!
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
Maybe your son is different from other babies. My cousin did not crawl too, she walked straight without crawling so don't mind it.
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
It is surprising how babies already know what they want at a very young age, my son didn't show any interest in crawling too, he'd rather sit all day if he cannot find something to hold on to get up and walk. It is fairly normal to a baby to choose standing up over crawling because they always see grown-ups walking around so they try to imitate the grown-ups' actions. Just remember to be around your baby in case he stumbles or fall.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Your son will do what is best for him. My son never really crawled. He got into a position like he was going to crawl, but used it to sit himself up. two days later he would crawled to the couch, and was standing. Within a week, he was walking all over the place.
He did fine, he is an athlete and suffered no ill effects from not crawling.
@archer1811 (1098)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
Hi nicolecab! Dont worry about that, my son skip on crawling too, he learn to stand up first and then walked, and you know what? he learn crawling when he is already walking, and instead of learning to crawl forward he crawls backward.hahaha, better yet its good for your baby not to learn crawling so that it wont harm her knees for the rash. Besides your baby is too young just wait a little time and he'll be learning that soon..
@tictactams (135)
• Australia
7 Jun 07
my son is nearly four months just about crawling he is already pulling knees up moving about but just not getting the hand part right but far as ive been told bubs normally start crawling by 6 months sometimes later i wouldnt be worried about prob just not ready yet
@surveygrrl (1270)
• United States
7 Jun 07
My son skipped crawling but did this crab walk thing just enough to pull up on something. He was an early walker.
My daughter started crawling around 8 months but was walking by herself 6 weeks later.
Don't sweat it if he doesn't crawl at all. It is a little early for him to be crawling. So babies figure out crawling right away and then decide it is easier to just crawl and end up being a late walker. You never know because all babies are different.
When he does start getting up on all fours try putting something he shouldn't have like a telephone or remote. Or even a snack.
I know it is exciting for them to hit milestones but they grow so fast so try to enjoy this stage while he isn't getting into anything ;)
@mom2my3boyz (15)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Some kids go straight to walking. I have a few friends who's kids have skipped crawling all together. My twins didn't start crawling until they were almost 11 months and then walked at 20 months. All kids are on their own schedule. My oldest son started crawling at 10 months and walked at 16 months. I had one friend who's son started walking at 8 months and skipped crawling all together. When we were trying to encourage our kids to crawl we would lay them on the floor with a toy just out of their reach. They started by scooting which eventually led to crawling. But like I said, all kids are on their own schedule.