Don't You WISH there was an ON/OFF switch for CHILDREN??
@texasclassygal (5305)
United States
September 4, 2007 8:28pm CST
As most of you know, at least those that are my friends, I babysit my 3 year old granddaughter for my daughter 4 days a week while she goes to school and work. Well this week will TEST my patience, I have my beautiful granddaughter all week long. My daughter's car died and I offered to take care of my granddaughter so that she would not have to worry about her daughter while she was getting rides to work and school.
Today is our first day full day together and she does not STOP talking, I mean it is non-stop talking. All day long when I made work calls and left messages you could hear her talking in the background. She is an only child and maybe that has something to do with it, but goodness I find myself just telling her to talk quietly or go talk in the other room. I know she wants be to around me and I am around her all day long but the evenings are killing me. This is the time I wind down from my day and enjoy a little bit of television, but kind of difficult when you have a 3 year old talking non-stop to you.
I raised 2 children, but they were 18 mos apart and seemed to occupy each other more than talking to me, I truly don't remember them talking as much as she does.
So do you have a talker in your family? I am thinking this one should be a newscaster with her voice since she likes to talk so much.
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21 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Nah--being an only child I don't think has anything to do with it, as I was an only child as I was as quiet as a mouse...I hardly talked at all as a kid...still don't talk much..LOL Is your grand-daughter like this all the time? I mean in the past too, or with her mom (your daughter) or is it only around you--gee how blessed...NOT
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Yes, she has always been a talker, I figured it was because she was an only child and didn't have any brothers or sisters to contend with so she talked away. Most of the time I can't understand what she says and will ask her repeatedly to repeat she gets irritated that I can understand and will talk slowly and loudly, poor thing, probably thinks her grandma is crazy for not understanding her, maybe by the week end we will be communicating better.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Does she mainly talk to you, or people in general, or by herself, both..maybe she's talking to imaginary friends??? LOL
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
No imaginery friends for her, she is clearly talking to me, most times I don't understand what she says and I have her repeat it to me, poor thing probably thinks her grandma cannot hear cause I ask her so many times until I understand her.

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Hey texas I do know how you feel. My son's step daughter was a talker. Boy was she a talker. She talked even when she knew no one was listening. When she was about 4 she was visiting her dad and I road wth my son and his wife to go pick her up about 3 hours way. she talked from the time she got in the car until we got home boy that was a long 3 hours. I tried the quiet game with her. She was quiet about 3 min when my son had and I do mean had to get her started again. She did finely out grow it. She was not an only child ether. Now I also have a 20 year old and 18 year old grand kids that are just as bad in other area. Shron cannot talk about any thing with out giving every detail. I mean how they looked and every word spoken by all that were with her. Now My grandson is abit different. When he was about 4 years old itook him to se a Tarzan ovie. His poor dad. He followed his dad all over giveing him a full detailed discription of the movie. His dad even walked away to get away from all the details of movie. He is still that way about movies or video game except when you want the details, it's like pulling teeth. A switch realy would come in handy
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Sometime when they learn to talk I think they are like poloticions they like to hear their own voice. but Ya gotta love them. I had 4 kids and if one was gone it seemed like 1/2 the house was gone. There were meany a tiime I wanted hang them all in the closet for a couple of hours. 4 Kids In 5 Years
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Yeah my granddaughter does that also, I hear her talking in other rooms, she is non-stop all the time, I think she talks in her sleep too ... LOL .. thanks for responding it is truly appreciated.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Pretty much that is how she is she will talk and talk and talk and then suddenly she is asleep, bless her heart, she is so cute, it is just so hard to work on the computer when you have a 3 year old standing next to you carrying on a conversation. Thanks for responding, it is truly appreciated.
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@Calais (10893)
• Australia
5 Sep 07
LOL...Yes, most definantly...I know what you mean..I have a seven year old daughter and I have looked absolutely everywhere for the off button but I cannot deem to find it...from the second she wakes up till she drops in bed...
I have to laugh sometimes, but I suppose its a good thing...
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
If you find that OFF button, write to me where you found it, I could use it this week
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 Sep 07
LOL - I am now living in the same house with 4 year old grandson and 2 year old granddaughter - they both talk non-stop when they're with me.
Grandson had his first day of school today, young 5s, when my daughter picked him up he didn't want to talk about school, he got home and Papa asked but he ignored. He came up to my living space and talked non-stop until I sent him downstairs for something.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Hi Faith, long time no see, but of course I have not been that active here for awhile. Your grandson sounds wonderful, he obviously has a real connection with you that he wants to tell you about his first day at school, how blessed you truly are.
Be well, my friend!
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Forgot to add, I love the 'on/off' switch - that would be one of the best inventions ever.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
5 Sep 07
If only there is such a button. I am sure the children will welcome it more than us :P
In my home, there are 4 kids, each yatting and screaming non-stop if they are all together and playing by themselves. Of course, their parents will scream louder than them to be heard. lol.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Goodness your house must be loud, I am not used to alot of children, only having 2 myself and coming from a small family. I am thankful that she is my only granddaughter, don't know if I could handle any more like her.
Be well, my friend!
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
6 Sep 07
Oh, you will be used to it :P
The kids only come to my house during the weekends. I sort of miss it they are not around. Of course, things are different if there is only one or two kids around. With all 4 around, it could be a headache, but I guess the joy they bring more than compensates. Have a good day!
@mswendy23 (3)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Yes i do, I have 4 littles boys and gosh they could go on and on talking about everthing Sometimes they wil be even be talking about adult issues likes bills,cooking and,etc
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
7 Sep 07
Wow, well I guess they run out of children things to say that they move to discussions they hear us talking about, thanks for responding, it is truly appreciated.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Yes, I do. My son is 14 and he either has to be talking or making stupid noises. We have to literally tell him to be quiet or else. He has always done this, he talks about the silliest things and some doesn't even make sense. We have even recorded him and let him listen to himself. The only place he does this is at home.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
7 Sep 07
How funny ... well hopefully he will stop the funny noises when he gets older, I don't think the girls will like it otherwise. Thanks for responding, it is truly appreciated.
@ichampin (593)
• India
5 Sep 07
Hi Texas, what i think that there are many others whom we can wish for a on/off switch. The people who are grown ups and still they make many people irritate. As far as your granddaughter is concerned she is in her learning phase of her life, she likes to talk so much because she might be having many confusions in her mind. Like "how Ac cools a room " or "How people get into television" etc etc. I think you just engage her in something productive so that she can learn that when and how she shud talk. Sometimes kids never stop, I admit that
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I think she has so much energy and so much to do here that she is always asking new questions or what she can play with next, she has so many toys here to choose from. Thanks for responding, it is truly appreciated.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
5 Sep 07
My daughter was a talker, still is sometimes.
Look at it this way... it's better to have a bright, active & outgoiung child, who wants to communicate, than a quiet child.
I say this because those who talk a lot, are very likely to develop good verbal skills, & hence, be successful reading & writing.
But oh, I know what you mean about the OFF button.
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@jillmalitz (5131)
• United States
5 Sep 07
God that is so familiar! My oldest granddaughter has always been a talker. She is 12 now and still likes to talk to grandma. I guess that since she is very smart she likes the stimulation of talking about things. Then there is my stepdaughter. When we used to pick her up on her dad's weekends she would talk all the way home. She lived in a different town than we did so she talked about everything until she fell asleep. It was funny cause she talked and talked and then suddenly she was quiet and asleep. I feel for you. When I kept my older daughter's three kids while the parents moved I thought I would go crazy. 10 days turned into 1 month and I was about to climb the walls. That bottle of vodka in the cabinet began to look good. The little ones got up early so I had to get up earlier to keep them out of trouble and the older child was always on the computer since her mother would not let her use it at home. From the time they got up to the time they all went to bed,talk, talk. Have fun, dear!
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Tell me about that bottle of vodka ... I hit it last night about the time I got her down for bed which was 9:00 pm, tonite we are going to try for 8:00 pm since that is what time I used to put my children to bed when they were this age. Hopefully it will work.
Be well, my friend.
@saigonwarrior (1331)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Yep..both of my children were motor-mouths when they were younger. Especially my youngest, he rarely shut up. He followed me around talking constantly. Now, he rarely talks to me, he is a teenager..sigh..I miss those good old days when he actually talked. My oldest went through the not talking to parents stage, now he talks to me all of the time again.
Enjoy it while you can :)
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I remember the teenage years more than I remember this age that she is ... I guess that is why it is hitting me so hard.
Be well, my friend!
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
5 Sep 07
LOL, texas, you've got to love the little angels. Once they learn how to talk there is usually no stopping them. I think it's just that it is such a novelty to them that they are afraid if they don't use it they'll lose it. When my grandkids were that age they could really talk-and ask questions! But, you know, I would rather have one that is talkative moreso than one who does not talk. That is a reason to worry.(:
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
The one thing I love about her is her innocence, she can do something wrong and you ask her if she did and she will nod and admit it fully, gotta love that innocence, hopefully it will last longer than it did with my kids.
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
5 Sep 07
my son had one when he was a baby I would just gently stroke his face (in between his eyes above the nose) or next to hie ear and he would stop crying. Now I just want to know how can you take the bateries out or at least how long they last before they need re-charging (as I think he cant even sleep for 2 hours without making any noise)
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I hear ya there, my grandbaby is such a talker and if you don't respond she keeps repeating herself over and over and over again, drives me crazy, I don't remember kids being this hard to raise. Thanks for responding, it is truly appreciated.
@ssf12ster (488)
• India
5 Sep 07
you have the voice software for that. try thatotherwise record her voice on the mobile and show it to her with her image also.she will like it. or ownlaod on the computer and show her the image.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
We have her on video and show her often, she loves looking at herself, especially on the computer. Thanks for responding, it is truly appreciated.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Yes Lorie those little ones can talk up a storm. I have quite a few Grand-chidren, My daughter has twins, they asre 15 months, They don't talk a lot but they try to. so I know what you mean. they are so cute when they are at your Grand-daughters age. another thing they are very, agressive. A 3 yr, old is like a 6 yr, old.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Hey Marcie, boy aren't you going to fun in about a year, so are you going to be babysitting those little ones for the weekend when they get older, God Bless You if you do!!
@Poison_Girl (4150)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Oh, the non-stop talking would drive me CRAZY!! Yes, I do wish kids had an off switch, but not just for talking, for EVERYTHING! Of course, I'd be tempted to never turn them back on. LOL! That's why I shouldn't have kids. Well, that's just one of the MANY reasons I shouldn't have kids.
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@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
Well it is not only the non-stop talking but she will walk up to you and ask you "what are you doing?" 20 times, enough to drive the sanist person to go crazy.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
5 Sep 07
I have to admit that sometimes there are others that I wish had on off switches too. I will not go into details, some are children, some are clients, some are family. It could get to be really annoying I am sure. Maybe you need to give her other things to do with her mouth--blow bubbles, do cotton ball races with a straw and a cotton ball, things like that. It is hard to talk and blow through a straw at the same time.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
10 Sep 07
It is pretty normal for that age. They want to know about everything and be a part of everything now that they can carry on a conversation. It's funny...we were coaxing them to learn new words and goodness...will you please quit talking! LOL! And we were so eager for them to learn to walk, and then when they get into everything, we get aggravated! LOL Just normal...
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
5 Sep 07
You have a very cute granddaughter there..kinda reminds me of my niece who I think is as talkative as her,though she is 5 years old now, she loves to talk to anyone and anything, she even talks to her toys and to her shoes! LOL
How I wish there is an ON/OFF button switch for nice it would be..LOL my mom would definitely love it because she's babysitting that 5 year old niece of mine too.
@texasclassygal (5305)
• United States
5 Sep 07
She is adorable and so loving always comes up to me about the time I have had enough and will tell me she loves me and will say big hug and give me a big hug, how can anybody not love that.
Here is a photo of her on her mother's birthday a few weeks ago.
@acoen030805 (26)
• United States
6 Sep 07
OMGosh YES I think they should all come with a remote and an instruction manual, lol.
I remember when I was younger I was the same though. My mom used to always tell me "Shhh, I'm on the phone, Shhh, I'm reading, Shhh, I'm trying to watch this, Shhh, I'm talking with whomever, lol. I could go on and on.
I was not an only child but, my only siblings were 4 and 5 years younger then me and both of them were boys and I am a girl so, sometimes I felt like an only child.
She will grow out of it or at least learn to control herself as to when is the right time to go on and on, and when to stay quiet.
Good luck to you and hope you keep your sanity. God Bless!
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