This Woman Has Some Nerve!

United States
June 20, 2007 11:17pm CST it was a little after 10:00 P.M. and I was taking my dog out for the last time. I heard rumors that the lady who lives in the town house 5 doors down from mine sneaks her garbage into others' cans so as to avoid paying for the service. I noticed her garage door was open and could hear her making noise. I decided to take my dog across the street to do her business. Mind you, I was still out in plain view. Here she comes strutting out of her garage with a large full garbage bag and as fate would have it, she lifts the lid off of MY can and begins to plop the bag in. Before she could put the lid back on I said..Why are you putting your garbage in my can?...She was scared for 2 seconds and proceded to hand me a line of bull. Lied right to my face. Her..Oh, uh, I only had one bag and thought it would be okay. Me..Don't you have a can?her..Yeah but it's small for only 1 bag? Anyway, she tried distracting me by petting my dog and asking her name. I didn't want to get nasty. I told her I still had more garbage to bring out..truth. Well my mom is at my house today so she was very angry, stomped outside, pulled the bag out and tossed it on the grass. Then mom complained to me because I wasn't aggressive enough in her opinion. I guess both mom and the lady have some nerve. I mean it is my home and I don't think mom should have stuck her beak in it. Should I have been more aggressive? Should I report her to the village hall and garbage company? I'm referring to the lady, not mom. ;)
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31 responses
@saralee1 (1983)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I think your Mom would have done what I would have done, well, sorta. actually, I would have taken that bag, and given it back to that lady, and if she wouldn't have taken it, marched it back over to her property, and yes, dumped it into her yard. Your neighbors would probably been cheering me on for being a nutt job, but sometimes when push comes to shove, you just have to fight back, or be a wussy. Hooray for your mother!!!If your neighbor cannot afford trash service, then I guess she is in the wrong neighborhood, or needs to ask for a raise or make a deal with a neighbor.
• United States
21 Jun 07
Mom was right to be upset, but I think she shouldn't have interfered because it's actually my home and she was just visiting. I would rather report her hide so she stops and pays like the rest of us.
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• United States
21 Jun 07
Basically the woman seems to have no shame. I would hope they tell her to open an account with the service and have her own can delivered. If she was financially strapped she should have told me something to that affect. Instead she tells me that she only had one bag, so it's no big deal. BTW, I checked my neighbors' cans and she put some in their cans too. :0
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
21 Jun 07
well if shes causing a mess then you should deffintley turn her in I doubt theyll give her a fine dont know what fine theyll actually give for something like that lol theyll probally just give her a warning then if she keeps doing it then theyll lay down a fine for her.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 Jun 07
What this woman is soing is an act of theft by deception. Or worded something like that. By placing her garbage in others cans and not having to pay a fee she is stealing their services of rubbish removal. I myself most assuredly would report this thief. Now your moms antics, she's a mom, she does these type of things around her children. I say leave her be about her actions but tell her you didn't appreciate the words she choose to use about your actions. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Hahahaha! Gotta love mom though!
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• United States
21 Jun 07
Thank you GrandpaBob. I agree that she should be reported and not yelled at in the street. As for mom, I'm her only child so I get it all the time. I said..Aren't you happy that I confronted her..and momma said yeah and calmed down. ;)
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@GardenGerty (162762)
• United States
21 Jun 07
In my town the trash, sewer, water, and electricity are all bundled, so that would not happen. You would not save any money for your trouble. I had a friend in another town that would have done that, and thought nothing of it. I think you were sufficiently firm and assertive, and your mom was out of place. But that is a mom. She may have made an impression. It is funny, since it is not in my yard. I hope that this lady learns her lesson. I would have a hard time showing my face now that all the rumors are confirmed.
• United States
21 Jun 07
Gerty, I think she will most likely continue. She seems to have absolutely no conscience.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
25 Jun 07
Well I don't think your mother should have gotten involved but yes I do think you should have been more agressive on it especially since you caught her in the act. We had one neighbor doing this to ours. She'd wait till we were in bed and bring her whole can over and put it with ours along with a bag or two. The trash company realized and was sending her notices that she couldn't do this. They assumed we knew and were party to it. Well one day they didn't pick up our trash and we called. They canceled us because of it. We let them know we had no idea on it and asked why didn't they warn us. They said most who do this know and we told them we didn't. We did get reinstated but they told us if it happens again that's it, we are out of luck and they would not service us anymore. When we went out there we saw the other can, with letters right on top with her address on it, and two bags that were heres (very obvious since ours are black and hers are white). We put all hers back at her driveway and left her a note since she wasn't home. We then watched every trash night to make sure she didn't do it again and we let our other neighbors know on it so she didn't do it to them. Thankfully she was a renter of the house next door and she moved in a few weeks but until then we had to watch.
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• United States
28 Jun 07
I think my mom scared her enough. It is now the following Wednesday and I have been on night patrol sign of her. Knowing her, she'll try it at around 4 or 5 A.M. I don't think I can hold out that long, lol. The other neighbors waited until after 11:00 P.M. to bring out their cans. I hope she got the hint. If not, we will all have to take turns watching her.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
21 Jun 07
Did you ever consider that the poor woman can't AFFORD th fees to put her garbage out. I think it shameful of your municipality to charge a 'per bag or can' fee. Your taxes already pay for your garbage to be picked up
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
21 Jun 07
Well I don't know about where you live but in Minnesota USA the garbage is collected by private firms not the city. Our taxes do not pay for rubbish removal. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• United States
21 Jun 07
Trust me Judy I thought all that over. We pay 40.00 every 3 months for garbage pick up. She has money too. Whether we have 1 bag or 6, we all still have to pay for pick up, so why should she scam the company while the rest of us have to pay... I have a question for you. Don't you think she should have been honest when I asked her why she was putting it in my can? I respect honesty, not lies.
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@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
I think that if you look on your tax bill, if you own your home, you are also charged for garbage pickup. If you are forced to pay extra, ask where that tax money went to. And, really, if you pay a flat rate, why begrudge her using your not full can
@mizrae (587)
• United States
21 Jun 07
I cannot imagine people doing such a thing. Here in Michigan we too pay additional every month for garbage pickup. Since you heard the rumors before you caught her this obviously has been going on for quite awhile. I probably would have removed her garbage, or asked her to take hers back out right then and there and asked her what her problem was with getting her own garbage picked up. Or perhaps let her know that the neighbors are aware she is doing this and she had better subscribe to the service or she will end up getting reported. Moms are going to be moms to protect their children, and while I don't agree that your mom had any right to interfere, she obviously cares about you and doesn't want to see you get taken advantage of no matter how trivial.
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• United States
21 Jun 07
You are right mizrae she has been doing this for a long time...over a year...and you are right about mom too but I thought I was going to see a wrestling match out there. Mom got a little too upset, if ya know what I mean.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
21 Jun 07
i live in a flat and in the past people also sneak their garbage into my bin and the worst part is, whoever is doing it is putting 'improper' stuffs inside my bin and i am the one who got the complain from the bin people... also, my bin goes missing for couple of times and when i and my hubby search for it, we found it in our neighbourhood flat... it is so frustruating... at the end, i and my hubby put a note on our bin and paint a big number of our flat in our bin... after that, it gets better... our bin never goes missing again and nobody put their rubbish in our bin anymore... we haven't found the culprit until now... but yes, some people just have the nerve to do whatever they want without considering other people... i think you should report the lady since she had done it many times... let the council take action against her... good luck...
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
22 Jun 07
lingli_78, so now you know the truth - all those missing persons were actually being passed through your garbage as chopped up body parts on the way to the dump... I hope you feel guilty!!!
• United States
22 Jun 07
come to think of it dodoguy, I haven't seen her boyfriend around for a long time.;-)
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• United States
21 Jun 07
My uncle's neighbors are both Police officers from my town. Can you believe one of them was driving through here this morning and recognized my mom out there? So mom told Rhonda (the officer) and she said the police need to be called because Putting garbage in other people's cans is an actual crime. I guess because people can dump crime evidence in your can or toxic materials so if you don't report it, you can become a suspect. Holy cow...I'm going to the station asap.
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• United States
28 Jun 07
hahah!First iwant to thank you for that brief journey in your life..i felt like i was right in a tree watching the whole thing!! and your mom sounds like mine and thats too funny..because she gets on me for being like that..i think you did just fine..if she does it again THEN i say get alot more aggressive..i would deff report her next time and every garbage night i would watch her,,lots of luck and keep m updated will you?have a good one!
• United States
28 Jun 07
Hi cloud_kicker, it is now garbage night again and I have been on night watch here. No sign of her yet. I think I'll set the alarm clock every hour to check. I think mom may have scared her straight, lol. I'll definitely let you know.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Jun 07
You should have her reported since you pay money to have your trashed removed. I honestly can't believe someone would actually do that. She lives 5 houses down from you, so here's the thing. Her neighbors already told her off, so shes resulting to going houses down. The neighborhood needs to get together and report her. Now if my neighbor comes to me and asks can I put trash in your can since ours is full, I could care less unless mine is already full. This lady of your's goes out the night before trash day after everyone is normally sleeping. I would have reached in and took the trash and calmly walked my happy butt, along with my dog, and calmly placed it in her trash can, and walked home. Dang just thought of something funny since you have a dog, you should of said since you think it's ok for you to put trash in my can, I think it's ok for my dog to do her business in your yard. Play dirty. As for your mom, GO MOM, sorry, but your mom sounds like a hoot. Mine would stayed inside and then ran her mouth, lol. Good luck with the trash dumping neighbor, and over look mom, that's what moms do, try to help there kids when in honesty aren't really helping at all.
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
26 Jun 07
That's my fault, I would just put the trash on her yard. I would have loved to seen her face when she saw her bag of trash that morning. I think every neighbor should not put there cans out until morning when everyone is up and about. That way she won't do it because she will be to scared to do it. I would honestly give her a 2nd chance and if she trys to do it even if it's someone else's can, I would report her. I will be waiting to hear how everything goes. Your neighborhood seems more interesting than mine. All I have is a neighbors kid going crazy and cursing at his mom, same kid wondering the neighborhood, lol. I smoke outside and at night seems to be the most interesting time of the day, lol.
• United States
24 Jun 07
chertsy, the funny thing is that she didn't even have a can out there. She told me it was too small...for 1 bag. I did remove the bag but the lady took off so fast when my mom came out and stood behind her that she didn't get to see the bag transported to her driveway until morning. This Wednesday night should be funny because I alerted the other neighbors to be on the look out. I think I'll post a follow up on this one. ;)
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
21 Jun 07
oh I don't know if I get the situation well because here in Italy it is quite different. Garbage service is a public service and everybody pays for it according to the number of people in a house and depending on how big the house is. It is a garbage tax!!!! If I understood what you wrote, you there pay for a private service and have your own garbage can and you are charged depending on the real amount of garbage they collect. is it right??? well this is the situation, that lady has no right to do what she did. she is not only avoiding paying her due but also charging you for her garbage!!!so this is very unfair. and you'd bet you have a right to be angry and crossed with her. But of course you can as well decide to stay calm and let things go. Maybe she learnt her lesson well and next time she...will walk the line!!!!
• United States
22 Jun 07
My sister, I wish she could learn to be honest and do the right thing, but she has been doing this to us for over a year. She won't change until the authorities come to her door. It is sad but something has to be done about her. I hate to be lied to. I tried to be decent and she lied right to my face.
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@maribea (2366)
• Italy
23 Jun 07
well then she is hopeless and you have a right to do all what possible to protect you from her bad attitude. I know you are a very sensitive and delicate person and unfortunately people try to take advantage of people like you.
• United States
21 Jun 07
We had neighbors who dumped rubbish in our bins when I was a little girl growing up in California. Our trash was picked up by a private firm also. What was incomprehensible about this situation at the time was that we were low income and struggling to pay our bills and these neighbors were rich with a swimming pool and driving brand new cars with three bins to our one. When my mother would confront them about this, they would deny that they were doing this. However, it was clear and obvious that we did not have pool care products in our rubbish. What made this situation worse was that these neighbors treated us like we were scum of the Earth. They gossiped about us, and stared at us as if we were substandard specimens in a zoo.
• United States
21 Jun 07
Crafty I am so sorry you ever had to deal with people like that. They are pathetic.
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• United States
28 Jun 07
Thank you for your support. I now live in an apartment and we've a community rubbish bin and I don't have to worry about 'bin bandits'.
@navtech (1773)
• India
21 Jun 07
Better report this matter to the garbage collecting company because she is not only cheating the company but also making you pay for your extra garbage.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
How do you know she hasn't paid? Has she bragged about it, or does she just not use her own trash cans? It could be that she has somekind of psychological problem where she can't stand garbage cans in front of her house
• United States
21 Jun 07
As I see it, her free ride is over. She hasn't paid for garbage service for more than a year.
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• United States
22 Jun 07
Judy, when I moved here 8 years ago she had the service and the can. She just decided not to do it when the new service bought out the previous company so it has been over a year that she has been doing this. She has the money and she doesn't just put in just 1 bag. She overstuffs some cans and then the top bag falls out and we end up with her garbage blowing around. She needs to get her own can.
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
21 Jun 07
thats a bit weird never heard anyone of doing that before I bet some people here might get some ideas from this lol I know I never thought about this but I dont see the big deal if shes not hurting anyone then I wouldnt care about it this is a small problem at least it would be to me I know I wouldnt waste my time with it.
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• United States
21 Jun 07
You are right that one bag won't hurt anything, but now I know why the can 2 doors down from her is always so full the lid won't stay on and many times the wind blows the top bag out and voila! Garbage everywhere. So I think her free ride is going to end, lol. We live in a cul de sac, so you can imagine how bad it is when the garbage is whipping around.
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• United States
21 Jun 07
I don't see how being more aggresive would have done any good. Maybe the woman just can't afford the service and is humiliated she got caught. Turning her in to the garbage company really isn't going to solve anything. Her garbage will either stack up and smell up the neighborhood or she will just try to be sneakier. If you get the feeling( like is she a poor woman) she really can't afford it, maybe you and your neighbors could help her out by letting her put some of her trash in each of your cans. I firmy believe in those that have should help those that don't. You and your neighbors can obviously afford garbage service, so helping a poor nieghbor out wouldn't be that much of an inconvienence would it? Of course if she is just ducking out of paying but really can afford it, let her know in no uncertain terms her actions will not be tolerated and she could be reported if she continues. You don't need to be aggresive and nasty to do this.
• United States
21 Jun 07
I agree with you completely. I know she works full time and dresses very nice..has a nice car and has been living here a year longer than me. The couple that lived above her confronted her and she told them to F off. She did that because they sold their unit and were moving. They informed me of it but I don't believe unless I see. I'm not sure what her deal is, but she should have been honest with me.
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• United States
21 Jun 07
OK, she doesn't sound poor, just rude and yes she is stealing a service. But, really if you all pay the same amount regardless of how many bags you have, what is she hurting? If you and the rest your cul de sac are really upset and want this to stop. Go together as a neighborhood and explain her actions are causing problems in the neighborhood and if she doesn't stop she can and will be reported. I personally am not one for nasty confrontations. Don't get me wrong, I have had my share, I just choose my fights more carefully now. I always ask myself "is it really worth it, before I go in with my feathers all ruffled.
• United States
21 Jun 07
OK, she doesn't sound poor, just rude and yes she is stealing a service. But, really if you all pay the same amount regardless of how many bags you have, what is she hurting? If you and the rest your cul de sac are really upset and want this to stop. Go together as a neighborhood and explain her actions are causing problems in the neighborhood and if she doesn't stop she can and will be reported. I personally am not one for nasty confrontations. Don't get me wrong, I have had my share, I just choose my fights more carefully now. I always ask myself "is it really worth it, before I go in with my feathers all ruffled.
@kgwat70 (13387)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I would say something about it otherwise she will continue to take advantage of you and your neighbors. She needs to get her own service like everybody else does unless someone is willing to split a bill with her for the trash. One of my neighbors does the same thing and puts his trash in peoples trash cans. We do not complain because he does our yard work with no costs so it is like a equal exchange. That was really rude of her to do that and to lie to you is even worse. I would not get mad at your mom though. She loves you and does not want people to take advantage of you like that.
• United States
22 Jun 07
That's really nice that your neighbor does yardwork in exchange for using others cans. This lady is just full of bologna. I think what upset me about mom was that she was all riled up at the lady and in her height of emotion, she got a little carried away with her words to me. Ah, I forgave her though.;)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
This lady does have some nerve doing this and thinking she was going to get away with it . Your mom on the other hand probably thought she was helping you out because she felt you were not aggresive enough . How you handled the situation was your decision to make though and not your mothers and you should have told her that you can handle your own problems and although you appreciate her help but that you can manage just fine on your own . I would watch this lady that lives near you more closely and wouldn't let her get away with it again though . Best of luck !!
• United States
22 Jun 07
I could just picture mom behind a bush and me on the side of my place with two-way radios and mom saying...the eagle has landed and..enter the police car with the lights flashing and over the loudspeaker they say freeze lady and drop the bag. Now that would be hilarious and definitely stop her from ever doing that again. ;)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I think you handle yourself in a manner that was clam and fair, not only with this women but your mom. It's said that someone would do this, and its sad that mom said your you were not aggressive enough. You handle yourself in an outstanding way. What if she was a murder and was disposing of body parts? You handled yourself the correct way. I would report it to the garbage company, then to village hall, so that someone can inform this lady this was not correct and cannot continue. Mom are protective and she felt what she did. You handle both with an understand of each. I can tell your a special women who has compansion and understanding for side, but what is right is right. Take it to the next level, inform the village and garbage company of this women, if not for anything else to have records of the situation. So some day your not over billed or sitting at a police station trying to explain why this leg was found in the can. You are a saint, for just handling all involved.
• United States
22 Jun 07
Thanks foffohouse...abbreviation for my buddy, lol.
@4cuteboys (4099)
• United States
22 Jun 07
OMG I cant believe that woman did it! I think your mom was just I would be! I probably would have been more aggressive about it and insisted she removed her trash. If not I would have taken her bag to her lawn and left it there. That is SO wrong of her! I cant believe she thinks its okay to just use other people's cans! I would totally report her to the village hall AND the trash company!!!
• United States
22 Jun 07
As soon as this lady saw my mom walk up behind her she said Thanks and quickly shuffled over to her garage. Noone was going to jump her, but it let me know that she knows what she is doing is wrong.
@kodie420 (872)
• Canada
22 Jun 07
Well I can see where your mom is coming from because if you do nothing and turn a blind eye then people will tend to take advantage of that situation. I think we payed for our service here and I caught someone doing that I think I would have freaked out and defintly reported her.
• United States
22 Jun 07
You're right Kodie, she does need to be reported. From what I learned today, it's the police I need to contact. That's a bit tough, but someone's gotta do it so I have to go there and talk to someone. Ugh.
@Amstardam (1348)
• United States
22 Jun 07
I think it's wrong for her to do that. It's not your fault she doesn't want to pay the trash pickup fees. You pay for your services out of your hard earned money. The fact that she is doing it in secret is even worse. Maybe if she asked, things would be different, but she didn't think to ask.
• United States
22 Jun 07
Exactly. Not only that I gave her a chance to explain and she acted like it was no big deal and handed me a line of bull. She is something else.