Discrimination is a sad reality- Don't you think?

Discrimination - The World's saddest reality is that discrimination exists and there is nothing one can do about it.
October 8, 2007 11:02pm CST
People tend to discriminate others on the basis of colour, caste & religion,gender,nationality, money, eating habits etc. I have experience of a muslim guy who i was friendly with long back who never left an opportunity to distribute literature or give lectures on his religion to all those around. Another guy with whom i am friendly with insists that i have only vegitarian food like him and sometimes speaks to me asif I am an untouchable because i eat chicken & fish.(Now I am really confused as to whether the vegeterians are really vegeterians. See this discussion on cow's milk http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1298695.aspx )Not long back a friend of mine from Nigeria before proposing to me asked me if my family would mind me marrying a black guy and i told him that my family's concern would only be whether the guy is financially stable and if i would be happy with him.( One of my friends recently posted a discussion on colour prejudice http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/1293446.aspx) Even now my father who is highly educated and socially known finds it unacceptable that I sit and have my meals along with my maid. Recently one of my friends told me that though she was qualified and experienced in the job she was rejected because she was not a male. Dear mylotter friends, what are your opinions and experiences on he subject?
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19 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Oct 07
Discrimination is prevelant in our society and it is order of the day. We can neither ignore it nor escape it. While moving in our society we find descrimination in every sphere of life and all sort of descrimination exist. Religion based descrimination is the most prevalent. We as a child are infused in our minds that our religion is the best one, we need not treat the other religion followers at equal level.I feel when all human beings are made of same blood and flesh, then why should there be any discrimination on the basis of religion? Religion is a thing which is adopted by anybody, it is a matter of faith, how does it come into picture while we interact with each other and say fall in love with a fellow following different religion than ours, I fail to understand. Our minds have been polluted (in so far as religion is concerned) to such an extent that we cannot think beyond a prespective. Gender based discrimination is as bad or say as prevelant as religion based discrimination. Gender discrimination is being followed since ages. No doubt, presently the society has changed and is changing, yet male domination still has the upper hand in our society. I believe that male and female are equal and they should not be denined an opportunity on the basis of their gender. Some females employees are far far better than their male colleagues and can deliver the better results. Money has also divided our society...into rich and poor and the situation is - those who have money are becoming richer and those who do not have are becoming poorer. A wealthy person will favour keeping contacts with a wealthy person. He looks down upon a financially poor fellow. Discimination on the basis of food habit i.e. vegetarian or non-vegetarian is not such a major obstacle (it can be sorted out) (I have replied to your discussion regarding eating non-veg or veg food). I feel if you take food with your maid, there should not be any problems to others, because I see it as your personal choice and if you feel comfortable talking and eating to your maid, others should not have any objection. All in all an excellent and outstanding Post Dear!
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
9 Oct 07
I have found out from an early age that discrimination not only comes with colour but it takes other forms too. I have met on people who looked down and talked down to me because I dont dress like them, talk like them, look down at people like them and in their books am not educated like them. I feel it here at the work place daily and I have come to realise that people think that they are in a better position and therefore you the next person has no reason to live. That young lady who applied for that job should not be discouraged I was refused a work although I have all the qualifications because I dont wear dresses that go above my knees and my hair is not processed. Nothing is wrong with you sitting and eating with your maid - she is flesh and blood too and somebody's child. I cant udnerstand for the life of me why people think that position and station in life makes you better than the next person. I treat everyone with respect and love as I would want to be treated and it is painful sometimes to know that others look down on people. It is very sad though Ann that inspite of our striving for education and equality we still have some slavery mentality. We need to free ourselves from this mentality and as Bob Marley says " none but ourselves can free our minds" and it is true. Its really a pity that people can see each other for what they are - people and flesh and blood just like them.
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@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
10 Oct 07
Your sayings have really the experience based weight and so the relavance is there to touch every one!
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@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
10 Oct 07
Thanks I just have to speak from my heart and my experiences. I have nothing else to draw from in life jsut these and the fact that I have lovely friends Like Ann (lovelydame). You know life can give us some hard blows but I have learnt when to roll with the punches and when to fight back as if my life depends on it!
• India
9 Oct 07
Well its sad in one way.We humans have only differentiated each other.No god came to us and asked us too,no relegion said so.Relegions like christanity and islam especially have followerss frm all races n creeds,still they discriminate among themselves. But in one way its logical too.I have seen so many reltions being broken.All of them were cross cultured and broken due to the culture gaps.At a point even though when people say we are not racists and we are able to adapt to any culture,at a point they break that swear and have a fight.Thats why its sumtimes better to be within your culture when it comes to build relations.
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@4mymak (1793)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 07
oh yess... discrimination is really a sad thing. i feel it most in the "job-market" - you get discriminated because you are female, worst if you're married with children (like me ).. they cant see you being commited to your job (or the company) as you will put topmost priority on your family... that is when you're looking for a job. when you already in the organization - they tend discrimate the females against the males because they feel the males are 'better' ??.. whatever the reasons maybe... i hate being discriminated... each person should be judged fairly.
@CEN7777 (855)
• India
9 Oct 07
Yes Anamika, Discrimination is every where, in almost every fields.Now it is at very low level, simlar to caste, colour, religion, nationality, money, eating habbits there is discrimination on followers of god, follwers of saints, and ashrams. Every one tries to prove that their path is better than others. Their way of living is better as they follow a great saint. once i was traveling in train that going to puri, lot follower of one particular group are traveling. To gether they are meeting by joinng both hands and say's pranam. But when they found others there they behave like that others are nothing. Those peoples are saying that world is going to end and only our guru will save us, rest every one will end. So we should think and cocentrate on our god to survive. So every where some lobby is working and those who did not agree with them will be discriminated and treated as different. I think because of such discriminations only we as a human being moves two step forward and one step backward . So net progress is lees than half. Earlier discrimination is on the basis of work which later converted into caste and now its categories are increased and it is more precised. I donot think that any place is free from discrimination. Only thing, It has got modern face with old one.
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
Yes, everywhere we find discriminating attitude by other people. However what is important is we do not practice it. We can only change other people if we the change stars in us. If we do not practice discrimination then our closed neighbor maybe influenced and follow our non-discriminating attitude. Then with a non-discriminating neighborhood the entire community might be influenced and follow the community's non-discriminating attitude. Then with a changed community, it might influence the entire city. Then with a changed city it might influence the entire state. Then with a change state it might influence other states and perhaps the entire nation. With a changed nation it might influence other nations and so on until the entire world becomes non-discriminating. However, all of this will only start with a single person, and that person is YOU. GOD created all men equal and we have no right to consider ourselves righteous or above any other human being. The keyword here is empathy. We always put ourself in the shoes of people whom we believe is practicing discriminatory attitude. We have to understand their moods and motivations before we could change them. Little by little everyday we can change other peoples attitude.
@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
It's really a sad reality but we cannot do anything. It is a prerogative of anybody to dislike whomever he/she wants to dislike, we cannot force anybody to like us, even relatives. In companies, if they have specific qualifications for example male, of course females should no longer apply even if it is clearly a discrimination against women. We should just do what we are supposed to do and ignore people who do not like us.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
9 Oct 07
yes, i also believe the same. this discrimination is everywhere in every form of life. I was looked as inferior to my cousins when i was younger as i was not fair as them. But my educational achievements were never taken into granted. I have also found the discrimination in work place as i was from different region than my immediate manager. these are really bad i think.
@healwell (1268)
• Ahmedabad, India
9 Oct 07
The issue you have raised has really a significance because of double and tripple standards of living life as an individual, family member and social animal! I know as a writer / poet / comminicator that there are so many bindings in our society. We all are talking about globalization we are not even become genuine about our cast bearrier element! I really like the viriety and foundation of our Indian society and communities but the descriminations we have is the main hurdle to become really a society with example of its uniqueness in varieties and unity! Well, world wide descriminations regarding color, religion, racism and so on are decreasing humanity as an evolutionary animal of this beautyfulplanet we all have! We have knowledge of evolving mind and brain power and scientific life style and benefits of technology and so on but at the same time, we dont want to defeat our prejudices and narrow mindedness regarding upholding only the concept of only one mankind / humanity! I know one prominent writer who was really Gandhian educationalist and wrote about cross marriage between sheduled cast and highr community like Brahmin cast! He was known as his liberal views and so on.. But when one lecturer went to him to ask that his daughter has fell in love with a scheduled cast boy and he like to accept that so please you come for the blessing! But the liberal writer educationalist told him that i wrote about these things its ok! One can write but one should not do because there are so much difference and we can not allow our daughter to marry this way! Well stll to achive really only one standard in our life is so far away!
@anandjee (282)
• India
10 Oct 07
Dear Friend Hi, I have read your all the details matter, you have 3 Question, Discrimination, vegiterians and reject jobs due to Male. iam try to give you answer 1.Discrimination The Discrimination is done due to some ERROR in Mind of Some People, When anyone do Debate and he is lossing his topic in debate then they use this type of matter to change debate topic / Subject, nothing Else, dear. Vegitarian 2. Vegitarian , this is Unended Debate matter Like Milk and other things which we eat. may be the answer is, When We have Choice like Without Ending of Life "Fish,Goat" , We have sufficient food like Vegiatbles and other food grains which can grow in Agriculture, Then WHY WE TAKE THE LIFE OF ANY LIVING THING, WE CAN LIVE WITHOUT FISH AND GOAT. THAT PLACE WHERE IS NOT HAVING ANY LAND TO PRODUCE OR GROW FOOD GRAINS , THAT PALCE MAY BE ACCEPTABLE LIKE ICELAND, BLACK 3.SKIN BLACK IT IS NOT A GOOD MATTER TO DISCUSSION, ON THIS TIME IS IT VERY LOW CATERORY OF TALK, WE ARE IN 21 CENTURY, THIS TYPE OF TALK IS LOW WEIGHTAGE OR LOW LEVEL OF TALK, MOST OF THE TIME IS THAT, BEHAVIOUR, HOBBY, MUST MATCH IN MARRYING SUBJECT TO CONTINUE MARRIED LIFE. I THINK MAY BE CLEAR ALL YOUR DOUBTS MY EMAILID IS sunmars@sify.com
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
9 Oct 07
There are no excuses EVER for people to discriminate against people. I dont where this originated but we are all people,who feel the same feelings and we all came from the same place and end up in the same place. I dont see why some people are so stupid to think that someone is not worthy to be treated wioth repect jsut because their skin is a different color!
@dilmeet (55)
• India
10 Oct 07
yes it is why discriminate on basis of color religion and region discriminate as there nature and attitude only and that is healthy i believe
@prazad (281)
• India
9 Oct 07
Yes, even if there exists very strict law against discrimination every where especially in Europe it is still there.
• China
9 Oct 07
It's a common phenomena.Human being always try to eliminate discrimination.But the result is not as we expected.Maybe time is the best means.
@lyndee22 (1210)
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
Discrimination exists everywhere, anywhere even inside our home, in our own family. There are people specially those rich and in high positions belittle ordinary individual. Household helpers are also human and they deserve some respect and care because we need their services. Racial discrimination is prevalent. Just the color alone already divides nation. The world should have been in peacle long time ago if these attitude of men doesn't exists.
@cotruelove (1016)
• Denver, Colorado
9 Oct 07
Yes I do and have personally experience it. Even got a divorce because my ex-husband thought I was too handicapped for him. We had been married a long time. I have people to this day who think I have Parkinson's disease and won't ask. I have tremors just like the movie star Katherine Hepburn had. I've lived with it all my life and haven't let it limit me any more than necessary. And age discrimination is everywhere. It doesn't matter how much experience you could offer a company, if they think you won't work for the dollars they are offering, they hire some one who is younger who in many cases still has to learn how to perform the job. They don't even talk to you to see if you would work for the same amount. And for women, I just don't have enough words to talk about all the ways we are discriminated against. Yes, I find it very sad and extremely annoying.
@goodsign (2287)
• Malaysia
9 Oct 07
Hi Lovelydame, Discrimination is everywhere, it is not only happening outside our body but it is very serious erupted in ourself. The great discriminations between mind, heart and soul, will exacerbate the worse situation to the outside world of discriminations. So be in great positive thinking to turn over a new leaf of negative traits in our life to positive traits. Once we are in verve degree of positive thinking, people of negative thinking will be attracted to us and will be with us. I derived it from the word of Mahatma Ghandi. OK Lovelydame, be happy always and this is my special song for you 'Forever Young' by 'Youth Group' and the link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?=FPqLFj8Guyc
@shadowing (308)
• Malaysia
9 Oct 07
Hi Lovelydame. I agree that it's really pretty sad to have discrimination between people. There is a lot of time I don't understand why tutors like to compare between male and female student. To them, no matter how we female student struggled and strive, we female students FOR SURE will under male student. Come on, we are in 21 century, what kind of mentality is this?? In fact, I am not angry that they actually looked down on we female students but in fact I am feeling pretty sorry towards their thinking, sorry to say that I feel it's a really poor thinking. Well, basically my family is ok and free from discrimination. Haha. At least, if I invite my maid to have dinner with me, they will be well ok with that. Well, what to do, we live in a world where discrimination will never leave.
• Philippines
9 Oct 07
Speaking of Discrimination....I really feel sad......Recently I hear a news regarding Terri Hatcher's dialouge in Desperate Wives...descriminating Philippine Medical Schools ...have you heard about it...well if not try to go to you tube...