regarding Islam
By revdauphinee
@revdauphinee (5703)
United States
June 12, 2007 11:17am CST
just a coment because of a statement i have read just once to often,whenever anyone says they reject islam we are told it is only because we do not fully understand it !if we say we have read and studdied the quoran even for years even then they say we can not possible understand it !dont they ever stop to think (I know its not encouraged by this faITH)the sole and main reason for my rejection is because unlike many of its members i do understand it and thus the reason for my rejection!people get real I DO understand this is my reason for rejecting it!
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15 responses
@tarachand (3895)
• India
12 Jun 07
Every statement that one makes is subject to individual interpretation, which could vary tremendously even among the same group. A religion has many good things and some that others don't agree to. Different people will interpret the teachings of religions differently. This has been the case with every religion and sect. Depending on one's perspective a glass is either half full or half empty - I know that this is a cliche, an old one at that.
You haven't shared what you don't like about Islam, just repeated yourself. I am not a Muslim.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
12 Jun 07
in a word everythig from murder to indocrinating of children to terrorism to treatement of women just everything !If it pertains to islam then i reject it !
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@cerium (689)
13 Jun 07
rachael, I see your hostile atttitude since you are from Israel. Compensations? How stupid is that? Why I am responsible for the actions of a lunatic who calls him self a Muslim? And speaking about compensations, did you pay any compensation to the displaced Palestinians who were expelled from their land thanks to your terrorist government? And you should pay a compensation since you are living in their land, I am living in mine, so I'll compensate nobody.
@herrbaggs (1308)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Dear Rev, My reasons for rejecting Islam are different from yours but I feel they are valid. I reject Islam for the same reasons I reject tarot cards, voodoo, palmistry, astrology, ghosts and the super natural. Just more of human kinds horsehockey.
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@yemberzal (301)
• India
13 Jun 07
If you are a muslim a,know a lot , let you translate this verse. wa mian yatawakalu alalah, fa howa hasu hu. If you know the meaning write here, if you could not ,you are not knowing anything about islam.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
13 Jun 07
thank you so much my friend for prooving my point so if one does not speak arabic then one does not understand then my friend there are thousands of muslim believers around this world who do not understand it agin thank you!
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
14 Jun 07
i have not will not ever pretend or even be muslim i reject everything about it what ever gives you that idea ???
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@yemberzal (301)
• India
13 Jun 07
rev I could understand, you pretend to be muslim ,may God show you right path. amen
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@pallidyne (858)
• United States
12 Jun 07
That is a statement made by many faiths though, that you only reject because you don't understand. It's not limited to Islam.
It is very much on faith that we accept anything--- what makes a Latter Day Saint believe that the Angel Moroni talked to Joseph Smith, and not that Mohammed was visited by Gabriel? And vice versa.
Folks who try to justify faith based on logic are infuriating.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
12 Jun 07
later day saints never rejected Jesus aS the son of god ot rejected the crucifiction as far as i know Islam however does!
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@Lingering (16)
• Pakistan
14 Jun 07
Can anyone of you prove Islam preaches violence, by quoting verses from the actual Quran and not the fabricated bullshit that calls itself faithfreedom or answering islam and likewise anti islamic sites cuz i've compared their verses with the actual quran and islamic scriptures and its clear that the website contains fabricated, pliagirised verses to demean the Quran and Islam.
As for the "Islamic" Terrorists, even Islam condemns them and they are not fit to be called Muslims.
@Lingering (16)
• Pakistan
14 Jun 07
Islam Doesnot Advocate Terrorism, the Extremist actions of some misguided muslims anre not due to Islam but due to the CONSERVATIVE CULTURE of the countries and families they hail from, major areas of the countries where islam is not even properly practised or understood and where teachings of islam have been tailored to fit the cultural requirements and personal gain. Example of these countries are pakistan, india and even afghanistan.
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@cerium (689)
14 Jun 07
revdauphnee, I caught you before missquoting the Quran, and here you go again. That's why I am sure you understand nothing about it. And it really amazez me that you are accusing Islam of being violent, though you said before that your Bible says that Jesus didn't came to bring peace but war. So, obviously, you believe that Jesus brought war.
Here, let me quote Jesus in the New Testament: Matthew 10. 34-36
"34.Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35.For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36.A man's enemy will be the member of his household.
Now, let's have a look at Luke 22:36 (which is in the new testament also)
"36.But now, whoever has a money belt is to take it along, likewise also a bag, and whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one."
See? I am sure that the sword was to kill somebody. I am also sure that you don't want me to quote the Old Testament (and all the violence in it), which Jesus said that he didn't came to change anything in it, and which Christians consider it as God's words and a part of their Bible.
Now, after I proved you are a hypocrite, let's have a look at your dishonesty concerning the Quran.
Here's the complete translation of 47:4
"Therefore, when you meet the unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks: At length, when you have throughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the WAR lays down its burdens..."
See? You just stopped before the word 'war' so as to make it look like God was asking Muslims to kill all unbelievers. That's a clear proof of your hypocracy and bigotry, and you still want me to believe that you understand my religion?
For the second verse (Quran 9:5). That's clearly taken out of context. First of all, the verse was talking about the unbelievers of Mecca (not the Christians, nor the Jews). And why it was specific about the unbelievers of Mecca? Because there was a truce (like a seize fire) between Muslims and those unbelievers that would be expired after the mentioned months, and WAR was to be resumed. So was it talking about forcing them to be Muslims? Not at all, but it talks about a political situation. These people had made crimes of all kinds to Muslims, so they were allowed to live in Mecca under certain conditions so as not to attack again, these conditions was that they could live in their own communities under the eyes of the Muslims. Want a proof? Read the next verse,
Quran 9:6 "If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah, and then escort him to where he can be secure. this is because they are men without knowledge."
As for (9:29), again you fail to complete the verse which shows your dishonesty. Again this verse (and all of Surah 9) talks about the political situation of that time when the Muslims had had all of the people of Arabia attacking them (including some of the People of the Book). When Muslims emerged victorious, they had agreement with the losing tribes to keep their lands in return of taxes (Jizya) paid by those tribes to the Muslims, and in return Muslims will protect their lands.
And here's the verse that talks about all unbelievers who do not attack Muslims, and how should Muslims treat them.
Quran (60:8) "8. Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just."
Well, now I've exposed your lies and your dishonesty. Ofcourse you can argue that the verses I mentioned from the Bible are out of context, but then you'll be just a hypocrite (which is true), because you did the same when dealing with the Quran. So, for a bigot like you, the best way is to ignore you as I won't waste more time in your discussions. You proved that ignorance is really a bliss.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
14 Jun 07
before i quote dont even bother to argue with these facts it has been done before i see what i see and no arguing will remove it from my mind!“When you meet the unbelievers, strike off their heads; then when you have made wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives.” (Quran47.4).
"And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with God [i.e. moshrekin.] wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for God is Gracious, Merciful."(Quran 9:5)
And as for Christians and Jews who rejected him he has this to say:
"Make war upon such of those to whom the Scriptures have been given and believe not in God, or the last day, and who forbid not that which God and His Apostle have forbidden..."( Quran. 9:29)
These are the injunctions of Muhammad’s Gracious and Merciful God. How can a “good Muslim” disobey these explicit “divine” mandates? And how can one who observes them be a “good person”? This is the question that sincere Muslims must ask
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@bjsulli1985 (33)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Why has all these religions become such a bitter political batter? What ever happened to personal preference? That applies to the health and car insurances we choose to be affiliated with. If the Isalm people want to brand you as being ignorant then you have the answer you long for. Anyone who accuses anyone regarding religion and beliefs is ignorant. I'm not saying become a Atheist. I'm saying stick to what you are comfortable with.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
13 Jun 07
You claim you have read and studied Quran and Islam. And still think my religion does not encourage thinking. This shows your knowledge of Islam is not first hand. I have very often seen you rev, critisizing Islam and to prove your point, quoting verses from the Quran which are either partially quoted (i.e. out of context) or even twisted. I have even seen non-Muslims pointing out at your partially quoting and you getting into arguments with them. So I and every other Muslim who has gone through your posts is right in thinking your knowledge of islam is based on anbti-islamic sources. You might have studied my religion, but you havent done that with a will to find the truth. Instead you have acquired some knowledge of islam with a will to debunk the religion. So you do not understand my religion and it is as simple as I getting up and saying, look I have studied the bible and it didnt convince me, so all Christians should stop following Bible. Does that make sense yo you?
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@4ftfingers (1310)
19 Jun 07
Rev sometimes I can't understand you. I mean I don't like to burn people for their grammar or spelling, because I think it's pretty low and I can't spell, but your sentences are a bit funny sometimes. Are you dyslexic by any chance, or is English your second language? I'm not being horrible, I'm genuinely interested.

@4ftfingers (1310)
19 Jun 07
Excuse me. Why would I be so fat?
Black Muslim? That was racist. That's a picture of the little guy from diff'rnt strokes. Hang your head in shame.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
19 Jun 07
I was born and raised in the uk i now live in the usa my language is english if you have dificulty understaning me it is your problem not mine I am not dyslexic and i feel i make myzelf perfectly clear On line i do not concern myself with either grammar or spelling you obviously understand or you wouldnt be so fat to repond you clain to be christian then why does your icon look so much like a black muslim?

@jessiealcala (103)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
it's just a matter of faith. religion is not a key to heaven. it's your relationship with God. So, whatever religion we may have, we'll just respect each other because we are not certain which is right or wrong. and that's what we call faith.
@bushra_8 (44)
• India
13 Jun 07
First of all as one of my brother has said..I have spent 12 years of life in an christian this course of time even i ahve understood teh differences b/w Christian n Muslims..i have so many gud friends, my beloved teachers..there in v were thought to respect other religion, brotherhood, not to degrade other religions.. like wat u r tht not there in Bible which u refer...??Do u remember forgive n forget of Jesus Christ???Allah says in one of the verse of our Holy Quran "the hearts of few poeple are blocked..n their eyes are closed..for they cant understand what is right n what is wrong as they have been influenced by Satan " so, its not u r problem..i say tht in order to know wat is islam..u must understand Quran right..
n the problem is...u Dnt want to understand so how will u know??I suggest u to go to an aalim(islamic scholar) n then comment further..for half knowledge is harmfull..u know:) May Allmighty Show u the right path...n clear all u r doubts..u r in great ambiguity ...May Allah bless u.
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
13 Jun 07
thanks but no thanks i do not wish for your God Allah to do anything for me my own God is stronger and i will lean on him.Allah is not my God my God has a son Allah does not and to me is considered to be of satAN so why on earth would i want him to bless me no thank you!
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@FSCAries (881)
• United States
12 Jun 07
Well just the fact that anyone is told they must not understand it if they reject it, means that THEY in fact, do not understand some things. There is no one religion that everyone agrees with, why do you think there are so many? It's pretty closed minded to say that just because you reject it, you must not understand it, there are people that don't agree with all of the religions, but that doesn't make them any more/less right or wrong.
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@Lingering (16)
• Pakistan
14 Jun 07
Asss Killing in the name of religion took place in India in 2002 where fanatical extremist Hindus killed n burnt alive over 2000 innocent muslims.. HINDUS WERENT LABELLED AS A TERRORIST NATION?!Israel has been killing palestenians for no reason for decades and has wiped over 400 villages from the face of the earth... no one labelled JEWS AS A TERRORIST NATION?!IRA has been bombing british location for years..
Usa and Britian ATTACKED iraq to remove weapons of mass detruction, none were found but hundreds of thousands of innocent muslim civilians have lost their lives.. NO ONE LABELLED CHRISTIANS AS A TERRORIST RELIGION?! OR CALLED USA A TERRORSIT NATION!Then Why is EVERYONE SOO QUICK TO LABEL ISLAM AS A TERRORIST NATION?!
Even when Most of the attacks from the Muslims side is simply retaliations caused by the injustice of a nation or a non islamic state.
And the reason why most of the non mulsims or even muslims agree and accept the propaganda of the so called muslim terrorists is because of the immature nature of most of our population which unfortunately isnt very well educated or are very narrow minded or over influnced by the western media and its constant anti Islamic rants.. all owing to the conservative CULTURE! NOT RELIGION!!
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@Lingering (16)
• Pakistan
14 Jun 07
I am sorry to say, tht another unfortunate reason for islam being tarnished is the biased media.. well not really biased but the capitalist.. THEY WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR CHEAP DOLLAR, NOW WON'T THEY?!
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@bestgirl2008 (183)
• Germany
12 Jun 07
they say if your muslim you can't fight and u have to follow the rules
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@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
12 Jun 07
did you say fight you should have said think!
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@Ptolemy (21)
• Philippines
13 Jun 07
I happened to watch a program on aljazeera last night. it tackled the punishment on someone leaving islam. one panelist said that when you profess your faith, (like Islam), you entered a contract, between you and God. Beaking that contract means some kind of investigation as to why you left. has anyone here watched it?
@cerium (689)
12 Jun 07
The main reason that people keep on telling you this, is that you always say that you reject it for the wrong reasons. Well, even you claim that we (Muslims) don't understand Islam. Let me tell you something, I am sure that I understand it more than you, and more than all the extremists who consider themselves Muslims.
As for your religion, I reject it. You know why? Yes, because I understand it. I am sure you think that I understand it in a wrong way, but then we will be moving in an infinite loop. Just stop whining and get a life.

@urbandekay (18278)
15 Jun 07
The Catholic Bishop supposed to have converted to Islam, David Benjamin Keldani, is a hoax.
all the best urban
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@shemah (840)
• Malaysia
12 Jun 07
You took the words right out of my mouth. I totally agree with you. I have been following the late Ahmad Deedat's work. Even a pious bishop from the Vatican converted to Islam when he followed the work of Ahmad Deedat. The bible rejects the Holy Quran. But we muslims should believe in Jesus and the bible. I reject the authors statement. Yet everyone is entitled to their own opinion.