"Thank God im an atheist!"
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
June 14, 2007 2:28pm CST
imagine if everyone in the world was 100% religious, their would be wars everywhere and people dieing, and bombs and tanks and people fighting, throwing rocks, taking over eachothers land that they think is holy, thinking that they will go to hell if they dont...
.. o wait, it is like that.. damn.
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7 responses
@ocalhoun (199)
• United States
14 Jun 07
I've argued this on a different forum, and I'll do the same here:
Most wars are not started by religion.
Nor is most violence.
The only two religious wars I can think of at the moment are the Crusades, and the current Jihad.
What were the causes of these wars: Civil War, WWI, WWII, Vietnam?
(Pardon me if I'm more familiar with wars that the US participated in.)
Were any of these very deadly wars started because of religion? Did religion even play a part in any of them?
And (not counting Muslims) when was the last time anybody was killed or riots started over religion?
Even when religion does seem to be the cause, it is often just used as an excuse to go to war for more worldly reasons.
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 Jun 07
more wars are fought on behalf of religions than on anything else (not inluding land, not including muslims).
research it.
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@ocalhoun (199)
• United States
14 Jun 07
*researches it*
Now my total for wars that were started by religion has risen to 3 (as long as you count the Islamic Jihad as one, big war, which I think is fair so as to not put a bad face on all religions just because one of them is violent.)
How about YOU do a little research? Go look for a list of all wars and see how many are religious in nature.
I find that most wars are started by these things:
-Differences between people not letting them live peacefully together (religious wars are really just a subset of this category)
-Conquest; where one nation wants what another has
-Nationalism; Our nation is the only one that deserves to exist
-Racism; Our race is so much better than yours that yours should be exterminated
-Politics; One nation makes policy decisions that start a revolution
-American revolution: Cause: Politics
-Civil War: Cause: Politics
-WWI: Cause: Nationalism, Conquest
-WWII: Cause: Racism, Conquest
-Vietnam: Cause: Differences between people, Conquest
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
14 Jun 07
lol..and all of those things you named are a subset of "diffrences" haha
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@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
15 Jun 07
Oh? Religious people wouldn't be "peaceful" - like the Communists and Nazis and the Khmer Rouge, right? Like the atheist ideologues who ignited the French Revolution, which killed more people than the Inquisition, by the way -- Look it up if you don't believe it. Atheists have been responsible for more deaths than any other single group - that's what happens when you try to build a progressive, secular utopia and discover that you first need to eliminate the hundreds of thousands (or millions) of people who don't want to live in your utopia.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
as far as i know, in my eyes, the french revolution was not a bad thing first of all, the killings were bad, but the overall outcome is good. And it was not caused by atheists.
stalin was an atheist, but he did not kill people on the grounds that he was an atheist.
nobody, ever, in the history of time has ever killed anyone BECAUSE they were an atheist. Nobody has ever proclaimed that they were fighting for atheism or that they hate god (btw, atheism is not a rejection of god, its the disbelief)
give me an example of people killing others on the grounds that they were atheists and we will discuss it.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
Canada is a secular utopia btw.. nobody in Canadian politics discuss prayer or god
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@gardengrrl (1445)
• United States
15 Jun 07
The problem with religion is that there are too many people on the planet. Religion only works if there are substantial "buffer zones" between populations with different faiths. With so many people jammed into this ever-smaller globe, conflicting belief systems are mashed together with no room to expand, and war results.
ALL war is based on one group's belief that their god made them better than somebody else's. The arrogance and hubris that is the beating heart of EVERY major religion makes war inevitable. War will only end when religion is stuffed back into the limited space it should never have been allowed to escape from - home and church. Religion must be forever divorced from statecraft, or the world will not survive.
The Islamists will go down first, I think the rest of the world will only put up with the extremists' nonsense for so long before we all get together and smash them like the diseased vermin they are. Unfortunately, since the 90% of Muslims who are not extremists won't get off their collective butts and do something about the evil 10%, they'll suffer, too.
In the end, though, if people of all faiths don't clean up their acts, governments will have no choice but to step on religion, hard. The whole "my god's better than your god" has no place in a truly free society. Religions have proved over and over again throughout history that they cannot be trusted with temporal power. Most people have so much ego tied up in their belief system, they won't be willing to let go of the demand that THEIR GOD be the one everybody else in the country bows to. The next American Revolution will be against the Christian extremists who have distorted our politics for so long. I only hope I live long enough to fight in it!
My slogan? "Keep God in Heaven - Where He Belongs!"
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
i agree, however, i dont think islam will go down first.
this is because there will be a group of politicly correct people accusing people who acuse islam. who are they to say that muhamad is a bd guy when they say christ is the son of god?
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
the nation that was founded by pantheists and deists?
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@ocalhoun (199)
• United States
16 Jun 07
All wars started by people thinking that their god made them better than others? Only by them thinking that they are better than others. Whether or not they consider that their god made them that way is irrevelant.
The next American Revolution against exremist christians? Unlikely. The nation was founded by people who could be described that way.

@MelodyRhapsodical (1248)
• United States
15 Jun 07
People create wars in God's name...but who's to say that God approves of that? Why would anyone be atheist because people take it upon themselves to fight over religion?
As long as I'm not fighting over religion, I'm fine. I can only do me, after all, and I'm not going to not believe in something just because many who do are raging idiots. Heh! No one person represents an entire group.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
religion and god are 2 diffrent things... i can have god without religion
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
17 Jun 07
a)a framework of beliefs relating to supernatural or superhuman beings or forces that transcend the everyday material world.
b)a set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices pertaining to supernatural power.
c)a particular system of faith and worship
d)an organized system of faith and worship
the A you wrote could be describing the definition for spirituality or maybe even doctrine as well.
religion has many definitions, but the main true definition is what i wrote for B
GOD also has many definitions, you could be a pantheist like Einsteins, or a deist etc etc.
that is why we must separate the definitions or else you would be believing in oxymoron's.
Einsteins religion was not pantheism, that is his doctrine. A doctrine can be non-religious.
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@dbhattji (2506)
• India
15 Jun 07
Yes so am I. Actually our belief in God makes us good human being, I don't steal from others not because he is stronger than me but because he is also the son of the same almighty. This should be the basis of our relationship with others and this will probably be the major force in bringing peace in this World.
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@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
15 Jun 07
um okay?
god and religion are 2 diffrent things.
morals and religion are 2 diffrent things.
"not stealing" is apart of morals, in which religion adopted it.
we know that morals were first because of the code of hammourabi
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