I can handle little “A”

September 13, 2007 9:46am CST
As I set here this morning I am dying inside with a huge proud smile on my face. I love my children, you all know I do, but I did something that I now some what regret. I signed the permission slip and paid the dues so my daughter can learn how to play the violin. Of course at the time I thought of nothing but the positives of how learning to play music would be. I did not think about the fact she will have to practice at home night...and...day. I have for the last 30 minutes listen to the sound of poor little A being played endlessly. LOL, HELP!!!!! Ok all joking aside it is a sacrifice I gladly make for the benefit and future of my child. Playing an instrument will build many things, such as her confidence, comprehension as well as her attention span. So I am ok with that little A and all the other little notes I will soon become familiar with, :o). So here are my questions have you ever played an instrument and if so what was it? If not why not? Did you enjoy it and/or do you still play? Have any of your kids played one, if so what was it and do they still play it? What are some of the benefits you found, come from playing music? ? ? ?Thanks in advance, and you got it, I read all and rate all. ? ? ?
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23 responses
• United States
13 Sep 07
I think that that is great. The only thing my mom pushed me to do was to take piano lessons, but I already had an interest and was trying to learn on my own. After two years of lessons I quit because I was taking things on my own and not following what the teacher wanted me to learn as she was very classical and I enjoy contemporary music, and country style stuff. I progressed even further after I quit taking the lessons and now play keyboard in a band, but it was those fundamentals and the theory about reading music and stuff that I learned in the lessons. If the interest is there in the child then they will get out of the lessons what they need and put their own emotion and their own inspiration into it and carry into something they love. Once I quit taking piano lessons I also started teaching myself guitar and now those two are my main instruments that I play just about the same ability. I also picked up banjo, fiddle, bass, and now the steel guitar. I know the violin/fiddle is about the hardest instrument I've tried to learn yet, but it's definitely a fun one, and It's just something you have to stick with. I never got any formal instruction on it so I know my techniques are off, and I don't have the practice time to put into it since I concentrate on the keyboard and guitar the most, but if she takes what she learns to heart and uses the techniques and theory she learns I believe she'll have a lot of fun. Keep up with the little A!
13 Sep 07
That is so amazing to me you can play so many diffrent instruments. I can sing and hit the notes needed, but to me it's easy, I know my voice and how it works. But to play an instrument, now that is a challenge and simply amazing. Thank you for sharing that.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
13 Sep 07
For the last two summers (not this year) we had to endure the 2pm one hour rehearsals of the neighbour's cadet children playing the bagpipes and drum together. They would march around the backyard for an hour. I have nothing against bagpipes but it did becoming annoying day in and day out. My children are sports nuts so they have not taken up any music. I would like them to take piano but we can't afford the lessons or the piano. My father was in the music business all his life. He and his brother and HIS father are all listed in the Encylopedia of Music. Dad was a music publisher. In exchange for discounts in sheet music he got us piano lessons. It was mandatory that we take piano lessons for at least one year and then we could decide if we wanted to quit. I decided to quit and to this day I regret it. From what I have heard, music makes kids smarter in all areas of life. Perserve, my dear. :)
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
13 Sep 07
Little sisters always want to do what their big sisters do. Don't be surprised if it causes some friction. My older daughter hated her sister wanting to do EVERYTHING she did. She quit altar serving at church because her sister joined. But she didn't hesitate to join indoor soccer after watching her younger sister play for a year. LOL!
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13 Sep 07
Sports is another great activity for children so that is great your kids are into that. My youngest, she is into sports way more than her sister. I think she is going out for volleyball this year. However she may try to play the violin when she reaches the 5th grade as well. She seems to be very interested in what sissy is doing.
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@nmw2005 (1197)
• United States
13 Sep 07
Growing up, my brother and I were into sports, though I regret now not taking any kind of music lessons. She may not be the best now, but who knows where it can take her in the future. For now, you can always invest in some ear plugs for yourself :)
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13 Sep 07
Yes I think I am going to make myself a "hobby corner" in the garage for awhile :o)
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@gapeach65 (805)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I have never played an instrument although my daughter played the clarinet for about 9 years and occasionally picks it up now and again, she plays beautifully and was first chair a few times in school and had a few solos to play in concerts too. She was a straight A student, graduating from both high School and college with honors. I think the music "played" a part in that, as well as building her confidence and self esteem. My oldest son also played in the band, he played trumpet, he didn't like it as much as his sister even though he also was very good at it, so I didn't push it any more. Maybe my youngest son will take up playing the trumpet since we have a nice one that is not being used any more. It's hard to hear those first few notes, but it's all worth it once you hear them play in their very first concert.
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14 Sep 07
That is awsome both your kids have played something. With luck so will your youngest. I don't know if my other daughter will play or not when she reaches that grade. It looks like she will right now, but she changes her mind so much, I don't know.
• United States
13 Sep 07
LOL. I used to take piano lessons. And I'm sure I tortured my parents and siblings endlessly with my practicing. I can't imagine listening to a viloin practice! My daughter has a kid-sized acoustic guitar. No, she doesn't know how to play it yet. But she sure tries....
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14 Sep 07
That's cool, just give her time, you never know where that can lead her, she may when she is older, take it seriously and become a great guitar player someday.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
13 Sep 07
LOL, don't worry she'll get better. I started playing instruments when I was about 8. I started on the clarinet, then moved to the alto sax, the piano, and the flute. I've always loved music and enjoy playing whenever I can. I started teaching my daughter how to play the piano when she was small becasue I wanted her to learn to enjoy music as much as I have. I write songs here and there so being able to read and play music comes in handy when you're writing your own.
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13 Sep 07
That is wonderful! I was not encouraged as a child to play, so in the 6th grade I got into chorus and I loved that. Now Hubby and his siblings all played some sort of instruments and it was he that educated me to the importance of our children learning as well. She is so proud when she practices, I just love watching her. I know she will get better, she is really into this so there is no way she won't. I joke about the practicing, but I know this is something wonderful for her. BTW That is so cool you write your own music, I never learned to read sheet music so I admire you can not only do this but create your own. That is awesome :o)
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• United States
13 Sep 07
ty, it has taken me years of practice to get where I am, as far as being able to compose my own stuff. When I first got intrested in music I was in 2nd grade but they wouldn't let me take band at such a young age. I started messing around on my uncles piano and would hear a song and try to play it by ear. Thats actually how I learned to play my first song. I was messing around on the piano and taught myself to play Amazing Grace from ear. Its weird I actually envy your daughter becasue she's learning an instrument that I could never figure out how to play. It such a beautiful one to learn, and the music produced from it is so very moving. I am really into classical music and so I love listening to the violin.
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@TDonald (1421)
• United States
14 Sep 07
I think one of the very best things you can do for a child is to encourage them to play a musical instrument. You should be proud of yourself. You will be even prouder that first time you hear your child pay something that really sounds like something. All 3 of my children took piano. I play the guitar a bit and have off and on for many years. I started taking lessons again myself to learn some new stuff. I'm over 50. So it's never too late. I play for the challenge of learning new stuff and for relaxation. For me, playing guitar is how I unwind at the end of the day.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Sep 07
LOL oh my I havent played an instrument myself but I my kids have gone through a drum kit (my son wants another one), guitar (acust AND electric), bass guitar (both still have them..my son is actually pretty good), steel drum, recorder, keyboard and thats all I can think of LOL My daughter HAS played violin but only at my brothers with his ex gf who played...and she was surprised at how easily my daughter picked up on it...ever since then (that was 2 yrs ago) my girlie has wanted one....I've been holding off though LOL She also wants to join band (at school) and BECAUSE I KNOW she'd have to practice all the tiem at home I'm kinda holding off on tht too LOL..
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14 Sep 07
Man you have enough there to start your won version of the Partridge Family, :oD. I think that is so cool your kids know so many different instruments. I had a neighbor that lived two blocks over in the front of me that apparently had a child learning the drums in the garage. It was a pain to hear them pound on them everyday, but as the weeks passed they really improved. I would set on my porch listening to them and tapping my foot. Then I assume they moved because it just stopped on day. It's been about 2 years now since I last heard them.
@JC1969 (1224)
• United States
14 Sep 07
I played the violin and viola for several years when I was in school. I also played the glockenspiel (Bell Lyre), and my favorite instrument to play was and is my voice. I was fortunate enough to be part of the generation where schools had quality music departments that affordes us the choice to choose whatever instrument we wanted to learn to play---many schools no longer have that luxury. Playing an instrument was great fun. I've picked up the violin here and there, and I am always singing. I have been teaching my youngest (7 year old) to read music and play the recorder at home. We have a blast, and by next summer she wants to be ready to play the guitar or piano. She wants to play, she wants to practice. I think some parents make the mistake and force a child to play an instrument they choose, and will find the child has no interest or desire, and can ruin the musical experience. Music should be fun. They benefit of playing an instrument that I have found with my daughter, is that we have one more quality activity we can do and share together. There is nothing like seeing her face light up when she plays a piece of music from start to finish without a mistake. She's thrilled and excitement is contagious. Equally fun, is laughing over the flubs she makes and the weird sounds that do often come out of that instrument. I recently wrote an article, which reflects my views on children playing musical instruments: http://www.helium.com/tm/586139/musical-instruments-childrenmusic-wonderful
14 Sep 07
Thanks for the article, as soon as I am done here, I am going to go give it a look over. I was fortunate enough to be part of the generation where schools had quality music departments that affordes us the choice to choose whatever instrument we wanted to learn to play You know I remember when I was a kid, it was the same here. My schools had a selection to choose from. Saddly the violin is all our school has to offer the kids. Lucky for us, she always wanted to play a violin, so it worked out in the end. Just sad though they don't have more of a selction.
• United States
15 Sep 07
LMAO! I think it's great :) I LOVE the violin. It's a beautiful instrument. When I was in the sixth grade I did join the band. I WANTED to play the Saxophone but our band teacher/leader thought I should play the flute instead. I didn't like it much and stopped after that year. I wanted to learn how to play the guitar but never did. I learned a little on the piano/keyboard but nothing major and no lessons were involved. I think the benefits of music are far beyond what any of us even know. You never know her playing the violin could lead into a college scholorship :) Not to mention all the other great things you've mentioned and I'm sure others will :)
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• United States
19 Sep 07
That's really cool Royal!
• United States
18 Sep 07
Amanda plays sax and Steph plays flute and hubby plays guitar. There is always music in our house. My son played violin when he was little. My other daughter played flute so well she had First Chair.
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• United States
13 Sep 07
LOL Thats funny. When I was in 3rd grade I played the violin. I played for two years then got involved in sports. Its a very good learning experiance for her!
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
13 Sep 07
lol...i remember when my daughter was in grade 7 and 8 and was learning how to play the sax. oh man, our cat ran and hide when she saw my daughter coming home! seriously, i try to encourage my kids in everything they do and fortunately now, she into singing... my advice to you is to buy earplugs!!! :-)
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14 Sep 07
I've never played an instrument and my child is a baby right now.I would like in the future him to play the piano. Benefit relax, pleasure,
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@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
14 Sep 07
hi sunshine cup i do not have kids hwo play but my house is so close to my neighbours kids house i hear then playing all the time i love them dearly they play the piano but if i hear we ish you amerry christmas and silent night one more im gonna scream lol but dont dispise small beginnings right now if a is all your duaghter child can play on that violin is an a encourage her to play that a with all her heart i know it may get a little annoying at times hearing the same note all the time lol but it will be better for her in long run just think she is learning something new and it will make her better in the long run and soon or later she will know a full song and then you can say to yourself it was worth it because now she has gone from me listening to that annoying a too playing a full song and you will look back and just smile and say thats was then this is now!!!!!
14 Sep 07
OH NO, I didn't think about the fact she will have to continuously play the same song over and over again, LOL. *sigh* The things we do for our kids. :oD
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
13 Sep 07
i learn to play organ since i am 7 years old... and i learn it until grade 8... unfortunately, i didn't finish it because i go overseas to continue my study... now my finger already too stiff i think to learn another instrument... anyway, i think it is very good for children to learn how to play musical instrument as it really develops their self-confidence like you say... take care...
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
13 Sep 07
I've never played an instrument. I always wanted to learn piano though. I've even thought about getting lessons now. I can type like the wind so maybe my fingers would be able to play piano. My oldest just started preschool, so no kids play instruments yet. I think it will be neat if they want to play something.
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
14 Sep 07
I think it's wonderful that your daughter wants to play the violin; if the desire is there, she will probably do well with it. It's a bit hard on the ears listening to our kids trying to learn an instrument, but persevere with it sunshinecup - you will end up being so proud of her accomplishment! I must have driven my parents mad when I was a young girl trying to learn the clarinet at home! Thankfully, they put up with me, and eventually I got it right! Learning an instrument gives kids confidence and self esteen, so it's worth it. My own kids weren't interested in music, but my 13 y.o. grand-daughter is learning the sax and the trumpet, so now my daughter is having to wear ear-plugs till her daughter improves; she is getting better!
@cmsk2005 (1770)
• United States
13 Sep 07
Wll, you must have a great time in future as i think its not only nice to play by myself but its also very enjoable for me to hear someone playing and if that person is in my family I can hear then antime and if they play nice, ts a great way o recreation and relaxing, a great time pass when I fel sad or lonely, so your daughter will play so nice one day and will give you the pleasure for sure I never had any lesson in instrument as i was so much in sprots all the time
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• Canada
24 Sep 07
I do not have any siblings and was fortunate to have a Mom who encouraged me to try my hand at any creative pursuit I was interested in. I studied guitar and piano but they did not hold my interest. I heard music in my head that I could not play adequately so I chose not to frustrate myself and I studied a wide variety of dance instead. Tap, ballet, jazz..and they all allowed me to 'feel' the music I knew was inside of me. My Mom also funded my interest in the theater and voice training and all of it added to my confidence. I remember my first dance recital around the age of six. Mom and Dad came and when I saw them in the crowd I felt proud as punch. Afterwards they came to the dressing room with a big bouquet of yellow roses because they are my favorite color and flower. So in my view an and rounds out their sense of self and develops a love of the performing arts is healthy. Although we do not have kids of our own all our friends do. Everyone one of them is involved in some for of music appreciation and even though they participate in sports having a way to creatively express their talent is a gift any parent can give. So....maybe get some earplugs and hang in there you could have a blooming prodigy there! None of us know what we are capable of until we try! Good luck with it...and you sound like a great Mom! Cheers, Raia
• Denmark
23 Sep 07
Aww bless her, and you too honey. I am so on your wavelenght and can picture the situation as pretty similar to when i was a kid and had piano and later guitar leassons, lol. My, i was driving my parrents and siblings arround the bend. The piano thing was my parrents idea as my dad played at soup, steak and banana split parties or to balls in the small local activity centres. But i was more into the guitar thing. Piano in my opinion was an ole fashioned thing, the instrument of the time was the guitar. I was begging my parrent for years to have a guitar befor i finally got one at my 15th birthday. However where my dad would pay for the piano leassons he would not pay for guitar leassons as he saw it and me and my friends as a bunch of hippies, outlaws and autonome vandals to the music he loved and lived for. hahaha However learning by myself how to play the guitar it was the best thing i ever did in my childhood. At the time working in a kindergarden i had a great tool to gather the kids for some singing and playing and at same time had a pretty uncritical audience for my exercises, lol. Later in life i used to pick up my guitar any chance i had and have been to countless of parties, barbeques or other gatherings, where my guitar was allways a reliable partner. Never went anywhere without it. Ofcourse this have given me some very fund times and memories as everybody else did the same, but with their instruments and we had some pretty cool jam sessions. Aww yes, very very fund times and memories. Today unfortunately i have arthorisis (fck difficult word) in my fingers and can no longer play the guitar and nobody brings their instruments to parties anymore. Dont know where the time and spirit has gone but thinking of it i miss it very very much. Im glad and proud on behalf of ya daughter to have a mum that gives me this opportunity in life. Nobody knows what pleassures lies in front of her for having this option. Bless you, my dear friend. :)