Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
August 30, 2007 11:21am CST
Everyone has their own unique comfort zone, the place they live, the job they work at and the family, beit a partner, children, pets etc...
But have you ever wanted to make the big jump into the unknown? Throw away your comfort zone which has become boring and life is just not happening for you. Life has become stale and the thought of spending another year let alone the rest of your life in the same day in, day out situation feels you with dread?
What if you decided that you would leave your comfort zone behind and step into the unknown? What if you made a big big gamble and threw it all away for a better life?
After all we only get ONE chance in life, so why not live it to the full, why not live it the way YOU want to live it instead of pleasing others or resign to the fact that this is the way life is meant to be, so what's the point in dreaming?
Do you ever wish you were somewhere else, doing something exciting, but you were so afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone?
I am doing just that, admittedly there are circumstances in my homelife that has forced me to make a big big jump, but even so it's still a big risk and I just know that there are huge rewards awaiting me.
Ok, so it won't be easy, it'll be scary, but I'm going for it, and come what may I am going to live life the way I WANT if it doesn't work then I've tried!
It's the thought of looking back on life wishing you had taken that leap of faith, nothing worse than regrets!
So would you ever consider or have you ever jumped out of your comfort zone, thrown everything away (not necessarily possessions) to start again?
Life is what you make it, don't let others make it for you!
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14 responses
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Well wolfie, my sweet :). You know i took the jump too. Since I moved to Arizona the first of August, I have gotten on medical. I have made friends and joined a few organizions. I have got a library card and had much fun with that. I have done some mystery shops. I got a reduced fare bus pass so i can anywhere I want. I'm no longer trapped at home because of no money and the bad weeather. THE SUN ALWAYS SHINES!! I AM happier here then I have been for a long time. And last but not least. Yesterday, I GOT A JOB!! It pays really well too. My next objective which I will succeed at is getting my own apartment. Wolfie just think positive and look at all the good things that happen to you. I wish you luck and my love. XXXXX
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 Aug 07
Even before making the big jump I have achieved a great deal and the greatest positive about making the decision? My depression has gone! The excitement alone of making a new life fills me with confidence and plus a 2 week holiday in Rhodes to mark the start of my new life and a new wolfie will make a hell of a difference. I never ever want to go back to the old me xxx
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@Cammeel1 (372)
• United States
31 Aug 07
After hearing your story wolfie and the others here who commented I was reminded of the changes I have made it my life. I have made some big leaps of my own and learned a lot from them But we never stop learning do we? And reading this only made me feel that just maybe it is time for me to do some more learning and take a little leap myself.
I wish you all the best and with the attitude you have, you will go far and do well. :)
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@yanjiaren (9031)
30 Aug 07
I did it when I left my ex and it was so hard because I was penniless and with nothing and not even my confidence and self esteem in tact..Two years on I am still battling away but I have regained my confidence a bit and started my own buainess Jem Invest and am also a team leader in the Berry Tree..I have met wonderful people and although times are still a bit tough I am glad I was able to do what I had to do but it was kinda scary..that and meeting my Present Beloved, flying all the way to the U.S to meet him!
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 Aug 07
Your confidence is overwhelming, you have gained a lot of respect and you are so warm and caring and I for one am grateful to know such a wonderful person and someone I have faith it and know will look after me! You have given so much and you have made a lot of close friends here Ellie xxx
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
30 Aug 07
Hi Wolfie, have you ever considered that sometimes we are forced to move out of our comfort zone because it is what is making us ill. And isn't life about living, rather then a feather nest. Yes we protect children, but we try to raise them as adults, and being an adult is all about making decisions and living with the consequences. But no matter what happens, unless you really need to see if you can fly off a tall building. We learn, and when we can keep the lesson and forget the disaster that taught us the lesson, we no longer need a comfort zone, we have an open, willing mind
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
30 Aug 07
True if we don't take risks, we never learn! and life without risk is very dull and boring! A lot of us are complacent. Yes my homelife was making me ill to the verge of losing my sanity. Whatever happens I have got rid of that horrendous dark cloud of depression that was forever hanging over me and that in itself is worth taking that mighty jump!
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@mssnow (9484)
• United States
30 Aug 07
I am sure that where i was , was making me ill as well. I know my health was suffering because I was gaining weight. Not eating right and no excercise. Now I'm actually walking and eating right and guess what I'm losing the weight i gained. I feel so much better now. I'm glad i stepped out of my comfort zone. I was miserable and even though at times i want to go back because i miss my children I know I wont and cant. I'm glad wolfie decided to go for it too.
@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
30 Aug 07
I forgot to mention how great it is when we are able to make the jump, and very soon,my friend you will be able to face situations that before would have sent you running, and think, well, I was able to make that huge leap and it worked for me, I can DO this as well. self esteem and self Worth are wonderful, and we can only gain them by doing what you are doing , Well done Wolfie
@lovesfreedom (1245)
• United States
4 Sep 07
Oh my, I have had to step out of comfort zones many times, Get to my next step and create another comfort zone, only to find I have to leave it to. But like the little engine that could, I repeat, I think I can until suddenly I DID! Oh it just makes us grow as individuals and becomes a part of who we are.
Most recently, I stepped out of my comfort zone of having done the same job for 15 years and into the world of my own home business, not knowing a thing about how to do it, now here I am 4 months later and I am able to teach others a few things about it. Mind over matter, if you put your mind to it, soon it will not matter...oh and also
when taking these steps....
those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind
do not let the world hold you back!
@mummymo (23706)
3 Sep 07
Well Honey I am full of excuses but you know they are true - between the kids and my health i don't have a comfort zone to step out of! lol I respect and admire you though and you know how much I love you right! I will worry about you too whilst you are offline - having said that I love to get little messages letting me know you are okay and saying strong - we big sisters are worriers after all! xxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Aug 07
Well Sweetie I did when I moved here and 3 1/2 hours away from my Kids
I had to as the Darlings all thought they had to live their Life round me and I did not want that they have their own Life to live but also I live closer now to my Lovely Man
It was very hard at first as I missed the Kids badly I still miss them now but they have their Life to live and I am closer to the Man I love
You will be Fine Sweetheart you know that you will and we will all stay behind you and wait for you to return
Love and a Big Hug to you x
@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Yes, its worth it to jump sometimes. Sometimes you find out that your comfort zone wasnt all it could be or wasnt what you needed. Change can be so good.It takes courage and bravery but some people often always wonder what if....and if we wait too long , it can become regret...Your right, you cant let others make your life for you.....
@smints8985 (1594)
• United States
31 Aug 07
Everyone would agree that it is indeed hard and awkward to step out of our comfort zones. The humbel abode where we feel safe and secure is where we want to be. Being put in uncalled situations and thoe that we hate to do are the worst things that could happen. But then, stepping out of our comfort zones does have its benefits. By being forced to do so, we are learning and experiencing new things that we would never do oursleves unless put in a position where we are not able to choose freely.
I believe that awkward encounters make me a better individual, it makes us more ready to face the unexpected. it gives us more confidence that we could be up to whatever challenge that comes along. And when we are capable of doing things that we are not comfortble doing, then that is the time we can face any challenge that comes our way.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
31 Aug 07
I've done it lots of times. I can't stand being in a rut. When your job sucks, and your realationship as well, when you've tried and tried to have a healthy attitude and still can't change the status quo, when it looks like you'll have to settle for the crap and take it on the chin, when you're feeling bad about yourself and your savings are being depleted, when you find yourself truly unhappy and miserable....then it's time to FLY.
I've tried lots of things, lived in lots of places, loved several guys, had different jobs but nothing was ever right for me after a while. I was feeling like a total failure one day and telling a friend and she said..."At least you have a go. I've never done anything and I probably never will." She now travels whenever she gets the oppportunity and loves life.
Yeah, I fall down and get pushed over, trodden on and kicked...but the secret is get up and keep going till you find what's right for you. I'm still looking and having a wonderful time in the meantime. I have lots of plans too. LOL.
@Healthkeep (996)
• Israel
30 Aug 07
Inspiring, my friend! I teach people how to do it for a living... I help charity foundations to acknoledge that and use it in order to enhance their profit and thus contribute more to society.
It is so easy to say : that's what there is, and we can't do more than we already do with it...
It is much harder (more mentaly than physicaly...) to actualy turn the switch and say - hey, I can do so much more - I deserve so much more.
You seem to have gotten the whole idea about the way to realy make a change in your life - and in others' lives as well.
I wish you a great journey in this new amazing and daring path you have just started taking. Don't be afraid to listen to the advice of the experienced (as a matter of fact, it is a must do).
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
30 Aug 07
So glad that you're back, wolfie. Yes, I have had the desire to step outside my comfort zone a few times. I still get the urge now and then. When I made the move to where I am now it took a giant leap of faith. That was five and a half years ago. I really came into my own since then(although I still am not where I would like to be). I did, however, learn that I could once again be independent. That was a big step for me. It was the first time I have lived completely alone since I was sixteen years old. It is a good thing that you are doing. I wish only the best for you.
@Hart57 (359)
• United States
30 Aug 07
Life certainly is what you make it, Wolfie34. And being trapped in a comfort zone disables one from making their life wonderful. Many people live far below their potential, and I think that is tragic. They get stuck in a huge rut and squander their true potential.
At one time or another, everybody gets stuck in a comfort zone. I personally can attest to that. But there is so much truth contained in the old saw, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." We have to be willing to be uncomfortable (and possibly deal with a lot of pain) in order to free ourselves of the shackles of the comfort zone and be all we can be.
@jingbautista (2456)
• Philippines
31 Aug 07
you are very right men. thank you for sharing. we humans really need to jump out of our comfort zone in order to build and enjoy the life that was given to us. we really need to go ut of our shell and socialized with others in order to help others and attain self fulfillment. we can really have true happyness when we ourselves would bring to others that happyness. we need to go our from our comfort zone!