America's most frugal family - what do you think?
By rosie_123
@rosie_123 (6113)
September 3, 2007 7:13am CST
As I am quite bored at work today, I've been surfing the Internet, and come across some information about this family. I'm sure my American friends are familiar with them, although I had never heard of them before. Here is a link to their story
Basically they pride themselves on living frugally, to a huge extent - never going tnto debt, never having a credit card, scouring the supermarkets for bargains, and seemingly spending their lives obsessed with saving the odd $ or two. Now of course, too much debt is wrong, and it is good to be sensible and live within your means, - but in my view, it it so sad that these people never seem to treat themselves or their children to anything out of the ordinary. In my opinion, their lives must be so boring - of course you don't want to overspend $1000s on credit cards for non-essentials, but to me, never even "splashing out" a couple of $100 once a year on a Credit Card to buy your kids something nice at Christmas, seems sad. Life's too short for that I feel. Why not live a little:-))
So what do you think? Are you the frugal type, that saves every penny, and cuts out coupons and saves for a "rainy day" - or are you like me............ spend now, shop now, because we only live once and we can't take it with us when we die?
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21 responses
@annkenline (337)
• United States
3 Sep 07
Thanks for sharing that article - I never heard of that family. I try to be frugal but mess up all the time. Taking it to their level takes alot of work - it depends on what you are willing to give to that. However, it sure would be great to have no debt.
@rosie_123 (6113)
3 Sep 07
Well I think being frugal is very hard all the time. It is easier to save for a short term goal (Christmas or a holiday or something), but to do it all day, every day for years, must be very wqearing on the spirit. Thanks for responding.
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@thefortunes (2367)
• Netherlands
3 Sep 07
Hiya Rosie, what can I say about it really...I hate being frugal, and even though I am not one who is overspending all the time, bothme and my partner have the same view as yours, spend now, shop now as life is so short, and it's best to live your life in contentment as much as possible ;)
However, since I am also helping my family attimes I have to think twice how wise is to spend what I am about to spend, and don't do it all the times. It really depends, and sometimes the choices we take, to make other people, dear for us in our lives also gives contentment, even more than the contentments of having bought something for ourselfs. So no, being frugal is definitely notsomething for me, and my partner. WE LOVE TO LIVE and ENJOY everything in our life at it's fullest ;)
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@rosie_123 (6113)
3 Sep 07
My views exactly my friend. I love to spend - not just on myself and my partner, but on friends and family too.Life is for wenjoying in my opinion. Thanks for sharing your views.
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@luvadeal46 (289)
• United States
7 Oct 07
I try to be the frugal type because my dream is to be able to not work and be able to stay home with my kids...and eventually dh can start up his own business(he hates his job, but is responsible). However I am not very good at it.. I try and try and try... save, save and save and then dh spends, spends and spends... ugh! So i am coming to the point... why do I save so he can spend...
Now frugality is fine but like you I think every once in a while its okay to splurge.. however if you are frugal you will save the money before you splurge...
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 Sep 07
I never heard of them before this.
And no way could our family of four get by this cheap as we always have high light bills since they went up 25%. Water bill gone up they must not hae light and cook on a old wood stove oil lamps draw water from a well. I did this years ago and it wasnt all that much fun buu this is the way it was done when I met hubbies family!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 Sep 07
They sure must have to do with out alot of things . But some think they need things they reall dont need to have. Like me lol
When paying for a home its very hard to live with in your budget no matter how strict ya are with money. am wondering if they bought a home or built one or just rent
@rosie_123 (6113)
4 Sep 07
Thanks for your answer, and I don't know how they do it either. You certainly couldn't live on that here in England. Hope you are doing OK. Take care.

@Naomi17 (624)
4 Oct 07
I couldn't live like that i do save for things i want like holidays but they appear well over the top i freely admit i like buying treats for myself my hubby and my children. live is for living, yesterday i bought myself some new shoes they caught my eye and it made me happy if all i did was work and save life would be pretty dreary!I see them as tight and boring i'm sure a night out is out of the question for them money certainly isn't enhancing there life
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@rosie_123 (6113)
4 Oct 07
I totally agree with what you say. Of course it's wise not to overspend and get into huge debt - but the thought of a life of total frugality and never treating yourself, would drive me mad with the dreariness of it too! Thanks for responding.
@michelledarcy (5220)
3 Sep 07
I work really hard to try and save money whereever I can as I want to make sure I don't get into debt and I am saving hard so we can have a nicer house. However I don't think my kids miss out at all. I don't buy them large expensive gifts all the time, but I am always on the look out for cheap days out, and we have lots of fun doing painting, cooking, and craft at home as well. They do get treats as well but just not all the time.
I think you just have to get the right balance. You need to think about the future but not at the expense of everything else. You need to enjoy each day as well, but this doesn't mean getting into lots of debt.
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@rosie_123 (6113)
3 Sep 07
Yes - you are right that balance is important. Thanks for responding, and good to see you back here.
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@michelledarcy (5220)
3 Sep 07
Its a bit of a half hearted return I must say. I'm finding it hard to fit it in but now the school holidays are nearly over I will have more time.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
4 Sep 07
I think everything should have a limit. Its true you should not overspend.
But to defy yourself from every aspect of life is crime.
when at least you can afford some amusement, you sud enjoy it.
We come to this world for a single life.
If we can't spend then why we are saving so much for?
@rosie_123 (6113)
5 Sep 07
Indeed. In fact I wonder if any of them will turn out to be a real spendthrift, as a kind of reaction against their upbringing. That kind of thing often happens.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Sep 07
I take my hat off to these people. They believe in living within their means and do so. I have to give them my respect. They look like a clean living, happy family and I see nothing wrong with that.
I try to live within my means but every now and then I want a little something and so it goes on my credit card. BUT....I have to be able to repay in the shortest time or I go without.
If you go into debt you have to pay for it and I don't want to do that. I don't earn enough to be able to afford to do that. I just have to be satisfied with what I can afford.
@hezoid (2144)
3 Oct 07
I think it's a good idea to try and live within your means wherever possible. I don't tend to buy things unless i have the cash to actually buy them. I don't have any credit cards and would only ever buy something on credit if it was a large purchase like a mortgage (which is still bascially a debt) or a car (but even then i'd not go overboard, i'd still get something that was re-payable within my means). Having said said i do have debts, all of which are student related and were spent on living costs and course fees. However, sometimes i think people go to extremes with being frugal and not only aim to live within their means but scrimp so much that they are well below their means, and i guess just start to amass money. I can't see the point of that unless there is something specific you were saving up for, since you can't take your money with you when you die and you may as well enjoy it while you're alive! So i think the best thing is to live roughly to your means, ie not too much over or under. Maybe save a bit just in case or for an extra treat (like saving for holidays). But at the end of the day it is up to the individual(s) to do what they want with their money and be the results of that on their own heads!
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@3lilangels (4639)
• United States
4 Sep 07
well i think this is amazing how they can be able to do that and live,but as long as they are happy i guess thats all that matters.their love is what makes them happy and grow,and to do what they are doing is so amazing,i wouldnt be able to do that probaply even if i tried.i give them alot of credit.take care .pattie
@crazed_moma (1054)
• United States
3 Sep 07
Supporting 7 people on $35,000 a year is no easy thing to do! They get Kudos from me.
I don't think I could do that! I enjoy spending money too much. :) I would certainly have to give up my lattes. I'd love to be more frugal but money seems to disappear faster when I try.
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
4 Sep 07
good on them. I dont have a credit card I dont buy "interest free" if I have the cash I buy it if not I dont. I only have a house loan. We use cupons for petrol and pizza only (in australia we dont have that many cupons anyway) I buy when things are on special but I dont wait for something to be on special to get it if I need it I buy it, if something is on special great if its not than its fine. I buy what I like not what is on special I do not compromise on taste or quality.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
4 Sep 07
I saw that on the internet, too. They have 7 children and live off of $35,000 a year. I would spring for the book but I am too frugal to spend money on it! lol I don't think that I am too far either way, not too frugal or a spendthrift. I don't use credit cards. Well, that's not true, I do have one for a building supply store and I may use it twice per year. I don't think racking up debt at Christmas on a credit card is a good idea. I always have saved up for Christmas. I mean, you know it's coming all year...put a few bucks each payday in a savings account for it. Or buy things throughout the year here and there. I save money each month for emergencies. I check prices of almost everything I buy. If I am getting something major, I check out at least 3 stores to get the best price. I just think that's good sense. Nothing makes me more angry at myself than to know I wasted money!
The family you are referring to also had handsfull of coupons at the grocery store. I wondered how they got that many? I never see many coupons for things I buy. I save money with my grocery store cards, though, and the few coupons I find.
While it is true we can't take it with us, I do want to have it there when I need it. And if I can leave it to my children, even better!
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Oct 07
i think i am similar with this america frugal family the way i live my life... i don't like to be in debt and my principle is if i don't have the money, i won't buy it... and i am happy for that... but at the moment, i still have a car and home loan debt...
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
3 Sep 07
Rosie I do not have a lot as I am on Disability and that I mean it is that bad I have to find out where to apply for help with my Electric as I need the Warmth and I have Storage Heaters my Bill was high due to the bad weather but I refuse to totally not treat myself so every now and again I will treat myself to something like you say you only live once
Well I am still hoping on the Lottery lol but until then I will just have to do with the occasional treat
Even when I was working due to the Ex Husband there was not a lot left for treats but I still treated my Children
I really do not know how People can live live like that I mean as you say Life is short and certainly to short for that
@rosie_123 (6113)
4 Sep 07
Thanks for your comment Gabs, and I think you are very wise. Of course we all have to be sensible, but I personally think it would be such a sad and dreary life, never to have a one-off treat for your kids or an adventure, and be worrying all the time. Life's too short for that! Thanks for your response.
@AmbiePam (96427)
• United States
3 Sep 07
I think they are very wise. One day they will have to retire, and you can bet they will have the money for it. With Social Security and health care so sketchy, they'll be laughing at us because they won't be having money troubles at all. And when we are elderly, we won't have the chance to make the money we might need.
@happythoughts (4109)
• United States
15 Oct 07
I would pride my self in being called cheap if I was out of debt. I would let my self be called millions of things but I would love not to stress about our bills any more. I hope I can learn a great lesson from them, now I just need to find a way to save up the money to buy that book.
@artemis432 (7474)
• Abernathy, Texas
15 Oct 07
I believe in balance - be frugal as far as groceries - get yummy take out, shop in thrift stores - which I prefer anyway - I find more things I like - have more clothes - tons more - and be able to visit relatives that live far away. I think its all about balance.
@ellavemia (30)
• United States
9 Oct 07
I live on the cheap because I don't have a lot of money, not really because I'm frugal. I find that for example, by buying off-brands of some products I can have money left to buy something I want or a small something for someone else. I have learned to make sacrifices that no longer feel like sacrifices, they feel like the means to a reward.
I know that I can't take it with me so why not enjoy life a little while I'm here?