I can not believe this happened to my hubby yesterday
By jmcafam
@jmcafam (2890)
United States
June 6, 2007 1:37pm CST
Yesterday while my hubby was walking home from picking up the kids from school some kid punched him in the face. To start from the beginning a few weeks back these kids asked my hubby to buy them some alcohol from the corner store. He told them no and ever since they have been harassing him. They hang out at the store everyday when we pick the kids up so we pass them all the time. Well, this day they we walking and the kids asked again. He said no again and one of the kids said something to him. Another kid, who was about the same size as my hubby, asked to talk to him and then said something like why you coming near me. My hubby said you wanted to talk then the guy pushed my hubby and punched him. All while the kids were standing by. I was at home at the time and this amazed me to hear that this all happened. My hubby told the kids to go into the store and stay there, we kind of know the shop owner. When the kids went inside my hubby locked eyes with the kid and he ran. My hubby can have a temper and started to chase the kid that hit him. He was stoped by a manager of a apt building. Which was a good thing cause my hubby probably would have hurt him teen ager or not. He called the cops and told them where this kids was at and they did nothing. Which I think is crap. This kid needs to be taught a lesson. Now I know we are deffinetly going to be seeing this kid and his friends as they hang out near our house. What would you have done? Or what would you do to remedy this? Do you think the cops should have done something because I do.
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22 responses
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
6 Jun 07
What a bully, the kid needs to be STOPPED. I would have called the police and given them all the information you just have given us to have the kid picked up, especially having the store owner give the information that this kid stands outside his store asking people for booze, which he probably gets. Nothing will become good of this kid unless something is done, obviously his parents don't care what is happening to him since he is not supervised.
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
6 Jun 07
My hubby told the cops every thing that happened. Where the store was, the house where the kid went to and asked the store owner if he knew the kids name. The store owner said he would find out. The cops did nothing though. We waited for them to show up but they never did. I am going to make sure he calls back to the police today when he gets home from work.
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
6 Jun 07
You are right. If something is not done then they will just keep doing this to my hubby or to some other person that walks by. Those kids just have no respect for others. A lot of parents don't really know what their kids are doing or really care. Just as long as they are not in their hair. It is sad really.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
6 Jun 07
The boys will be back, they are bullies and this little scare will not scare them for good, I am sure of that, for some reason they think they have the upper hand in this. It is a shame that you have to go through this, it makes you wonder where are the parents for this child and how did this one child turn our so bad. Hopefully the police will do something, that would be a blessing for this child if he was to be disciplined for his actions.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
6 Jun 07
I would think the cops should have pressed charges against the kid for assault. If the kid is a minor then the parents should have been called to the police station. I would not let this go because it might happen again. I would speak with an attorney and go with him to the police to have the kid arrested. The minor still committed a crime and minors can and do get arrested.
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
6 Jun 07
My sister works with Juvenal detention kids and says it is at least and assault 4 case which would get the kid in held up for a few days. Possibly he would have to be monitored for a few months only being able to go to school and home. I think the kid needs to be punished for what he did. He should not be going around hitting people for no reason.
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@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
6 Jun 07
In the event if the cops say there is not enough proof of the assault then if your husband ever returns to go to that same store (and there is a good chance he will), I would have a friend in another vehicle (in a van or SUV) with a video camera and video record your husband leaving his car, walking into the store and leaving the store so if something happens again he will have proof of another assault. Don't give the cops the original, make a copy for them.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
7 Jun 07
that's really scary... it is considered as assault and harrassment already and i think the cops should be involved... i will definitely press charges against those teenagers and sue them to court if this thing happens to my hubby... i will hire an attorney and make sure that justice be done and those teenagers get the proper punishment... what has this world come to??? those teenagers should be at school or uni studying or working earning money instead of standing at the street harrassing people... i just don't know what the future of our world will be with more and more of these kind of young teenagers nowadays...
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Well, it sounds like it is time to clean up the neighborhood of the riffraff. Since the police are failing to do anything then I think that it is time to start carrying pepper spray and a big stick. The owner of the store knows who these kids are and he can report them as well. Hanging around a store front and soliciting people to purchase goods that are illegal to purchase or possess by a minor is also illegal. The police need to step in and do something before a citizen is forced to react and take matters into his own hands. I personally don't blame your husband for reacting the way he did. The fact that he reported it and the police refused to do anything is a crime on the part of the police. I think that if your husband was to call while standing there with the offenders and tell the police that he was getting ready to take action and that if the police didn't get there right away, that he would indeed take care of the matter himself. That usually gets the police to respond.
I am the type to take matters into my own hands since I don't tolerate kids that are bullies and thugs. Get that pepper spray and be ready to use it. They now have a pepper spray with a dye in it and if the kids run,they still have to explain how the dye got on their skin.
Power to your husband! Keep us informed, please!
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
9 Jun 07
My hubby just said that he was going to go out and my some pepper spray. I did not know they had some with dye in it. I don't think the store owner knows the name of the kid but I do think that they have said something to them. The kid has only been at the corner near the store once since this has happened and was not even in the parking lot of the place.
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
7 Jun 07
I'm glad your husband didn't hit the kid because then he would end up in jail and that would be a bigger mess. So he did the right thing. I know that what the teenager did was wrong, but then again two wrongs don't make it right, it just may seem like it at the time.
I think this could be a serious situation and I would call the police station and make a report even if you have to do it more then once. If these kids are going to make trouble every time they see your husband then that might lead to something else. The teenagers need to be stopped and punished some way by the law.
Is there anyway a police officer can watch from a view and once the teenagers start something then the officer can take over. Or maybe next time you can do with your husband and if it starts up again, youy go in and make a phone call to the police. But some way to live, huh? Having to worry about calling the cops all the time.
Just keep reporting it, maybe somethng will be done if you push it.
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@xfallenxlostx (2074)
• United States
7 Jun 07
OMFG! Something needs to be done about this hooligan brat. That is putting it REALLY nicely since i am on here and ia m censored. i can't believe the cops didn't do anything! That is their JOB! i think you need to put in a formal complaint at the police station and at the school so these kida will eventually get caught.
@ceruleanblues (29)
• United States
6 Jun 07
That really ticks me off, because I feel like the police in that city don't do their job. I could tell you what happened to me two years ago, sometime. Basically, they lied to me and did nothing when I called them for help. Since moving to the city I'm in now, the police here are more responsive and courteous. You guys have the right to file a complaint. That is ridiculous, and they are not doing their job.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
6 Jun 07
I am really upset that the police have done nothing to help the situation out. My hubby is already hating being in this city we live in and for this to happen makes him want to move that much more away from it. So sorry to hear that the police lied to you and did not help you out either when you needed it.
@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Wow, I would go back to the police department and start with assault charges, then I would go to the school, talk to the prinicpal. Get a copy of the yearbook and find out the name of the kid and any of his friends. The school should at minimum keep on eye on the kids. Ideally they would suspend/expel them.
Then I would go back to the police station with the kids name.
I would definitely press charges and I would make sure that your children are never put in a position where these kids can go after them. This sounds like a real bad situation just waiting to happen.
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@sassinqueen (710)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Yes, you can demand that they file a report and press charges. The cops are not the final decision makers. Force them to do their jobs.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
7 Jun 07
Yes the cops should have done something. It's good that your husband went to them. Unfortunately, it's one of those situations that could have been turned around. If your hsuband had hurt that kid, he probably would have gotten into more trouble than the kid would have. I hope he doesn't run into them anymore. It's one of the unfair things in life. Adults can get into more trouble than teens. Teens know that and sometimes they take advantage of it, I think.
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@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
6 Jun 07
That does not make any sense...the police should have laid charges. Unless it was a mutual fight charges have to be laid. What country are you from if you do not mind my asking. In my country (Canada) charges would have been laid unless it was mutual. If they were not I would call the local police division and demand this.
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
9 Jun 07
We are from the US. So in Canada no matter whether the person, if it was not mutual, wanted to to make charges they would be done anyways? This was not mutual fight at all. The kid just pushed and then punched my hubby. My hubby didn't lay a finger on this kid.
@Cassy1976 (796)
• Australia
6 Jun 07
HOw can the police do nothing? If your husband had punched one of the kids I bet he would have been charged! What is this world coming to? I defnatly think that the police should have done something! I would follow up on it and go to the police station and find out what they are doing especially if the kids are still hanging around!
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@vampoet (825)
• Singapore
6 Jun 07
The cops are dumb fu3ks. Kids like that deserve to be put in lock up for at least a night. He should not raise his hand on them or he will be implicated too. Teenager or not, it is still harrasment and I think the cops should do something about it. If harrassed again, I suggest you put up a big fuss until some action is taken against them
@pallidyne (858)
• United States
6 Jun 07
Actually I would demand to press charges.
I'd have also made sure you hubby got looked at by a doctor, 'cause I would have sued the kids parents if he is a minor or sued him directly if he was 18.
This deserves criminal and civil punishment.
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@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
7 Jun 07
The kid should have been arrested for assault for hitting your husband in the face like that. The kid deserves to be punished as that is a criminal act. It is terrible that kids are so out of control these days and the only way for them to learn is by being punished. If the Cops do not do anything you may have to take legal action against the cops and the kid. The cop is not doing his job by ignoring the situation.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
7 Jun 07
wow that is so shocking. I think your husband did the right thing. I would have beat the crap out of that kid. I'm sure my husband would have too. I can't believe the cops didn't do a thing. What about the kids parents? Is there any way you could get in touch with them? Are you kids ok? that had to be scary to see their dad get hit. I hope that something happens, maybe the shop owner could keep the kids from hanging out in front of his store.
@poppoppop111 (5731)
• Canada
7 Jun 07
your husband has the right to press charges against this kid. no matter what age difference their is the cops have to do something. i'l call the cops again and i wouldn't give up until they listen to me. i'd go down to the police station if they still weren't listning. if your hubby does nothing then these kids will get away with even more. they will try it again and then they might start taking these things against your kids and might try to beat on them. keep fighting it and try to file a report.
@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
7 Jun 07
true. these kids should be taught some lessons. what they do isn't right and that they aren't just hurting a single person but his whole family, too. so, they should be put to stop soon. scary as it may seem.. but poppopop is right... hey might come back to bully or hurt your kids... so, do something about it. as i've said, if these cops won't listen to you... better go to their superiors. if not, then get to a tv station who is willing to hear you.. there are lots of them out there.
@mflower2053 (3223)
• United States
7 Jun 07
OMG I think that is horrible. I think maybe you should report the kid to the school and tell them you don't feel your kids are safe with this kid around if he is willing to hit your husband what would he do to your kids. They might even kick him out of school if he does go there that is. I can't believe the cops wouldn't do anything about it. I would say go talk to his parents but his parents probably could care less about what their kid is doing. I hate parents like that. Sorry your husband had to go through that.
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@AxranraRose82 (1120)
• United States
7 Jun 07
That is an excellent idea as well. The school needs to be on high alert because there is violence going on very close to them.
Also, if those kids are under 18 they are likely going to school somewhere. Talk to the local high school about it as well. Maybe you would be able to identify the kids and have something done. If they 18 or older...kick their a$$es!
@butterfly39 (3904)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
Yes...teach them a lesson by filing a case. Don'f forget the name of the cops so his superior will teach him a lesson too for not even doing anything about your husband... fight what is right. Where are the parents of those kids anyway!
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Not one single cop came out to do anything. They had said they would be on there way that day and no one showed up. So we have not even seen one yet, but it is on record that we called them. So my hubby is going to be making another call when he has the opportunity to do so. Who knows where those kids parents were. So many kids just rome the streets these days.
@bestgirl2008 (183)
• Germany
14 Jun 07
wow what a story i really think that cops should have done something about this story really i think the cops should have taken them to court and something like that i hope your hubby is alright right now have a good weekend...
@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
14 Jun 07
The cops finally came because my hubby called them again. They said they came by that day and no one was home, which was false because we never left after all that had happened. They said they would not be able to do anything about it. That we should carry pepper spray. If they even try anything again we can take them to court. Even if they just walk to us fast is grounds to charge them.