Is it just me?

United States
July 5, 2007 7:29pm CST
My oldest child is now 7 and has started this stage of " I am going to run away" is this just me or do all kids go through this? Anyone have any suggestions? He did it at home last weekend and we couldn't find him for 10 minutes. Then today he ran off in the store and would not come back until finally his little sister freaking tackled him. I am at my wits end on what to do with him. We do not spank but I have to say I have never been so close to spank him as I was today. Help
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10 responses
@vokey9472 (1486)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I think all kids go through this stage, I know I did. My most vivid memory reagrading it was the time my mother helped me pack. I told her that I hated her and was running away. I was 8. She very calmly asked me where I intended to go. So I told her far away and I was never coming back. She told me fine. Then she got out her red suitcase from when she was a little girl (I loved that suitcase) and took it to my room. I just watched her as she packed it for me with my clothes and favorite stuffed animal. Then she handed it to me. She walked me to the door and asked me if I had any money. I was told her I had $3. She said it wasn't really enough and gave me $5 from her purse, then opened the door, pushed me out of hte house and told me to call her when I got to where I was going. Then she shut the door. I must have stood on that porch for almost an hour. Then I started crying and knocking on the door. My mother was so mean. She opened the door and told me that she thought I was leaving, so what did I want. I wanted to come home. She then told me that if I moved back in (as if I had really moved out) that I had to obey her rules and that meant no more talk of running away or I couldn't live there anymore. It cured me. I never even hinted at wanting to move out again until way later in life. Like 20 years later. I never left home again until I got engaged to my husband. Like I said, it cured me. You could try something like that. If you think your son would actually try to go away if you did something similiar then I would just go ahead and spank him good. I don't like to spank my son, but I have used it as a last resort and it works.
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• United States
6 Jul 07
I did the same thing to my daughter couple years ago. She was 7 then and was all upset cause I wouldn't let her go to her friend's house to play so she announced she was running away. I calmly helped her pack her suitcase and told her when she was gone, I would pack everything else up and put it by the road with a free sign on it. After she left, I did just that. I knew she only went down the street to her aunt's house cause her aunt called me to let me know she was there. I told her when my daughter was ready to come back home to let me know then send her home. When she got home and saw all her stuff at the end of the drive she broke down crying that I truly didn't love or want her anymore. I told her she left and I didn't need her stuff so what was I to do with it. I also told her if she wanted her stuff back, she had to bring it all back in the house and put away. After 'losing' almost half her stuff to passersby, she got her butt in gear. lol Also told her from now on, no more thoughts of running away and she is to listen to me from now on. Haven't had a runaway issue again.
• United States
7 Jul 07
When he did it at home I said okay if that is what you want fine. And I walked to the door and opened it and told him to go then. But that I loved him and would miss him alot. well he took off running. Unfortunately where we live in order for him to get to his friends house he has to cross a busy street and that scared the crap out of me. That and in this day you just don't know who is out on the street looking to grab a kid wandering around. So I went to look for him well sure enough he wasnt that far. So I know he is just testing the limits.
@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
6 Jul 07
I distinctly remember going through that phase, though I was older than him when I did. Does he have a private little "secret" place he can go, like a tree house, or a fort, or maybe even just a private little place in your house that he could think no one knew about? I think that might help. Especially if he is just doing it for no reason. It could also be stemming from a need to see you become distressed when he says that he will run away, or to be looked for until he is found, as a method a reassurance that you do care about him. It may sound ridiculous to you, because you love your son, but he may be feling like he is second best or something since you mentioned that he has a younger sister. Well, those are my insights on the subject, I hope it was helpful.
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• United States
6 Jul 07
Yes we have been trying to get him to go off to his quiet place. We live in a smaller house and are rennovating their play room so he is aound his sisters all the time and I know it gets frustrating for him. But Hes gotta learn that he can't yell at everyone and scream that he hates everyone and wants to run away. Like you said I think just about everyone goes through it. I know I did it. But it only lasted a minute. But I can't remember why?
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@Nykkee (2522)
• Canada
6 Jul 07
Yeah I don;t really rmember why I wanted to run away either. Though I think it may have had something to do with thinking they loved my little sister more, because I also used to have nightmares that they would drop me off somewhere and tell me they weren't coming back for me because they had her now. I do remember though, really longing for my own private place that i could go where no one could bug me and if I was mad at someone and didn't want to see them I would know they couldn't find me.
@hometyme (288)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Who is the best negotiator here? (psst. he's winning) Actually, it's a tantrum. My mother would tell me that I would come back when I got hungry. I never got far enough to get lost.
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@AmbiePam (96356)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I did that at about his age. My parents did spank me (NOT beat), but not for that. I don't remember how my mom handled it, but I can tell you at that time, all I wanted was to feel essential to the family. I wanted to know I mattered. I have no children, so I don't presume to know anything special, but have you thought about maybe taking him on a one on one activity just him and you or him and your spouse (boyfriend, ect.). He'll be exoecting punishment, but this way he could see that it really matters how he feels and what he is going through.
• United States
7 Jul 07
We have tried this. I know it is hard for him, because of his 3 younger siblings so we try to give them all one on one time and he gets to go to his friends houses quite a bit. Hes got his own little quiet place as well. Thank you for your advice.
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• United States
6 Jul 07
I had my oldest do the same thing about that age and my 9 year old is starting to try that too and I am sure that my 17 month old will eventually try it. Its a stage kids go through. Like you I went through many things to try to get the point across--explaining about bad people, point out all the good things at home, that someone could take him and he never be brought back again, time-outs, and sticker charts and nothing seemed to work except time. I honestly got to the point where where he said he was running away I was like 'uh huh....ok....right' and he would just stand there and look at me like 'whats wrong with her--she is not reacting' and it took a few times but that DID work. Its a way that kids test their limits and see how far they can go. I remember telling my oldest to 'remember to pack a bag' when he said he was leaving. Sometimes in this kind of situation, the less attention you give it, the better. What I mean is, don't let the child see that its upsetting you, bothering you, etc. This worked with my son but not everything works with every kid. Hope this helps in some way.
• United States
7 Jul 07
That is what I have started to do is just ignore him when he starts saying it. I know a lot of it is trying to see what reaction he can get out of me. And he isn't getting it anymore so hopefully it stops soonn. Thank you for your response and advice
• United States
6 Jul 07
Relax, all kids go thru the same thing, my daughter who's now 15, wanted to run away at that age as well, I just explained to her that, there are bad people out there, who wont let you come back home, etc.... and that Mommy loves you very much and you can come to her about anything thats bothering you!!! And if he continues to get himself "lost" then I would say he's gonna have to stay at the sitter's or something like that, and the rest of the family get to go out, he'll learn his lesson Trust me! Good Luck!
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• United States
6 Jul 07
Thank you for your comment and advice. We have tried to explain that to him and it doesnt seem to have an effect. He doesnt go to far. So I think he is just testing his limits.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I think every kids goes through wanting to run away. Here what you do make a plan to have him watched by a friend or family member. Then the next time he wantes to run away help him to pack. and maybe even take him to the bus station. Haveing a friend there to make sure he's safe. Help him by talking about where he's going and how he plans to eat and how hw plans to keep warm where he plans to sleep. Any way this sometimes helps because they are trying to control you with this idea.
@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
6 Jul 07
I remember those days. I told one of my kids when they did it that I would help them pack. They ran away for a couple of blocks. They did not know that I was watching them the whole time. Good luck.
• Australia
7 Jul 07
Hi there trasauma, well from my experience, i can tell you that neither me nor my brother have gone through the stage of "i am going to run away" which we are glad we did not! No it does not happen to everyone because it really does depend HOW you teach your children.... if you have a look at statistics, Asian families experiences MUCH less of these type of situation than western countries, because they do punish their kids if they do something wrong... i mean, a simple "go to your room, you are grounded for 10 minutes" do you really think that would teach them? If you have not spanked your child before, you really should start considering doing that NOW!
@vicki2876 (5636)
• Canada
6 Jul 07
I have three childern daughter almost 12 and two sons 8 and 6 who never did this yet. I did it though. I was going through a very rough time in my childhood though. I did leave home for good at 16. Could there be something bothering him at school or friends, any new changes in the home? Maybe it is normal, but I think there might be something on his mind that makes he feel this way. I would be so worried too if it happened to me. Good Luck! :)