Newborn sleeping

beautiful baby - beautiful baby girl
United States
July 29, 2007 7:02pm CST
How do you put your newborn baby to sleep? snd do you put them on their belly or back? Everytime I go to the dr's office they make you fill out this paperwork and one of the questions on it ask if you put your baby on her back to sleep. I don't. My baby gets put on her belly. She is only 2 months old. Of course I am a very light sleeper and she sleeps right next to me in the bed. Another no no right. Well I did all of this with my 2 year old and guess what she is just fine. Our parents aslo put us on our stomaches and we are fine. How does your baby sleep?
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18 responses
@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
30 Jul 07
When my children were young I placed them on their stomachs. The advice about placing them only on their backs had not begun. I am personally of the opinion that one day we will find that SIDS is more than sleeping placement. I do feel that if the surface is not firm and the chance for baby to get their face so buried that they can't breathe, than the back is best. But for most mattresses, this isn't the case. Millions of babies slept on their stomachs, as that was advised so that they would not choke if they were to spit up!! The recommended sleeping position seems to go through cycles depending upon the 'latest research.'
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• United States
30 Jul 07
I agree with you. I don't think it is how they sleep but whats around them when they sleep. Thanks for sharing
• Philippines
9 Aug 07
It's actually kind of complicated, the whole debacle of how you should put your baby to sleep. It depends on your doctors orders, however, most parents put their babies on their back, to avoid the possibility of inhaling toxic fumes from their mattresses, said to be the cause of some recent SIDS. If you're searching for the best baby beds and furniture deals online, visit and see a great array of top of the line baby products.
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@MrsFrizzle (1963)
• United States
5 Aug 07
You should always put your baby to sleep on his back because of SIDS. I would keep doing this until the baby is old enough to roll from belly to back and back to belly.
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• United States
6 Aug 07
I always pu t my daughter to sleep on her back... Assoon as she was able to roll over she would put her self on her belly, but I always put her down on her back.
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@sksingh (1410)
• Germany
30 Jul 07
new baby if they sleep belly up is better and let him or her turn naturaly
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@Rickrocks8 (1751)
• United States
30 Jul 07
It's so funny because every few years they change the way you should put a new born to sleep. My oldest it was on the side and my youngest I think they said back. My oldest didn't sleep in his bed till be was around 4 months old. He nursed non stop for 4 months. I slept in a chair and by the time I would wake up he was ready to eat again. My youngest slept on his tummy. Thinking back I do not know how I made it through those 4 months. It took me years to catch up on all that lost sleep!
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I do not think it is a real problem if the baby is healthy, and if you are not a smoker, both of which things make for higher risk of sids. I put my babies to sleep however they would stay asleep. When my kids were little you were told to put them on their stomach so if they spit up, it would not be aspirated. I know that they are really pushing to "educate" new mothers. My grandbaby is 18 months old. There were other rules they pushed on my daughter and she is a person who will follow rules, but question them. I appreciate that there are young women who do not know anything about having babies and caring for them, but you have common sense, and so do lots of people. You should not be made to feel guilty or ineffective if the doctor's office says to do it another way.
@babykay (2131)
• Ireland
30 Jul 07
I always have put my son on his back, as this is the way it is recommended to minimize the risk of cotdeath, God forbid. But people of our generation were always put on our tummys! So who knows. I still sleep on my tummy even now.
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@wdiong (1815)
• Singapore
30 Jul 07
With my two kids, they are put to sleep on their back which I find is easier. Isn't it more difficult to put them down on their belly:) Anyway, my two children also prefers to sleep on their back although while sleeping, they will sometimes roll over to their side or tummy.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
30 Jul 07
I put my bub either on his back or on his side...I did give him stomach time, but when he was awake..He is 10 months now and he sleeps on his stomach, I just didnt like it when he was little and couldnt move himself if he did happen to roll over and not breathe..
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
30 Jul 07
The reason they tell you to put your baby on their back to sleep is because being on her tummy increases the risks of SIDS. Yes our parents did put us on our bellies to sleep as babies & belly time is good but when we were babies, there were also more cases on SIDS which is why they recommend backs are best :) You can have them sleep on their sides too as long as the don't roll forward. It's just a safety precaution i think & i did ended up being a light sleeper too but even then, you wouldn't know. You're better off just taking your Doctor's advise or ask a midwife, see what they say but they do say these things for a reason :) If you want to have her sleep on her belly then that's fine, just remember they do learn things over time & if they know it's safer to have the baby sleep on their back then it's up to you whether you want to take on their advise! You're the parent, you do whatever you think is right for you :)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I have put my baby on her back when she was first born and if I wasn't a light sleeper she would of drowned in her own throw up. Think about it Can you drink while laying on your back? The spit up went back in her mouth because there was no where else for it to go and she could of drowned drinking all of that spit up at one time IF I wouldn't of been there to sit her up.
• Australia
30 Jul 07
LOL, this is too hard to get people to understand - ask a midwife :) You're not going to agree with me anyway coz you're set against doing it. A baby who has a bottle will lay on their back & drink it - that's how they do it. They also say a HEALTHY baby will NOT choke on vomit so no, your child would not have drowned unless she was unhealthy - which i doubt she was, they're not stupid, they are capable of tipping their heads to the side as well so if the vomit doesn't go back down, it rolls out the side of their mouth. If you wanna use the drowning thing - Laying them on their tummy can cause them to lay in their own puke & not be able to breath, so there is a risk both ways. Do what you think is right, just remember though - they say on their back reduces SIDS & if the number of cotdeaths has gone down since they said it, then they must have said it for a reason. Good Luck.
• Australia
30 Jul 07
You can also buy things to go under babies so they're not laying flat on their backs - try that :)
@kuting (885)
• Philippines
30 Jul 07
my baby sleeps on his back til about he's about a month old. i would let him sleep on his stomach during daytime or if he's sleeping on my chest. he's more comfortable that way and he sleeps much better. during the night, he would sleep on his back and adjust himself on his side as he seek more comfortable positions. also its really easier when a baby cosleeps with the mother because the baby feels more secure, and the mother can nurse the baby whenever he/she feels hunrgy.
@jolenegreen (1209)
• United States
30 Jul 07
I have always put my babys on their bellys too. I found out that they sleep better this way, LOL. With my first baby. He used to get up in the middle of the night all the time and then one night I put him on his belly...He slept ALL NIGHT. Needless to say I never put another baby on their backs again, LOL
• United States
30 Jul 07
My 8 week-old usually sleeps on her back or side. Occasionally I'll put her on her tummy if she's crabby and I'm always close by. Also, co-sleeping actually reduces the risk of SIDS as long as you do it safely. I co-sleep with both of mine and love it!
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@jolanda33 (720)
• Netherlands
19 Aug 07
both of my daughters slept sideways! i always had a towel rolled up against their back so they stay on the sides, every time another side of course! on this way they could give up the milk and couldn't choke in it! from day one they slept in their own room and bed! both of them slept the whole night after 4 weeks!
• United States
28 Mar 08
I heard that it reduces the risk of SIDS up to 50% if you put them on their back so thats what I think is best. I do know of babies that sleep on their stomach and are fine but I just don't want to risk it with my baby.
• Australia
17 Jan 08
hi, good post.What ever works best for you and bubs,I was to affraid to sleep with baby in the bed,as being a very tired mum i was affraid of suffocation.Baby slept at night in his bassanet next to my bed on his back.during the day i would let him sleep on his tummy only when i was awake though,when they get older they usually roll onto the tummies anyway to sleep.. i just worried between newborn and 3 months they cant really lift there heads if they smear it into the matress. What ever feels comfy for you and baby is right :)
@tlb0822 (1410)
• United States
16 Jan 08
My daughter likes to lie on her side..i start her on her back and she always rolls to her side. I think that you should put them how ever they are comfortable. She likes to lie on her belly only if she is lying right against you. All babies prefer different things...what ever gets them to sleep works for me.