Would you be a little suspicious with this?
By brendalee
@brendalee (6082)
United States
July 11, 2007 11:47pm CST
Okay, so lets say you have a 15 year old son and he has been bugging you for about a week to exchange some change for him into bills or at least take him to the bank. He says its only about $22 that he wants exchanged. He tells you that he has been saving his change for awhile and he got to keep all the change he found in someone's car he helped clean. He doesn't have a job but he sometimes gets money here and there for helping people out and relatives giving him money. So when he asks you to help him count it before he takes it to the bank, you figure its not a big deal. I mean how much change could he possibly have? You saw the bag in his room a few days ago and there wasn't very much there. So you agree to help him. The bag seems much bigger now. After counting it, you find that there is $207.25 worth of just quarters plus he had two dimes. Am I crazy in thinking that this sounds a little fishy? I could be wrong about this so I want to know what everyone else thinks about it.
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40 responses
@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Yes, I would be very suspicious. I would be even more suspicious of him if the quarters were in paper rollers...either way, I would be suspicious. I would confront him about how his money tree grew so fast in such a little amount of time. I would love to hear what he says.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
12 Jul 07
He says he has been picking up loose change off his bedroom floor and saving his change when he buys stuff. Plus he says his mother let him keep all the chnage in her car after he helped her clean it. But I seriously doubt that it all just happened to be in quarters.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Just a few days ago he had $22...how did he make near $180 in a few days. Not cleaning a car out. Tell him Aunt Yessie wants to know.
Aunt Yessie
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
12 Jul 07
He claims he only asked us to exchange $22 the other day because there was something he wanted to buy that cost about that much. I really have no proof of how much he actually had. I saw the bag on his shelf when I went to take his fan out of the window. It didn't look as full as it did today when we counted it. That kid has an answer for everything so I am sure he would tell me that he had another bag somewhere else. Hes asleep now so I will have to ask him tomorrow.
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Wow, that's a lot of quarters. Sounds a little fishy to me - like someone knocked off a soda machine or poker machine. My mind words in weird ways, as soon as I saw this and read it in my email alert I started thinking about something that happened here.
Some guys broke into a poker machine and stole the quarters after the business was closed. They gave the quarters to a local kid to cash in at the bank thinking that if he got in trouble it wouldn't be a big deal because he is a minor. Of course everyone knew about the place with the poker machine getting robbed so everyone was looking at people who were paying for purchases with quarters.
Long story short, the kid went to the bank and asked for a bunch of quarter wrappers. The teller gave them to him and told him that when he was ready to cash them in to come back to her. She told the manager and when the kid came in, the manager came over and asked him where he'd gotten so many rolls of quarters. The kid rolled in a heartbeat and said that some guys said they would give him 10% of the money if he did this. For a 13 year old, having twenty or thirty dollars is a LOT of money.
I'd start looking around to see if there were any robberies - laundromats, change machines, soda machines, cash washes etc. That is a LOT of money to just have show up one day. If you can make that much money cleaning out someone's car I an in the wrong business lol.
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@freak369 (5113)
• United States
12 Jul 07
The problem with responding to threads via email is I don't get to see what other people have posted or other comments made. You said that there were flame thrower marks on the floor. That really makes it seem like he was trying to get into something - something small enough that he could sneak into the house but something large enough to hold a couple hundred dollars in quarters.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I was thinking about calling the police to see if there had been any roberies like that because thats exactly what I was thinking. But his father doesn't think anything of it. He is not my son so I really don't have a say. I'm afraid if I go behind his fathers back, he will hate me for it. But it may be a choice I have to make.
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
12 Jul 07
He was trying to build a flame thrower but it wasn't quite finished yet. I took away all that stuff but I think its time to go on a search in his room. I really hate to do that because I want to respect his privacy but I think I have good enough reasons to do so now.
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@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I would definitely ask where he got it from. I mean, if it was a bunch of pennies, nickels and dimes, I wouldn't be as suspicious, but all quarters? Seems odd to me.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
12 Jul 07
If he doesn't have a job, you better believe I'd be suspicious about where he got over $200 in change! I think some questioning might be in order.
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@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
12 Jul 07
If it were me I would go to the laundromat and see if they have had any loss of money lately. Even if you call them them up and don't leave your name it might give yo a clue as to whether he might have gotten the quarters there or not. After all they do use a lot of quarters in the machines. If he is guilty then he should pay and not start getting braver and braver and wind up a carer criminal.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
12 Jul 07
Yikes! $207.25 in change?? I could try to save change all year and never have that much! All quarters? What he do? Somehow manage to get the money out of those parking meters? Or pan-handle? There definitely is something very fishy and weird about that--especially since you said the bag of change didn't have that much previously
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I am guessing here but I know there is a laundermat just down the road from his sisters house and he has been spending alot of time there lately. I just have a feeling that he didn't save up that money. Oh and just a few weeks ago I found the makings of a flame thrower in his room and then he tells us that he was testing it in the house. That child is going to give me an ulcer.
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@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
12 Jul 07
If he is lying about various things, why does he feel free to do so? When he gets bigger, it will be bigger issues.
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@Penguinsangel (3498)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I would be very suspicious too. When you just saw it a couple days ago and there was no where near that amount. I would wonder how and when he got that much. I'd confront him on it without a question...
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
13 Jul 07
Did he knock off a gumball machine? That is a lot of quarters to have just by chance. No pennies?
I'm sorry. It sounds like he got these quarters by nefarious means.
But unless you can figure out where he liberated them from, there is not much you can do. Make him donate it to charity?
@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
13 Jul 07
wow-- sounds like he has been saving for quite a while- good for him- FIshy I'm not sure- maybe he picks up change that he sees laying around the house- I know we throw ours into a big jar here too- Maybe it's lunch money- the extra-
@lisado (1227)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I haven't read all of the replies, so not sure if you have an update on this or not.
There is no way I'd have over $100 in quarters (giving him the benefit of the doubt for having SOME change) in my car and me not know it. I certainly wouldn't just give it to someone for cleaning my car out! Does she work for a place where she might do bank runs/depostits? Is it possible some of the quarters came out of the deposit? If not, I'd be checking the area to see if anyone had been robbed. Payphone, parking meters, gumball or vending machines, arcade games or the laundromat sounds like a good start. I just don't see how someone could have that many quarters and not any other change. I may have $30-$40 in change in my change bank, but it's pennies and nickles, mostly. Takes time to roll, but it adds up. I just don't think there is any honest way he could come up with that many quarters. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see how it's possible. Even after a yard sale I've never had that much in only quarters.
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@laridbz (1280)
• China
12 Jul 07
To be honest, he is probably stealing all this money from any machine, as a lot of people already said. And he is not very smart to ask you to exchange all the money. If he asked more people to exchange small amounts, no-one would be suspicious.
Well, but I'm not here to help him with his plan... LOL! He is your son for what I understood, right? He probably will deny if you ask him if he stole it, but if you are close to any of his friends, you could try to find out through them.
I really don't know how I would react if I were you, but I'd certainly not stay quiet watching it. You got to show him somehow what he is doing is not worthy.
I'm sorry if I didn't help much, but it's a very delicate situation, and I think you should either figure out what to do by yourself or look for professional help, to advise you properly on how to react. Good luck!
@lavenderoselilies (17)
12 Jul 07
hi ,i think that if you know your child is a good kid and he doesn't get into wrong things than you should help him. if you notice that the bag was bigger than the last time ,than you should ask him about it. if you trust your child than so be it. if you don't trust your child than it's your choice on what you plan on doing about it. you will be amazed how much change can add up to.
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@brokentia (10389)
• United States
12 Jul 07
From just over 20 bucks to over 200 bucks in quarters????
Oh heck yeah I would be grilling him asking where he got the quarters from!
There is no way he would tell me that he found all that in someone's car when he was cleaning! Unless he accidentally kicked in the vacuum machine and OOPS all those quarters fell out!
I would seriously have an issue with where these quarters came from!
Did you find out?
I don't think you care crazy at all to think there is something up!!!!!
I wouldn't want to cash them in for him either. Because if they were stolen, the cops might have a notice out to that local banks that if someone comes in with a lot of quarters like that, they they could be suspect in a vandalizing. Now not only would there be petty theft but also vandalizing charges too.
Sorry...I would use anything and everything I could to get my son to tell me what's up!
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@brendalee (6082)
• United States
13 Jul 07
I can always count on Tia to give me a laugh. The funny thing is, I would actually expect him to say something like that.
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@tad1fan (3367)
• Canada
12 Jul 07
My son is 16 and I'm going through the same thing....I was suspicious,as well you should be,but I asked him where he was getting it from and he told me so I made some phone calls to check it out and to my surprise,he was telling the truth.....try it,it will either get you thinking or ease your mind.....
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@Yatayee (117)
• Australia
12 Jul 07
More than a little suspicious. Nobody saves JUST quarters, as others have stated. I would say it is ill-gotten. You have a couple of options here. The first is to say outright that you want to know where the money came from, NOW, or you are calling the police, and telling them he has this money that you don't believe is his.
Or you could say nothing else, smile, exchange it for him, and then see if he tries it again in a few weeks' time, at which point you tell him that you know he has stolen the money and you are calling the police...
The second seems silly but you may lose his trust completely with the first, and he will then hide it from you and do even more dishonest things... except next time you will have no idea he is still doing it.
Just a thought, but have you tried speaking to his best friends' parents and asking if the kids have sudden cash they can't explain? He may not be operating alone here!

@Yatayee (117)
• Australia
12 Jul 07
I do understand your point of view. I just wonder whether you will actually get the truth if you make him defensive. Remember this is a kid who has an answer for everything. It is saddest of all that his father won't step up and deal with this and it's been left to someone else.
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@lattiee (64)
• United States
12 Jul 07
I would assume he's stealing but then again if he told you & showed you the money maybe he did earn it from somebody doing odd end jobs maybe if he thinks if he found the stuff it's okay too keep or if someone is like my mom & keeps alot of quarters in area in her car to use for the parking meter then that could still be stealing. It just depends !
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@kimthedane (945)
• Denmark
12 Jul 07
No i dont think i would be suspicious at all. After all 200$ is not that big deal even to a 15 year old. If you ever tried saving all your change, you would know that it soon mounts up. You mention yourself a few ways how he gets a little money. However i cant help thinking what is real behind this discussion. Have you a reason to be suspicious, has he done something that justify your suspicion in the past? If not i would forget my suspicion asap as the wors thing between parents and their kids is if ther aint trust between you. Thats my opinion, but then again im just an old hippe believing in the good in everybody till oposite is proven. Take your sun with you to the bank and be happy for him he got 200$ to spend as he wish. Greetings :)
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