Why does pagan make people think Satanic?
By brothertuck
@brothertuck (1257)
United States
August 14, 2007 5:24am CST
I worked with people who went to a local Christian college, and have known people with strong Christian beliefs. It always makes me wonder why those with Christian beliefs can accept (although trying to convert them) people of faiths from South East Asia, Indiginous shamanistic beliefs, Muslim and Judaism, and though believing they are wrong they respect these beliefs, saying they are just misbelievers or need to be shown the light, but if you are wiccan or some form of European pagan belief you are Satanic?
Pagan, druidic, wiccan, and other beliefs of the Germanic, Celtic and Norse, were all nature based, not based on following the lead of a Christian made anti-God. They revere nature and the powers that are in nature. Some are the 'tree hugger' types who in my opinion do go overboard, but they do not worship any deity that calls for human sacrifce, or doing evil to your fellow man.
So why does pagan and wiccan belief make people come to the conclusion they are worshippers of Satan?
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20 responses
@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Pagans are evil and willfully sin against God. They want nothing to do with God, which is sad and very tragic.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Aug 07
The Bible is not a fictional Book. It is God's Holy Word and I believe every word of it.
God bless.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Why would I need anything other than God's Holy Word? It is His Truth. I do not need anything else. God is perfect and so is His Word. I trust HIM.
God bless.
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
14 Aug 07
I don't think you are evil, Zuke...at least not in the way that you are thinking. We are ALL sinners and sin is evil in the eyes of God. Yes, even the ungodly can love others. Those who do not know the Lord can still love others.
Let me ask you something. Do you love your enemies? Do you do good to those who hurt you? This is a commandment that Christ Himself gave to us. I cannot say that I always obey it. I sin just as everyone else does. BUT, I have given my life to Jesus Christ and I want to live for Him. I am saved by His grace. That is the difference.
I love the Lord. He has been so very good to me...way more than I deserve. My life has been so much better since I surrendered my life to Him. I don't worry nearly as much as I used to because I know He is in control.
I believe in God's Holy Word. It is HIS Book and it is perfect. That is all that I need.
God bless.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Aug 07
Every time I think of Pagan, I do not think of Wiccans. By the way, the Norse and ancient Germans believed in Woden and Thor which were comparable to the Roman and Greek gods, not some nature goddess who wore wreaths around her head, but really dangerous people with axes, and swords. You know what I think of Pagans, besides those non=Christians of primitive countries, I think of the new Dragnet movie where all these people were dressed in goats leggings and dancing around, kicking there legs forward in a dance and popping pills. And I suppose if you are a Pagan of any stripe, you are worshipping Satan, only you do not know it.
@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Like many, you have fallen into the hollywood view of pagans and witches. Until recently with shows like Charmed, which is fiction and fantasy based on mythology, there is now a view of witches and wiccan which actually is going more towards the reality of wiccan and pagan belief and actions.
Pagans in the US, day to day are the same as the average American. They go to work, they have kids, they have bar-b-cues in the back yard. They are normal average people. They believe in the old ways, the ways that were believed when the Christian was the pagan and they were the normal person.
As far as Norse and Germanic beliefs, they had their War Gods as did the Romans and Greeks, but like Frey and Freya, they had nature Gods, and they had Gods of the harvest, and of the moon and sun. We just know of the War Gods because of the Viking and their tales.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Aug 07
"And I suppose if you are a Pagan of any stripe, you are worshipping Satan, only you do not know it."
LOL I'm sorry but thats really funny...especially considering even SATANISTS do NOT worship "Satan"...Satan is strictly a CHRISTIAN concept..add to that the FACT that Pagans dont even believe in Satan let alone worship it/him and ya that really is funny ;-)
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
15 Aug 07
People do not like that which they do not understand. I know what Pagan is, it means to believe in more than one God, and there is no harm in that. You believe in what you want to believe in, do not let others tell you what to believe in. I am Agnostic, and all I ask is that people do not shove their beliefs on me. Believe in what you want to believe in, just do not tell me what to believe in. You want to believe in Odin or Zeus, go for it. Who am I to judge?
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Aug 07
Sadly its just plain ignorance really....ignorance and long term brainwashing due to ignorance both on a large scale (society in general) and on a personal scale (generational within families)...Its a true shame really for so many reasons...not just because ppl are so misinformed and that causes such fear and hatred etc but also if you really think aobut it, Satanism itself isnt a bad thing by any means but once again ppl are uneducated about it and so on....
It'd be nice if ppl would just take the time to learn about religions/spiritual paths/lifestyles etc etc OUTSIDE their own personally little snowglobe but I doubt that will ever happen on a global scale ya know..Pity really
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 Aug 07
"I think it is fear. We are taught that everything not of God is of the devil"
that in itself really blows my mind I have to admit...I mean that would mean that ppl like Buddhist monks for example are of the devil and I'm sorry but they are THE MOST peaceful ppl walkin this planet ya know....That sort of thought process is just so damaging and wrong IMO...
Also, Kudos to you for stepping up and not being a mindless sheep... *applauds*
@mkirby624 (1598)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Because people believe what they are told and what they hear, and if all they hear is the wrong information, what shall they do?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
14 Aug 07
This is a very good question. I've known many Christians who were respectful of just about everything but pagan beliefs, and I've always wondered why. I think part of the problem is the fact that there are some pagan deities with features that are similar to those of the popular representations of Satan (Pan for example), however, history has shown that those associations were intentional on the part of churches as a way of scaring people away from older beliefs.
There's also the simple fact that a lot of people know nothing about pagan beliefs other than what their own clergy tells them. It's frustrating to try to explain my beliefs to somone who already has preconceptions about those beliefs.
Of course, it doesn't help any that often rebellious teenagers call themselves "pagan" while following beliefs that have nothing to do with any form of paganism, and perpetuate the misconceptions.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
15 Aug 07
I think you have a good point about lumping everyone in the same basket, either way. I grew up with a pretty bad opinion of Christians because the first ones I knew were people who abused me (and used their religion as an excuse for doing so), so it took me a long time to come to the tolerant standpoint that I have now. I think there are many people who are on that journey no matter what their religion, moving towards tolerance... some people just move quicker than others. =P
I also believe that the fact is that there are bad people who claim affiliation with every religion, so there probably are some people who have bad opinions of pagans because they've actually known a bad one, just as I knew bad Christians.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
16 Aug 07
It is a simple matter of not doing their own learning. A Christian person goes to bible study and learn what the minister/church wants them to learn then they turn around and preach about what they have learned as if it was the be all and end all of what is right in the world. They don't try to learn any other way. Then they condemn that which is different from what they want to believe. Hollywood has done a great injustice to pagans with the need to make things spectacular. Pagans worship nature and all that is good. They don't even believe in Satan so there for they don't worship Satan. They don't have to worship many Gods but it is an aspect of paganism. My mother-in-law is a minister in a Christian church and while I love her and respect her I find her very narrow minded when it comes to this, she will say to me that she went to school or learned about these other religions but it is a Christian school or a Christian study so it is biased and all ready judgmental. If they would just learn about that which they condemn from those they are condemning they would see they are wrong. Satan is totally a Christian belief. One thing Christians should remember is the bible says that Jesus told his followers to not judge others unless they wish to be judged. Oh and you without sin may cast the first stone, so unless you are sin free you don't have the right to judge others. Christianity to me is a religion based on fear, fear to do wrong by God, fear of other religions, fear of anything that is different from their ways, fear of their own God hence the saying "God fearing person" They fear God will send them to hell for their sins.
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@anonymili (3138)
14 Aug 07
I read with interest some of the response to your discussion. I was amused by some and shocked by others. I have very little knowledge of Pagan or Wiccan or similar beliefs but I don't think anyone worships satan unless they specifically tell me they worship satan and to be frank, I've never met anyone in my life who has told me to their face that they worship satan - actually I wouldn't know how to react except to say "Erm good for you mate!" LOL
I'm sorry - I'm not trying to make light of it, people do take their beliefs seriously of course, but I'm not very religious not even very spritual - I believe in live and let live unless people start trying to shove their beliefs down my throat - then I get my back up and tell them to "bugger off" :)
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@biznizman01 (581)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
in the christian belief, any form of magical spell or or connected to invoking the spirit or invoking a power other than that of God is from the devil. in the christian belief these activities are forbidden by God.
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@craftcatcher (3699)
• United States
14 Aug 07
I do find it rather strange and sad. I suppose humans tend to fear what is not understood. What is a bigger fear to Christians than Satan? So you take a benign belief system and turn it into the worst fear because of ingnorance. A rather pathetic testimony to human nature and religion in general.
I run into problems sometimes myself, nothing too terribly bad so far though. I'm an ordained minister, but not a Christian. I am an Eclectic Pantheist. Not the easiest thing to explain to people! Most just get a confused look on their faces. For that reason I usually keep my beliefs to myself. So far no one has called me evil or Satanic or told me I was going to hell... but I'm sure it's coming someday. I usually leave it at.. it makes sense to me and that's what matters. :D
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
16 Aug 07
Jumping to conclusions and judging without any real knowledge. I am christian and I have a sister who has had wiccan beliefs all her life and I certainly dont think that she worships the devil. The day I reach a state of perfection or sinless enlightenment than I will worry about educating others. Till that day I can only worry about what I need to do.
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@satansoldat_666 (412)
• Philippines
16 Aug 07
Bwcause majority of Christians are stupid and ignorant.they are forced to believe that revering nature, self empowerment, gaining your desires,using powers is all a sin because it is a threat to their evil reign and their greed that knows no bounds.They want u to become a slave which is why they teach all these worthless sick teachings which are unnatural and psychotic.
Self empowerment makes u someone above the monkesy and in order to create perfect slaves, this needs to be destroyed, which is why the "holy" paedophile Christian Church does this. The Christian church is a destroyer of nature, just like their "perfect" model Jewsus Christ hwo cursed a fig tree for not giving him fruit since it wasnt fruit season for figs, which proves how dominative he is
That, brotehr is why they think we are 'evil" while in fact it is them
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@brothertuck (1257)
• United States
17 Aug 07
They aren't all stupid, but ignorant in the dictionary definition as not knowing.
Most are sheeple, following blindly what the leader tells them to do. Take responsibility for your own actions is one of the major tenets of the Satanic belief. Make your own choices and don't just follow.
There are many spots in the bible, mostly old testament but also in the new where the 'true believers' do evil to people just because they are different, or for personal reasons.
@myfanwy65 (1030)
• United States
15 Aug 07
I think Christians believe this because that is what the King James version of the Bible tells them. And, so it is passed down that Witches are evil. King James was afraid of them, so that's how he wanted the Bible translated. If I recall correctly, the word that has been translated as witch actually means something else, maybe conjurer. But, since he was paying the translators and held their life in his hands, it got translated how he wanted it to.
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@lina_inverse (21)
• Philippines
14 Aug 07
I never thought that worshiping pagan god is satanic. Its just that when you started to worship pagan gods, its a great insult to our ONE TRUE GOD and since our GOD is a jealous one, that is not good. But I do respect people who uses other positive things to encourage their belief. For instance are the Buddhist, I like the way they treat other natural beings. They respect nature. They respect other people. God created all things positive and beautiful so if you are doing good and you're respecting others then in some way, you're also doing God's teachings, right? Cause I believe in Jesus' 2 commandments, Love God with all your heart, soul and might and Love thy neighbor as you love yourself. So if you keep this two simple teachings, then you are all set. Be happy cause God wants us to be.
@janet069 (663)
• United States
16 Aug 07
This is a good discussion which got a little bit out of hand. In Christianity you either serve God or you serve Satan. There is actually a difference in the meaning of the word serve and worship. You can easily serve Satan without worshiping him. When you worship you hold the object of that worship in high regard. I personally prefer to serve God but that doesn't mean I judge you or anybody else as Satan worshipers. I think everybody is entitled to believe as they wish but I also know that as a Christian we are supposed to tell others about God. We cannot change them but we believe we should at least try.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Unfortunately, the answer is ignorance. It's not their fault. they can't step outside their little box for long enough to research the issue. If their preacher or their bible tells them that paganism is satanic they believe it is so.
It's really very sad
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@cempires (171)
• United States
15 Aug 07
Stupidity LOL. Or simply a lack of educated understanding.
Magic was alive and well in the old testament, and as I understand it, the new testament is the only part of the Bible that Christians even acknowledge, due to thier fear of the secrets in the old testament and what they don't understand, but stupidity and a lack of knowledge is no excuse for anything, now is it.
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
16 Aug 07
In my opinion, they just don't know better. To some, unless you profess the Christian/Muslim/whatever faith, you're following the devil. To others, only those who worship multiple Gods are satanic. It has a lot to do with ignorance and an unwillingness to accept differences.
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@amynichole (30)
• United States
23 Aug 07
As Wiccians, we must honor Christians and their believes and be respectful of that. HOWEVER, I believe that Christians are brainwashed. It has been imbedded into their brain that unless they believe what they are told, they are going to hell. Personally, I find Christianity to be the most "evil" of all religions as it has used nothing but torture, war, fear and just plain bulling in order to gain the status it has today. It's no wonder that some people...no names of course...belive with all their heart that everyone else is going to hell. It's not her fault...I'm sure she is a very nice person and wants what's best for everyone, BUT she has been brainwashed into believing that there is only one way heaven (summerland of us).
I grew up Babtist and they are the most predjidice, racist, disrespectful religion I have ever encountered. They most certainly use fear to install there belief system into small children. They most certainly DO NOT practice what they preach. But they sure do believe in preching! LOL
If that is some peoples beliefs, that's perfactly fine...we respect that and all we ask in return is respect of our beliefs. Because the Christian Church has made it a mission to conform all others to their way of thinking, I don't think that they will ever respect Wiccians, of course...if they just OPEN A BOOK AND READ, they may actually learn something!
The devil is nothing more than a fear tactic, hell is used to to terrify small children and unless Christians want to start openning their minds a little more, nothing will ever change.
Blessing to Those Wiccians, and Christians and may we all live in peace together and do not judge one and other...least we be judged!
@lancingboy (1385)
• United States
26 Aug 07
I agree with the baptists being the worse of them all. I was once a missionary baptist and a southern baptist. I won't make that mistake again.