Illegal Immigrants getting the best health care!
By Riptide
@Riptide (2756)
United States
June 8, 2007 5:40pm CST
This is outrageous and it has gone to far. Read the article I'm posting, about illegal immigrants getting better healthcare than citizens.
The average patient in Parkland's maternity wards is 25 years of age,married, giving birth to her second child and an illegal immigrant.
Read the full story here.
What is even worse, when the hospital asked one of those women to pay $10 for every visit,after coming there for free with her 3rd child now, she said she was unsure if she could come up with the money.
What the hell is she doing having a 3rd baby, if she obviously can't afford it?
What should be done to adress a problem like this?
This is going too far I think and makes me hot under the collar, especially when I know that american women who have no insurance, have a hard time getting medical treatment.
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19 responses
@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I read this and I have seen it in our state as well.
We cater to those that have broken the law by coming illegally. How is that fair?
I don't have insurance and I don't get one of my medications anymore because I can't afford it. The one I can afford has some nasty side-effects...I sweat like a pig just sitting.
I still think we should bring our guys home from the middle east (we aren't wanted there anyway) and let them round up the illegals. Let them help the US. Right now we need it more.
If the mom is illegal, and the child is not...too bad. Where the illegal parent goes, the baby goes. Unless they have a LEGAL relative it can stay with.
Yeah. I'm mean and heartless. It's bad enough my tax dollars go to supporting criminals in prison. Why should I support criminals outside of prison as well?
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I agree and I think the child should not be considered a citizen if it was born to illegal immigrants, regardless of if it was born on american soil. Once we take that incentive away from them, maybe they stop fence jumping so much.
I think you are right and we should bring home the troops and let them deal with the illegals instead. Let's clean up the USA before we clean up another country.
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@CatVegas (709)
• United States
11 Jun 07
After reading everything that everyone wrote I don't have much to add but....If you want to help on letting Washington DC and your Senators know how you feel, check out There are at least you can send Faxes for Free and they give all the phone number to call so you can be heard as "We the People" need to heard....
I have said it all along if they are to get deported and have had a child here send them home, and when the child turns 18 they can come back the right way...
I'm mad as HELL over all all this, we have Insurance thru my husbands work since I don't work since I had back surgery and it cost to have it and it still doesn't cover everything as the Medical Insurance for the Doctors has gone up so we still have to pay alot out of the pocket.
After reading and hearing what is happening with our Socical Sercerity I don't think it will be easy to retire...I'm 54 and will be 55 in August..By the time I can retire what will be left...
Crime has risen accross the United States...I'm so sick of watching the News as all you hear is about the crime and it makes me so bad to hear it was a illegal...Especially a hit and run...I know it isn't always, but the crime has gotten out of hand all over...
Take away the Benifits, raise the fines on Companies who hire them and see how fast they go back accross the borer as no more hand outs.. Sure I know many other people on Welfare who were born here. But it was hard for them to get it and they can only get it for 2 years and hope they can find a job...
Amercia is going under...I'm sick of seeing the day Labors using the outdoors for there bathrooms.. Where I use to live I would take my dog out to the back yard of the complex and see a grown urinating outside...Didn't even bother him that I was there... Matter of fact it explosed himself to me..Yes I call the Police on it...But since they didn't see it nothing could be done...
Justice is not fair anymore..Someone wrote here we all need to move there...Now that would be hard as there Laws are worst..We can't even buy land in Mexico..You can lease it for 99 years and they can take it back at anytime...
Wake Up Amercia...We need to fix the problem before the country goes broke....
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
9 Jun 07
After reading through that whole thing all the way down to the bottom of the page, I don't know whether or not to believe that disclaimer that these illegals have paid their taxes in some way. It seems to me that hospital administrators were just pulling things out of a hat.
Anyway, it seems that it's not just illegal immigrants benefiting from our tax dollars. Take a look at how much of our tax dollars get spent overseas. In the meantime, we have plenty of homeless people that are pretty much left fending for themselves. I doubt that a hospital would give them the treatment that illegal immigrants get.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I was very ticket at reading this. There is no excuse for that. My thought is fine, they want to have the baby here let htem and then deport them. When the baby is 18 let them be able to choose which citizenship they want but in the mean time they go back to the mother's native land not stay here. From what I understand that is what they are doing out in California and it makes sense to me. Now if they have someone here who is legal then fine the baby can stay but the mother is illegal so ship her butt back home.
I have to fight tooth and nail to be able to get any sort of medical care. To see a doctor if I don't have the money up front forget it, they won't see me. It doesn't matter if I'm broke or not. I cannot afford to go to the doctors let alone get the meds I need and yet they can do it without showing any form of id or what they are earning. That is not right. It's because of the illegals draining the system that the money is not there to help those who do need it who are here legally. My thought is when they know they are illegal that way INS should pick them up and send them home, no ifs ands or buts.
@Jennifer21 (2476)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I too agree this is wrong.
But it is not only illegal immigrants. It is also legal immigrants.
Most do not even get taxes taken out of their jobs paycheck like us Americans.
It is unfair and ridiculous in my eyes.
I believe if you live in America, everyone should obey the same rules, have to pay out like Americans, and learn our language.
I think it is ridiculous how we have to learn their language so we can understand them.
I think if they move to our country, they should learn our language, not the other way around.
I believe immigrants are given more privaleges then us Americans, and it is far from fair.
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Excuse me Jennifer21? Now you are starting a totally unfounded rumor.
For your information, I am a legal immigrant! I pay taxes just like everybody else and I don't even have the right to vote!
I am not getting welfare, nor have I ever. My husband pays for medical insurance for both of us so we can go to the doctor and we have to pay copay just like everybody else.
I came here the legal way and I have less rights then citizens and even illegal immigrants.
Yet I still love this country and the people in it and I think I learned the language quite well, don't you?
If you think legal immigrants are given more privileges then citizens, you better think again.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
9 Jun 07
No habla espanole?
Press one for english.
Press two for espanole.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Its true that the illegal immigrants shouldnt be allowed to come into this country and get better benefits than us BUT its not only their fault because the "white" people who own business's are so quick to hire them because they work harder and get paid less..Thats the truth!
Its sad to say but alot of business owners profit off these immigrants because they get the job done and dont get paid as much as someone who is equally qualified so the business owner saves money for himself that way.
You want to the immigrants to stop coming here for better oppurtunities then you have to tell the business owners to stop hiring them!
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@Riptide (2756)
• United States
9 Jun 07
But if the business owners dtop hiring them, then they go on and leech of the government like this article shows so clearly. It's a no win sityuation and the borders need to be closed. If they want to come here, they need to do it the legal way.
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@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
9 Jun 07
I agree 100% they need to come here the legal way because im a US citizen and Im having a hard time myself getting health insurance for me and my daughter.
But all I was saying is its more than just them climbing the fences, if all the business owners reported all the illegals that work for them we would have alot of buses filled with them on their way back to wherever the heck they came from.
@piggiehandcuffs (365)
• United States
17 Jul 07
For every baby you have, you get money per month, healthcare for it and etc...
These illegals get into the triage faster than legal americans with healthcare. It was disgusting to see it. Specially when they didn't speak a word of english.
WHAT HAS THIS COUNTRY COME TO?!?!?!?! I'm embarrassed to say that I live here!
@KrauseHome (36447)
• United States
22 Jun 07
This is the main issue with the Health Care system in general. If you need Medical coverage you are best off here in the USA if you are from another Country. And it does not matter if you are Married, etc.
When the average US Citizen is in debt with Unpaid Medical bills coming out their ears, and then you see someone with like 5 children getting Medical coverage, and Money, Food stamps, etc. and maybe all 5 kids have different fathers, and half of the time they live with like 3 other families, etc. and no one seems to care about the Household income, and just hands them everything it is discusting.
When will the real Working person get a break? If the average Joe needs any Medical Care assistance it is like pulling teeth, and if you are Married, you are really out of Luck. They will allow you Medical Care for a short time but when it reaches over $10,000 they refuse to see you anymore, and will send the Bills to Collection and make you pay even if you have to Starve, or worry about how you are going to pay your House payment, etc. in the process.
No, it is truly time for a change in this, but until a President of the US decides to make this a priority like other countries do for their citizens, there is nothing we can really do by stand by and argue it is not fair.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
9 Jun 07
As I recall from reading this discussion several hours ago my response is something others have said too. However, I think that the illegal immigrants need to be deported. Further, we need to find how they are getting into the country and plug those holes to stop them from returning.
Some might consider this next idea extreme but I think that after a 2nd child by an illegal immigrant they should be 'fixed' so that can no longer have kids. Then they should be deported! We are destroying our planet now with over population and the last thing we need is those girls/women getting knocked up again and again to make the problem worse.
Naturally I am concerned about the burden this situation is putting on tax payers and the health care system but it seems that others have done a good job of covering that aspect of this issue.
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@kareng (64762)
• United States
9 Jun 07
This is so true. It seems like the normal citizens have now become the minority in a lot of ways. First we had welfare to deal with which is still out of control in many areas and now this on top of it. It is not fair for those working their butts off and can barely support a family. I know both my husband and myself work full time here and the budget has always been tight. I think the US needs to stop giving so many handouts and provide for their own citizens.
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@tombiz (2036)
• Philippines
12 Jul 07
When the immigrants are getting to be fierce competitors for a limited supply of basic services, it could really spark some concerns and debates. I understand this concern. I am a Filipino who also dream of being in the United States of America. Interests are really flying on both ways these days. Americans will really fight for their turf which is now slowly but surely taken over by some immigrants legal and illegal.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
6 Jul 07
While taking some college classes I did a research paper in 1994 on immigration. I don't know if the law has been changed or not but if not it should be. My research showed me that a hospital in Florida was delivering around 8,000 babies a year to Mexican women. These women were coming into the country very late into their pregnancies. They gave birth in the USA and the child was automatically an American citizen. This then in turn gave the woman the right to stay and the father and any other siblings the right to come into America legally. Naturally most of them went straight onto welfare. Quite some time after I did this research I read that they were thinking of making it law that in order for a child to become an American citizen it had to have a least one American citizen parent. I think this would be very good. It would help cut down on the influx of Mexicans going onto our welfare system. I think what is going on at Parkland is disgusting. A lot of hospitals depend quite a bit on people who leave them money and donate lots of money to them. I sincerely hope that people who have made bequests or donate regularly contact Parkland and tell them they are changing things and they won't be getting any money from them. This might cause the administration of the hospital to take a second look at their stupid practices.
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
8 Jun 07
I think that a lot more people are starting to see that the flood of illegals is ruining this country. They probably want to have as many anchor babies as they can so they'll be assured of not being deported. The babies who are born here are legal citizens according to our laws. We can't split up families so we let the mothers stay and collect everything they can from social services.
It's quite a nice racket if you can get away with it. Some people will say that aid doesn't pay well, but the more children you have the more food stamps and money you get. And with what little they get from welfare and from what their old man brings in under the table, they've probably got it better than they did in Mexico.
@Gorgeous24 (1091)
• United States
9 Jun 07
Illegal immigrants arent the only ones who take advantage of welfare..we all know that. Unfortunantely alot more people these days are lying to get welfare for there families. Whether it be an illegal immigrant or US citizen its wrong to take advantage of the system that was designed to help people who really need it.
@Riptide (2756)
• United States
9 Jun 07
You are right about that. But it's bad enough citizens and legal immigrants take advantage of it, but if illegal immigrants do, that adds insault to injury I think.
Also people that lived here all their lifes have at least, in most cases, paid taxes at one point and contributed to society. Illegal immigrants haven't contributed anything nor will they ever.
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@HighReed1 (1126)
• United States
13 Jun 07
You know why she couldn't 'afford' to pay that $10, right?
The family money was going to pay for that new vehicle they drive around. Some of the money is also going back across the border. Last I heard, the poverty level income here is very high income there.
I think that if the mother is an illegal, send her and the kids back. Unless they have a LEGAL relative to leave them with. Don't give the criminals breaks because they had a kid here!
I don't have insurance and only went to a doctor when my blood pressure was one step below heart attack. It's been years since I had any kind of exam. Last time I worked in a doctor's office, in fact.
If you aren't legal you should get NOTHING! I might register to vote just to vote against any of those idiots that say 'oh poor illegals. Give them a break'!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I had already seen these facts and figures when it was published in the news and I converyed my disgust in a discussion back then. I am so glad you are reinterating that is it all disgustingly true.
@dragonstar13 (1465)
• United States
24 Jun 07
I think anchor babies are the biggest joke in the world. These criminals invade our borders and instead of sending them home or putting them in jail, we reward them by granting their children automatic citizenship. Then we say it would be cruel to send the parents home without their child and we can't deport the child because he/she is a citizen.
I say don't give the child citizenship, that is only rewarding the parents for the crime.
For the children already made citizens, send the parents home. If they choose to take their child with them, that is their choice; we are not deporting the child.
If they want their child to remain here, no problem. As soon as the parents are deported, the child can be put up for adoption.
It may seem harsh, but they chose to knowingly break the law and invade our borders, why should they be coddled?
@4ftfingers (1310)
20 Jun 07
In the UK we have a similar problem with health care tourists. Those who come on holiday purely to use our tax paid helathcare, then return home.
I would be fine with that, if we could afford it but the system is in deficite. Sone predict it will be financially balanced by the end of this year, but others predcit it will fall further into deficite of about £7bn by 2010.
@mtfixit (23)
• Canada
9 Jun 07
Hi Try not to let it bother you, it's hard but there is not a damn thing you can do. Also it is not that they can't afford to pay, it's that they know they can get away with it so they do. That is all I can say about this and all I will say because like yourself it ....'. me off.
@porkpie182 (261)
9 Jun 07
it is the same problem here in the UK i think it is awfull our NHS ( Hospital service) is in debt because of our laid back approach to imigrants they let everyone in here and when it comes to deporting them they just come right back