Angels or Spirit Guides Do You believe
By lilaclady
@lilaclady (28207)
October 26, 2006 7:39pm CST
I am a firm believer in Spirit Guides, I believe everyone has them and they really do try and guide you if you let yourself feel their guiding.... I also believe at times when a message is left in the form of a feather at times and in places you would never expect to find them...I have many experiences of this.
Do you believe in Spirit Guides?Do you have experiences you would like to share?
There is a lot that we or most people are not open to but there is definitely a lot that we do not know ......yet
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41 responses
@samsonskola (3357)
• United States
30 Dec 06
I do have a Spirit Guide, I know this because of just the instances you've stated...a feather somewhere, something out of place that you just happen upon, a little message from heaven. I'm so glad that you believe like I do.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
18 Jan 07
I hope you do to, it is nice to experience something so nice.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
30 Dec 06
years ago I would not have believed the things I believe today, I think when you lose someone so close to you things change, maybe they help your new new thoughts, I know that once you open your mind and invite them in they are around you.
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@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
17 Jan 07
someday I wish I have something so obvious. All my experiences have been more subtle.
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@rosebug23 (1906)
• Australia
3 Nov 06
Yes i am like you and have had so many experiences too many to tell hereand i don't want anyone to think i am crazy.Do you live around Belgrave?
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
3 Nov 06
No I live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne....Belgrave is nice....thats a nice area....
@mastergkage (182)
• Philippines
10 Feb 07
many of us have experience some paranormal things but were afraid to share it with others because they might think were crazy nuts or something or maybe even call a freak
@gyspywoman (63)
• United States
31 Oct 06
I have had many things happen to me that have to be some sort of awareness. I see black butterflys that are not there. Not all the time but when I do see them and it's been three times I will hear of someone I know has passed away. i will smell a strong smell of flowers sometime ans they are none around. Again, This has gone on since I was a kid. I could go on but everyone would think I am nuts.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
31 Oct 06
Thank you for your response, I have many times in strange places at the right time found a feather and I really do believe these are a message even if it is just a little message to let me know someone is with me... For people who have lost someone if you come across a feather at time that is special or just a feather in a very unexplainable place just think maybe.
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@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
21 Jan 07
I am with you i also believe that there are such things as spirit guides and although i haven't personally experienced anything this spectacular. I do have to say that for those that have it must truly feel like a blessing!!! God Bless All!!
@nice_wise4u (109)
• India
17 Jan 07
ya sometimes we feel that something is giving us a message and guiding us through are they angels?????
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Jan 07
I believe so, I prefer to call them spiritual guides, when you are going to do something and something in you say no it is not right I like to think it is one of my my spirit guides advising me....
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@nw1911guy (1131)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I do believe, and I think most people have come to ignore them. Lets face it, the popularity of church has been falling off and I think it's reflective of the falling off of interest in spirituality. Unfortunate but true. Also, same as we ignore spirit guides or whatever you might like to call them, I think people ignore their own instinct and continue on with things they know will be bad for them. I have had experiences. For some reason I decided not to go to a local mall. An hour later there was a kid gone berserk because his girlfriend had broken up with him. He shot several people that day. I'm happy I wasn't there.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
17 Jan 07
I think people ignore the signs because they can be so small, like a little voice telling me to check the oil in my car...I have done that ever...but I did as I was going to use my car a lot the following day...I checked not a drop of oil in my car....some people would ignore that...not me I know, put that together with amny other things... I know they are there...
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Yes, I believe they are angels.. Of which I believe there are good and evil.. I don't like to call them 'guides' as I think of that as too close to the old (rather vicious) 'gods', which to me were evil, or fallen angels.. Of course many make out the supreme power to be rather vicious too, but it ain't so. I believe he and the faithful angels are often seeking to communicate with us.. in hopes we will come to trust.. (life and the 'end' result).
@linkpointe (1003)
• Philippines
4 Nov 06
I do believe that all of us have our own guradian angels since the time we were born...And that angels are my constant companion through ups and downs in this life. I firmly believe that they are guiding me to the right direction. But I am just too stubborn at times...But in the long run, i always end up with my angel's arms...
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
4 Nov 06
Its good that you listen in the end we all have stubborn moments...but it is good if you keep on the right path in life's journey....
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@IloveJesus (175)
• United States
4 Nov 06
I believe in one spirit, The Holy Spirit. The bible says the Holy Spirit is our helper, our guide, our comforter. You do have to learn to be led by the Spirit. First, you must be open-minded enough to believe.
God bless!
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@gittabest (1946)
• Iceland
4 Nov 06
Yes I believe,
mostly because often I feel people near me when I am alone and I have also seen scary things so yup I believe :)
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
29 Nov 06
I definately believe.We all have Guardian Angels that are with us for life.We also have Angels there to help us at different stages of our lives whenever needed.I believe my Guardian Angel is closest to me when I go to bed,while I am saying my prayers I get a lovely scent of flowers (there are no flowers in my room)I believe this is my Guardian Angel letting me know he/she is near.I remember when my mother passed away the song "hey Jude" by the Beatles would play on the radio constantly,my mothers name is Judy.:)
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
29 Nov 06
oh yes I have many stories about particular angels, I believe I have a special angle that is my parking angel, friends of mine used to laugh at me but when they came out with me in my car it wasn't long before the smile was longer there in fact one fried said she had seen enough to be spooked, they don't laugh at me any more.... someone once said to me once you believe they become active...mine sure are active....
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
29 Nov 06
I think people have them there but they put it down to more explainable things like could conscience not be a disappointed prod from an angel or a sudden memory of something at an appropriet time be a memory prod from one of your angels, there are many things we put down to an easy explanable reason that just maybe could be something else...

@BlaKy2 (1475)
• Romania
8 Feb 07
Yes. I believe in angels.
An angel is a supernatural being found in many religions. In Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Islam, they typically act as messengers from God.Angelology is a branch of theology that deals with a hierarchical system of angels, messengers, celestial powers or emanations, and the study of these systems. It primarily relates to Kabbalistic Judaism and Christianity,[1] where it is one of the ten major branches of theology, albeit a neglected one.[2]
Many secular scholars believe that Judeo-Christianity owes a great debt to Zoroastrianism in regards to the introduction of angelology and demonology, as well as the fallen angel Satan as the ultimate agent of evil, comparing him to the evil spirit Ahriman. As the Iranian Avestan and Vedic traditions and also other branches of Indo-European mythologies show, the notion of demons had existed long before.
It is believed that Zoroastrianism had an influence on Jewish angelology,[3] and therefore modern Christian angelology, due to the appearance of elements from Zoroastrianism in Judaism following Israel's extended contact with the Persian Empire while in exile in Babylon,[4]. Borrowed notions may include the introduction of Satan as a supreme head over the powers of evil (present mainly in Christian and Islamic theology), in contrast to God;[5] comparing Satan to Angra Mainyu (also known as Ahriman) of Zoroastrian faith,[6] who was the arch-enemy of Ahura Mazda, the supreme Universal God of mankind.[7] Angels, some also believe, may have first been depicted as God's helpers in Zoroastrianism, and their hierarchy is comparable to modern Angelology's hierarchy.[8]
This view is questioned though by those who point out that the Torah, the Book of Job, and other Jewish books depicting angels as messengers of God predate the time of Persian influence.
In contrast to the first view, some critics believe that it was Judaism and Christianity that had an influence on Zoroastrianism. They purport that Zoroastrian archangels are more abstract that concrete, and that a number of other differences make the connection tenuous. While the Talmud of Jerusalem, Rosch Haschanna, 56, acknowledges that the names of certain angelic figures may have originated in Babylon, some scholars believe it is possible to attribute the Zoroastrian concept of angels to the influence of the Bible and the historian Philo.[9]
That is, however, problematic as some historians date Zoroastrianism back more than ten-thousand years before the birth of Christ, but with little physical evidence. The main source of Zoroastrian lore comes from the Shahnama of Firdowsi, which the author claims to be truthful to the ancient legends, but which was written after the Islamic conquest of Persia.
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, one advocate of the theory that Judaism had an influence on Zoroastrianism was James Darmesteter. But it states that his theories "have been violently combated by specialists since that time, and can not be said to have met with decided favor on any side."[10]
A third criticism posits that concepts such as angels and demons could very well have originated in many traditions separately.The Biblical name for angel, ???? ("mal'ach"), obtained the further signification of "angel" only through the addition of God's name, as "angel of the Lord," or "angel of God" (Zechariah 12:8). Other appellations are "Sons of God", (Genesis 6:4; Job 1:6[R. V. v. 1]) and "the Holy Ones" (Psalms 89:6-8).
According to Jewish interpretation, 'Elohim is almost entirely reserved for the one true God; but at times 'Elohim (powers), bnei 'Elohim, bnei Elim (sons of gods) (i.e. members of the class of divine beings) were general terms for beings with great power (i.e. judges or alternately, some kind of super powerful human beings). Hence they came to be used collectively of super-human beings, distinct from God and, therefore, inferior and ultimately subordinate (e.g. Genesis 6:2; Job 1:6; Psalms 8:5). See also: Names of God in Judaism
Angels are referred to as "holy ones" Zechariah 14:5 and "watchers" Daniel 4:13. They are spoken of as the "host of heaven" Deuteronomy 17:3 or of "Adonai" Joshua 5:14. The "hosts," ????? Tzevaot in the title Adonai Tzevaot (alternatively, Adonai Tzivo'ot), Lord of Hosts, were probably at one time identified with the angels. The identification of the "hosts" with the stars comes to the same thing; the stars were thought of as being closely connected with angels. However, God is very jealous of the distinction between Himself and angels, and consequently, the Hebrews were forbidden by Moses to worship the "host of heaven". It is probable that the "hosts" were also identified with the armies of Israel, whether this army is human, or angelic. The New Testament often speaks of "spirits," p?e?µata (Revelation 1:4).
Prior to the emergence of monotheism in Israel the idea of an angel was the Malach Adonai, Angel of the Lord, or Malach Elohim, Angel of God. The Malach Adonai is an appearance or manifestation of God in the form of a man, and the term Malach Adonai is used interchangeably with Adonai (God). (cf. Exodus 3:2, with 3:4; Exodus 13:21 with Exodus 14:19). Those who see the Malach Adonai say they have seen God (Genesis 32:30; Judges 13:22). The Malach Adonai (or Elohim) appears to Abraham, Hagar, Moses, Gideon, &c., and leads the Israelites in the Pillar of Cloud (Exodus 3:2). The phrase Malach Adonai may have been originally a courtly circumlocution for the Divine King; but it readily became a means of avoiding anthropomorphism, and later on, when angels were classified, the Malach Adonai meant an angel of distinguished rank. The identification of the Malach Adonai with the Logos, or Second Person of the Trinity, is not indicated by the references in the Hebrew scriptures; but the idea of a Being partly identified with God, and yet in some sense distinct from him, illustrates a tendency of Jewish religious thought to distinguish persons within the unity of the deity. Christians think that this foreshadows the doctrine of the Trinity, whereas Kabbalist Jews would show how it developed into kabbalistic theological thought and imagery.
In earlier literature the Malach Adonai or Elohim is almost the only angel mentioned. However, there are a few passages which speak of subordinate superhuman beings other than the Malach Adonai or Elohim. There are the cherubim who guard the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 18, Genesis 19. (J) the appearance of God to Abraham and Lot is connected with three, afterwards two, men or messengers; but possibly in the original form of the story God appeared alone (Cf. 18:1 with 18:2, and note change of number in 19:17). At Bethel, Jacob sees the angels of God on the ladder Genesis 28:12, and later on they appear to him at Mahanaim Genesis 32:1. In all these cases the angels, like the Malach Adonai, are connected with or represent a theophany. Similarly the "man" who wrestles with Jacob at Peniel is identified with God (Genesis 32:24, 30). In Isaiah 6 the seraphim, superhuman beings with six wings, appear as the attendants of God. Thus, the pre-exilic literature rarely mentions angels, or other superhuman beings other than God and manifestations of God; the pre-exilic prophets hardly mention angels. An angel of 1 Kings 13:18 might be the Malach Adonai, as in 19:5, cf. 7, or the passage, at any rate in its present form, may be exilic or post-exilic. Nevertheless we may well suppose that polytheists in ancient Israel believed in superhuman beings other than God, but that the inspired writers have mostly suppressed references to them as unedifying.
Once the doctrine of monotheism was formally expressed, in the period immediately before and during the Exile (Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and Isaiah 43:10), we find angels prominent in the Book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel, as a prophet of the Exile, may have been influenced by the hierarchy of supernatural beings in the Babylonian religion, and perhaps even by the angelology of Zoroastrianism (it is not, however, certain that these doctrines of Zoroastrianism were developed at so early a date). Ezekiel 9 gives elaborate descriptions of cherubim (a class, or type of angels); and in one of his visions, he sees seven angels execute the judgment of God upon Jerusalem. As in Genesis, they are styled "men"; malach, for "angel", does not occur in Ezekiel. Somewhat later, in the visions of Zechariah, angels play a great part; they are sometimes spoken of as "men", sometimes as malach, and the Malach Adonai seems to hold a certain primacy among them Zechariah 1:11. The Satan also appears to prosecute (so to speak) the High Priest before the divine tribunal Zechariah 3:1. Similarly in the Job the bnei Elohim, sons of God, appear as attendants of God, and amongst them, Satan (Hebrew ha-satan), again in the role of public prosecutor, the defendant being Job (Job 1, 2. Cf. 1 Chronicles 21:1). Occasional references to "angels" occur in the Psalter (Pss. 91:11, 103:20 &c.); they appear as ministers of God.
In Psalms 78:49 the "evil angels" of the Authorized Version conveys a false impression; it should be "angels of evil", i.e. angels who inflict chastisement as ministers of God.
The seven angels of Ezekiel may be compared with the seven eyes of God in Zechariah 3:9, 4:10. The latter have been connected by Ewald and others with the later doctrine of seven chief angels (Tobit 12:15; Revelation 8:2), parallel to and influenced by the Ameshaspentas (Amesha Spenta), or seven great spirits of the Persian mythology.
In the Priestly Code, c. 400BCE, there is no reference to angels, apart from the possible suggestion in the plural in Genesis 1:26.
During the Persian and Greek periods, the doctrine of angels underwent a great development, partly, at any rate, under foreign influences. In Daniel, c. 160BCE, 71 angels, usually spoken of as "men" or "Angel-princes", appear as guardians.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
9 Feb 07
wow thank you for all that info, it is good to know the history thank you
@superbren (856)
16 Jan 07
i too believe in angels . this is the first discussion ive seen about them.i have angel cards and i keep them in my car to keep us safe , i also havew one on my nephews grave , i send one or two with my daughters when they go abroad on school trips , i think the angels watch over us and keep us safe from harm .you would like the book i read. its by mia dolan and its called the gift , its all about her true experiences with the spirit world ,
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
16 Jan 07
I read many books after my dad passed away and had some reading done and they were amazing, and I was told about the Spirit Guides and to watch for feather messages, and once you open your youself things begine to happen, I have seen to much not to believe....
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• United States
9 Feb 07
yes they r all around us guardian angels could be anyone and spirits r sometimes seen but they drain from batteries and other energys to show themselves i am a ghosthunter and my crew takes pics of orbs and evps evps r cool cz when u listen back to the audio u hear voices that weren't there before we got tons of evps we usually go to cemetaries and were people got killed to get evidence but its worth wild in the end and cemetaries r haunted weeeeee
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
4 Feb 07
Oh yes they are there and they do look after you or guide you anyway the rest is up to you...
@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
29 Nov 06
Yes.A message can be left in the form of anything.But as long as it's a positive one you should act on it.
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@shelonewolf1969 (486)
• United States
4 Dec 06
I believe in spirit guide I guess not so much angels but I guess they could be a type guide as the spirit comes to people in ways they accept .
I have guides my self they are a big part of my life .I try honnor them as best I can .
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
I often think how mush better off this world would be if everyone would open up and let their guides in and listen to them, I don't think their would be all this trouble in the world today.
@raveemenon (1071)
• India
1 Feb 07
I am one of those blessed. The spirits do guide us but only a few who are rogheteous honest and philanthropic may be able to communicate and experience that frequency.
I am guided on every step by my spirit guide who happened to my preceptor.i am blessed to have his divine grace and guidance on every moment. Please also visit my web site mentioned in my profile.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 Feb 07
thank you, I have saved the link to your webpage I will check it out tomorrow, I am just up at the moment because I couldn't sleep,...thank you